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#1 Posted : 09 March 2015 12:10:41(UTC)
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E! Special: Ryan Seacrest with Isabel Merjos

"She's been in the entertainment business since she was 9 years old and since then has been a constant force in the industry. Even though she's won numerous awards and accolades, she remains a humbled heart and spirit as she continues on with her next wave of success. She's managed to gain several legions of fans from all around the world, as well as gain respect from musical legends alike. I had the chance to sit down with her as she talks about how life has been since she came from such humble beginnings only to become one of the world's top musical artists and role models of the modern day. This, is Isabel Merjos."

Isabel is seated inside a cozy living room across from Ryan Seacrest as they exchange smiles.

"Well first off, I want to say thank you for joining me here, for 2 hours of some grilling on your personal life." [Laughs]

"It's my pleasure, Ryan." [Giggles]

"Before we get into anything pressing, I just wanted to congratulate you on the many, many accolades you've received this year and last, with your music and your first ever television series, plus the movie, I mean the list goes on and on."

"Aw, well thank you. I've been very fortunate and blessed this past year." [Smiles]

"So how are you? I mean after everything that's been happening with you, career wise and personal wise."

"I'm really good, I'm excellent right now. I think this is the most comfortable I've been in the industry and in my life right now, without having to be filled with a lot of regrets and-and all of that stuff. I've been really good and busy. As always." [Laughs]

"I know you've been asked this several times, but were you really as shocked as you say when your EP and album had so much success as it did? I'd honestly say they were two of the most amazing bodies of work put out."

"Thank you. I was, I was really shocked. There's always a certain formula to use when your a Pop star or whatever, so when you stray from what you normally do, and dig a little deeper, sometimes it's not always received well, so that's what I was afraid of. I wanted to step out of the normal light I was in and challenge myself, which is what I did with my EP. The album, it was different. Everyone was so concerned whether or not I would shed me 'good girl' image and there was more focus on that than the music. I just did what felt right and felt natural, nothing forced and it was all from me. It's what makes those two compilations very special, and probably even more special than my last albums. I got to work with some awesome people and really take control, which is always nice. So yes, I'm always shocked like I seem." [Laughs]

"You've certainly got to be one of the most busiest person in the industry. How do you find time to be with family and friends as often as we, the outsiders, see you?"

"It's all about balance, just like everything in life. I know it's not the same for everyone but I believe you really have to put in the passion for your career and with your loved ones, because your loved ones are the most important part of your life. I would've been really devastated if I had missed important things in my family or friend's lives that I could never go back and redo. So, I really make choices and sacrifices. Either I go and spend time working all the time and end up abandoning my friends and family or I make time and keep my close relationships."

"And you seem to have a few of them, close relationships I mean. Is it easier or harder to have such high profile friendships as compared to friends that aren't as famous?"

"I think there's a certain level of admiration when being friends with people in the industry, because they understand more than outsiders. But I also think having friends outside are great because they can really bring you back down to earth and you feel normal around them. You don't always feel like you're under a microscope, so to speak, but in the industry, they know what's going on, they know what you're going through because chances are they've been through it as well."

"Would you say there's a level of friendship that you can have if you're not in the industry as opposed to being in it?"

"At the end of the day, people can be the same in their intentions. They can really be there to be your friend or they can be there for attention and to further yourselves, celebrities too. Sometimes they aren't really your friends, they just want to get some stories written about them and such."


"Do you feel like it's ever happened with you?"

"I'm a genuinely good judge of character so I'm usually wary of people like that. I've always been like that. If you're too naive, you can get taken advantage of and that's never good."

"Have you always been guarded?"

"No. In the beginning, I was very much a wide-eyed kid who was just amazed to be here. I just wanted to be friends with everyone and everything, really happy." [Laughs] "But now I know how things work more in depth so I know not everyone is good but not everyone is bad. I've narrowed my circle a little but that doesn't mean I'm going to completely isolate myself and just not be friendly. I've always been friendly and warm."

"You say your circle of friends has narrowed, why is that?"

