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#1 Posted : 04 June 2015 23:54:09(UTC)
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OOC: Big thanks to Carmel/BrownSugar for helping out with the questions :)


"I am joined in the studio by a very lovely young lady today. She's just had her first number one single, signed to FREEDOM records, collaborated with one of the hottest new rappers of the moment, crossing over in both the pop and urban charts, she's only 19 years of age and still waiting to drop her debut album. Yes, I am sat here with the wonderful Carmen Vilo, better known as Carmen V. Welcome to the show, Carmen. How are you today?"

"Haha wow what an introduction thanks for that Ryan I am doing amazing today it things have been going really great lately thank you"

"Now you just topped the airplay and download charts with your latest single, "Tell Nobody", how does that feel?

"Man it's just crazy you know it's like I'm on this buzz from it still and it's insane you know? Like I still don't think it's registered completely that something I helped write and that I sung is number one on anything it's just insane"

"Do you feel relaxed now that you've got a number one to your name because it can take an artist years to grab the top spot or do you feel more pressure to deliver now? When you get a number one, people expect a lot from you."

"You know like I said I'm still on this like buzz or high from even hearing that something I did went to number one and so quickly but I will admit it's a bit pressuring like just having my single go top five or ten put some pressure on me now this happens and it's like I'm just feeling like I've gotta be on my A game from here on out and it's crazy because I'm still rather "new" to this whole charting thing and like I just said I've gotta continue to be on my A game from here on out and try keep that buzz going haha"

"OK so take us back a little. Before the number one, the involvement of Nevaeh and the collaborating, how did you go about getting your music across to people? I know that it's always been a passion of yours and you didn't just come out of nowhere like a lot of people must think."

"Oh no I know people might think that's the case and be like "Oh who's the new chick?" but in reality I've been doing this for years I mean I'd perform wherever I could like you said it's definitely been a passion of mine since I was little it's just something I love to do anyway like I was saying before I've been performing around in Toronto and wherever else I would get called for some time and luckily I managed to pick up a few dedicated followers along the way who would post my performances to YouTube and actually brought it to my attention that I should post videos on YouTube so I did that for awhile it never really picked up though but one person recorded this little performance I did in Toronto and I guess it got to Nevaeh and everything just went on from there"

"What was it like when Neveah first got into contact with you? What was your initial reaction? Was there ever any hesitation at all?"

"Oh that was crazy because like I said one of my performance videos got to her somehow and then she contacted me and at first I thought it was some sort of sick joke and I was actually ready to just drop it because like I said I thought someone was trying to play me or something but I stuck with it and when I found out everything was legit I just kinda had a panic attack and nearly died on the floor haha"

"OK, so what about your friends and more importantly, your family's reaction to the news? It's one thing letting your daughter go and do small shows let alone sign to a massive record label and possibly be propelled into stardom."

"All my friends backed me up 100% like they always had and they were extremely happy for me of course there were some of them that weren't so happy I wouldn't exactly call those people friends anymore but you know how it goes ha anyway my mother was super cool about it she's always backed me up and supported me my dad wasn't too happy because he wanted me to get an education before anything so he was mad but I kinda did it without him knowing and he's actually been really supportive of me lately too he actually freaked out more than my mother when he heard Tell Nobody went number one"

"What was it like being in a recording studio for the first time?"

"It was weird there were all of these buttons and all of this fancy equipment that I still today have no idea what most of does but it was cool I got in there with some cool producers who showed me the ropes and helped me out"

"How do you go about recording and writing now? When you're independent or just doing it as a hobby you can pick up a pen and paper, your guitar or whatever it is when you like but when you have a record deal, there's deadlines and there's got to be some pressure there. Do you have a schedule to follow?"

"You know now and then it's not extremely different I mean Nevaeh hasn't really pressured me out about it if anything she wants me to take my time and get myself out there and release something that not only the public will enjoy but something that I will too and she's been nothing but supportive and chill about everything I mean I mean I'm still recording and writing just to get a feel of what I like and what I want I couldn't ask for a better label because freedom is literally in the title so yeah there's not much pressure from them because they still want me to find my sound and everything you know?"

