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Offline Captain Insano  
#1 Posted : 09 September 2009 17:12:38(UTC)
Captain Insano
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With rumours that Rick Fisher may be resurrecting his progressive instrumental side project Sisyphean, the Black Gates main man, along with fellow member Jack Barrett have decided to re-issue the four albums released to a global audience. The band never acheived world wide exposure but remained a cult figure in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. For those not in the loop, Sisyphean was the logical conclusion for The Black Gates more eclectic, adventurous musical forays that strayed from their technical path and it allowed Rick Fisher to explore ideas well outside TBG's vision.

The band primarily featured the aforementioned Fisher and Barrett, with fellow TBG band mate Paul Smith on percussion, Waterleile's one time touring bassist/Chapman stick virtuoso Roland Meilland and former Dies Irae keys man Tomi Kosari. They recruited some big names to the venture, with Infernal Tribute's Chuck and Miguel featuring often, along with The Lamb, Harry Lathien and Baph Crowsley of the Theosophical Society, Roger from Froogley and ex SuperHighwayTechnoBuddah member turned hip hop artist Jazzy Beat all lending their considerable musical skills.

Sonically the band employed a huge range of influences and sounds, taking in such stylings from traditional Oriental string arrangements to mix with avant garde black metal, traditional tribal music from Tonga and the Aboriginal people of Australia, through to heavy dub, post metal, jazz fusion, ambient, drone, stoner, insanely technical and proggy metal and more

First re-release is Struggle With Life. It contains a summary of Albert Camus' Myth of Sisyphus, a short description about each song and where they stand within the legend, studio footage and interveiws with the lesser known members of the band.


1.Struggle With Life
2. Gifted With Eternity
3. Absurdity
4. Deeds Undone
5. Ancient Metaphor
6. Finding Meaning Where It Doesn't Exist
7. Understanding Irrationality
8. A Difficult Embrace
9. Personal Victory
10. Freedom

Recorded at Malevolent Creations Studios, Corby, UK

All arrangements by Rick Fisher and Jack Barrett

Studio members- Paul Smith (percussion), Adam Jones (violin), Roland Meilland (Chapman Stick/bass), David Crowley (samples/programming), Tomi Kosari (keys).

Sound wise, it is as far as from metal as you could get. There was almost no traditional metal guitars, only acoustic and though the album had a weighty subject matter attached to it (the legend of Sisyphus and his task of rolling a boulder up hill) it was a brazen and pompous (to some) blend of jazz fusion, folk and dark ambience. This album for the most part is Rick Fisher flexing his muscles in regards to non metal ideas but there are the odd forays into The Black Gates epic acoustic compositions with the dark, searing ambience of 'Absurdity' and the winding, almost orchestral melody of 'Personal Victory' which is essentially the albums more lighter moments. 'I knew I wanted to do something out of the ordinary with Sisyphean but I wasn't sure where it would end up musically so this album was basically testing the waters so I could get a handle on the project. What your hearing is a little raw and rough around the edges but if you listen carefully you can see the direction that I was trying to push towards. On a whole it doesn't care to the other albums well but its special because it was the beginning of something special.

Rick Fisher explains about the album...'I am sure everyone knows of poor old Sisyphus and his task of rolling his boulder up a hill and nearly making the summit only for the boulder to roll back down and him having to start again. Sisyphus was a deceitful and cunning man who tried to trick Zeus upon his death and was condemned to roll that boulder up a hill for all eternity. So that is were Sisyphus comes into it and how the band name came about.

I had read, purely by chance, the works of Albert Camus, who proposed that the legend represented the absurdity of life and man’s constant search for meaning in everything. Really, this ancient story can be taken as a modern metaphor for life where people do the same thing day in day out, going to the same job and same surrounds and coming to a point where it reaches the consciousness and bitter realization sets in. It is then overcome by acceptance of this and the absurdity of life and man can obtain some sort of freedom within. The subject had me hooked and I thought that this had to be put to a musical score. Having said that, I am no philosopher'.

