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 ”Men, Women and Children! We made it to episode three! Seriously, where does all the time go? I feel like I’ve aged twenty years in the past three weeks, but hey ho! So, what’s been happening, what’s been happening, what’s been happening ... Let’s see. Not a lot apparently, well, we have a new single from The Enlightened called “I Am Darkness” naturally, I mean I have a lot of respect for em’, kudos to them, they’ve made it this far without anyone discovering the bodies, I mean they’ll start to run out of places to hide the bodies pretty soon, right? All that hair and anger! They’re not the only ones to release a new single this week, Aubrey Mikkel is at it again with “Photoshop Free” open parenthesis hashtag nofilter hashtag Iwokeuplikethis close parenthesis. Seriously though, it’s beautiful, I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like I know what the hell the genre Trap is all about but all I know is that the words, the words are beautiful. It’s like if Shakespeare developed an attitude and got an ugly ass nose ring! But enough of that, it’s time to meet our guest for this weeks episode. He’s the prince of rnb and he’s got his eyes on the throne, just don’t be going all Lion King on us though. Ladies and probably just ladies this week, please welcome Dominic Brown”
Welcome to the show Dominic. It feels like you’ve been around the industry for quite some time now, but in reality it’s only been roughly four years, how would you view the first four years of your music career?Thank you for having me. It's crazy that it's been that long since I first came out. I feel like I've been doing this forever. I definitely think that the first year I started out in the industry was the hardest for me. I was able to find a label that recognized my talent, and wanted to work with me. They helped me to team up with the right people, and work on my debut album. The music that I put out was good for that moment, but I look back at it now and feel that it could have been better. I managed to make a few hits, but not them all. That's why I feel like it was a struggle for me, because I didn't have that instant success that some are luckily to have. A lot of my songs weren't doing well on airplay and digital, and I admit it was devastating for me. I didn't understand why my songs were bombing, when I thought I was producing hits. I just had to learn from the experience, and work harder to get to where I wanted to be. I feel like I'm there now, and all of that hard work that I've been putting in has paid off. My only regret is that I left the industry for too long to deal with personal issues. I feel like I wasted time on bs that was out of my control, and instead should have focused on my music. You live and you learn though. It seems like you’ve been careful when it comes to releases, you haven’t put out the waves and waves of material in the same way that other artists do these days. Do you prefer to do things this way?Honestly, I have nothing against artists that release a lot of music all the time, but I just think it's a little risky and it's not wise to do. I like to carefully release a single, and let it marinate for a couple of months. I feel like if you release too much all at once that people are going to get sick of hearing you. It's like the same thing when you hear the same song being played on the radio every day. Eventually you get sick of the song, and don't want to hear it anymore. You gotta know how to balance it. Release just enough that people don't get tired of you, but don't wait too long either so that they don't forget about you. I haven't managed that myself yet, [laughs] but I'm working on it. Someday I think I'll figure it out, and learn how to master it. Right now I just care about making sure that what I'm about to drop is perfect. The music industry is always changing, and you gotta make sure that you keep up with it or you'll get left behind. In other words, you have to involve with your audience. That's why I'm always open to go outside of the box, and switch up my sound.You came into the scene with a little group of friends, I believe you were collectively called ‘F.Y.T’ for a while, which was also the title of your debut album. What was the meaning behind the group?Well the common misconception that people often have is that we were an official music group. I came into the industry as a solo artist, and F.Y.T was just something that I called my friends that were also in the industry with me. F.Y.T just stood for Fly, Young, and Talented, and Isabel, Hayden, Cassie, Mandy Williams, Luke Striker, and myself were F.Y.T. The name was what I came up with for my debut album, and I used it cause it described us. I considered the others to be apart of it cause we were the next generation of music at the time. It was never anything serious, and I guess you can just think of it as an inside joke kind of thing. I laugh now when someone brings it up, cause that's not what I'm on now.If you had to choose different people for that group, which currently artists do you think you’d choose?The group would probably be larger now, cause there's a lot of new talent now. Off the top of my head though I would make SYNCO apart of it for sure. Uh Kato, Rum & Coke, Lotus, Jennifer Armstrong, Liyah, Amy-Jayne, Miami, and Austin Nimmo. There's probably a few others too but that's all I can think of off the top of my head right now.You recently released a collaboration with Jennifer Armstrong called “Tell Me Where It Hurts”, tell us a little about the song and also, where does it hurt?Alright so first I just want to say go get the song right now if you haven't. It's up on iTunes and Amazon. Gotta get that promo in you know. [laughs] Um it's a dance-pop track, one of my favorite genres to work with, and to make it short it's about learning to trust, and learning to love again. In the song, Jennifer and I are saying 'Tell Me Where It Hurts' so that the pain can be taken away, and you can see what real love is like. You can't literally know where it hurts, but it could be that the other person's heart is broken. I feel like we've all been through that, just so damaged by our past relationships that it's harder for us to open ourselves up when we get into a new relationship. You're just always constantly having your guard up, cause you're thinking they'll hurt you like the others. When I'm writing new songs, I always try to write on subjects that my fans can relate to. When it comes from my own experiences as well it makes the song all the more real. I hate when artists sing a song that they have no personal connection with. You might as well be a robot if you're just going to sing whatever other people want you to sing. For me, I feel like a great artists is someone that relates to what they're performing, and can connect with their audience. That's completely what I'm about cause I'm always writing songs from the heart, and relating them to my audience. I feel like fans appreciate me for that, cause I keep it 100 with them.What was working with Jennifer like, she’s known to have one of the most impressive voices in the industry, what was she like to work alongside?She's