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#1 Posted : 20 December 2015 09:33:11(UTC)
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As the audience screams for Ezra's name, she walks out and waves at the audience. She walks towards her seat, where she sits down and listens to the screams, which got louder when they saw her. She's wearing a simple outfit, which shows a little bit of her bodyshape but not too much.

Stop screaming guys! *laughs* Thank you so much for coming to the show and thanks to everybody at home tuning in to another episode with me! *points at herself* We have amazing guests today and I can't wait for everybody too see them! But, before that can happen ; We have 2 things to do! Hot Topics and Music News! So? Let's start right now!

This is my second favorite part of the show! So much drama is going on and I low-key love it! *giggles* Y'all now that I love almost everybody BUT let's be real! Everyone loves a little bit of drama, if you're not part of it! With that said, let's start with Hot Topic #1! As every week, this one involves one of the boys from Weekend a.k.a Riley! C.M.B.D Member Chaelin and the cute lil sweety Aaron. Basically, this happened: Aaron and Chaelin have met in Japan and according to Culture Uncut, more than meeting happened. If you know what I mean.. *Winks with her right eye* After that, it has been reported that Riley unfollowed Aaron. Aaron and Chaelin denied these rumors though and according to a few sources, Chaelin and Riley are still pretty much in contact. She also talked about a 'mysterious' muscle man and how many muscle men does she know? Right. There are still a few things unsaid and we will try to keep all of you as updated as possible, since we are as interested as you guys are! *Points towards the camera* Now, we have more love news. Hot Topic #2 involves Dominic Brown and Amy-Jayne. It has been reported via sources that Dominic is dating Amy-Jayne for quite a while now! And, It's serious! Dominic introduced Amy-Jayne to his whole family, and if that's not a 'I'm gonna keep her'-move, then what is? A particular source seems to have more details and said ; "Dominic was also seeing Amy-Jayne in private at the time that he was hooking up with Tisha. He was falling hard for her fast which was one of the reasons why he tried not to involve his feelings with Tisha this time around. Tisha wanted them to pick back up where they left off but Dominic knew better. He was still bitter about her dogging him out in the press, and he wasn't feeling the way she was going back and forth between him and Drew. Dominic was with an occasional hook up with her but he didn't want anything long term with her since he was still heartbroken over his relationship ending with Tanya. He was more into just wanting to have a good time with her, and wanting to piss off Drew. Dominic thought it was funny when he found out how mad Drew was about him and Tisha hooking up again. He always felt like he could steal Tisha back no matter who she was with because he knew he had that kind of effect on her. He considered it a game messing around with her and enjoyed it more than he should have. Eventually he decided he needed to end things with Tisha and fortunately Tisha was feeling the same way about the situation. They were able to come to a mutual understanding to stop messing around and he was happy that she didn't make a big fuss about it. He left her alone out of respect to Amy-Jayne and what they have together" Now, on the other side we have Tisha who said that this 'source' is wrong. She appearantly never cheated on Drew. She also said that the only thing she did with Dominic was perform on stage. Thinking about what Tisha said, I don't really know how much truth is behind this source. But who knows? Maybe, Tisha is lying too? *shrugs*


With christmas coming closer, we have alot of new music releases! First we have the number one smash hit "Halycon" with, I think, the hottest producer ever 'Khalil Ferreira' and Stat Nerd's Brian! While it's true that it's not really new since it's been almost 3 weeks ago, I'm still bopping to it and I feel like I should name it here. Next we have Medina's "Santa Come and Set Me Free" which is probably the darkest christmas song I know. Really, if you are trying to get into christmas mood, don't even try to listen to it! This bitch got my mood down real quick. But, it's a freakin' good song so that's that. We also have BANKS releasing his debut single via FREEDOM. It's called "Blowing Glass" and has this different kind of pop/alternative sound which got really famous in the last couple of years. We also two goddesses releasing their suprise collaboration album and It's so lit. I can't even explain it! I think everybody knows by now that I'm a huge fan of these ladies and this got me so happy. The album is called "Black Goddess" and it is by Tisha and Aubrey. When I found out that they released this album, I got into christmas spirit so fast! You guys really don't even know how I screamed! Alec Cole, who's a guest on todays show, also released his debut album and it's so good! The album has this, as I said, different kind of pop/alternative sound which gained fame really fast. And, the last one of today, we have C.M.B.D's Song "Forbidden Four" which was released literally right now. I haven't heard it yet, duo to me preparing for todays show but It's climbing iTunes really fast, so I guess It's good! The ladies are coming for that #1 spot on iTunes!