Edited by user 07 July 2010 00:11:30(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Synxhard  
#2 Posted : 10 September 2009 07:54:32(UTC)
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Goddamn Rick, you are the busiest man in the music business. Glad to see the underground legend of Sisyphean being resurrected, cause I've been a hardcore fan of you guys since your first release. Its fun to compare some of your grindcore stuff (can't wait for our collab to be released!) to this, cause they're on practically the opposite sides of the prog spectrum. I think part of the reason so many musicians in metal go insane is because they are only expected to play metal, which after a while you get sick of doing, so its really excited to see you once again breaking that box that says metal bands can only do metal. Can't wait for the new material!

Nile's Fear
Offline Gorloche  
#3 Posted : 17 September 2009 10:37:46(UTC)
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Hopefully, this rerelease is your way of accepting my offer (more like a begging plea) to reform Sisyphean and work on more material. This is some wonderful material that, unfortunately, doesn't reach as wide of an audience as Sudan. I'm glad that this will allow people to get back into it; the albums have long since fallen out of print and a new batch should do well for it. I remember the recording sessions fondly because it was my first time working with Rick in an extended format. I had contributed bits and pieces to some Black Gates albums if I recall correctly, though I may have just been jamming with him, but this was my first time really cowriting with him. And it was amazing. As I've said and will say again, should anything happen to Sudan, I would audition for some position working with Rick in a heartbeat. He's absolutely one of my best friends in the business.

- Harry
Offline Captain Insano  
#4 Posted : 18 September 2009 17:53:22(UTC)
Captain Insano
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"Well, I have this to say...after some rather prolonged nagging and pleading and begging on Harry's behalf...he keeps imploring me everytime I see him, which is a lot these days...that Sisyphean will be reformed and be back in the business of making innovative, progressive, instrumental music. Truth be told I was missing this side of my musical personality. I know that The Black Gates are venturing into different territories these days but Sisyphean goes just that little bit further, looking outside the progressive rock and metal spectrum and incorporating sounds and styles you wouldn't expect. So Harry, you better have your thinking cap on because this new album has to be and is going to be a stunner. The rest of you, stay tuned for more info. The re-releases are still going to go ahead as planned.

Rick Fisher
The Black Gates
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Synxhard  
#5 Posted : 19 September 2009 12:23:31(UTC)
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This just might be the best day of my life. I can't even begin to tell you guys, like I said earlier, how much of an influence you guys are to us. Basically during the writing process for our second record, whenever I wanted to get in the mood of writing and be inspired, I'd pop in one of your old records. Its stunning how great musicians never get exposure, and the real shitty ones are adored by all, so I can't wait to see you guys give the music industry a big kick in the ass.

Nile's Fear

Edited by user 19 September 2009 12:24:06(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Gorloche  
#6 Posted : 19 September 2009 14:41:22(UTC)
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My wife is now screaming at me because I woke up our little boy from his nap with my... enthusiastic celebrating. Thanks so much, man. I'll get on riffs right away.

Oh my God, I am so happy.

- Harry
Offline Captain Insano  
#7 Posted : 21 September 2009 11:52:31(UTC)
Captain Insano
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"I'd just like to say that some preliminary work has begun on the new record, whilst taking a bit of a break from The Black Gates latest double album, with it likely to be called 'Deus Sol Invictus...meaning 'God the Unconquered Sun'...so its going to be about the worship of the Son God back in Roman times, as created by the Emperor Aurelian in the mid 200 AD. Once again, its going to be a wide collection of styles, with little metal references...Sisyphean is always about thinking outside your normal zone and embracing something different.

As always, I like to get involved as many people as I can who are passionate about music...I am looking squarely at Jimmy (Nimrods) and Jackson (Niles Fear)...so if you are interested, just get ahold of myself. You can read about all progress on the new album and the re-releases right here. Fare ye well!

