AUSTIN NIMMO - Live - Up Close and Person with Brandon Grey (3.15.15)
Once the fan questions are over and the show returns back from ads, we are brought back to the studio where Austin Nimmo and his backing band had set up for an acoustic performance. Instead of dawning his black V-Neck t-shirt that he wore earlier for the interview, Austin is now wearing a leather jacket over a white tank top, blue jeans and back dress shoes. When he takes a seat, holding his acoustic guitar his fans immediately start cheering wildly in the rather dim and intimate setting. This does not feature huge PA systems, smoke machines or big sound systems. Instead, this soon to be performance has dim lights and only features two other people which are apart of Austin's backing band. It takes just a few seconds before Austin is ready for the performance. He smiles looking into the crowd, it was definitely a lot more up close and personal then some of his previous performance and quite frankly he enjoyed that. It was different for him and this was his opportunity to showcase his vocals front and center along with his instrumentation and a step away from his usual dancing. When Austin is all set he looks at the crowd with a smile on his face murmuring "You guys ready?". This sets off a massive pop in cheer and Austin smiles setting the guitar on himself properly and and turning back to his backing band, he nods ready for the performance to start. From the very start, just like the actual studio version the acoustic very sounds more acoustically driven and light guitar riffs are heard by Austin's backing member. Austin looks focused and seconds later starts strumming his acoustic guitar.
I know that there will be a time when the stars in the sky fade out and disappear,
And I will look to my side and you will longer be here,
You will have walked away out my life and out the door,
Then that perfect couple that we are will be no more,
Then it will feel like you reached in and ripped my heart out of my chest,
And say something to me like "maybe it was for the best",
I will put a brave face on and smile when you find somebody new,
But I will still know that i will always love you.
The opening chords of "Real" are so beautiful and authentic and sound all the more so when it's live acoustically. For 30 seconds, Austin looks into the crowd strumming his guitar really giving an intimate feeling to the acoustic performance. Continuing on, naked percussion's are added on to dreamy beats. After the opening beats sway through the early seconds of the track, Austin then begins singing. He continues to strum the guitar, finding the perfect balance of vocals and instrument work. The 18 year old really flexes his talent as both a singer and instrumentalist as he begins singing the opening lines of the track. Austin has a sad expression on his face as he look into the crowd his screaming fans as he sings the first of the song. In the first verse, Austin has these laid back, soft vocals that sound refreshing and soothing while he sings about his deep love for someone but being afraid of the fact that one day their relationship will come to an end. By the time the chorus comes up, Austin speeds up his guitar strums as the song revs up for the chorus. Austin has a real connection with his fans and sings deeply into the crowd, almost wanting them to feel as if he is singing to them. Austin shoots a smile before singing the chorus and the girls go wild, cheering and screaming Austin.
But when the end comes and when the mountains begin to crumble and fall into the sea,
I know that I will still be always loving you,
And when the sun stops shining and there the darkness takes over the day,
I know that i will be your guiding light to help you find the way,
I promise to give my all and I know it’ll take a lot to show,
That you are the girl I need and the one that I adore,
A thousand love letters on my shelf can’t describe how I feel,
Cause what we have is amazing and when it's set and done, I'll ask myself
Was it even real?
Maybe the time will come and you will learn to love me again,
And you can be the one who saves me and takes away this pain,
Then we will hold one another’ hand and walk off into the distance,
And we will both remember the memories like this for instance,
Our first kiss that we had and that I will never forget,
Because quite frankly my dear you are the most amazing girl I met,
But until then i will put on a brave face when you find somebody new,
But I will still know that I will always love you.
Austin then sings the second verse of this song. Adding in more emotion to his voice. He does this to connect with the change in story of th record. For the second verse, Austin sings as if him and this significant other broke up. Austin reminisces of the memories he had with his love interest and often points out to the crowd after the third line. This causes the girls to cheer once more as Austin continues to sing wit the chorus rising up. For the chorus, Austin continues to sing and the instruments, percussion and guitars speed up a bit more as Austin sings about loving someone unconditionally but when its all over, he wants to ask himself was what they had even real. Now must of us who have been in serious relationships that ended badly, would have us question was the relationship they engaged even 'real' at the end of the day? Austin gets this emotion across as his fans cheer him on. His backing band perfectly in unison with him as he sings. For the chorus of the song, Austin brings his vocals high up, showing off his vocal ability and true star power. For the chorus, the instruments pick up a little bit and so does Austin's vocals that are all the more clear to distinguish and take in as the initial beat of the studio version is replaced by this open and clear acoustic version. Austin looks emotional as he sings into the mic, strumming his guitar and singing the chorus until it rides out.
But when the end comes and when the mountains begin to crumble and fall into the sea,
I know that I will still be always loving you,
And when the sun stops shining and there the darkness takes over the day,
I know that I will be your guiding light to help you find the way,
I promise to give my all and I know it’ll take a lot to show,
That you are the girl i need and the one that I adore,
A thousand love letters on my shelf can’t describe how I feel,
Cause what we have is amazing and when it's set and done, I'll ask myself
Was it even real?When I was lost and I couldn’t find my way,
You were always there to brighten up my day,
When I was down and I couldn’t take away the pain,
You would be there to pick me up again,
But you left me and you left me too soon,
It is like i gazing at the stars even though i shoot for the moon,
Just take a leap of faith and reach out and grab my hand,
And Ijust beg that you will please just understand,
Following the next chorus of the song, the bridge then finds way onto the track. The instruments really stop and the only thing that is heard is Austin's vocals as he strums the guitar. He does vocal runs and and flexes his vocal prowress. Here you can clearly hear his female fans cheering for him. Austin continues singing, shooting a bright smile at them obviously hearing his fans clearly in this intimate setting. Austin, again, sounds clear and emotive and he sings about how much of a wonderful person his love interest is and recalls more times with them and the hope to one day reconcile. With the final line, Austin holds the vocal for a run and the crowd starts cheering again. Following that, the backing instruments of the acoustic performance finds it way back and Austin sings the final chorus of the song until the very end.
When the end comes and when the mountains begin to crumble and fall into the sea,
I know that i will still be always loving you,
And when the sun stops shining and there the darkness takes over the day,
I know that i will be your guiding light to help you find the way,
I promise to give my all and i know it’ll take a lot to show,
That you are the girl i need and the one that i adore,
A thousand love letters on my shelf can’t describe how i feel,
Cause what we have is amazing and when it's set and done, I'll ask myself
Was it even real?When he's done, he stands up and waves as his legions of fans scream wildy for Austin Nimmo. He says 'THANK YOU!!!" Before walking up to some fans and touching their hands. He does this for a while before waving one final time and walking off signaling the end of Episode One of Up Close and Personal with Brandon Grey!