OOC: This didn't came out nearly as well as I wanted to, but I reckon it's not too bad for a first post, eh? I wanted to post sooner rather than later, so here it goes. We'll see how it goes from here. Feel free to interact / comment / berate / point out the irony (if you can find it. It's mad obvious, lol) / whatever. :)
WHATDYST0P1A is a crowdfunded and crowdsourced concept album by the Komplex Music Project.
It is the near-future.
Mankind lives in a world where they have all their needs provided for. By one corporation, Twooglebook - TGB for short. They are everywhere. From the car one drives to work - at Twooglebook - to the food in their fridges, nothing have escaped their growing greed.
People live monotonous, controlled lives, driving to work everyday at their local TGB branch, spend their days typing away at machines, drive back to their Twooglebrook-built capsule homes, and spend the rest of their times glued to their screens, talking to friends, trying to seduce each other, etc.
Most people have been fooled. They've been told they're happy for so long that they actually believe it. They actually believe that Twooglebook is all there is to life.
But our heroes and heroines know that that's not true. They see the true face of the world, and they want out. They want to help other people get out. Enter Q and Z. These two shadowy, mysterious personalities will guide our heroes - you, the fans - through a journey of self-discovery, adventure and, perhaps most importantly, clarity.
This album is their work. This album is their story. This album is their map.
Momoko and Hanako, the ears, voices and faces of Komplex
The Komplex Music Project is the artistic name for a Japanese female electropop / dance / trap / experimental music duo officially formed by Momoko Hayashi and Hanako Mizushima in Osaka, Japan on 2015.
The project was funded entirely by contributions made by their individual followers through a crowdfunding site on which a teaser entirely funded, produced, recorded and filmed by the duo was posted on early 2014.
Although new to the limelight, both Momoko and Hanako are fairly established DJs on the asian nightclub scene, on which they have gathered a modest, but extremely loyal fanbase.
WHYDYST0P1A is meant both for entertainment and a critique to the current state of human relationships. We live in a highly interconnected world, and that is not only unavoidable, but also desired. Technology has the power to change the way we live our lives for the best, but at the same time, it has the potential to destroy everything that makes us human.
For instance: at the same time that things like facebook, instagram and twitter have made it easier for people to communicate, to exercise their right of free speech and to generally make themselves heard, they have also created serious concerns for privacy.
Not just that, human contact keeps dwindling every day. People start and finish relationships across screens. Others live their whole lives for the sole purpose of posting them on the internet and showing the rest that they are "happier".
No more.
DYST0P1A is, in fact, more than an album. It's more than music. DYST0P1A is an experience. One meant to forever change the lives of those who partake.
And Komplex will stop at nothing less.
WHENDYST0P1A will be unveiled for the first time on a closed-doors party in a secret location in Japan, on August 16 2015, with invitations sent only to those who contributed wiht funds and/or ideas.
WHEREAlthough the live performance will be restricted to contributors, the press and others will be able to watch it streamed live on Youtube. The link will be made available at a later date.
NEWS16.JUL.2015 WATCH THE NEW TEASER ON YOUTUBEEdited by user 17 July 2015 07:30:48(UTC)
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