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#1 Posted : 13 May 2015 02:58:50(UTC)
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Hey guys! It's the first episode today! I'm really excited, even a little bit emotional. It's a bless to work with all these producers. It's just amazing, and I'm really happy to do this. So let's just start with. . .

So, We don't really have many Hot Topics, because it's been really boring for a while. But, this one is very hot. Y'all know Layla from SYNCO? I don't wanna spill wrong teas but let me just say it. Rumor has it, that Layla is cheating on Austin freaking Nimmo! You probably know him, he's very talented, has some new music out. I don't really believe it, you know, people these days spread wrong news a lot. But, I won't say that it can't happen. She's hot, has a nice body, is talented and is in one of the biggest girl groups this decade. But, she seems to be very faithful and innocent, so I don't believe it. I really don't. On the other side, we have some good Hot Topics! Remember when the news spread all around world, that Wynter Honor was found unconscious inside her home? We were shocked. But she seems to be okay now! She recently tweeted some stuff, so she's alive. We don't know any details yet, but who knows. We are probably going to find some 'news' out. I love you girl, hopefully everything is fine now! So let's continue with. . .


We have a lot of music news! Guess who's #1 on the charts? Right! It's freaking GirlSpice! The new single "Strike Up The Band" just went to #1 and guess what? Another Single is out! It's called Good Lookin' and I'm jamming to it! These Woman are true icons. They know what they are doing, always delivering A+ Music. They also announced the Album, which is called "Crown". It's going to destroy everyone. I love them, and I really can't wait to hear the full album. We also have a big comeback! Riot! In The Boulevard, who are also coming to the show, suprisingly released a new single which also went to #1. Nobody expected anything, to be honest. But, I think it's the perfect time to come back together and show the fans, that they are still here. On the other side, we have a lot of newcomers! Carmen V just released her second single, after her debut single with payton. I think she's improving, and it's nice to have some fresh air. Medina, who's also coming to the show, is a really new face. She recently released a single, and announced another one on Instagram. And, we also have Johnny Carter! He released Top 5 hit "Deadly Love", his first single ever. He's pretty cute, if he would be a little bit older, I probably would think about something. Just forget what I said, I'm too old for this. *laughs*

So, we have a guest coming! He's in, probably, the biggest boyband ever. Atleast, this decade. Many people talk about him, he's really good looking and god bless his eye lashes. I wish I had them. His name is Billy Khan, actually his name is longer. But, it's so long that I just can't say it. But yeah, It's freaking Billy!! *screams*

First off, thank you so much for coming Billy! You were really one of the people I really wanted on the show. And, not just me! Over thousand of people asked us to get you on the show! So, thank you for coming.
Thank you for having me here. I've never actually done an entire televised interview by myself before. I've done a few magazine ones and appeared on some TV game shows but this is my first proper interview in front of the cameras by myself. I'll try not to ruin your show too much. If anything happens though, I know some very good lawyers so we should be OK (laughs).

So, let's start with a easy question! How is it to be in the biggest boyband we have in this decade?
You call that an easy one?! (laughs) Yeah, it's definitely an interesting position to be in. I think that for me especially it's a massive culture shock. I was never encouraged to do anything like this while growing up. I was dirt poor when I auditioned for the group. I had never even sang on my own in front of anyone. Going from that little boy from the rough area to breaking records, topping all different charts, hanging with all these celebrities and travelling the world...it's just a huge transformation and it's more than I ever dreamed of or even wished for. The success of a boyband is never guaranteed and when we came along there was no interest in boybands so to be where we are today...it's amazing.

It's been a while since you guys released something. The last single you guys released was 'Back In The Day' and it's been already 6 months. And the Album is still not out. Is there a reason for the huge delay? Or Is this actually like a marketing move?
Well it's really just finding the right date. We're all so busy and launching an album is a big thing. We take our work very seriously. We love our music, passionate about being involved in the creative process and we want to make sure the fans hear the best work we can possibly produce. We could have chucked out two or even three half-arsed albums by now but that's not what we want to do. I can say though that the next single has been selected, video has been filmed and we're organising tour dates too so it really is all coming. There's also a huge surprise along the way too!