"Usually, it's hard to maintain friendships for whatever reason, whether it be because of personal lives or maybe you just don't see eye to eye anymore or maybe you just grow apart, it happens. I've narrowed my circle but not all of them because I wanted to, it just happened. People who know me, they know who my real friends are and who I constantly talk to behind the scenes. It's not always just who I'm photographed with or whoever I tweet or acknowledge on social media. I don't believe in having friendships and relationships as trophies, just to show off to other people. When I make friends, it's because I really care for you as a person and want you in my life. I never do the whole thing for publicity or anything like that. You have to be a really selfish person to do that."

"Do you exchange advice with some of your friends or even people you've idolized?"

"I do, I've gotten some sweet advice from like Vanity, Stephanie Fierce, Nadia Berry, Katie Coyle, now known as Merjos, so many people have offered me great advice whether it be professionally or personally."

"Speaking of Nadia Berry, it was no secret the two of you were best friends a few years ago but then you two had a falling out. It wasn't really clearly stated why you two fell out and I know you like to keep things private but is there anything you can tell us about the once friendship of you two? I must say, both of you women really looked so happy together as friends."

Izzy sighs a little and takes a small pause, smiling a bit.

"Thank you. Well, it's sort of like I said about people growing apart, which I've said before but it's not necessarily true. We didn't really grow apart, I was a really crappy friend to her and she didn't deserve it."

"Is there any truth to the rumors of the fallout happening because of your relationship with Ryan Ross Hernandez?"


"It is, and I'll admit that. I was a terrible friend and I betrayed her trust and It was just the wrong thing to do. And it's weird because I value friendships more than anything in the world and I completely ruined one of my very good ones. I whole heatedly admit I was completely selfish. I wish so many times I could go back and change every thing but unfortunately, I can't. I don't know what will happen between the two of us in
the future but I can't speak for her and how she feels."

"Did you end your relationship with Ryan because of your broken friendship?"

"Things ended because we were both in different places. He's a great guy, I got to see a different side of him than most people are used to, but we weren't able to keep things together. It just sucks, you know, it was like one thing I did that caused this crazy effect of hurt and I wish I never did it."

"Do you think you two will ever become friends again?"

"I would love to but again, it's totally in her hands. I can't force her to do anything. All I can do is accept whatever decision she makes and you know, life will work itself out." [She shrugs and smiles].

"Besides Nadia, you've had very high profile friendships with people such as Mandy Williams, Jennifer Armstrong, Kourtney Steele, Dominic Brown, and even your ex, Kato. Very little is known about your friendships with these people, except what is projected. How do you manage to still be so private?"

"It's a simple concept really, I just don't put everything of my life in the media for everyone to know. We've basically grown up together and we learned how the industry is together, so we know how people can turn and say too much but we've become smarter than that. I've always been a private person but I don't believe in saying such personal things and then getting completely furious when it's a headline. I mean, it's part of my fault in the first place. So, I keep things to myself and I don't try to draw attention to my private life as much as others. That doesn't mean I'm just closed off but I'm not that open book that people want me to be."

"So in other words, you use common sense to really control what gets put out there?"

"Basically, but you can't control everything and sometimes the media is just so vicious they know things that even I don't know how they knew." [Laughs]

"Your friendship with your ex, Kato, as I mentioned before, has always been under close scrutiny. Is it safe to say you two ended on a better note than with Ryan?"

"Kato and I have been friends since 2009, so we've been close for a while. When we got together, it was like both of our very first relationship's and in the public eye too so it was crazy and everything happened so fast but I always loved him as a friend and we kept that bond even after our break up. He's one of the people who gets me and knows me so well so I didn't want to lose that. People think once you break up....you're supposed to hate the ex or bash him but I have nothing but respect and love for Kato. People might see us as friends being weird but I think it's great."

"Do you ever get angry at the media or paparazzi for seemingly invading your space?"

"I've always said in the industry, you kinda don't have much space anymore, but sometimes I do get frustrated. It's a struggle just to go grocery shopping and I don't like making other people do work for me but sometimes it's better to just hand a list to someone and then I wouldn't have to deal with cameras. It can get pretty crazy and out of hand so I do get frustrated sometimes. It just seems so weird to not even be able to get gas or walk down the street without someone chasing me to ask about a friendship or relationship but I understand, it's a job for someone."

