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#1 Posted : 25 March 2015 09:31:37(UTC)
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(Thank you to genocidal king for the intro & questions and BrownSugar for the cover!)


I woke up one day and my life had changed
Interview held February 13, 2015

By April Banks

Valentina Hart...where can you start? Well, for me, you can start with confusion and end with the biggest smile on your face, transitioning through a period in which you discovered not only one of the most amazingly talented people to come into the music industry for years, but also one of the loveliest and most genuine people you've ever met. When I was first assigned the task of interviewing Valentina, I was, I'll hold my hands up, a little overwhelmed. It was a week or so before the release of her first single, and Chaos wanted to run an article celebrating the emergence of new and exciting music. It's a great and noble prospect, of course, to look into the world of new music, and as much as I love to hear new things and review new artists, they quite often never come to anything, and interviewing them can be something of a bland task when they have little to say. I'm immensely pleased, however, to admit that this time I could not have been more wrong.

A couple of weeks before I was supposed to meet Valentina, her single Pantomime dropped. And you know how that went. I heard the track the day it came out, and I was blown away. The indie pop delights tucked into just three minutes of pure bliss were fantastic. I was immediately excited to get the chance to meet her and pick her brains. Someone who could write and perform something this amazing, after all, was bound to be an exciting prospect to interview. I wanted to hear everything she had to say and learn everything about her. I'm not even kidding, this went from mild curiosity about a new artist to Weekend-fans-on-Twitter level crazy obsession in the space of about three minutes - thankfully I managed to keep it together when I eventually met her face to face.

And then she blew up. Now, Valentina Hart is the name of everyone's lips, with fans ranging from Jen Armstrong and Layla Sanchez all the way to Kai Rollins. Everyone loves her. And why not? Valentina brings something so fresh and exciting to the pop scene. Something we've not seen since the emergence of Katie Coyle more than five years ago. And is it just me, or does the prospect of seeing Nova and Val go head to head the most exciting thing that has happened in music in....ever? I actually can't wait to see these two compete with some top class music over the next few years.

When we sat down face to face, aside from trying my best not to fangirl all over the coffee shop, what I met, or who I met, was one of the loveliest people in music ever, and one of the most humble and thought provoking musicians of all time. Val is not just a name and a face with some songs stapled on. This is someone with their head screwed on, their feet on the ground and their trajectory set firmly for the stars. Meeting Valentina was a wonderful experience full of so many great answers and quotes that will hopefully leave you smiling as much as it did me. If this girl is the future of music, then colour me interested. Very interested. Read on to find out what Val had to say about life, love, music, rats and being a hipster in a world made for the mainstream....

Hey, Valentina, and welcome to Chaos Magazine. It's lovely to meet you, how are you?
Oh my gosh, forgive my shaky legs. Right this minute everything's perfect, thank you!

Are you managing to deal with the sudden rise to fame you've experienced?
I'm more than managing! (laughs) It's so strange to have so many people taking notice now after just this one song, but isn't that what every artist wants? Just to have people listen to their music and hopefully they enjoy it? I don't know if I'd call it fame yet, just a load of people who have taken a liking to my song. Either way, I'm having a blast.

The rise of social media kind of puts someone like yourself right in the firing line immediately. How did that sudden attention hit you?
It really does. I put a song on Soundcloud and within the next few days, my whole life changed. Not money wise or anything, just by the number of people who were listening to me, the producers who wanted to work with me, the artists that were taking notice of me. It was both the strangest and coolest thing ever, so yeah, you could say it hit me pretty hard, but it hit me in the best way. Does that make sense? I'm not a masochist...

In the aftermath of your debut single coming out, you got some pretty high praise from the rich and famous, that must have been a bit mind blowing?
More than mind blowing, is there a word for that? I don't know, I need a dictionary or something, but it was shocking to say the least. I mean, these people have millions of followers and at the time I didn't even have five thousand. I really owe a lot to the artists who took the time to introduce me to their followers, otherwise my song could have slipped under the radar and I wouldn't be talking with you guys right now. That'd be upsetting.

