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#1 Posted : 18 August 2015 22:18:48(UTC)
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And she is here! It's bright and early but we've got a very special guest with us here today. It's our favorite rapper, Miami!
Awwww Hi Ryan, I love that introduction. Thank you, hehe.

Yes yes, I'm quite the guy for introductions. How are you doing ?
I'm doing great, can't complain. Just working and doing what I love. That's basically me all year round, I can be such a workaholic sometimes but I've taken a few days to rest up and now I'm here with you. I'm excited.

Now you've got a lot going on for yourself. Let me just say congrats, you currently have two top 10 records on the charts which you're featured on. One being Naomi's smash hit "Lips" and the other being Jordan's "They Don't Know"!
Oh thank you! I really have to thank both Jordan and Naomi for considering me to be on their singles. Both singles were great even without a rap verse so for them to call me up to work with them and contribute was really nice. I'm happy both singles are doing really good too. It's always nice to hear.

How was it working with Naomi and Jordan?
Both are really nice people. I didn't really know them very well prior to the songs being recorded but I think I've made some new buddies! Naomi is such a firecracker and a little diva, she's got attitude and sass and I like that about her. Me and her clicked right away. Jordan was also a really sweet guy, he's more shy and to himself but he showed so much personality on They Don't Know, I was actually so surprised! I'm happy I've gotten to work with both of them.

You also recently toured with the legendary GIRLSPICE, how was it touring with such an iconic band?
It was a lot of fun! I respect them so much for what they have contributed to pop culture and pop music as a whole. They had massive crowds and die hard fans that were really great to perform for. They really know how to turn up. Every night I had packed crowds rapping along to my songs and I'm just like "whoa, isn't this something!". I enjoyed it a lot, thank you girls for having me!


Many of the fans want to know whether or not you'll be heading out on tour for your second headlining tour? Your Hotel Miami tour was a massive success so it's a given.
I want to get the new music out before I head out on tour again so we really haven't began to plan for a tour just yet. I know I want to head of on the road again sometime next year. Touring is one of my utmost favorite things to do so I can't wait. This time I'll be sure to reach more places that I didn't get a chance to the last time around, and I can guarantee you that the show will be bigger and better, I think that's one of the most exciting things. Showing your fans your progress and that you want to offer them a better show each and every time you go out there. So yeah, next year definitely.

Speaking of Hotel Miami, it's been over year the actual album was released. It was acclaimed both critically and commercially, have you changed or grown in any way since the release of the album?
Oh yeah, absolutely. I can't really say that I completely "changed" since I'm still the same Miami, but I think as human beings we learn things each and every day so over the past year I feel that I have grown as a person and as a musician. I'm no longer afraid to try new things and worry about whether or not people will like it. I do as my heart feels and I've grown to learn to be fearless and just do what I want no matter the consequences. Life is too short to spend it afraid of doing what you want because of what the next person might think. I've learned to just go for it, no matter what it may be.

Prior to the actual album being released, when you first debuted in the industry it is a known fact that you weren't exactly "accepted" so easily as opposed to many other artists and "pop" acts so to say, do you agree ?
Well...It really all depends. Because not all artists are exactly accepted off first impression. I can't sit here and say well "all pop acts had it easier than me" because that's a lie. We're all apart of pop culture and sometimes it takes longer for people to warm up to certain artists. I knew what I was getting into when I debuted, so when my first record flopped totally ..I took it in stride and kept going, pushed my pen and made people accept me for who I am and what I bring to the table.

Do you think it had anything to do with you being a "white" rapper... causing people to not take you as seriously in the beginning?
I don't think it was so much a race thing as opposed to it being something people weren't used to seeing. People were like, "who is this girl? Blonde hair, female rapper...no need to pay attention to her...she's nothing!" and I felt the underestimation. I think that happens all the time with things people aren't used to seeing. People refute it on first impulse just because it's not what they're used to. So no, I don't think it was exactly a race thing, it could've been anything out of the norm and people would have had something to say.