definitely got a great voice, and in my opinion no one could have done the song better than she did. It's just how it is, and if people get offended by that then that's on them. I don't care if someone's all in their feelings either. That's just how I feel, but yeah, if the chance presents itself again, I wouldn't mind working with her in the future.With the release of that single, the big question is, will there be an album soon?Yes, there will be an album soon. We're looking for possibly a summer or fall release. All depends on a few things, but I'm not going to get into that. This will be my sophomore album, which is long overdue, and it's going to be much better than my first album. Once this album drops, I'll finally have for filled my contract with Tric-Jam, and have the choice to decided if I want to renew my contract or not. Of course I will though cause there's no other label that I'm trying to get on. I've gotten used to everyone over at Tric-Jam that they're like family to me. They've been patient with me through everything that I threw at them, and I fell like no other label would have done that. These days if you're not making the label money then they'll drop you in a heartbeat. Fortunately for me I found a label that's patient, and is willing to let me take control of my career while stepping in when it's necessary. The original tracklist for the album has been scrapped, because the songs I recorded for it weren't working for me anyone. Since I took so much time off on an hiatus, the songs don't fit the sound that I want. This album will be a concept album about relationships. I titled it 'Dom·i·no Ef·fect,' cause the definition of a domino effect is a chain event of similar events, and so the album will be set up in a way where each song will tell a part of another one. So it'll start off with what happens at the beginning of a relationship when you first meet the girl, to the middle when everything's good and you're in that honeymoon stage, to the end of a relationship when you have that falling out and you break up. The singles will that I release will be the same way. In the order of a relationship so fans can almost predict what the next song will be about. There's going to be everything from upbeat songs to sad songs, new and old collaborations, and some songs that I do just on my own. It's definitely going to be amazing, and I can't wait to share it with the world.RnB hasn’t been in the greatest shape for some time, do you think 2015 is the year for it’s renaissance?I mean I would hope that it would be, but I don't feel like that's going to happen. There's some of us, such as myself, that are carrying it on, but the Pop genre has pretty much taken over, and has been the dominant genre for years now. Seems like everyone is into it, and that's why I think many artists start changing up their sound a little, and expanding to pop. I don't think there's no shame in that, cause you need to expand and grow with your audience. It only becomes a problem when you forget where you came from. I know my fans would be disappointed, but I would be disappointed in myself too if I ever turned away from R&B. It's how I started off, what I know, and what I'm good at.I hate to be the guy to take the conversation here, but lady friends just need to know ... Do you got a boo in your life? I believe that’s how they phrased it anyway[laughs] It's cool. I'm fine with answering the question, cause I feel like people judge me from what they read in false interviews and reports about me. People accuse me of being a playboy cause of accusations, not mentioning any names, that my exes make about me. I'm not gone lie and say that I haven't done that in the past, but it's not what I'm about right now. I just had to put that out there to lay the misconceptions about me to rest. For the ladies that are wondering, I do have a special someone in my life. I'm actually engaged right now to my girl, Tanya Stephenson, from The Titans. We've been engaged for a year and four months now, and whenever she sets a date I'm good with it. We're both busy a lot, since we're both in the same business, but whenever I get to kick it with her I'm grateful for. Not many people get the chance to marry their best friend so I'm thankful for that.Before we move on to the quickfire questions, what can fans expect from you in 2015?The fans can expect a whole lot of new music, interviews, tours, and a few more surprises from me this year. I'll be announcing a special tour soon that I'll be doing this summer. I've missed touring, and performing for my fans. So I'm doing this just for them, and I'll be having a couple of special guests on the road with me. The tour will just be a small one, about 20 dates, cause I have to make sure that I have time to promote the album and put in all of my work into the tour that's coming up later this year to support my sophomore album. I also will be doing more interviews this year cause I haven't been doing that. The reason why is mostly cause I've been trying to avoid being asked certain questions about my exes. I'm not about giving free promo to people that don't deserve it. That's why I'm not namedropping right now cause they don't deserve nothing from me. If I do mention their names it's only cause I let my temper get the best of me, and have to set the record straight. For the most part though, I keep my mouth shut, but it's getting harder with the bs I see in interviews sometimes. So I'm going to try that out, but if it gets to the point where they can't focus on the music then I'm going to have to go back to doing what I've been doing.Alrighty, here we go ... Quickfire questions with Dominic Brown. Woop Woop!Okay, let's do it. I'm ready.If the entire music industry was in a burning building and only you could save people one by one, who would you save first and more importantly who would you save last?Damn, hitting me with the hard questions already huh? Um just so my girl doesn't get mad, and to avoid from being in the dog house, I would save Tanya first out of the burning building. [laughs] I would save that Jerry guy from The Stat Nerds last cause homie could use an attitude adjustment. So he can stay in there for a while and contemplate life.If you could work with anybody in the industry right now, who would it be and why?Well I'm always paying attention to the new talent so I would work with Aliya Rose. I've been feeling what she's been dropping, and I feel like teaming up would be a good move.If you had to choose a top three list of ‘dream dates’ who would be on that list?Um Tanya for sure, probably Naomi from SYNCO, and Amy-Jayne. All these women are beautiful, and are my type.If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?I always feel like I take too long sometimes to come out with new albums, and that they get delayed a lot. So I would change that, and drop at least one album every year or two.Since you’ve worked with these two people before, who would win in a fight between Kato and Jennifer Armstrong?Too easy. Jennifer would definitely take Kato. That girl is strong, and I feel like my boy Kato would do what I do, and not hit a girl. He probably try to sing to her instead. [laughs] |