So, there are rumors. And, Rumor has it, that you're going to leave Weekend! This rumor is out since months, and it's still not dying. So, let's be real and spill the tea. Do you thought about leaving the band or are you still thinking about it? 'Cause I hope you're not, this would destroy my fangirl heart.
I really have no idea where those rumours keep coming from. I absolutely love being in Weekend. It changed my life. I rocked up to the audition with barely anything to my name and now look at me. I owe everything to this band and the only way I'm leaving is if I'm dragged out kicking and screaming. I could understand rumours of Oscar leaving because he quit for like a day back in 2013. Riley is busy with his acting career and Scott is doing another series of The X Factor. If rumours started circulating about them then it'd be easier to understand but me? I think people just want something to talk about. There was a photo of Dustyn, Oscar, Riley and Scott hanging out together without me and maybe that ruffled a few feathers? I was asked out too but couldn't go as I had a very important meeting regarding a documentary that I'm making. I have trouble keeping my mouth shut so if I had left, you'd know ALL about it.

You know, you're really active on Twitter. And, people kind of worry about you? I don't. I think you're really kind and funny. Really funny! But, the people out there think you should go to a therapy. What's your opinion on that?
Oh people are always going to have their opinions. Just like me! Listen, I've had therapy and it never seems to work. I've got a personality disorder, behavioural issues and I'm on lots of different medication. That's not an excuse and a way of saying that I'm entitled to say what I want and get away with it. I'm just saying this to clarify that therapy and all that bullshit won't make a difference so when people think they're smart and start tweeting things like "lol, get help," I just laugh because I already have. I've always been opinionated anyway, even before a lot of my problems developed. My first word was "no" and apparently I used to go around the house telling everyone to "shush!" so I've always been snappy. If they don't like what I have to say then block me or they can delete their own Twitter account. Bunch of pussies. Not my problem.

So, you are in a relationship currently. How long and how is he? Is he treating you right? If not, you know you can call me. I wouldn't mind kicking his ass for you.
We've been together going on eight months now. It seems to have flown by. It might seem like less to the general public because we didn't announce our relationship until like...a month ago. We wanted to make sure we were in the right place and obviously it was a huge step for Jerry having to come out and say he was in a relationship with another man. I already came out as bisexual years ago. He's amazing, I couldn't ask for anything more. He actually "gets" me, is so patient and he's brilliant with my son. The only problem is, he's too hot. I just look at him and want to jump his bones there and then. It's a good thing I'm not a female. He'd probably have me pregnant by now (laughs).

I kind of have a question..You know, just be honest. Do you guys ever thought about marrying? And, maybe adopt some kids later in the future? I mean, do you ever thought about that?
Well we do think that eventually, we will tie the knot but it's still really early days yet. I got married when I was 18 and rushed into it. Ended up in divorce after realising it really wasn't the right thing to do. I'm 21 now. I want to take it slow and just live and appreciate each day together as it comes. I don't want to be the next Ross Gellar with all the failed marriages. When the time is right, we'll both know. Again, it's the same thing with kids. I have Daniel from my relationship with Andrea. He turns three this year and him and Jerry get on like a house on fire. They love each other. I used to say that one is enough but I'm coming around to the idea of more. I'm getting soft in my old age. Again, it's not happening in the near future though.

Let's talk about some Solo Projects! We know, that you are really busy with the band but do you have anything planned for the future , just for yourself?
I don't have any musical projects lined up for myself. Most of us are doing stuff outside the band and none of them are musical. I'm doing a few things but none of them involve any songs, no time in the studio and certainly not acting. I had a few lines in iCarly a couple of years ago and I couldn't be arsed with all the waiting around. Just let me say my lines then let me go already!


We heard something about a documentary earlier. Could you tell us something about it?
Yeah, this is probably the biggest project outside of Weekend that I've ever done. As many people will know, I spent a few non-consecutive years living on the streets of London. I grew up in care, ran off, got involved with some shady, shady people and I did find myself homeless as a teen. For this documentary, I am going back on those streets for a week with my own camera, no change of clothes or money and relive it. The important part of the show though is introducing the real life people I'll encounter and telling their stories and raising awareness of youth homelessness because it is a big problem in my old area. It's not just one publicity stunt for entertainment purposes. It's going to be really hard because I know I'll see some familiar faces, people are going to know me and approach me while I'm looking and smelling like a bin and I'm going to be reliving a terrifying part of my life.

Do you have any favourite musicians currently?
I really a lot of the acts at Pesky like SYNCO and Andrea but staying away from my own, I really like Aubrey Mikkel, Rum & Coke, Kidd Amaze...uh the new guy Scratch is wicked but he supports Chelsea so I'm not too sure. Dylan Shaw has some voice on her, she's pretty cool. There are a lot of great acts out there who don't get as much attention as they should.

Okay. Let's play a game. We're going to show you 2 people and you need to choose who you would date, if you would be single. I know your boyfriend is going kill me, but I don't care. We call this game "Who Would I Date?"
Nah, Jerry won't kill you. He'll kill me (laughs).