What do you feel really was the landmark in your career that made people finally say "FINE. Here's this beautiful and very talented underrated musician who I should be giving a chance to... instead of hating on, so to say. In other words when did you start noticing that people were finally giving you open arms?
I think it was around the time that my third single F*ckin Barbie was released. That record really opened doors for me and right around that time Lotus, Isaac Lovelock, and Liyah really revived rap music, cause you know prior to that it was really quiet for the genre. So when I released that single I think that was the moment that people realized that I was legit and in this for the right reasons, that track really is a fan favorite. It was great timing mixed with my constant hard work to make it and people really warmed up to me after that. It was great to know we finally had a song that people really loved and that's when it really all started.

Now look at you, a bonafide star. When did you first realize that music was for you? You had tough upbringing correct?
All the way from a little little girl, probably during my middle school days.
Growing up I was the most socially awkward little girl you could ever meet. I never even spoke! I was so closed in and really only it my feelings out in writing. I used to have a little diary and I would always write entries about what I was going through, happy or sad. After that I started writing poems and when I was 12 I had this phase when I just listened to rap music and those poems started turning into little raps. But socially I was in such a shell. People would always say I was the silent girl. Little did they know I had a tough upbringing, I never had parents to really raise me since they passed away when I was three. I was put in foster care and that was just another story in its own so I had very little social skills. Writing music and raps was a way for me to really escape the hardships I was going through and when I got to high school and really broke out of my shell, I realized I wanted to be a musician.

Interesting, really. Now your hear years still early in your career but an accomplished resume nonetheless, did you ever imagine you'd be here ?
I always stayed optimistic of course because I never really felt accomplished growing up. I was often called a failure so I just imagined myself doing the things I'm doing now and I told myself I wouldn't stop until I got there. It was wishful thinking but with hard work it payed off and I'm really happy.

There's quite a few rap beefs currently going on. What's your take on the whole rap rivalries?
Uh, I'm not really a fan of it. I don't think it's necessary to waste studio time on trying to diss the next person because they said something about you or to try to enter your way into the industry by dissing others. If you've got a legitimate reason to hash it out then go for it but if you're just doing it just to work people up, or attention seek...my take is that you need to focus on releasing good music because no one will take you seriously if you're known as the salty rapper.

So that brings me to the next question, what your take on the current state of Hip hop and rap?
I think it's doing well! Like I said before, there's a few people bringing hip hop and in my opinion it's repute down by pointless beefs when they can just be delivering good music instead. But then there's people who I'm loving like Deneil, and Liyah and of course Drew Westbrook when he's focused on delivering good music. But yeah, I think the current state is very much so alive.

Now I want to talk about the FCAs for a bit. You performed your awesome new single there which we WILL be premiering for the very first time on radio in just a tad bit, I must add that's it's a great record, we totally loved it from the moment we heard it. Now, how was it actually performing there?
Aww thank you! Performing at the FCAs was so much fun. I think it's a great show and they've come a long way and continue to get better every year, it was an honor to be there and to perform the new single for the first time there.

Some called it an outrage that you weren't nominated in any major categories. Carolina and I included. Did that bother you at all?
No, around the time that you were eligible to be nominated I didn't release anything so it wasn't a shocker. I never really get up in my feelings about award shows and nominations. I know that I have people out there who love what I do and I don't need an award to solidify the fact. Sure it's great to win and be nominated but it's not anything to be bothered about.

Elsewhere on the card, there were many surprises with a lot of the fans saying the surprise performance by uhhh.. I don't know, you might know him...Ryan Ross Hernandez was the biggest surprise of em all. Do you agree?
Yes! It was a nice surprise. Glad I got to see him there.

Just gonna go out on a limb here Miami, are you guys dating?!
*Laughs* Ryan, how did I know you were getting at that! Think you're clever huh? Now the whole dating thing... I'm so damn busy with my career and stuff I can't even rap my head around being in a serious relationship.


Let me just add that on your verse on Naomi's "Lips" you rap *clears throat* "6'3...brown eyes...light skin...cute face// nice hair..muscular..long thang...nice taste!!" Now some people around the block insist that you're talking about Ryan since well he is 6'3. All the other traits you uh..rap are totally opinionated but can confirm for us?
Oh come on! Gimme a break guys! *laughs* that's me being me and rapping a verse and having some fun with it! Haha.