In a world dominated by the mega pop stars and all the glamour, it was quite refreshing to hear you say you were "broke as a toothfairy in a house of meth addicts". Has it been a struggle to get where you are?
I mean, I wish I hadn't said that because I want people to think of me as all glamorous and now they view me as... that. (laughs) No, I mean, I'm just really honest and that's all I can be with myself and my music. It's definitely been a struggle, a lot of couch surfing and living rough. It's cool though, it's all been an experience that I can craft into lyrics for my record.

Did you have to give up much to chase the dream of being a musician?
Well I dropped out of college to do this, I could be sat in class right now and gosh, thinking about it haunts me... I think I made the right decision. I've always believed in following your heart, even if you're broke like me, you can make things happen if you're determined. I guess I'm giving up normality for this, a nine to five job, but who really wants that? We all just seem to make do, but I wanted more than that.

How did people around you, friends and family, react when you decided to give up formal education and shoot for the stars?
They were absolutely fine about it, I saw college as something to do in the meantime while I get my act together, so when I did, I no longer needed it in my life. My parents always knew I wanted to do this, they completely supported the fact I was just following my heart. Parents should always be supportive and open minded, in my opinion. If I had a kid, I would let him or her chase their dream and live their life, not mine. I'd be a cool mama. FYI, I'm not pregnant.

When you think about how hard you've had to work and the fact you've struggled with potential bankruptcy and put it all on the line, do you resent pop artists who have it all handed to them on a plate at a young age?
Oh, absolutely not. Do, you girl! Or boy. I dunno. I support everyone in the biz with talent. What I resent more are artists that don't really have much to offer in that department, y'know? I don't think it matters if you get into it at the age of twelve or at the age of seventy, as long as you have a gift. We all find different ways to get here, if you got here a little easier than the rest of us, then that's great! If you're late to the party, also great. I don't see it as a war or a competition, we're all just trying to make music and do what we love, aren't we? At least I am.

It's quite a massive thing to do to just commit yourself to music. Were there any points when you worried you were making the wrong choice?
It is? In my eyes, I feel like if you put all your energy into whatever you truly love and want to do for the rest of your life, and your outlook is positive, you'll be rewarded for all the right reasons. Honestly, I don't think I'd be here if I doubted myself or thought I was making the wrong choice, there's no room for second guessing myself at this stage.

The whole notion of "one shot" and luck plays heavily on young independent artists' releases, so you must feel gad that your song managed to grab attention?
I think every artist is petrified when the time comes to release their music to the world for the very first time, because you can't change your first single or your first album. When the time comes to release my album, I'm going to want to hibernate and hide away forever because I'd love for it to do well, but that's not guaranteed. When you're new, if it doesn't work out early on, you may never have the chance to make another record because of money and silly stuff like that. So right now, I can't relax and think "phew, people care now" because it's just one song, I have to think ahead to its release and then the next single and whatever comes after that. Honestly, this music thing isn't for the faint hearted, it's an uphill battle. A fun one.

What would you have been doing if you didn't decide you wanted to be a musician?
I guess I'd still be in college, then I'd go home and cry into my pillow at night because life is so monotone. (laughs) I kinda like advertising and marketing, I'm fascinated by how products are put together and sold to an audience, so perhaps I'd have gone into an area like that instead. Or y'know, just a stay at home mom to my pet rats.

You must be glad that you plucked up the courage to get out there and do it now, though?
Of course! I spent a lot of my life hiding my voice, I've never done an actual live gig before, even at a local bar or anything, I was too worried in case people didn't like me. But I got to a certain age and just didn't care about the possibility of that happening, so here I am hoping you're all enjoying me. Eek, awkward if not.

Is it safe to say you're the archetypal dreamer?
I think everyone is in some way, we all have to dream of something to get us through the long days and the tiring hours spent doing things we don't want to do. It's one thing to be a dreamer though and another to be bold enough to make them into a reality, which I'm trying to do. We'll see if this works.

