"Oh, I didn't see you there." Dae Ho Park says, looking up slowly.
"Um.. yes you did, you told me to start the camera--"
Misu pouts behind the camera. "YOU WEREN'T MAKING ANY SENSE!"
Dae shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Just please be quiet. Point the camera like you're supposed to."
"Fine." Misu says, turning the camera to face herself and smiling before looking confused. "How do I take a selfie on this thing?!"
Dae gets up and snatches the camera away from her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BEHIND THE CAMERA!"
"But I'm the cute one, I'm never behind the camera!" Misu says, pouting again.
He shoos her away. "Go, just go. I got this."
Misu shrugs and skips off. This brings relief to Dae. He takes a big breath and point the camera toward himself, smiling once again.
"I'm Dae Ho Park and that was.. nobody. Nobody important. She's just a figment of our imaginations...--"
"HEY! FIGS ARE DISGUSTING!" Misu screams from the next room.
"STOP BEING NOSY!" Dae screams back.
"HOW CAN I STOP BEING NOSY STUPID? I HAVE TO BREATHE." Misu says very matter-of-factly
He facepalms. "IT'S A FIGURE OF SPEECH!"
"FIGS ARE STILL DISGUSTING!!!" She yells back.
Dae takes another deep breath and decides to just ignore her, his face red and already exhausted. "That's my twin sister," He says to the camera. "19 years of this, you guys just don't understand."
He shakes his head before prepping up and pointing to himself. "I'm 19 by the way. Born and raised in Korea. Seoul of course. I'm an actor, a model and just recently I'm finally debuting as a singer. You may know me from ALISTAIR, or Consequences or Instagram. ORRR..." He reaches below him and grabs 2 different CDs to show the camera.

"You may even know me from my debut single, 9, WHICH IS AVAILABLE ON ITUNES NOW. That's 9 as in the number." He brings the other CD closer to the camera. "Or even for my DEBUT ALBUM with Drew Westbrook that may or may not be out by now, entitled Quarter Notes N Shit. That's Quarter as in the coin, that's Notes as in what you take at school, that's N as in the letter and that's Shit as in..."
He thinks to himself. "Does anybody really know what shit means? Is defining shit as impossible as defining life? Is that why life can be so shitty....or is life really just shit with different levels of stank..!" Dae widens his eyes. "Oh my god, it all makes so much sense now!" He throws his CDs down in awe and drops his head in his hands. After approaching this revelation, Dae immediately evaluates his life. "I think a lot, I think way too much and I always end up stumbling upon a truth that neither I nor humanity can handle."
"I really try not to, I try to take on different hobbies like dancing, singing, playing basketball...girls." He shakes his head. "None of it works. None of it stops me from digging too deep into the truth about human nature." Dae looks up at the camera. "You know, I am a good person, I'm a great person." Trying to convince himself, he goes on. "I care about people and I'm smart and I'm unique...but I'm just so damn aloof, and stubborn and god forbid anybody tells me to do something, I can't follow rules to save my life.My sister is just like me, she just has an even harder time keeping a cap on all of it. I'm her twin brother so I try to look out for her but she's growing up so fast and is exposed to all sorts of different things and people now.."
He looks down. "I'm happy for her success but I worry about her, there are snakes out here. I hope I don't run into any of them in this house. I wanted to join Celebrity Big Brother so someone can prove me wrong that everyone in this business is not what they say. And then I just want to learn how to be more of an extrovert and keep my mind off of the negative side of life. Gain a friend or two, learn one of life's many lessons and who knows, maybe even find the love of my life. I've been so busy making a name for myself and building a new life for me, I want to meet somebody who'll make me fell like it was all worth it. Someone who knows where I'm coming from and gets me. And! Aaand can handle my random breakthroughs." Dae laughs, still thinking to himself.
"I'm going to miss being by myself most of the time. I'm at my peak when I'm by myself and I really like being alone. Plus Instagram. I heard we can't use the internet here. That's just messed up, I feel like I'm being put in solitary confinement, the internet is one of my few friends." Chuckling, he continues. "Being around all these people for more than a couple of hours at a party is going to be a real change for me but I think I can muscle. I don't exactly how, but I am a survivor. Independent, innovative and...unpredictable."