Cool, well if you actually are dating we here at On Air wish you the very best.
*Rolls eyes laughing* Thank you Ryan!

Now that we've got that "some what" cleared, moving onto some great new music now! You've got a new single called "Pressure" on the horizon and like we said before, we absolutely love it. Can you tell us about the record? You rap about having a lot of pressure being an artist of course, what type of pressure are you actually speaking of?
Yes Pressure is my newest single and like you said I rap about pressure. The pressure of being in this industry and questioning whether or not you are good enough. If anyone tells you that they don't feel the pressure coming off of a previous success they are lying. I just rap about it in the new single. I think "pressure" gives people an outlook on how I feel now that I've reached a high moment in my career looking forward, and looking back at the past too. During the song I also reminisce through lyrics about my life prior to being a rapper and how I was ashamed about what people would say about it too. And in the end, through all he pressure you keep pushing forward and the pressure just fuels you to just deliver and that's what the singles really all about.

What do you think your fanbase can take away or absorb from the new single?
I think it's honest and empowering too. I think they can take away a truthful record that can fuel them to be stronger and feel more confident and do it while listening to my story. It's also like half ballad half banger too, it's starts off slow and gets bigger as it goes. It's fiery but vulnerable and you can also get turnt to it. It really just fulfills all fronts.


Is "Pressure" coming from a new album? Or the EP you were confirmed to be working on?
Well it started out as an EP but I've been getting carried away in the studio and I believe its the first single from the new ALBUM instead of an EP! The music I'm working is sonically ready to be on an album and not a mini one. I have a lot of great songs that is really worthy of album. I'm sti recording but it's coming out really really good.

How has the recording process of that been so far?
It's been super super swell! I've entered the studio with some really good producers experimenting and creating the initial sound of the album. I think this time around the sound will be bigger, the album will be more confident and striking. It's going to have that cutting edge that was missing in Hotel Miami with the return of my honest rap lyrics and all that good stuff, it's going to be great.

Now before we go ahead and premiere the new single, what can we expect in the coming months from you, Miami?
Some more new music! I've got some huge features coming up that I cannot wait for and I'll be premiering new music from the album later on. I can also confirm that I just recently wrapped up plans for my first ever fragrance! So ladies and gents, get ready to smell good this fall.

Such a pleasure to speak with you Miami! You want to go ahead and do the honors of premiering your brand new single right here On Air With Ryan Seacrest ?
Sure! Right now you are about to listen to my brand new single Pressure right here On Air With Ryan Seacrest baby!



Title: Pressure
Length: 3:45
Genre: Hip Hop, Trap, Pop
Songwriers: Amelle Sebert (Miami)
Producers: The Invisible Men

World Premiere Date: August 17th, 2015
Digital Release Date: August 23rd, 2015
Airplay Release Date: August 23rd, 2015
Streaming: August 17th, 2015
Record Label: Freedom
Music Video: TBA

"Pressure" is an official single by rapper Amelle Sebert better known by her stage name, Miami. The single is taken from the musician's upcoming sophomore album that is yet to be titled. The record will be released to digital retailers and to Airplay on August 23rd, 2015 through Miami's current label, Songs To Live and Die By. "Pressure" was created in May of 2015 after Miami created a record that reveals her feelings of pressure and in-assurance of herself as she continues to be a force to be reckon with in the industry, although she explains that the pressure only fuels her to be better. During her interview with Ryan Seacrest, she explained that there is loads of pressure each time you are going ahead after anything successful and the talented lyricist gets her story across in the new song. The record was produced by The Invisible Men and also has Miami look back at her past, prior to becoming famous where she dealt with pressure, fake loved ones and her biggest secret, her love for rapping. The record was recorded with her producers and finalized in May of 2015. The record was premiered for the very first time during a critically acclaimed performance at the Fan Choice Awards V.