"Fast forward again to the point when you've just released your debut single "Do It Right" which features Payton. What made that the perfect choice as your debut single and why add Payton to it? Was that your choice or the label's decision?"

"Well "Do It Right" was a fan favorite back when I use to do my little performances so I thought "Hey I bet they'd like to hear this" but at the same time I wanted to give them it in a way they hadn't heard it yet so they can enjoy it and I always felt like something was missing on that track so I asked if we could add someone onto the track and got the go ahead and it was a collective decision to get Payton on the track"

"What was it like working with Payton? He seems to divide public opinion."

"It was really cool working with Payton he's very chill and he's not really the way he's depicted in the media and by other people I mean yes there are a lot of people who hate him and who love him but look at any talented popular artist like Weekend, Riot! GirlSpice and even Isabel they're all extremely talented people with a big following but there are also a lot of people who hate them that's just what the public does to people it doesn't make them bad people but not everyone is going to like you so don't go by things you hear go by what you see and I see Payton as a really cool and talented guy"

"Do you think that it's unfair that a lot of people, like Payton are overlooked because of their behaviour or public persona as it were? I happen to think Payton is a decent rapper but people aren't willing to give him the time of day."

"Oh Payton is a great talent and yes it sucks as I was saying before everyone that puts theirself out there is going to be the victim of love and hate saddly people look at Payton as the latter which I don't see why if they gave him a chance they'd see he's a pretty cool guy and hopefully people can just quit their bit- complaining one day and just be cool and focus on the talent rather than make up this persona for artists"

"On the subject of judging others, you recently released the video for "Tell Nobody" and I was surprised at some of the comments. I won't repeat some of the words used but some people accused you of dressing and dancing provocatively. Basically saying you were far too sexual. I find that a bit unfair that a lot of these young male singers nowadays parade about with their tops off and nobody says anything yet it's a different story for the girls. Do you think there's still some prejudice against females in the business?"

"Oh haha yeah people have been very opinionated about the video it's actually kinda sad because I'm not one to toot my own horn too often but I'd say I danced my butt off in that video and people are focusing on what I'm wearing rather than the actual video like I'm not walking down a runway so just enjoy the video you know? But I knew people would end up commenting on that yes I definitely do think there is some sort of prejudice there I mean as a women today you're put into two categories and sadly both are seen as negative you can cover up and be modest and that's cool but people will classify you as a prude or boring then you can show some skin and be a bit more outspoken which is also cool but people will classify you as a slut and that's just so stupid because it's like there's no winning for a lady well unless you don't care which is something I'm seeing more of and loving"

"What about girls like Andrea? Opinion is divided. Some say she's flying the flag for female empowerment, others are saying that it's just an excuse to cover up this provocative image her label have forced on her. Where do you stand on that? Does showing skin necessarily mean empowerment?"

"I love Andrea she's iconic haha I think it's cool what she's doing she's like those people who I mentioned earlier that doesn't care that isn't afraid to wear or say what she wants and it's just really cool seeing her like that and it's crazy because did you notice how before people were classifying her as a boring prude now they're classifying her as a slut? It's really a shame that a guy can wear or not wear whatever he wants but when a female does the same she gets a bunch of crap for it"

"Let's talk about your image. Do you have a stylist or is this all your creation? Any fashion icons inspire you?"

"Well for the video I had a stylist dress me then people doing everything else for me but usually for like interviews and stuff I just throw on whatever feels comfortable or looks good to me right now this is my creation from m messy suitcase haha and as for fashion icons um...I don't really know I just kind of wear what I think looks good most of the time I don't really know who I can say I draw my fashion inspiration from sorry haha"

"What about musical influences? Who do you take inspiration from?"

"Oh musical influences? That is so much easier I really love some of the legends like Aaliyah and Selena the greats you know? And another big inspiration on me has been well Rum & Coke those ladies release the catchiest music I've heard and they're just really talented um Whitney is a huge inspiration, Mariah, Brandy all great artists

"Will we see some of your influences incorporated into the sound of the album? What can we expect to hear on the album?"