"What are your feelings of lashing out at the paparazzi?"

"Personally, I would never do it but I can understand why people do it. I just don't feel like I ever have to go that far and attack them the way they attack me. It doesn't make me any better and again, it's still a job for someone who has to put food on their table. Plus, I'd really be looking like a jerk."

"And bloggers as well?"

"I don't read blogs anymore, I stopped that a long time ago. It's the same as googling yourself or things like that, I just stopped because there's some terrible and rude things out there written about me that I don't even want to entertain. It's all about having control and knowing that you don't need to search online for yourself to see what people are saying. I mean unless it's something good and I'm informed, I don't search myself otherwise. I don't read blogs anymore because what's the point? Someone always has something negative to say, why would I egg it on?"


When the cameras come back, Izzy and Ryan are seen outside, playing with bean bags as the two look like they're having so much fun.


"Most of the media seem to take aim at your image or the image that singers try to portray, particularly women and being over sexualized or too 'green'. Do you ever feel like you've been attacked over your image?"

"Sometimes. People want you to be what they picture you, not who you want to be. There's people that want me to just go full on sex doll or something and that's not me. I do what makes me feel comfortable and happy, not what will appease to the masses. It's silly to think that way. I'm either attacked for being too nice and not sexy enough or too sexy and trying too hard, it's never really enough for people. Everyone gets attacked over it and you know sometimes we're just doing what we know and how we know to express ourselves."

"Do you feel you're image has changed the older you get?"

"I think everyone's does at a certain point. I won't ever do something I'm not comfortable with, however. But I know with age, people change so you never really know exactly what you will or won't do."

"Same with your music, do you feel as if your music has changed because your audience has changed?"

"I feel like a great artist can appeal to every audience, whether it be men, women, children, foreigners, etc. My music has changed and grown but it's never not anything I don't want to do. I'm not being forced or forcing myself to try and talk about certain things. I do it naturally."

"What about artists like Andrea, Suzie, or Elyar Black who seem to be comfortable with their controversial actions and music?"

"If it's what they are comfortable with then that's amazing. I'm not saying I would go down that route just to get attention but I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable doing."

"So now, you've got a new album, new tour coming up, do you ever just stop and look at how far you've come? You've been in the industry for over 4 years now. Some artists are one hit wonders and never heard from again yet you manage to connect with each of your new eras. Do you ever get amazed at yourself?"

[Laughs] "I'm always amazed. I'm incredibly happy I've made it this far and hope I make it even longer. I owe it to my fans. They keep me around each year with their love and support and they are one of the most intense and craziest group of people I've ever known."

"Do you ever feel your fans sometimes cross the line with your privacy?"

"They respect it as much as I do, actually. Most of my fans are very sweet and they don't want anyone to hurt me so they know what I like and what I don't like. I'm just glad they are respectful but I also respect them and what they want too. It's a great relationship we have."

"One could argue you're one of the biggest touring forces today. You announced a 100+ date tour, which is your longest tour ever, and you said it was strictly for the fans. What did you mean?"

"I know a lot of countries and cities that haven't had many tours there or really haven't had me there to perform so I took that into consideration when planning some of the dates. It's also a great tour for my fans because it's mostly catered to them. It's basically what they would want to see during my tour. They basically get to have a voice, which I always encourage. It'll be a lot of fun."

"Do you enjoy touring a lot? It seems pretty hectic."

"It can be stressful but after that first show and everything goes well, it's like a crazy high that you're on. The crowds get bigger, the intensity gets higher, it's amazing though, I love it."

"Does it ever get lonely on the road all the time?"

"I usually have friends with me or my tour buddies. So I'm never really alone, thankfully. I can imagine it would get boring though."

"What's your favorite part of touring?"

"I love doing Meet and Greets, those are always so much fun! I love meeting my fans and getting to hug them and take pictures, it's fun. And for the people that couldn't afford the M&G's or you know, didn't want to wait so long, I usually go and meet them outside, thank them for coming and for waiting. I just love meeting my fans."