Click Here For FCA Performance

Production wise, "Pressure" gives listeners the best of both worlds. It's sonically a Hip Hop record with elements of pop and trap. The record opens with a keyboard section and strings, that sets the song's initial melancholic mood and beginning almost sounding and starting off like a rap ballad. Miami begins rapping about where she is in life currently and her past over a slow beat that soon picks up. The piano intro gives you a feeling of truth as the beginning lines are rapped but by the time get to the pre-hook we are brought to a big, sweeping hip hop chorus that digs deep. The music picks up with a trap-infused backing beat as she calls on perseverance and overcome. Quick, persistent percussion, zippy vocal snippets and synths along with rumbling shots of bass breathe life into the song, that's grasps the listener due to its massive chorus. Miami raps about pressure and how it fuels her to be better at what she is doing. Miami's rapping over the verses are given with strong delivery as she uses her appealing slight husk in her voice, that although hasn't always complemented her music in the past, it completely does so here over the contagious chorus that could make just about anyone feel bad ass.

So much pressure
Don’t know if I should keep this a secret
But this moment I’ll definitely keep it
In this moment I'll definitely keep it

Feelin' like a QB, wit a bad O-Line
Wonder how my town would be, with no Mi
Being hustled, like drugs in the trap
So much problems and that’s why I rap
People act like they’re my friend when they're not
Then go off saying that they keep it real
I feel right above the country, T dot
Feel like I’m bald cuz I wonder what’s the deal
The last thing I need right now is some hatin
Just do you I don’t mean masturbatin'
Last thing I wanna do is sell my soul to satan
I’m already going through my mental mayhem
I remember writing raps up in the lunchroom
Cuz sooner or later I knew I'd be high up like the moon
And soon my social life wouldn't have much room
I hoped my older friends didn't find out, imagine such doom

I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now
I hope I’m giving you some pleasure right now
Life is a nice lady don't mess with her right now

I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now
I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now (right now)

Now I'm so damn high, all I do is work
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled this girl
Running the game like Mike, I'm MVP of the mic
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled the vice
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)

I remember being asked what will be my career
I never would say anything really sincere
Didnt wanna tell em there’s a star in here
So I would say I wanna be an office worker
Feeling like everyone I meet is a future onlooker
I would hold a notebook and say it’s for school
They look inside of it and see it’s full of raps
I tell them that its poems, I know it’s uncool
But they know I wanna be a rapper who am I to fool?
Now I got everyone asking for a freestyle
Then I feel like I’m in the movie 8 mile
Come up with raps off the head, ya'll just brag
And poor guys bragging bout money makes me gag
Definition of a dreamer is me
Look in my eyes and you’ll see

I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now
I hope I’m giving you some pleasure right now
Life is a nice lady don't mess with her right now

I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now
I’m under so much pressure right now
Cuz right now I don't even measure right now (right now)

Now I'm so damn high, all I do is work
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled this girl
Running the game like Mike, I'm MVP of the mic
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled the vice
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)

Ever been through a struggle?
Never easy but pick your head up after every stumble
Let the haters see you, smile and burst that hatah bubble
Cause there's always gonna be someone out there to love you
One day you'll reminiscence bout all the dark days you muscled
Now your stronger and your accustomed

Now I'm so damn high, all I do is work
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled this girl
Running the game like Mike, I'm MVP of the mic
All that pre-pre-pressure really fueled the vice
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)
(All that pressure)

Edited by user 19 August 2015 13:36:28(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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BrownSugar on 18/08/2015(UTC), erich hess on 18/08/2015(UTC), Atonic Records on 19/08/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 19/08/2015(UTC), genocidal king on 19/08/2015(UTC), PANIC! on 19/08/2015(UTC), freestylechamp on 19/08/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 22/08/2015(UTC), mebeme101 on 24/08/2015(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 21/09/2015(UTC)
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#2 Posted : 22 August 2015 11:03:38(UTC)
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Anaísz: Oh my god, I was completely given life when you performed this at the FCA's but the HQ version is 10000x better. I've been loving how you've been on your grind girl, putting in extra work and jumping on different tracks. I really admire your story and what you've managed to achieve so far. And "I'm so damn busy with my career and stuff I can't even rap my head around being in a serious relationship." I hear that!!