Let's continue with the best part of the show! The 'Interview' Part! And this time we have Alec Cole and DREAM. Give them a warm welcome when they enter the studio right about now! *Points towards the entrance*


Welcome to the show! It's amazing to have you guys here. So? Tell me, how was the road to the Real Talk Studio?

Alec: Thanks, it's amazing to be here! The trip here however was a bit hectic, the traffic was insane and we actually nearly got into an accident, but all is good and we're here now, in one piece.

*both Alec and DREAM laugh*

*Laughs with DREAM and Alec* It's always quite a adventure. *Shakes her head silly* I wanna start right off with you DREAM. Dream isn't your real name, is it? I know your real name but for the audience, tell us your real name and why you have choosen to call yourself 'DREAM'.

*The nod their heads in agreement as Ezra brings up it being an adventure*

DREAM: Well, my name is Danielle Minami, yes in relation to Winnie Minami or WINNIE. Anyway I landed on the name "DREAM" after I went separate ways with my previous label, the reason I was signed to that label in the first place was because of my mother who would constantly push me into being a singer rather than an artist, she tried to make me something that I wasn't, in a way she was sort of taking over my dream, so I decided after telling her to back off, and again parting ways with my former label I wanted to go by DREAM, because this is my dream and I'm not going to let anybody take control of that again or force me to sing certain songs or act a certain way. *after finishing the story behind her stage name she smiles*

*Smiles as DREAM Finishes her 'story'* This is actually really cool. I really love the fact that you didn't let anybody control you. The name 'DREAM' really suits you. *She smiles again and looks now to Alec* So? How are you involved with DREAM's Music?

DREAM: Thank you *she says with a silly little smile)

Alec: Well I found her a little while ago back on YouTube and I thought she was incredible because she didn't do any covers, all of her videos were originals. So I got in contact with her and invited her to co-write a few tracks for me on my album, and we had this weird but incredible connection while we were writing together and I finally thought to myself, "She'd make an excellent addition to the Safe Haven family" so I talked to about her joining the label, she agreed and right now we're currently writing together and I'm helping produce her debut EP which we're hoping is released around January or February, but we don't really want to rush things so there's no official date yet.

*Nods interested* Which type of music do you guys have in mind though? Or is it going to be more influenced by different types?

Alec: Well, going back to what I said about that connection that we had when we were writing, that has a lot to do with it, like we'll just bounce ideas off of each other lyrically and for production we'll just play around with difference sounds until we find something that she likes. There never really is a set sound or topic it's just what we're feeling that day you know?

*DREAM nods along as she listens to Alec before adding on to what he said*

DREAM: Yeah like Alec said, it's never set it's actually all pretty random, just like whatever I'm feeling that day I'll write and I think that's the best way to go into it, because if you go in planned with a certain idea or sound it'll just be focused on that and it's easy to get stuck like that, so we just like to let the creativity fly when we write together. However if you meant like a genre or something, I'd say it leans a bit towards like the indie-pop side of things, which is a genre I personally have loved for a long time and am so happy to see taking off the way it is!

*Nods* Alec, you have released a few singles now, what's the next step in your career? I mean, I've be been jamming to your songs like crazy. I just need more, and I believe that the fans need more too.