"Yeah you guys might hear some influences around on the album I don't wanna reveal too much just yet though let me keep you all on your toes" *winks*

"Does it have a title or are you not allowed to say that at the moment?"

"Well we're still in talks about the title and all that if you would've asked me this about a month ago I might have had an answer but it is forever changing so I really couldn't answer that right now

"When do you think we'll be hearing the record in full? Any release windows opened up yet?"

"Another question I cannot answer I hate when artists do this but all I can say at the moment is soon don't murder me on Twitter and Tumblr"

"What about maybe another single do you have that planned out yet?"

"Oh yeah I've got that the next single is going to be titled "Still Turnin' Up" and it's actually one of my favorite tracks so far because it's like fun yet chill and laid back at the same time does that make sense? Well you'll see that I mean when it comes out as for the release date on that we're aiming for early July so next month

"And are there any talks about a tour just yet?"

"Not exactly I mean we have thrown the idea around of maybe a small tour but we haven't officially talked about anything yet I still feel like I have a long way to go before I can headline my own tour but hey what's up bigger acts out there?" *winks and smiles at camera*

"And returning to the topic of collaborations you've already collaborated with Payton on your debut single but can we expect anymore collaborations for the album?"

"Oh yeah definitely we've been in talks with a few really cool artists and a few of them have already agreed and recorded some verses I don't want to give anything away but there are going to be a few big collaborations on the album so definitely look out for those"

"Are there any artists you want to collaborate with?"

"Oh my god so many but I'll keep it limited I'm dying to work with Isabel because she's like the Latina queen at the moment and all of her songs are catchy and boptastic haha um Rum & Coke are high up on that list because speaking of boptastic those girls have released bop after bop after bop and are just so consistent even the EP Rum released recently was so much catchier than half the songs playing today no shade to those tracks they're great but Rum killed it with every track there oh I'd love to work with Aubrey Mikkel because Photoshop Free has been my jam since it was released it'd be amazing to work with Dominic Brown as well maybe SYNCO too I'm a huge fan of them Amy Jayne, Victoria Black two fierce ladies that I'd love to work with right there anyway I said I'd keep it limited so let me stop"

"So let's change it up from music a bit now a lot of popular musicians have gone into acting recently Riley Hamilton, Isabel and Dustyn Blue with Echo in the past which actually had a few other big names in music on it do you see yourself ever making your way into acting?"

"See I don't want to say no but at the same time I'm terrible at that kind of stuff I was in a few plays in school and let me tell you I was the suckiest actor you've ever seen always forgetting lines and just not coming of convincing I don't know why I'm terrible at it I just am but like I said I don't want to completely throw the idea out the window I mean if somebody asked me to play the love interest to a Hemsworth or a Franco you know I'm jumping right up on that haha but I don't know right now I just see me focusing on my music more than anything"

"So you're one of the many "new" artists that have come up recently what do you think sets you apart from the rest and what do you think about some of the newer acts that popped up around the same time you did?"

"Well you know I've been working at this since I was like 15 or 14 and gained a bit of a following through that course of time so I guess I've got some experience under my belt compared to people who rose to popularity through like YouTube abd stuff like that which isn't a bad way to come up I just think it's a bit scarier going from posting a few covers or originals online when you've never performed in front of people before but those people have so much of my respect and I'll definitely be supporting people who have come up like that because it isn't as easy as people think going from that to the public eye anyway what I think about some of these other new artists well they're a pretty talented bunch I love a lot of them like Johnny Carter Deadly Love is the an amazing track Payton is cool with me he's talented and doing his own thing right now Valentina Hart is incredible you actually forget that she's a newer artist as well seeing all the success she's gained I mean seriously she's crazy talented and beautiful I'd like to still some of those writing powers she's got there haha yeah I love the newer artists man it's cool seeing that they each bring something different to the charts and that's pretty cool"

"Okay well I really hope to see a lot more of you in the music industry anyway let's move onto some fan calls before you get into what I'm sure will be a great acoustic performance"

"Okay awesome let's do this" *smiles*

"The fist caller is Sarah from Los Angeles Sarah you're on"
"Hi Sarah that's such a pretty name"
Sarah: "Oh my God hi Carmen I wanted so say first I am such a huge fan I've been following you since the beginning and I think you're incredible and I love you also welcome to the US"
"Aww thank you so much babe I love you too did you have a question?"
Sarah: "Yes so I watched the video for "Tell Nobody" and you're an incredible dancer which I've thought for years anyway what was it like shooting your video and was it hard to learn the choreography?"
"Aww thank you again aren't you just the sweetest? Haha anyway it was so much fun shooting the video it was cool working on it with Michael he's a sweet heart and the choreography took little while actually I it was different from having to do my own choreography which I use to do before so there was that but it was fun the most fun actually was the part where I got to do the freestyle because it was just me and I love expressing myself through singing but it's also fun to do so through like dancing and what not so it was cool to get to do that but the whole process was just a blast it was fun shooting, fun learning the choreography of course it was fun being so close to a guy as attractive as Michael all I'm gonna say is it's been awhile haha but yeah I'm really glad you enjoyed it babe and thanks for calling"

"The next caller is Kelly from Chicago you're on Kelly
"Aww that's my mothers name hi Kelly"
Kelly: "Hey Carmen you're so beautiful haha so I was wondering what how long are you going to be here in the US also do you have any plans on visiting Chicago soon? And if so when?"
"Well I'll be here for a little while actually sadly I don't have any plans to visit Chi-town that's what you guys call it right? Anyway yeah I don't have anything on the schedule there at this moment right now I'll just be here in LA for awhile then in New York before I go back home sorry babe"

"Okay the next caller is Dylan from New York you're on Dylan
Dylan: "I can't believe I'm talking to you right now okay so What would you say is your favorite song at this moment?"
"Oh come on Dylan how you gonna do that to me right now? Haha wow there are so many good songs out right now but if I had to pick just one I'd have to go with "Good Lookin'" by GirlSpice because they're killing it at the moment releasing bop after bop right now and that one has been my jam since it came out plus who doesn't love some GirlSpice eh? Haha"

"The next caller is Chelsea from San Francisco you're on Chelsea
Chelsea: "Hey so so looking on Tumblr and Twitter and everywhere you've been shipped with every guy you've come in contact with Payton, Michael anyway are you currently dating anybody and if not is there anybody you've got your eye on?"
"Hey Chelsea oh come on you guys just love putting me on the spot no I am currently not dating anybody Michael and Payton are both incredible chill guys but I'm not seeing either of them at the moment it's just a bit hard to even try to date when your main focus is your career which is pretty much mine at the moment and onto the second one ugh yes there are plenty of cute guys all around I almost got into a car accident because I was checking out a few guys here and of course there are plenty of hot guys in the industry right now but I won't mention any of them though but like I said I couldn't really date right now anyway because I'm just trying to stay focused on my music and stuff and I know that's a very generic answer but yeah it's a true one haha"

And the last caller is Nick from Miami you're on Nick
Nick: "Hi Carmen so I'm sorry for ending this on a simple question but I was wondering what do you think of the States so far?"
"Oh it's actually really cool to be here the guys are all cute I've seen three shirtless guys already! Ha but apart from that it's really beautiful the scenery um the traffic here in LA is terrible like you hear people talk about LA traffic all the time but finally hearing about it and experiencing it are two completely different things definitely don't drive here during traffic time there's also so much road rage haha but other than that it's been really cool I've visited some of the beaches and the people seem alright a bit different from Toronto but that was expected anyway it's just really cool I'm enjoying it"

"And that's all the time we have for fan questions thanks for joining us and answering our questions Carmen it was great meeting you

"Aww thanks Ryan it was great meeting you too and it was fun"