"Meeting your fans can be fun but a few months ago you had a scary encounter with one of your fans. Can you tell what happened?"

"Well, we were doing some shopping and it sorta happened really fast. I just remember there was a lot of people there and then we were like being rushed to go because one of the bodyguards was like tugging on me and trying to cover me, but I didn't know what was going on. I didn't really know what happened until after I got in the car and we drove off. I remember them telling me and Joey what happened and I was like....in shock that it would happen."

"Did Joey have any idea what was happening?"

"No, we didn't know but he still tried to protect me. It was so scary and I was shaking after it happened."

"Do you feel like you have to be more careful now? You could've been seriously hurt."


"I feel like my fans would never try to hurt me so it wasn't a fan who tried to attack me, it was someone else, someone bad. But I know my fans would never try to hurt me."

"You mentioned Joey was there, is he usually with you when you're around your fans?"

"He's not, but sometimes he is. It's kinda weird sometimes since I know he's not used to all the craziness still but it's nice to have him around."

"And you two met years ago when you went on Celebrity Big Brother with your cousin Hayden. What was that like? You don't seem to strike me as someone who likes reality shows."

"I know, it was kinda a last minute decision but I'm glad I did it or I probably never would've crossed paths with Joey. It's part of the reason I left. I just felt uncomfortable and weird on there."

"You and Joey seem to be a very different couple, at least from the outside, how would you describe your relationship and how did it start?"

"Joey and I, we met in Big Brother, obviously, and he was probably the only person that talked to me. We just clicked or something and after I left we kept talking. People looked at him and saw him with the makeup and rockstar image and judged him. It was like they didn't think he was good enough for me or that they were trying to decide who I should be with. But he's the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's been patient and everything. I believe everyone in life has a soul mate and he's totally mine."

"So you're completely in love with him?"

"I am." [Smiles]

"Well there you go, an exclusive for everyone. Izzy loves her boyfriend! Great to hear, I wish you two the absolute best."


Izzy and Ryan can be seen playing connect four.


"So after the touring, what's next for Isabel? Will you take a break? I believe you deserve a nice, long break."

"Well, I'm currently in between filming for a few new movies and the second season of Alistair as well. I'm also part of some other t.v shows too. If I'm ever not busy, it'll be a weird day for me." [Laughs] "And there's always the clothing line, so I'm definitely always busy or have something to keep me occupied."

"Wow, it's just incredible how much you do. And yet you always seem happy and energetic."

"It's part of taking care of myself. I eat healthy and work out but I also have fun and I know when not to strain myself. It's just a good balance. Plus, my family and friends will tell me, 'Izzy, you do too much! Just go to the beach and relax!' and I sorta have to listen to them."

"For your films, I heard you prefer doing indie films as opposed to the big screen, huge production ones?"

"With Indie films, it sorta feels more organic and close. Plus, they tend to have the better scripts and you can do more without a lot of direction. I feel like I'm becoming a better actor because of it. And it's really fun."

"Which roles do you prefer to go after?"

"Whichever script really speaks to me and that I enjoy, are the roles I tend to go for. I just did this incredible movie that is so beautiful and has a beautiful story to it. And then with 'Summer Break' it was out of the ordinary because it's like 'Sex! Drugs! Izzy!' and people aren't used to that, which made it even more fun. I got to challenge myself and do something I wasn't used to before and I was with friends as well."

"Well, I think we've run out of time now but it was great seeing you and catching up with you."

"Same, Ryan, same. I enjoyed it." [Smiles]