There's a certain romance in the sort of courage it takes to just go for it, wouldn't you say?
I definitely agree. It's not for everyone and it's a scary thing to do, because it could all blow up in my face. I've always gone for courageous types, because I think it's very admirable to let yourself fall head over heels in love with something or someone and not think so much about the repercussions.

Are you the romantic type in general?
I guess so. I mean, my name is kinda romantic, isn't it? I think Queen Alexis called me Valentine Heart on Twitter and it was amazing... not the first time I've heard it either. I like to think I'm a romantic, not the cliché type though. Like, I'd rather go to a sports game and get a burger than a guy give me flowers and chocolates and take me to a fancy restaurant, because it's something we'd both enjoy and it's a bonding experience, right? I'm not a selfish girl. Perhaps not a romantic, just easy to please and a bit of a tomboy? (laughs)

What advice would you give to young people who want to chase their own dreams?
Just do you, I guess. I'd also say don't take advice from Valentina, because half the time she makes awful decisions!


Now that you've been signed by Songs to Love and Die By and been asked to appear on Letterman, do you feel like you've almost "made it" in a way?
I don't feel even close, is that bad? I'm flattered to be in the position I'm at now where a label and a TV show is interested in what I'm doing, but I think there's a lot I still have to prove and I'm okay with that. I don't want everything handed to me so early, I'm happy to work for this. I don't know when I'll feel like I've made it, or if I ever will, but I think I'll know if I'm fortunate enough, it's just not yet.

You've spoken previously about attending arts college before you became a musician, was that to do with music or are we talking easels, nudes and paint on your cheek?
Neither. I'm so full of surprises today, aren't I? I actually did theater, because when I was a little girl my mother would throw me into acting lessons because I was so full of energy and I guess I was driving her crazy. (laughs) So it was just something I stuck to despite not being truly passionate like I always have been for music, but getting acting opportunities like small roles and stuff was always easier than anything music related. I'm not saying actors have it easier, I'm just saying from my experience, it was always more accessible.

Given that you have an artistic background, do you feel more affinity to musicians that have taken a similar path like Mark Talley, for example?
Totally! I love the guy, I think he's so talented and someone I can definitely list as an influence. I think it's great when musicians have an artistic background and get to live a life of creativity with their music, it's beautiful to see things come full circle like that. Kinda feels like all that hard work paid off in the end, I love a happy ending.

Musicians now, more than ever, are celebrities and public figures as well. How much of a culture shock is it to be thrown into that sort of life?
I don't think I've really experieced it yet, because I don't consider myself a celebrity at this stage. I find it all quite strange and scary, I'm like the girl who stumbles into a party she's not invited to. (laughs) I feel a lot of musicians are doing what they do to live that kind of life, where the whole celebrity lifestyle doesn't bother me so much. So right now, it's not something I'm all too familiar with, because I'm not interested in it.

You've called yourself a "clueless hipster" in the past. Do you feel like music has leaned too much towards people trying to be different and quirky in recent times?
Absolutely, I think it's why I pull so many of my influences from the past and not the present, because music was just more simple back then. There were so many true geniuses about and it was authentic, it wasn't someone dressing up extravagantly to make them and their music seem more important than it really is. There's quality music still being made in these times, but I think we have to search a little harder for it than before. There's nothing wrong with different or quirky, it's refreshing when done right, but I do feel it's done for the sake of it at times. It's now used as a gimmick and being phony is one thing I'd hate to come across as a musician.

Your song Pantomime was certainly one that stands out from the crowd. How would you describe your genre?
That's really cool of you to say, I'm glad you thought so. "Pantomime" is a rarity on my album, because not all the songs are so upbeat like that one. I think my genre pulls from all different places, so I always have a difficult time explaining it. I mean, even now, I'm still learning about myself and my own music, so maybe I don't even know. I just make what sounds good to my ears. I think my style is more modernised pop meets singer-songwriter style, a little alternative, but still radio music.