Stick around because next we've got an acoustic performance from Carmen



As the video starts we see Carmen sitting in the same spot she was before across from Ryan before she begins speaking "Alrighty what's up On Air viewers this is my single "Tell Nobody" and it's my first time performing it acoustically so please try to bare with me here" she laughs along with Ryan before we hear an acoustic guitar being played to get as close to the R&B/Pop track by Carmen as possible rather than take on the whole beat the guitar takes on the synths that play throughout the whole song in the original version we hear the guitar lightly plucked to this tune repeating the same chords over and over just like in the original version the guitar sounds like a few simple chords being played on loop as we hear Carmen speak her name "Carmen V-I-Lo" in a smoother tone into the microphone as the guitar continues playing the same few chords this goes on foe a few more seconds before we hear Carmen singing the intro/chorus into the microphone in front of her in that smoother radio friendly voice that we've come to know from her however she shows off a bit more of her vocals in this stripped back rendition of the song as she adds a few small runs which come off as slightly forced but still pleasing to the average listener as she continues singing through the chorus/intro after finishing it the guitar takes a slight pause before it kicks back in still being played the same way along with Carmen's vocals singing now in a slightly higher falsetto tone which again sounds slightly forced yet pleasing to the listener Carmen's voice isn't exactly to strongest but it is rather easy to listen to which she plays on throughout the performance after finishing the the first verse the guitar stops for a second once again before kicking back in with Carmen singing the the pre-chorus now the guitar continues to play on a loop of the repetitive chords as well she sings this part in a slightly deeper voice until the last line where she goes into a falsetto adding a run which she goes slightly off key on before ending the pre-chorus

Carmen V-I-Lo

I wanna get with somebody
I wanna take off with somebody
Thinkin' you can be that somebody
But boy you better not tell nobody
You better not tell nobody

I don't think anybody knows what's up
So keep it between me and you
Let's just do our thing don't say nothin'
Boy just keep it cool

And we can stay up all night
Turn all the lights down
And we'll turn up oh boy you know it
and if you want me to stay here boy all
You gotta do is say "don't go"

As Carmen comes back around to the chorus she sings it in a similar way as before now trying to play it a bit more safe after going slightly off key she just sings along not really showing off her vocals much here which is good because Carmen's smoother vocals are a lot sound a lot better when not being overused as she continues to sing along with the guitar in those smooth vocals she nods her head a bit and snaps her fingers along with the guitar really getting more into the performance after finishing the chorus she goes into the second verse which is sung a lot like before in that higher style once again Carmen doesn't have the most powerful voice nor range but her vocals are very radio friendly and easy to listen to and enjoy which she once again shows through the verse she then sings the same way as she did earlier through the pre-chorus once again going slightly off key towards the end however not enough to be called out on it she then continues on to sing the chorus once more before bringing the song to an end cutting out the bridge and final chorus we then hear the members in the studio clapping and cheering along after the performance is done Carmen proceeds to smile and thank them before the video comes to an end

And you know just what I'm bout to do
I wanna get with somebody
I wanna take off with somebody
Thinkin' you can be that somebody
But you better not tell nobody
You better not tell nobody

I don't think anybody knows what's up
So let's not let them know
We got everything that we need
Just the two of us

Just the two of us
And we can stay up all night
Turn all the lights down
And we'll turn up oh boy you know it
and if you want me to stay here boy all
You gotta do is say "don't go"

And you know just what I'm bout to do
I wanna get with somebody
I wanna take off with somebody
Thinkin' you can be that somebody
But you better not tell nobody
You better not tell nobody

OOC: Couldn't find an acoustic version so decided to use a cover but y'all can use your imagination and replace this ladies voice with Carmen's :P
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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erich hess on 05/06/2015(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 05/06/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 05/06/2015(UTC), GirlSpice on 05/06/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 05/06/2015(UTC), BrownSugar on 05/06/2015(UTC), freestylechamp on 05/06/2015(UTC), chaotic_princess on 05/06/2015(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#2 Posted : 05 June 2015 01:14:16(UTC)
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Valentina: Haaaay, girlfran! I loved your comment on how people can be so prejudiced against females in the industry. I was feelin every word of that. You've got such a beautiful voice and you slayed that acoustic so much like woaaah, you're only 19?? How?? What is this sorcery? Heheh, nice interview. And thanks for the shoutout. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
thanks 1 user thanked GirlSpice for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 05/06/2015(UTC)
Offline Welat65  
#3 Posted : 05 June 2015 07:05:49(UTC)
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CosmaMendoza: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS my latin princess! loved the Interview! Can't wait for the new single and I REALLY can't wait for the Album. You better destroy everyone , girl!
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


