Title: It's Alright
Written by: Henry Johanson
Produced by: Kiera Sandusky and Henry Johanson
Genre: Folk
Length: 3:30
It's Alright is the third track off of Henry Johanson's freshman EP. It utilizes a somber feeling of false optimism as Henry promises an unknown parter that everything will be alright though Henry's vocal tone and chord progressions say otherwise. He promises that the pearly gates are ahead, meaning that things will get better for the two of them. Rather than telling a complex story like most of Johanson's songs, this utilizes one verse and chorus to soak up three minutes and thirty seconds. He uses a building vocal power and towards the end, we hear him utilize a woeful falsetto which ends the song. This is the only song off of the album that uses an electric guitar rather than an acoustic guitar.
Lyrics:Our thoughts intertwine like a net
Keeping cars away from cliffs
And into the graves we can't dig out
Though I'm determined to find a way out
I want to see how my story ends
I want to scatter my ashes
In the belly of the beast
Of all my problems I've ran from
It's alright, we'll make it through to the end
Just close your eyes, you'll be okay
I promise
I will wait for you to open your eyes
I will wait for you to open your eyes
I will wait for you to open your eyes
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
The pearly gates are ahead
The pearly gates are ahead
Our thoughts intertwine like a net
Keeping cars away from cliffs
And into the graves we can't dig out
Though I'm determined to find a way out
I want to see how my story ends
I want to scatter my ashes
In the belly of the beast
Of all my problems I've ran from
It's alright, we'll make it through to the end
Just close your eyes, you'll be okay
I promise
I will wait for you to open your eyes
I will wait for you to open your eyes
I will wait for you to open your eyes
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
Cause it's alright, I promise the pearly gates are ahead
The pearly gates are ahead
The pearly gates are ahead
Sounds like: