“Heeeeeey dur!
Yes, it is me once again, Sir Adam of Benjamonia! Now, as some of you little beasts and ghouls out there are aware, I am currently in South America with the red-haired one and the bass one on tour with my band ‘Scuffle! In the Cul-de-sac’, yes we have temporarily changed our name for the purpose of this video song. But anyway, as many of you have guessed, whenever I have a video it means I have a new song for you. Which if you continue watching you will see me perform, if not you can find it on the SoundClouds and Apple Musics. Now just a quick thing, we have a break from this tour from April 17 up until the end of May. During this time, not only will your favourite three-piece pop-punk heroes “Scuffle! in the Cul-de-Sac” be writing for their next album but also this one right here, will be recording some songs for his next solo album.
THAT IS CORRECT! Keep your emotions in track. But indeed the third Adam Benjamin solo album will be created over the next month and some of you may remember “The Littlest Hearts” and “My Own Little Bubble”, those will be on the next album. But there will also be this song that I’ve put on the internets for you all, it is called “Netflix & Mozzarella Sticks”. So without boring you all to tears with my talking, I will bore you all to tears with my singing.
Here we gooooooooooooooo Stitches!!
- Adam Benjamin
“Netflix & Mozzarella Sticks”“There’s like this giant world out there with a billion things to see
We could have the great wide adventure
But that just does not appeal to me
See, I’m a man of simple pleasures I think you’ll understand
That I’m not one for walking through deserts or discovering a foreign land
I just want to sit on the sofa
With you by my side
I just want entertainment that my fibre optic broadband can provide
Netflix and mozzarella sticks
That is all it will take
A weekend of friends marathons
Seriously, they were on a break!
Parks & recs and arrested development
I think that’s the right attitude
I could be a Bluth and I know I could be a never nude
That 70’s Show and Kimmy Schmidt
Let’s live like this together
Re-runs of One Tree Hill
OMG I love you Haley, always and forever
Netflix & mozzarella sticks
Seriously, what more is there to say?
We could sit in our sweats and watch Anime all day
We’ll recite the Pokémon rap
We can watch a lot of Kevin Hart
We can take two hours to decide what to watch
And change our mind as soon as the show is about to start
Lets watch the Office from season one
Right through to season nine
Break our hearts watching Pam and Jim
And thank the stars that you are all mine
See it doesn’t take much to make me happy
Just fill my stomach with melted cheese
And put on a show I’ve seen a million times
And you know I’ll be set for life
And I don’t need no party girl
I just need someone like you
That understands the beauty of the unspectacular
That’s enough to get me through”