Alec: *nods* Yeah I've released "F'ed Up" *he says not knowing if he could swear or not on the show* and I've also released "Too Cool To Care". The next step was releasing the album and maybe I will be doing a possible tour soon, I can't say much on the tour just yet but the album is out now, I've been working on this album ever since I released my EP earlier this year, and I'm just so excited for everybody to hear it. *he says with a smile afterwards*

*She gives Alec a quick smile* What was the inspiration behind the album? I feel like "Fucked Up", you can swear by the way, and "Too Cool To Care" are a little bit similar. And, is 'DREAM' featured on the album? You said that you guys wrote something, but is there going to be an actual collaboration?

Alec: *Returns the smile before speaking* Well the inspiration behind the album and both of those songs, is this relationship I was involved in a little while ago, it was actually my first real relationship, so anyway I wrote about the ending of that relationship on my EP "Just Me", the song was titled "The Great Fall" but I just felt like I wasn't getting enough out you know? So I decided to write another song expressing how I felt, "Fucked Up" then that song lead to another, and another, and another and before I knew it I had nine songs about this relationship, three about meeting the person, three about finally being in the relationship with this person, and finally three about the end of the relationship. So yeah there's a sort of story behind this album, and though DREAM did help me write a few songs and we have recorded a few songs together, I'm sorry to say that she is not featured on the album. However, we do have a collaboration that we're going to release, maybe not as a single, but we're 99.9% sure it's going to be on DREAM's EP, maybe you'll even hear it soon. *Alec then begins to whistle suspiciously before he and DREAM both laugh*

*She starts to laugh with them before taking a loud breathe* Let's get a little more personal, shall we? *Giggles softly* I'm a little bit interested in your dating lifes.. *Gives them a cute little wink* Are you guys seeing anybody right now? Did anybody catch your attention? Spill.
Alex: *Nods* Yeah I'm actually in a relationship right now, we've been dating for a few months, her name is Marianna and you know it's cool the fans actually know about the relationship and they're all really into it, there are those few fans that still want me and my friend Dylan in a relationship but other than that they're all really supportive which is cool because guys, well younger guys in the industry can't usually date without getting in a heap of trouble from their "fandom" but everybody, like I said have just been so cool with it. *smiles*

DREAM: *Smiles as she listens to Alec talk about Marianna before she begins talking* I'm single, I think right now isn't really the time for me to be dating, I just feel like right now I'm young and I want to just focus on myself and my music for now, however, I'm not totally opposed to finding someone or falling in love, if the right person comes along then cool, that'd be awesome, I'm just not totally focused on dating right now you know? *she gives a small shrug*

*Small Smile* I'm happy for you Alec. I really get how these fangirls can be, I was one at some point too, so I'm happy everything is going well for you. And, I hope you get your dream man DREAM. *giggles softly* I don't really many questions left, so do you guys want to announce anything or say something to your fans? You can now. If not, We can continue with a short little game!

Alex: Yeah sure, I just wanna quickly say a huge thanks to everybody that's been supporting me with my music, and in all of the other things I've been doing so thanks guys. *he finishes with a smile*

Well, let's play the game! It's called "Quick Thoughts" and it's really easy. Basically, I will name you guys 1 name and you guys just shout what's coming to your mind first, when you hear the name. For example, somebody says "DREAM" and my first thought could be "TALENTED". So, it's really easy. Did you guys understand the game? If yes, then let's start.

*The two nod as Ezra explains the game*

Alec: Alright got it, I actually did something like this with one of my YouTube friends so this should be fun!

That's good, so this should be even easier! The first name is.."Tisha Jackson"

DREAM: INNOVATIVE! *She shouts before laughing at how she yelled it out*

Alec: *laughs at the excited response from DREAM* Intimidating is the first thing for me I'm not sure why *he laughs a little*

*Laughs with Alec* Well, that was really, really quick! *Giggles again* The second name is..."Aubrey Mikkel"

Alec: Starfactory! Fun fact my aunt was going to audition the year she won.

DREAM: Hot! *she then takes a pause before she shrugs her shoulders and lets out a small laugh* Can you blame me though?

*Ezra laughs at DREAM's response* Noo, She's really hot! The third name is..."Kato"

Alec: Cool! I'd actually really like to meet him, he seems chill.