Rick Fisher
The Black Gates/Sisyphean
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline The Nimrods  
#8 Posted : 21 September 2009 11:55:52(UTC)
The Nimrods
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Jimmy:I'd kill to play with you guys, you've got a deal.
The Nimrods (Progressive Death Metal,Progressive Metal,Progressive Rock.Think Opeth/Dream Theater/Tool/Pink Floyd)
Jimmy Him- Lead Guitar,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Davey Matlock- Bass,Guitars,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Kit Saunders- Drums,additional percussion
Jaska Latvala- Rhythm Guitar,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Jack Burton- Keyboards,Keytar

Satyr in the Frost(Melodic Black Metal,think Satyricon/Mayhem/Early Dimmu Borgir/Immortal)
Sigmund-Vocals and Rhythm guitar
Saxon-Lead Guitar
Rincewind wrote:
The Nimrods wrote:
I knew you'd be back! *cries*

now now, *hugs and steals wallet*

xNightsidex wrote:
Oops I stumbled over and hit the "extend ban" button.


Gildermershina wrote:
The Nimrods wrote:
xNightsidex wrote:

What's everyone else do in the real world?

Sell pot and jerk off

JK, or am i?

At the same time?

Rincewind wrote:
Synxhard wrote:
I don't believe in jeans...

well your shit out of luck because they believe in you.....

Offline Synxhard  
#9 Posted : 21 September 2009 12:08:07(UTC)
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Playing with Sisyphean could possibly be the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Definitely count me in!

Nile's Fear
Offline Captain Insano  
#10 Posted : 23 September 2009 17:14:54(UTC)
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"Aside from confirming that Jackson and Jimmy are going to join myself, Jack, Harry (Lathien- Sudan), Tomi (Kosari- The Infidels!), Paul (Smith- TBG) and Roland, I have just been in talks with the guys at Boslepel Records and can safely say that all past and new material for Sisyphean will be released through them. I couldn't think of a better home for the band; the guys there are just utter professionals and it's one of the finest labels going around. So I am looking forward to this phase.

Rick Fisher
The Black Gates/Sisyphean
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Gorloche  
#11 Posted : 23 September 2009 19:28:53(UTC)
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I'd like to officially announce the Sisyphean will become my primary focus for the foreseeable future. This will not be a permanent thing (Sisyphean would lose its magic if it was something that could be relied upon), but it will be my sole focus for the time being. Details in the press release.

- Harry
Offline Lepelbos  
#12 Posted : 23 September 2009 22:03:13(UTC)
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The day you signed i heard there is a new album in the make, so i can send you €100,000 at the end of september. Maybe this can help you. These €100,000 is our standard copyright payment for every new album.
Greetings Jack Lepelbos
Boslepel Records

Offline Captain Insano  
#13 Posted : 23 September 2009 23:57:35(UTC)
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"Harry, you are a true professional...I admire your dedication to the Sisyphean project.

Thanks Jack, we appreciate your help and that comes at the right time as we go fully into the new album. Cheers."

Rick Fisher
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Synxhard  
#14 Posted : 24 September 2009 08:16:35(UTC)
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Can't believe this is happening. I have been dreaming of working with you guys since your first album, and I would probably kill for an offer like the one you guys gave me. I'll get right to work during the few weeks of off time I'll be having. After November I'll be open to devote all my time to Sisyphean. Feel free to call me up with any advice.

Nile's Fear

Edited by user 24 September 2009 08:17:29(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Captain Insano  
#15 Posted : 04 October 2009 17:25:33(UTC)
Captain Insano
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“Enemy of the Grand Design’ is Sisyphean’s second album to be re-released. Where as ‘Struggle With Life’ dealt with the myth of Sisyphus and its relevance to modern life, the second album took a peak at Nihilism and its misconceptions. This time, the metal references where cut even further without it becoming a mainstream entity, with Fisher and his cohorts continuing along an off the beaten track style of progression. Not anywhere near as draining and draining as ‘Struggle…’ was, it still has Fisher’s trademark technical expertise and that of his fellow musicians who he has involved.

