FINDING TOM [TV FILM]Thomas "Tom" Bennett is like most other 21 year old students. He loves socialising, music, travelling, partying, coming home to put his feet up and watch TV after a tiring day at university and like most men, he can't get enough of football. On top of studying television and theatre production and being a comforting voice on campus radio, Tom also works in a local charity shop on Saturdays. He is a friendly face in the neighbourhood and truly shines out among the downtrodden inhabitants of the council estate in Essex where he has lived all of his live. Pauline and Alan couldn't be prouder parents. His girlfriend Louise is the luckiest lady in the world and his friends count their lucky stars to have someone like Tom around. Things soon take a dramatic twist, however, when Tom just unfortunately happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
As an avid fan of Tottenham Hotspur it makes sense that attending a game with his friends is one of the things that make him happiest in life and what makes a game more exciting than going head to head with extreme rivals, Arsenal? Things get a little overwhelming for the reserved student though as tensions flare between fans of both teams. Tom finds himself in the midst of severe football hooliganism and takes off with his friends Brandon and Steve in tow. After dodging bottles, ducking from bricks and swerving other flying objects the three boys soon find themselves trapped in a train station where a violent brawl between the fans has broken out. Tom is cornered and separated from his group. He suffers severe brain trauma from his attack by the ruthless and merciless rivals and falls into a coma.
Coming around, Tom has no recollection of who he is and his life before the accident. The personality-changing injuries not only mean that he can't remember anyone but that even his temperament and social skills are no longer the ones once displayed by Tom. The story follows the emotional strain it has on his girlfriend and family while showing Tom's slow progress on his uncertain road to recovery. Are the family photos and stories enough to job his memory? Does his spiteful older brother take advantage of Tom's misfortune? Will Louise commit herself fully to this at such a young age?
[Riley Hamilton] - The main character of the drama. A young student with so much drive, a zest for life and has much potential. He is the son, boyfriend, brother and friend that you'd be lucky to have. A true gentleman and shining star among his less fortunate community. Sadly, after being caught up in a violent brawl with football hooligans he loses almost everything he has. Severe brain injuries cause him to forget who he is as well as who his friends and family are. Luckily, he is left with the ability to talk and slowly gets back onto his feet but other than that it's as if he's been switched back to factory settings. He doesn't know how to behave himself, how to make a sandwich or even get dressed in the morning. The drama follows his heartbreaking story. Will he ever be able to fully recover?
Louise [20]
[April Banks] - Louise is the devoted and overworked girlfriend of Tom. Like most people living in the area, Louise barely has a qualification to call her own but that doesn't mean she sits around at home all day. She works in a retail store but due to her late coming and clashes with customers, it doesn't look like she'll be in the job for long. Louise is independent and has not spoken to her parents in years. Judging her by her cover you'd say she's very common, classless and feeds off the government. She is actually rather sweet, pays her own way, a loving girlfriend and although she has an edge to her, she doesn't use violence to solve everything. When Tom has his accident we follow her story and whether or not she will be able to cope with a huge commitment at such a young age.
Brandon [22]
[Reese Hollinsworth] - One of Tom's oldest friends. He has many similarities with Tom in terms of intelligence and manners although he is a little less outgoing and sociable. Brandon is very comfortable around his friends and doesn't mind letting his hair down with them although it usually takes a lot of convincing. He hates confrontation and also envies the fact that Tom has a girlfriend and also that Steve has no problem talking to the ladies. Brandon, Tom and Steve all met on their first day of school and have been friends ever since. Out of everyone of a similar age in Tom's social, Brandon is the only one in further education alongside the main character.
Steve [21]
["Scratch"] - Like Brandon, Steve met Tom at school and has been great friends ever since. He works as a bus driver and while it's not the most adventurous or challenging occupation, it's a job nonetheless and it's surprising he has one as his grades and attitude towards being told what to do always left a lot to be desired while growing up. He is affectionately dubbed "the bullshitter". He is a loyal friend and totally harmless but the stories of how many girls he's slept with and all of his wild adventurous are clearly over exaggerated. He claims he wouldn't mind sleeping with a man or an older women for money. There are a lot of swears and trouser talk with him. Steve is a loveable pig.
Kyle [16]
[Aaron Styles] - Tom's younger brother is like a typical pubescent teenage boy in many ways. His moods change like the weather, his patience is short, he's confused when it comes to dating and understanding girls and feels like he is trapped in his home, wanting to break free and become his own person. Kyle's young and difficult age is the main factor in it all and deep down, he is a lovely guy. Unlike most boys his age, his alone time actually consists of studying and he has heart set on becoming a chemistry teacher. Before the accident, Kyle was really close to his older brother but seems detached afterwards. He struggles to accept the fact that his beloved brother has changed and ends up lashing out at the wrong people and even disowns Tom, often walking away from him or speaking down to him when he's supposed to be looking out for his elder sibling.
Esther [21]
[Aliya Rose] - Best friends with Louise and is often the comic relief throughout this dark drama. Most scenes show her smoking a cigarette and saying "fuckin' 'ell, babes!" She is mouthy, very protective of Louise and Tom, loyal, quick witted and knows how to have fun. She comes across as a little annoying and overbearing at first. The fact that she also shoplifts, has a mouth like a sewer and rarely takes no for an answer don't help her likeability. Over time though, we do see that she does have a heart of gold and would do anything for her friends. Esther always tries to see the positive within the dark times.
Martin [25]
(Caucasian male. Preferably someone with a "scruffy" look) - The older brother of Louise. He is a self-employed mechanic who is currently struggling in today's economic climate. He isn't close to losing his job but a lot of the time, he struggles financially as the business isn't always steady money. Martin sometimes comes across as a bit of a dick due to high stress levels but he really is a nice guy with his little sister's interest at heart. He does, however, believe that Louise shouldn't put her life on hold just for Tom as she is still young and has much more to offer.
Nadine [25]
[Evangeline Wolfe] - The girlfriend of Martin. She cannot stand his family or anyone from the area really. She works as a receptionist for a top lawyer and likes to think of herself as something special when really she's just answering phones and doing office work. With a phoney posh accent and a tendency to look down her nose at everyone, it's no wonder she is dubbed a "stuck up bitch" and why she isn't very popular, especially with Louise and Esther. Her over the top expressions and her inability to hide how fake she is unintentionally provides a few comedic moments.