DREAM: Um....DANCE! *DREAM shouts feeling a bit pressed for time she then laughs and shakes her head* I meant dancer, like he's a really good dancer, you get it right?

*Laughs* I do! He's a amazing performer. Only two left..The next name is..Weekend Member "Dustyn"

DREAM: Hyper! He just looks like a little ball of energy. *she laughs*

Alec: ...Blue? *he says almost as if asking a question* His name is Dustyn Blue so it's the first thing to come to mind. *he laughs as well*

*giggles softly* This is the last one! The name is... "Isabel Merjos"

Alec: Incredible is the first thing to come to mind, she works extremely hard and she is so talented.

DREAM: Sweet! I'd honestly like to meet her she seems really nice. *she smiles*

And that's the end! Thank you guys for showing up!

*They both smile*

Alec: Thanks for having us it was great being here

Let's turn to the performance section of the studio, where Alec and DREAM are going to perform a song before they leave! Enjoy the show!




Sounds Like

Both Alec and DREAM are seen on the stage now standing next to each other with two mic stands placed in front of them they stand there for about two seconds DREAM looks over at Alec looking for reassuring look back to settle the nerves of her live television debut Alec is quick to oblige as he gives her a small smile before the intro to an unknown song begins playing starting with a sort of dramatic sound before the piano kicks in taking center stage along with Alec's vocals as he sings over the piano in a laid back, yet slightly emotional style as he sings the lyrics we can already tell this will be a more emotional song and coupled with the simple yet sad piano notes being played it assures that it'll be an emotional track after Alec finishes up the short first verse we hear DREAM come in singing live on televison for the first time she closes her eyes and places one hand on her microphone and the other on the stand as she sings in a similar style to Alec she sings the first half of the chorus before Alex joins her for the second half the pairs vocals blending together as if they were created for each other as they sing the emotional yet simple lyrics together accompanied by the piano it's enough to pull at almost anybody's heartstrings

It gets hard I know
You can say you're fine, but the truth it shows
It's okay sometimes, to let it go
You can say you're fine but you know I know

I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true

I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true

After finishing the chorus together DREAM takes her microphone off the stand and prepares to enter the second verse alone this time she is accompanied once again by the piano but a simple drum beat can be heard as well in the back DREAM's voice is rather smooth and emotional as she sings throughout the verse it the look on her face shows pain which brings another level of emotion to the track knowing she can relate to each lyric she sings is almost heartbreaking the sound of her voice adds to that as well along with the simple production she sings over after finishing the verse the two go back into the emotional chorus which is this time harmonized through the entire time once again the pair sing as though their vocals were made to be together as they both have similar voices and styles of singing the two look at each other as they sing through the chorus together really connecting with one another and with the lyrics as they sing them together

Distant pain shows
Try to block it out but it doesn't go
Swore that I would stay afloat
But I've gone under, and I know that rise up alone

I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true
I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true

The highest point in the performance and the song in general however comes now in the bridge which is once again taken by DREAM who seems to have gotten past whatever nerves she may have felt in the beginning of the performance and seems to have lost herself in the lyrics giving the viewers in the audience and at home a very emotional delivery as she sings throughout the bridge though she doesn't have a groundbreaking, powerhouse voice the way she carries herself and shows her emotion is enough to bring just about anybody to tears she as she really just seems to click with the lyrics of this part of the song Alec watches and admires her as she gets lost in the lyrics it's clear that the two of them have become good friends in the past few months by the way he looks at her there is a sense of pride on his face as he continues to watch her sing she however has her eyes closed at the moment and does not notice Alec looking at her she seems to have completely forgotten that anybody is watching her as she finishes the bridge the song slows down once again as does her voice a slight crack can be heard in it as though she's holding back tears as she finishes the bridge singing the first half of the chorus before holding the final note for a few seconds we then see Alec take his microphone off the stand and take on the chorus himself with emotional ad-libs delivered by DREAM this continues on until the last line in the chorus which is harmonized we then hear DREAM close out the song singing half of the chorus in a lighter voice keeping that emotion in it as she brings the performance and song to an end after the performance the two hug each other and smile DREAM let's out a "Thank you" before it officially comes to an end