‘This is one of my favourites’ comments Fisher, ‘as I had started to find my feet with this and find a direction to follow. One this one we had Harry who penned some amazing songs and other bits and pieces, Jesus from Infernal Tribute showed he definitely is not a one trick pony. You could see everyone involve become better musicians for it. That, I believe, comes from exposing yourself to different musical spectrums and opening your mind to it’

‘During this whole recording process, it was far more relaxed than what I had done with The Black Gates. At that time we had just done ‘The Sorrowful Mystery’ and it was the most stressful year of my life. Here I could just stand back and let the others do their bit. It was sensational’

On this record, you have the brutal and expansive prog of The Great Divide Within, there is jazz fusion on Nemesis, warped and angry post metal on Contradictions and there is the other worldy stoner and trance of Torn Between. Basically you could describe it as a mix of Ulan Bator, Sleep, Isis, Young Gods, Swans just to name a few.


1. Deliverance
2. The Great Divide Within
3. Nemesis
4. Nothing Remains
5. The Price of Life
6. Futility in Truth
7. Torn Between…
8. A World Inside Your Head
9. Divided Worlds
10. Contradicitons

Sisyphean are: Rick Fisher and Jack Barrett

Additional Performers: Tomi Kosari/Rolland Meilland/Paul Smith/Adam Jones/David Crowley

Special Guests: Roger Froogley (Froogely, saxophone)/Jesus (Infernal Tribute/Euphoria- synths, bass, percussion) Harry Lathien (Sudan- Chapman stick, bass) The Lamb (Sudan- synths/guitar

This is the bands first release to come out on Boslepel.
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Captain Insano  
#16 Posted : 07 July 2010 00:00:14(UTC)
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‘Contriver of Light’

It’s been promised for nearly a year to be released, following the break between The Black Gates epic double album ‘Constellations’. Finally something has happened behind the scenes to see Rick Fisher get off his backside and put out this long awaited recording. Originally floated as a comeback album, instead it’s more of an super epic EP. It has just one track which covers 33 minutes but shifts and changes between venomous anger, uneasy silence interspersed with moments of ‘noise’ and constantly changing rhythms and driven percussively by the then uninjured Paul Smith. It’s the most ‘metal’ sounding of all the Sisyphean instrumental interludes released. Fisher has clearly gone back to ‘Lifesblood’ to continue on the interesting ‘Oriental Black Metal’ stylings that were heard throughout.

Avant-garde black metal with some devilish oriental string arrangements kick off this single track as it winds it’s way dealing musically with the cult of the Roman Sun God, ‘Deus Sol Invictus’ as the album was orignally called. Jimmy Him and Jack Barrett form an effective guitar duo, with a harsh, dissonant sound not normally associated with the pair with some breakneck speeds exhibited in places. It reaches almost an intolerable apex, with former Niles Fear guitarist Jackson suddenly turning the track towards a moody, doom like lull with minor key changes and a plodding snare and tom beat from Paul Smith. A sudden explosion of thunderous blast beats and rapid fills leads to silence, before you hear from somewhere deep in the mix female chants. Nearly inaudible as it begins to fight with unidentifiable sounds to be heard, this is the first time the any sort of vocals have infiltrated Sisyphean’s work. And that is all in the first five minutes. It’s also without going into Harry Lathien’s (Sudan) sub guttural, prime evil bass or Fisher’s own twisted stylings of oriental instrument’s such as the ‘chapai’. Listen to it and you’ll either cover your eyes, become psychotic and set up your own shrine of mad laughter or you will dance around the bonfire you’ve setup in your living room and bust out moves like the pagans of ancient times.


A collaboration between Rick, Jack, Paul, Harry, Jackson and Jimmy.

‘This recording morphed many times when it was done and would often change in direction each visit that probaly infuriated the guys but myself and Harry become possessed maniacs with this’ explains Rick Fisher. ‘Sorry it’s taken so long but at least now it’s a weight of our chests. It’s completely different to anything that Sisyphean has undertaken and whilst all four previous records were extremely strong, I feel this one stands out. Again, it’s not easy listening; you don’t mosh to this sort of music. Yet that’s what Sisyphean has been all about, challenging your listening capabilities and your ability to understand different pathways in music.’

The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
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