Do you feel it's important for you as an artist to bring something new to the table?
Not necessarily, I think what I find most important is making something that's authentic and true to me as not only an artist, but just me as a person. Because if you're going to lie to the people listening, I don't see much point in doing it in the first place. If people think it sounds new or different, that's just a bonus.

Talk us through the process a bit of how you come up with songs and concepts.
My weird little mind can spark up the idea for a song at any time of the day, so I always make sure I have something nearby so I can keep track of a lyric or even just an idea. Whether it's a voice memo on my iPhone or written down in my notebook, it's handy to have somewhere to store it all. Then at some point, I come back and revisit it and try to flesh it out more. Most of the time though, they're based around life experiences and relationships, general stuff like that. I think when you've got a creative brain and you're always thinking, it's quite easy to get a song going. It's one of my biggest passions, I love writing in general, I'm always working on something, whether it's a song, a poem or a short story. Wow, I sound so geeky, don't I?!

Should we expect more of the same from you in the future or will you be looking to change things up?
You don't know it yet, but there's a lyric from a song I have that says "Good thing I'm not afraid of change", which I aim to follow as an artist. I think staying the same sounds kinda lame, right? They do say variety is the spice of life... I think I'd find it hard not to change.

Given how unique you are, would it be safe to say you're not really influenced by other artists?
Am I really unique?! That's so sweet. I don't know if I feel the same way, I'm just being me every step of the way. I think it's dangerous to become too influenced by certain artists, I like to say that I admire a few special people instead. When you grow too inspired, I think it can harm the originality of your own work, it starts to become the shadow of someone else's, which is kinda my worst nightmare.

Who do you look up to most in music?
I think right now, I'm totally into Katie Coyle, yeah, yeah, she'll always be Coyle to me, don't correct me. (laughs) She did the whole singer-songwriter thing, then really shook up her sound with some electronic influences, but it still sounded so authentic, it worked. I'm nowhere near her level, but if I had to describe my music or had to compare my style to someone, it would be her. I also love really fearless, bold artists like Bowie, Björk, Vanity, Amy Meyer... I mean, I could be sat here all day, I kinda love everyone.

Do you have any major dreams and goals, end points if you will, that you set yourself for your career?
My dream is to go on tour, doesn't have to be arenas, just my own headlining tour. That'd be a dream come true for me. To perform every other night to people who have come out to see you sing your own music? Err, hello? That sounds like the best thing ever. Other than that, I'm willing to just take a back seat and let whatever opportunities come to me instead of actively seeking them, that's what I've been doing so far and it's working out well.

Are we likely to see more music from you soon, or a tour perhaps?
I think if a tour was to happen, it'd be after my album which is coming later this year, it's still being worked on so I can't really say too much at the moment. I'm praying I get to though! More music will be coming sooner rather than later, that's all my label will let me say for now. But just know "Pantomime" is far from the crème de la crème of my discography, the best is yet to come. Sorry, I regret saying that, I hate when artists do that and tease their music! Bad Valentina, bad!

With the Chaos Awards coming up, will you be attending or hoping to win even?
Can I even afford to go?! I've never been to Europe before, but the idea of attending the very best music ceremony there is would be, like, the best thing ever. I'll have to call that toothfairy I was speaking about and see if she'll give me a loan.

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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erich hess on 25/03/2015(UTC), BrownSugar on 25/03/2015(UTC), genocidal king on 25/03/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 25/03/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 25/03/2015(UTC), mebeme101 on 25/03/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 25/03/2015(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 26/03/2015(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#2 Posted : 25 March 2015 09:54:54(UTC)
erich hess
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erich: its so refreshing to see such a bright and optimistic outlook on life. i cant wait till she is stuffing used cat litter in her ears and doing blow off a hooker's clavicle with a dirty straw.not because she wants to,but because she feels she has to. its the only logical answer she will be able to come up with as to why she bludgeoned that man in the bathroom with a broken shower fixture in a pillow case. sure,he was asking for it by insulting her mother while she tried to use the bathroom. but did she need to take things that far? holy shit,what if THEy find out?! god,if he ever wakes up from that coma,she is fucking screwed. so you dull your senses of paranoia with every drug you can find,even some you cant. with enough mushrooms,anything can be a drug.like that one time she got the idea to freebase mint extract and nearly took out a city block? there were some injuries,but everyone had fresh breath afterwards. no harm,no foul right? eventually her problem gets to be too much and she loses her house,her car,everything. so she spends many nights following around the truck that picks up roadkill and waits for the driver to take his lunch break. when he does,she hops in the back with the gooshy animals,their decay being the only thing that keeps her from freezing to death. what then? how upbeat will you be then?