thanks 1 user thanked Welat65 for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 05/06/2015(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#4 Posted : 05 June 2015 08:29:14(UTC)
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Payton: Ayo I had mad fun recordin w/ you Carmen. Yu da real MVP dead ass holding it down n cashin dem checks hard body. I liked dis interview and good luks on holdin ya boi down. We gotta link n chill soon!!

OOC: Great interview :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

thanks 1 user thanked Famouss7x7 for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 05/06/2015(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#5 Posted : 06 June 2015 08:37:20(UTC)
genocidal king
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Kai: in a couple of hundred years time, I reckon one of the great questions about this period in history will be...how in the fuck did anyone allow that Seacrest pecker on telly; what a cunt. I hate him. Well done to you for putting up with him. You did well and you come across as pretty nice, which is a challenge when you're having to go on a show hosted by that unfortunate ejaculate, Seacrest. Well played.

Ooc: Nice interview :)
thanks 1 user thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 06/06/2015(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#6 Posted : 07 June 2015 01:47:14(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Valentina: Haaaay, girlfran! I loved your comment on how people can be so prejudiced against females in the industry. I was feelin every word of that. You've got such a beautiful voice and you slayed that acoustic so much like woaaah, you're only 19?? How?? What is this sorcery? Heheh, nice interview. And thanks for the shoutout. :)

Carmen: Aye sometimes tea needs to be spilt on the industry and society #AmIRight?? Haha and thaaaanks glad you enjoyed it and if anybody here in Cali asks I'm 21 ;) lol but yeah I am currently 19 and thanks again and no problem you know I only shoutout the realest :)

Originally Posted by: Welat65 Go to Quoted Post
CosmaMendoza: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS my latin princess! loved the Interview! Can't wait for the new single and I REALLY can't wait for the Album. You better destroy everyone , girl!

Carmen: You know I will Cosma expect nothing less haha but for real thanks glad you enjoyed the interview :)

Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
Payton: Ayo I had mad fun recordin w/ you Carmen. Yu da real MVP dead ass holding it down n cashin dem checks hard body. I liked dis interview and good luks on holdin ya boi down. We gotta link n chill soon!!

OOC: Great interview :)

Carmen: 100% same was great meting you know it haha thanks Pay we definitely need to chill again soon hmu when you can

ooc: Thank you :)

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Kai: in a couple of hundred years time, I reckon one of the great questions about this period in history will be...how in the fuck did anyone allow that Seacrest pecker on telly; what a cunt. I hate him. Well done to you for putting up with him. You did well and you come across as pretty nice, which is a challenge when you're having to go on a show hosted by that unfortunate ejaculate, Seacrest. Well played.

Ooc: Nice interview :)

Carmen: Hahaha what happened what did Seacrest do? He seemed pretty alright when we met haha but thanks I think?

ooc: Thank you :)
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

Offline BrownSugar  
#7 Posted : 07 June 2015 21:59:31(UTC)
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Andrea: I'm already in love with you, baby girl!!! Such a beautiful voice and personality and not to mention just how pretty you are! Just keep doing what you're doing and enjoy every minute of YOUR career. You'll never be able to please everyone so just keep your head up and just focus on what YOU want to do. Like you said in your comments about me, one minute I was boring then the next I'm a slut, apparently. I just shrug those comments off and I'm sure you will too if they ever head your way. You seem like a very strong woman with a sensible head on your shoulders. Can't wait to hear more from you and to be slaaaayyyyeeedddd x




thanks 1 user thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 07/06/2015(UTC)
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