OOC: Awesome job on the realistic interview. I could totally picture Iggy actually answering these questions and great work on the song rp as well. I guess you must really love that track the most from her :P
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Famouss7x7 on 22/08/2015(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 23 August 2015 06:04:38(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Anaísz: Oh my god, I was completely given life when you performed this at the FCA's but the HQ version is 10000x better. I've been loving how you've been on your grind girl, putting in extra work and jumping on different tracks. I really admire your story and what you've managed to achieve so far. And "I'm so damn busy with my career and stuff I can't even rap my head around being in a serious relationship." I hear that!!

OOC: Awesome job on the realistic interview. I could totally picture Iggy actually answering these questions and great work on the song rp as well. I guess you must really love that track the most from her :P

Miami: Thank you mama! Waiting for your arrival, I know you will definitely be a force to be reckon with. Glad you like the record and agree with my view on relationships right now. Gotta stay on the grind!!

OOC: Thanks Tequila :) And haha, I actually like a few more songs by her surprisingly now!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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RoseJapanFan on 23/08/2015(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#4 Posted : 24 August 2015 00:27:10(UTC)
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Naomi: Woo first I just wanna say that you killed it at the FCAs and it's about time we get the studio version and I have to say you definitely killed it with this track too and I love how you stay so real in interviews like no difference from here and knowing you personally and again it's great to finally hear that new track and I actually can't wait for this album because if this is anything to go by then this world ain't ready for the slayage you're about to bring great job on this track Miami and again loved how real you were during the interview and can't wait for more new music

ooc: Really great job on all of this Jaime everything came together great the interview was amazing the the lyrics were nothing short of amazing :)
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Offline Famouss7x7  
#5 Posted : 24 August 2015 05:17:06(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Naomi: Woo first I just wanna say that you killed it at the FCAs and it's about time we get the studio version and I have to say you definitely killed it with this track too and I love how you stay so real in interviews like no difference from here and knowing you personally and again it's great to finally hear that new track and I actually can't wait for this album because if this is anything to go by then this world ain't ready for the slayage you're about to bring great job on this track Miami and again loved how real you were during the interview and can't wait for more new music

ooc: Really great job on all of this Jaime everything came together great the interview was amazing the the lyrics were nothing short of amazing :)

Miami: Awww, too sweet Naomi. Actually very glad I've got to meet you! You know I have to stay real and stay true to myself no matter where I am so I'm glad you see that. Yes the album is coming along amazingly and I'm happy you liked the performance and now the studio version. Hopefully Lips won't be the last time we work together ;)

OOC: Thank you!!

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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mebeme101 on 24/08/2015(UTC)
Offline Welat65  
#6 Posted : 24 August 2015 07:36:51(UTC)
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CosmaMendoza: You've been snatching wigs with all of your collaborations lately, and now after your flawless FCA performance we got this masterpiece, which definitely will go number one. The world is not ready for the album !!!!! I can't wait though. Your sweet personality makes everything even better, I really enjoyed this interview. God bless you, Queen.
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Famouss7x7 on 24/08/2015(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 24 August 2015 23:04:27(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Welat65 Go to Quoted Post
CosmaMendoza: You've been snatching wigs with all of your collaborations lately, and now after your flawless FCA performance we got this masterpiece, which definitely will go number one. The world is not ready for the album !!!!! I can't wait though. Your sweet personality makes everything even better, I really enjoyed this interview. God bless you, Queen.

Miami: Thank you, you are just too sweet :) I try to stay true to myself and always stay humble. I don't take this success for granted! Glad you enjoy this all, there's a lot more to come :P

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#8 Posted : 15 September 2015 11:47:59(UTC)
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Rum: Yaaas mami! FUCK IT UUUUUUP! You've always been one of my favorite white persons and this is whyyyy! (To be exact, you're like the 10th) What are you doing releasing certified hits like this?! Were you planning on dominating the charts? Snatching up careers? Forcing me to cling onto my oxygen tank?! God I love our music so much, how long are you going to make us wait for album #2?

Edited by user 15 September 2015 17:18:57(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Famouss7x7 on 21/09/2015(UTC)
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