Brandon Grey or Edward Barát?
(Laughs hysterically) Is that one a joke!? Um...well I used to date Edward Barát a while back but that...that really didn't go well. He was alright when we were dating and we just drifted apart but after that he just became a total weirdo. When he finally started to release his music he just got stuck so far up his own arse but, whatever floats his boat I suppose. I just...I don't hate him but I can't really bring myself to make an effort with him or take him seriously. I don't mind guys wearing make-up, it's 2015 after all but there's a difference between wearing it and throwing it on your face with a shovel. He looks darker than me and I'm mixed race! So, yeah I'd have to go with Brandon Grey. He's a friend of Riley's and my younger brother. The guy seems up for it all the time too as he can never seem to keep a shirt on. I've seen his nipples more times than my own!

Adam Black or Dominic Brown
Oh God...do I really need to pick any of them? Adam Black just looks weird for a start. He can work out and do a million and one different poses on his bed on Instagram but it's not going to do anything about the face. He reminds me of one of the vampires from Buffy. The personality is even worse. I'll never forgive him after he put Dustyn through hell a couple of years back. I know that I can be a horrible person and you might get a lot complaints sent in to the show after I say this but just f***ing kill him already. Dominic Brown, I am a fan of his music but never found him all that attractive. Then he said in an interview with Jake Wilson that the last person he'd save in a burning building would be Jerry so that went down well. Listen, Jerry would still look more attractive than him even with burns to the face. Sorry, I'm not picking any.

Amy-Jayne or Isabel Merjos
As annoying and stupid as she is, I would go with Amy-Jayne. I think that she is a very attractive woman. Maybe she's not the most talented but who cares? She does seem nice enough. I know she's been in a relationship for quite a while too so she seems committed. I wouldn't date Isabel for many reasons but one of the biggest ones is that fact that you'd never even get to see her. If she's not filming something, she's recording and then she's off on tour so there wouldn't really be much of a relationship anyway. I know this is probably supposed to be a one word answer but I can't help myself.

Aliya Rose or Austin Nimmo
Aliya Rose without a doubt. She's a very pretty girl, I really enjoy her music and she's working with Riley on a TV show at the moment and I've heard that she is a really lovely person. Contrary to popular belief, I do actually hope to get along with people. It's not my fault that a lot of them are just idiots. Austin Nimmo, no. Never in a million years. He is honestly what I imagine would be the human equivalent of thrush. Not that I've ever had it. You just can't shake him off. He nips, he irritates, he drives you up the wall and his face reminds of some horrible, puss, cottage cheese looking discharge. You just want to get rid of him as quickly and conveniently as possible.

Kato or Payton
Who doesn't love a bit of Kato? He's a very attractive guy and I'm sure he could um...put those nice lips to good use (laughs). He just has an air of cool surrounding him, you know? For a guy his age with his success he isn't a total dick which is rare. Kato seems like a really nice guy but he can also let go and have a good time. Pretty chill. Payton, God bless him, he's like a dog on heat. He wants to dry hump everything, doesn't he? He's quite good looking and I don't wish him any harm. I feel sorry for him because he seems like a frisky dog, wanting some action but he's only about 12 so I doubt his penis has even fully developed yet. I would give him a hug and then send him on his way. He can go back to school and brush up sex education and work on his English.

That's it. We asked Twitter what we should ask you. And, to be honest, many of them weren't PG. So, I can't ask these questions. But here is one : Asked by @LoveMeKhan "What's your favourite food?"
Oh now you're asking! Not to be stereotypical because of my roots but I do love of Asian, Middle Eastern food. I love anything that involves lots of different spices and things that involve a GOOD meat. I'm a bit of a chef at home and I love all the preparation that goes into making dishes and just being creative with it. I also love the fast food that's marketed as "Indian cuisine" when it's clearly not like doner kebabs which are Turkish. They're the best drunken feast ever. My favourite though is probably my own Cajun blackened chicken with a nice salad.

Another one by @OnlyKhan "What's your favourite color?"
Well my favourite colour is obviously purple. They must be a new fan if they didn't already know that. It's just a beautiful colour. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and d. It conveys wealth and extravagance. It's also associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. What's not to love?

And another one by @KingBilly "If you need to choose to be with only one of the boys from the band, who would you choose?"
That's a hard question. They all annoy me! (laughs) I think they all have their pros and cons. I love them all and it's hard to imagine being without any of them. If I really had to choose though...um...probably Dustyn. I'd say that I'm closest to him in the band. He was the first one I formed a friendship with and the first to make me feel welcome. Not that the other guys made me feel unwelcome, he was just the first to pluck up the courage and break the ice. Plus he's hilarious and with that accent, there's never a dull moment. I just laugh at anything he says. "Ya fecking eejit!"