karoliena:that got...no,that was pretty dark from the beginning.

erich:children are our future...unless we stop them now.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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GirlSpice on 25/03/2015(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#3 Posted : 25 March 2015 10:20:14(UTC)
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OOC: Woo, what a blast from the past. Well done :)

Jennifer: Valentina, you are such a ray of sunshine in this industry and I'm super glad that I got to be one of the first people to have listened to you. I'm sure you'll blossom into a wonderful artist, as you already are nooooow, and your attitude is so infectious. There's always a new crop of artists and I definitely have a good feeling about some of the ones that have debuted recently. I can't wait to hear more and I hope that tooth fairy of yours decides to be your fairy godmother and whisk you away to the Chaos Awards :P
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Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 1 user thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
GirlSpice on 25/03/2015(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#4 Posted : 25 March 2015 11:13:58(UTC)
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Layla: Omg I literally love you so much you are quickly becoming my fave no forget that you are my spirit animal I want to be Valentina Hart when I grow up
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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GirlSpice on 25/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#5 Posted : 26 March 2015 02:21:42(UTC)
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Queen Alexis: Whether or not I think you look dirty and need a few showers and a clean up....you have become the fastest rising new talent this year and you should be proud of that. I think you have layers and personality and I like how you can take criticism and not get all butthurt like 90% of the industry. After this interview, I'm glad that I actually checked your stuff out because you seem like a nice chick. Let's not be a one hit wonder however cause then I'll really rip you a new one.

Ooc: Really nice, in depth and enjoyable interview :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
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GirlSpice on 26/03/2015(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#6 Posted : 26 March 2015 02:43:40(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Really awesome answers and interview here. I had already read it obviously haha, but still, really nice work. I love Val, one of the most exciting new characters to come around on this place for a long time. You RP her so well :)
thanks 1 user thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
GirlSpice on 26/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#7 Posted : 26 March 2015 02:51:49(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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mISTER_B: You know, it is so hard when we start in this industry and suddenly all the attentions go right back at you, I really don't wanna sound pretentious or self-centered, but it is so true that press and media can harm our lives, I tried to be the best I could through the bliss of Fame with the same ethics you have, it's really good to see how grounded you are, I'm sure we can expect big things from you, no pressuring anything, just for the fact that you are true to yourself.

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
thanks 1 user thanked Andre Gandra for this useful post.
GirlSpice on 26/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Princess_Valentine  
#8 Posted : 26 March 2015 03:27:17(UTC)
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Kourtney: Wow, you're so down to earth. I love it! I'm looking forward to see you blossom over the years and I hope the music industry is good to you love. :)

Ooc: Loving the interview and that is one amazing magazine cover!

thanks 1 user thanked Princess_Valentine for this useful post.
GirlSpice on 26/03/2015(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#9 Posted : 26 March 2015 03:36:11(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
erich: its so refreshing to see such a bright and optimistic outlook on life. i cant wait till she is stuffing used cat litter in her ears and doing blow off a hooker's clavicle with a dirty straw.not because she wants to,but because she feels she has to. its the only logical answer she will be able to come up with as to why she bludgeoned that man in the bathroom with a broken shower fixture in a pillow case. sure,he was asking for it by insulting her mother while she tried to use the bathroom. but did she need to take things that far? holy shit,what if THEy find out?! god,if he ever wakes up from that coma,she is fucking screwed. so you dull your senses of paranoia with every drug you can find,even some you cant. with enough mushrooms,anything can be a drug.like that one time she got the idea to freebase mint extract and nearly took out a city block? there were some injuries,but everyone had fresh breath afterwards. no harm,no foul right? eventually her problem gets to be too much and she loses her house,her car,everything. so she spends many nights following around the truck that picks up roadkill and waits for the driver to take his lunch break. when he does,she hops in the back with the gooshy animals,their decay being the only thing that keeps her from freezing to death. what then? how upbeat will you be then?