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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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AmyJayneXoX on 09/03/2015(UTC), BrownSugar on 09/03/2015(UTC), Taylr2 on 09/03/2015(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 09/03/2015(UTC), kandii on 09/03/2015(UTC), freestylechamp on 09/03/2015(UTC), mebeme101 on 09/03/2015(UTC), erich hess on 09/03/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 10/03/2015(UTC), GirlSpice on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#2 Posted : 09 March 2015 13:55:44(UTC)
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Rum: You know you've made it when Ryan introduces you like he would American Idol and still expects the same outcome. Little miss chica, you are a legend in your own time and this interview was all us nosy people needed. Can't wait to see where you go from here, I know it'll be something great. And god, we gotta play Connect 4 sometime. I would whoop some assss.
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RoseJapanFan on 09/03/2015(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#3 Posted : 09 March 2015 14:02:56(UTC)
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Izzy: Yessss, Connect Four! Thank you very much :) Everything sounds much better when he announces it. Or Morgan Freeman.
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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 1 user thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
kandii on 09/03/2015(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#4 Posted : 09 March 2015 22:18:04(UTC)
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Layla: Izzy I honestly don't think I can begin to explain how much respect I have for you as a person and artist you're constantly working and you've had so much success yet you stay so humble and sweet honestly I'm just so happy that you exist I know that probably sounds a bit weird but I've always looked up to you and I've always said I wanted to be just like you and I honestly still look up to you so much the way you handle your personal life and the way you handle the media and everything is just amazing and like I said I just have so much love and respect for you
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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RoseJapanFan on 09/03/2015(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#5 Posted : 09 March 2015 23:26:32(UTC)
erich hess
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Erica: Izzy was on big brother?!? I don't remember that...was that the season where Katie was fucking everything in sight? If so,that's why I may not remember. I think for all the lives ruined,big brother sometimes brings people together. Still have fuck all idea who joey was,again naked Katie Coyle blinded me to anything else.

Nina: Izzy likes the board...ish games,huh? I think we found our next invite for clue.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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RoseJapanFan on 09/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#6 Posted : 10 March 2015 01:37:30(UTC)
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James: Really just a pleasant individual. Its shocking that I don't think I have met you just yet, have we? You are arguably the most sought after musician of our time and yet you still are humble, honest and extremely approachable...almost as if you aren't this pop superstar. I admire the fact that you keep people wondering. Too many people throw out their personal lives to the sharks and those little small personal things really just mean the most to us and when its gone...what's there really to live for rather than being a puppet? Great special and I have loads of respect for you, Isabel.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#7 Posted : 10 March 2015 06:25:00(UTC)
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Dustyn: Aw Izzy you is one of my favourite artists ever. You is so cute, down to earth and honest and this interview just proves it all again. I admire how you keep so calm and collected and is able to let us have an inside look into your private life without giving away too much. Some people just love to air dirty laundry or use their platform and high profiles to take shots at others but you doesn't. I totally agree with the whole ex-boyfriend situation. I is still in touch with Blake and like to think that we is still good friends. There's already enough hatred in the industry without you and Kato having a go at each other :P




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RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#8 Posted : 10 March 2015 06:42:06(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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Magie: It must be quite complicated for you to be open like that, because we, as fans of yours, we saw you grow up through the lens of the industry, so it's like every fact of your life was under the microscope, there was always an expectation of which actions you'd take towards the things that were happening with you, but I have to say that you always made it like a normal girl would make it, you didn't let the stardom take your humbleness and certainly all the love that you receive from your fans are worthy the person you've become.

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#9 Posted : 10 March 2015 07:45:40(UTC)
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Sophia: Is there anything you can't do babes?! Hehe! LOVED the interview and seeing such a personal side to you, Izababes! I can't speak for Nadia, but I soooo see you two making up one day. You'll see babes, my daddy told me I'm gifted with predicting the future! PS: If you didn't already have a boyfriend, I'd soooo ship you with Mr. Seacrest! Hehe! Whatever ship means... but I think it's a good thing babes. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#10 Posted : 10 March 2015 22:58:02(UTC)
genocidal king
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Kai: That Starzzz guy must be a fucking pushover. "Reet, I'm done with this superstar boyfriend now, can I come back?" "Aye, like." Mental.

Katie: So cute! I love the personal touch on this, Izzy. So sweet and it's wonderful to hear someone being so open and honest with their interviews rather than sounding like they've got a PR person holing up autocue cards for them. Great interview.

