The Bitch: We're back with a new single, Robin wrote the lyrics for this devastating track about failing one of your most important exam. The B-side is a mini-opera we did, and the libretto will be included here for you to enjoy, it's about prank calling the web browser Opera and ask if you can use it without Windows.
Gory: I was quite happy with our opera, and I like Robin's song, because it's depressing! I've also started working on a song about doing drugs.
Failed My Prostate Exam (Lyrics by Robin Banks)
Verse 1
I used to fail exams all the time
They were all easy to leave behind
I'd rather play in the Read Hards
than show good report cards
But this time it seems more serious
this time it's not that hilarious
this time I'm going delirious!
Cause I failed my prostate exam!
My doctor said shit got out of hand!
I failed my prostate exam
and I basically failed at being a man!
Verse 2
I never claimed to be an A-student
I never knew the lyrics to "Dear Prudence"
I didn't even know yesterday
but tomorrow is just a day away
I'm running out of breath
I might as well be deaf
and it's ineffable, how I got this F!
I don't know what's up
do I need panty-shields or panty shades?
I don't even know
if I'm Prostate or Antistate
Opera Win-Free
Prankoretti(played by The Bitch)
Four workers at Opera, including pager (Played by Gory, Poo Peter, Robin And Idoo Banks)
Prankoretti picks up the phone, and uses Mozilla Firefox to find the number to Opera. Then he calls them and it takes a long time to be any responsePrankoretti(singing)
I am prank calling Opera
I'm gonna give them a hell of a laugh
I've got funny jokes and anecdotes
And I'll put them in a humorous path
But they take a long time to pick up
All I get is this tone
And without someone talking and sounding like Stephen Hawking
I feel so all alone
Prankoretti reaches a pager that tells him he is in linePager:
Hey Caller this is Opera
I'm here to show you all will be fine
There are some callers before you
And you are 67th in line
Hey Caller, this is Opera again
Here's some music to know you don't waste your time
There are still some ahead of you
And you are 49th in line!
slow pretty, yet annoying music is playedPrankoretti is starting to get a bit annoyed. Prankoretti:
Wow, this waiting is long
and this god damn music, this terrible song
is breaking my frail little heart
Now I've started to wonder
if dialing this number
for a prank call was really all that smart
Hey Caller, this is opera
You've finally come through
There's no caller ahead of you
and one of our employees will speak to you
Employee 1:
Hey this is Opera, What can I help you with?
Prankoretti: I wonder if I can use Opera without Windows
or if that's just a myth
E1: I think that should be possible, if you're using a mac
just a wait a little more and my colleague will call you back
More slow music playsPrankoretti: NO!!!!!!
Hey this is Opera again, can I be at your service?
Prankoretti: I wonder if can use Opera without Windows
or if that goes against the purpose
I'm not really sure what you're actually asking
You'll have to speak to my colleague, I'll bring him fast in
Hold on for a second!
Slow music plays againPrankoretti gets madder and madderE3:
Hey this is Opera again, there has been some confusion
If I know what's up, we might find a solution
I had to be to asking or pretend this is a quiz
But can you please tell me what the trouble is
I don't know what the problem seems to be
it probably means more to you than it means to me
If you come to our office you might come in free
I just want to know if I can get Opera Win-Free!