karoliena:that got...no,that was pretty dark from the beginning.

erich:children are our future...unless we stop them now.

Valentina: I did what? Halp, that scared me!

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Woo, what a blast from the past. Well done :)

Jennifer: Valentina, you are such a ray of sunshine in this industry and I'm super glad that I got to be one of the first people to have listened to you. I'm sure you'll blossom into a wonderful artist, as you already are nooooow, and your attitude is so infectious. There's always a new crop of artists and I definitely have a good feeling about some of the ones that have debuted recently. I can't wait to hear more and I hope that tooth fairy of yours decides to be your fairy godmother and whisk you away to the Chaos Awards :P

OOC: Tell me about it! :p

Valentina: Hay gurl hay! Thank you once again for starting all this madness, I owe you one biiig time. I'm honoured that I graced your ears so early on. :)

Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Layla: Omg I literally love you so much you are quickly becoming my fave no forget that you are my spirit animal I want to be Valentina Hart when I grow up

Valentina: I love you tooooo, girl! Can we be each others spirit animals and make flawless Photoshop edits of one another and promise to marry each other if we don't find someone by 30? No isn't an option. Bye.

Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
Queen Alexis: Whether or not I think you look dirty and need a few showers and a clean up....you have become the fastest rising new talent this year and you should be proud of that. I think you have layers and personality and I like how you can take criticism and not get all butthurt like 90% of the industry. After this interview, I'm glad that I actually checked your stuff out because you seem like a nice chick. Let's not be a one hit wonder however cause then I'll really rip you a new one.

Ooc: Really nice, in depth and enjoyable interview :)

Valentina: I may or may not have had a shower before this shoot... girl, times were hard a month ago. Things have changed, I've learnt to brush my hurr now before going outside, I swear! THE Queen is being kinda nice to me? I'm in awe. If anyone's gonna criticise me I'd rather it be by you, missy. <3

OOC: Tyvm!

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Really awesome answers and interview here. I had already read it obviously haha, but still, really nice work. I love Val, one of the most exciting new characters to come around on this place for a long time. You RP her so well :)

OOC: Thank you for asking to do this, it gave me a good way to establish her a little more. Glad you like her, it's been aaages since I done a new act so I've been enjoying this whole introductory phase. :)

Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
mISTER_B: You know, it is so hard when we start in this industry and suddenly all the attentions go right back at you, I really don't wanna sound pretentious or self-centered, but it is so true that press and media can harm our lives, I tried to be the best I could through the bliss of Fame with the same ethics you have, it's really good to see how grounded you are, I'm sure we can expect big things from you, no pressuring anything, just for the fact that you are true to yourself.

Valentina: Thanks, boo! I love your music, we're very different but it's a lil dream of mine to work with you someday, I think it'd be wild fun. :)) Wise words, sir. I totally agree and hope we can both stay sane throughout this crazy journey heheh.

Originally Posted by: Princess_Valentine Go to Quoted Post
Kourtney: Wow, you're so down to earth. I love it! I'm looking forward to see you blossom over the years and I hope the music industry is good to you love. :)

Ooc: Loving the interview and that is one amazing magazine cover!

Valentina: Well I think you are too, so snap! I hope so, cuz girl... rehab doesn't sound fun.

OOC: Thank you and it is indeed. :D

Vanity x Nadia Berry
thanks 3 users thanked GirlSpice for this useful post.
Princess_Valentine on 26/03/2015(UTC), erich hess on 26/03/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 30/03/2015(UTC)
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