Hey guys! Thanks so much for plugging and such for the 5th FCA's! Wow, time really flies!! I am so excited to get this show on the road but there's just one more very important thing we must do before the actual show where we all come together! Today will be the posting of the most important part of the finalization show. Choosing the award winners.
The FCA's winners are conceived through public vote and to ensure fair voting please follow directions when it comes to voting.
On the other hand, I know some of you do not particular enjoy voting but for this, please just take some time out to lend your hand into choosing these winners. We all work hard at what we do and award shows is a nice way for our hard work to truly be appreciated and a fun event for the forum as a whole. Please do not be lazy and just vote for this, yeah?
Last year we had a large number of voters and mostly all active users voted and I would really like to see that happen again for the fifth installment. Unfortunately if no one votes, the show literally doesn't happen because 'you' are the fans. Even if you didn't plug, and still are active around here I still encourage you to vote, I would truly appreciate it!
Now to the business,
You are allowed to
vote for your own acts in only TWO categories. This is not required but you are allowed to do so. Please choose wisely out of those two. There are a lot of awards.
When voting, you will not be asked to provide your identity to ensure your privacy as a 'fan' but keep in mind that after you have voted
please send me a PM stating that you have voted AND list the two categories in which you have voted for your own characters in so I know you are being truthful and not cheating and to just to be extra sure about no multi-voters. This is very important, YOU MUST PM me right after you are done with all three ballots.
If the amount of PM's do not amount to the number of voters all votes will be voided and that ruins the show entirely and postpones things as we will all have to vote again[/b] this has never happened and I intend on it not happening this year so please just be truthful to yourself and your fellow forum members. Just pm right after you have voted so you do not forget, we all hate to do detective work.
When it comes to strategic voting, you guys already know how that goes. It simply won't be tolerated. Please be truthful and fair when you vote.
Forum friends, buddies, family members or even the fact that Josh and I (even though he didn't plug) are doing the show are not to play a part when voting or should you feel pressured to vote for friends, family or show runners for that reason. Vote fairly once again based on the category. Put thought into these votes.
Who do you feel deserves it the most? You may even have your personal preference play a part in your vote and that is totally fine but do not let that weigh your entire vote. Our most coveted award 'The Fan Favorite Award' is an award people usually ask about. Think of the artist you not only enjoy but you feel has the most 'fandom'. This could be the way they RP fans on the forum as well as who you feel has the most display of being a fan favorite and who you see as being the fan favorite here. Artist to watch is the newest acts you feel is destined to have future with success and the newcomer showing the most potential. Any other questions on awards? Pm me!
Thanks so much for reading this and Josh I look forward to having the show! :)
OOC: Rules*** When voting make sure you vote for ONE nominee per award category.
*** You may vote for your own character in just
two categories and TWO only.
*** Make you sure you PM me when you have completed your vote to ensure no multivoters or cheaters.
*** Please complete all three ballots!
*** Vote fair. Tactical votes
ARE NOT tolerated. I will find out. So please do not even try.
*** Before you vote, look over the plugs or the forum webpages of the nominees to assure fair voting and deserved winners. Once again, please put thought into those votes
*** Lets have fun!
Any questions, PM me or erichhess
The show is slated to happen on Sun. August 2nd. If your act is performing or doing a segment and haven't started, now is definitely the time to get the ball rolling :P
Voting closes WEDNESDAY the 29th!HERE IT GOES! VOTE NOW! Fan Choice Awards Ballot #1
Fan Choice Awards Ballot #2
Fan Choice Awards Ballot #3