And the last one, by @WeekendOrDie "Would you ever fall in love with a fan?"
If I was single? Yes, probably. I think that it would be a little harder to date a fan purely because they already know more about me than I do. It'd be quite one-sided, I think. I wouldn't say it's off the table though. I get that fans have love for us and it's hard for them to control themselves at times but I would prefer it if the fan in question played it cool. It'd be a lot easier to develop a rapport with them just by having a normal conversation rather than answering questions like..."what underwear does Riley like most?" you know? Just treat me like I'm an average Joe and not have me on some pedestal. I get uncomfortable with that. I used to steal crisps from the corner shops in Hackney, I'm definitely not some sort of God!

Once again, thank you so much for coming! I hope we can meet again, Billy!
No, thank you! It was a pleasure to be here. I'm sorry if I said things that cause the show to be taken off air next week. I have a feeling a few letters are going to be written.

Guys, that's the end of the show. I just want to say something. Actually, about the hate Billy gets. I know , he's a loudmouth, he probably doesn't even know what he's saying, sometimes. But. He has a really soft heart and he's such a humble human being. I didn't felt like, he was a celebrity. He's so normal, I felt really relaxed. As if he was a friend. Everyone backstage were actually suprised how humble he was. So, don't shade or attack somebody you don't know. That's it actually. I can't wait for the second episode, and make sure to follow us on Twitter! @RealTalkWithEzra . We are going to announce the second guest later this week!

OOC: Thank you BrownSugar for making this possible! I really laughed at the 'game' lol.
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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Offline Clampdown  
#2 Posted : 13 May 2015 10:36:09(UTC)
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OOC: Nice job on this, both of you. This is going to be a great series. I'm so stoked to do my segment although not so stoked my Twitter question for Billy didn't show up on it. ;) Expect a very firm stationary.
Active Bands/Artists:

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[b]Leon Peralta - Main writer for Coast 2 Coast Music

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#3 Posted : 14 May 2015 01:28:13(UTC)
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OOC: Great job to both of you. I love the show's format and it gives me the inspirtation to go through with my own show, hopefully. The interview was great and well done. Really excited for the rest of the season :)
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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Welat65 on 14/05/2015(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#4 Posted : 14 May 2015 03:58:31(UTC)
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ooc: Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the show and also letting Billy be the first ever guest. Chat shows are a great addition on here as it helps develop our characters and also gives them a little bit of promo without all the tedium of writing every single thing up yourself. Takes off a lot of pressure and makes it all more enjoyable. Can't wait for the rest of the season :)




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Welat65 on 14/05/2015(UTC)
Offline Welat65  
#5 Posted : 15 May 2015 02:42:07(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Clampdown Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Nice job on this, both of you. This is going to be a great series. I'm so stoked to do my segment although not so stoked my Twitter question for Billy didn't show up on it. ;) Expect a very firm stationary.

OOC: LOL. Thank you so much ;)

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Great job to both of you. I love the show's format and it gives me the inspirtation to go through with my own show, hopefully. The interview was great and well done. Really excited for the rest of the season :)

OOC: Thank you! Well, can't wait for your show!

Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Go to Quoted Post
ooc: Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the show and also letting Billy be the first ever guest. Chat shows are a great addition on here as it helps develop our characters and also gives them a little bit of promo without all the tedium of writing every single thing up yourself. Takes off a lot of pressure and makes it all more enjoyable. Can't wait for the rest of the season :)

OOC: Thank you, too! It wouldn't be as good as it is without you tbh.

Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


Offline GirlSpice  
#6 Posted : 15 May 2015 05:17:28(UTC)
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Valentina: Say what you like about Billy, but he's veeeery entertaining, with a side of intimidating. There's certain celebs I wouldn't wanna meet cuz I feel like they'd make me wanna curl up in a ball and cry. He's one of em. Not that I would cause I'm totally a tough cookie, but ya know, just saying. Rad show, Ezra! Can't wait to meet you and your firey locks raaawr.

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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Welat65 on 16/05/2015(UTC)
Offline C4AJoh  
#7 Posted : 18 May 2015 00:50:36(UTC)
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Cara: I think you've got a huge hit TV show on your hands already girl! This was wildly entertaining and I'm sure it's just gonna get better and better from here on out! Also you're truly beautiful, that always helps!

OOC: Great work on this, talk shows aren't an easy thing to do and you've done it better than any that I've seen on here! Well done! :)
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Welat65 on 22/05/2015(UTC)
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