OOC: Unique stuff here and I really enjoyed reading it. Nice way to do an interview and great work :)
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RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#11 Posted : 12 March 2015 14:48:14(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Layla: Izzy I honestly don't think I can begin to explain how much respect I have for you as a person and artist you're constantly working and you've had so much success yet you stay so humble and sweet honestly I'm just so happy that you exist I know that probably sounds a bit weird but I've always looked up to you and I've always said I wanted to be just like you and I honestly still look up to you so much the way you handle your personal life and the way you handle the media and everything is just amazing and like I said I just have so much love and respect for you

Izzy: Thank you Layla, you're such a sweetheart :)

Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Erica: Izzy was on big brother?!? I don't remember that...was that the season where Katie was fucking everything in sight? If so,that's why I may not remember. I think for all the lives ruined,big brother sometimes brings people together. Still have fuck all idea who joey was,again naked Katie Coyle blinded me to anything else.

Nina: Izzy likes the board...ish games,huh? I think we found our next invite for clue.

Izzy: I'm like the board game champ, Erica. I'd love to play against you some time :P And yes, I was for a brief period but I didn't stay long. I'm not sure who else was on it, haha.

Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
James: Really just a pleasant individual. Its shocking that I don't think I have met you just yet, have we? You are arguably the most sought after musician of our time and yet you still are humble, honest and extremely approachable...almost as if you aren't this pop superstar. I admire the fact that you keep people wondering. Too many people throw out their personal lives to the sharks and those little small personal things really just mean the most to us and when its gone...what's there really to live for rather than being a puppet? Great special and I have loads of respect for you, Isabel.

Izzy: Thank you James :) I just try to be the best I can.

Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Go to Quoted Post
Dustyn: Aw Izzy you is one of my favourite artists ever. You is so cute, down to earth and honest and this interview just proves it all again. I admire how you keep so calm and collected and is able to let us have an inside look into your private life without giving away too much. Some people just love to air dirty laundry or use their platform and high profiles to take shots at others but you doesn't. I totally agree with the whole ex-boyfriend situation. I is still in touch with Blake and like to think that we is still good friends. There's already enough hatred in the industry without you and Kato having a go at each other :P

Izzy: Awwww, Dusty! You're so incredibly wonderful, like one of the sweetest guys I know. Life's too short to always hold grudges and be angry, plus I'm not able to hold a grudge lol. I usually forget things quick. And I would never take shots at anyone, especially Kato.

Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
Magie: It must be quite complicated for you to be open like that, because we, as fans of yours, we saw you grow up through the lens of the industry, so it's like every fact of your life was under the microscope, there was always an expectation of which actions you'd take towards the things that were happening with you, but I have to say that you always made it like a normal girl would make it, you didn't let the stardom take your humbleness and certainly all the love that you receive from your fans are worthy the person you've become.

Izzy: Thank you Magie. I always try to see things through my fans eyes and I know they've wanted me to be more open with them over the past year so I hope this helped! Plus, I have an amazing family and group of friends who would quickly bring me back down to earth if my head got big.

Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Sophia: Is there anything you can't do babes?! Hehe! LOVED the interview and seeing such a personal side to you, Izababes! I can't speak for Nadia, but I soooo see you two making up one day. You'll see babes, my daddy told me I'm gifted with predicting the future! PS: If you didn't already have a boyfriend, I'd soooo ship you with Mr. Seacrest! Hehe! Whatever ship means... but I think it's a good thing babes. :)

Izz: I still can't rub my head and tummy at the same time, in different directions, haha. But thanks Sophia, you're another sweet spirit in this industry and you know, I'm just going to let nature take it's course and see where we end up but I have nothing but love for her regardless. And thank you, Ryan is attractive, right?

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Kai: That Starzzz guy must be a fucking pushover. "Reet, I'm done with this superstar boyfriend now, can I come back?" "Aye, like." Mental.

Katie: So cute! I love the personal touch on this, Izzy. So sweet and it's wonderful to hear someone being so open and honest with their interviews rather than sounding like they've got a PR person holing up autocue cards for them. Great interview.

OOC: Unique stuff here and I really enjoyed reading it. Nice way to do an interview and great work :)

Izzy: Thank you for watching, Kai :)

@Katie: Thank you. I definitely didn't want to do that. There's no point in being someone I am not so that's why it was super easy doing this interview, and all my other interviews.

OOC: Thanks :)
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Andre Gandra on 12/03/2015(UTC)
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