I know I said that I'm alright
But let me let it out tonight
I can't do this alone I've tried
I'm failing it's hard to make these eyes stay dry
I know I said that I'll be fine
But I can't hold it in or fight
I can't do this alone tonight
I'm failing it's hard to make these eyes stay dry

I need you to make me new
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true
I just need something true

I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
(it's too hard to fake, don't leave me)
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true (I need something true)
I need you to make me new (make me new)
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me

I'm tired of lies, I just need something true

I need you to make me new
It's getting hard to fake it, don't leave me
I'm tired of lies, I just need something true

That was the brilliant Alec Cole and DREAM! We had another great show today, make sure to tune in the next episode and follow us on Twitter for more and quicker updates! Thank you guys for watching and that's it for todays episode! But, because I love y'all, we have another performance today to close the show! Give Johnny Carter a HUGE welcome and enjoy the show! *Walks away and leaves*


As the lights simmered down for Johnny's performance the screen showed a video of Johnny saying “I'm gonna party, see how intoxicated I can get and how many rules I can flaunt. That's my motto.” And then when the music kicked in Johnny was seen standing in front of a white wall with white lights. He screamed to the audience "Are y'all ready to have some fun?" before he started walking towards the center of the stage while four male dancers appeared from his left and right. When they got in the center of the stage he immediately started dancing and singing his new song.

Oh the time is now, go out and have some fun
Get wild all night, get drunk and have some fun
Get wild all night, get drunk and have some fun
Oh the time is now, throw your stuff and rock it hard
Party, party all night long
Get wild all night, get drunk and have some fun

Throw your hands up, baby let me rock your world
Throw your hands up, baby let me rock your world
Part-, part-, part-, party all night
Drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk have some fun tonight
Let's fu** tonight

Sounds Like


When the song ended, all the lights went off again except from the two big lights on the wall, the dancers exited the stage and Johnny's recorded voice was heard saying "true love never did run smooth.” Then the instrumental of True Love started playing while Johnny took off his hat and then he was just staring at the crowd. He was trying to relax and catch his breath from the previous song. When he started singing the first verse of the song immediately white and blue lights turned on all over the stage. For the first verse he was standing still and his voice was stronger here than the previous song. The songs were completely different from each other, and in this song he was more focused on his voice. Then for the chorus, three back up singers, a male and two females started harmonizing behind Johnny's voice.

I wanna kiss you so bad
And show you how I feel
But everything is so complicated
That I can't even speak
I'm constantly thinking of you
And how it'd be to be with you
But then reality kicks in
And my dreams just won't come true

The only thing I want in my life
Is to hold you, kiss you, touch you
To express my love and passion
And to make you feel attraction

During the bridge, Johnny approached the audience and he sang it to a girl that was sitting in front of him. He was feeling really confident at the moment and he really felt what he was singing. The music started playing powerfully again and Johnny with his back up singers sang the last chorus. He was singing it with more passion than the first one and he was improvising some ad-libs. He went back to the center of the stage where he at some point fell on his knees and belted out some notes. For the end of the chorus and the song, he got back up, closed his eyes and sang the last few notes without moving. When the song was finished, Johnny smiled at the audience that was cheering for him and shouted "We love you Ezra".

After many years I'll still have hope for your kiss and love
Maybe later you'll see and realize, what you truly mean to me, my love

The only thing I want in my life
Is to hold you, kiss you, touch you
To express my love and passion
And to make you feel attraction

Ezra's Outfit : http://www.stylishwife.c...-Cute-Outfit-Ideas-3.jpg

OOC: Thanks to everybody who was involved!

Edited by user 20 December 2015 10:21:24(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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Offline Matticus  
#2 Posted : 21 December 2015 08:31:48(UTC)
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OOC: really well done! Must have taken you hours to put together!! Can't wait to see more of them :)
Sammy Griffin

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Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
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