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Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#1 Posted : 22 May 2016 10:59:45(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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1) Scene Wont stop til the bombs drop
2) Your Son is Back
3) Never Sing Goodbye
4) Sweat
5) The Real Bill Beckett
6) It Wont Be Long
7) Sorry
8) Leave Me in the City
9) Hippy Flip
10)Drive Slow
11)Up on Potrero
12)What More Can I Say?
14)Where do we go from here?
15)Goodbye LA

This album will not cuddle up with you and nuzzle your shoulder with gentle songs about getting it on and getting together. This album will not shake your hand with a smile at the start of the dinner party. This album will not play nicely in the background while you turn up on Friday. This album will put you in the driver's seat as you flex your muscles down the freeway. This album will bust your headphones if you're not careful. This album is on the brink of combustion, and it could blow anytime anywhere. Consider this your final warning. Continue at your own risk.

This is Reported Failure's eighth studio album. You can check out the old shit another time. They left the giant Studio60 Records to join longtime friend Amy Meyer's label Songs to Love and Die By. They also departed from longtime producer Avil Hartman, and instead started new with three different producers: Amy Meyer, Ryan Ross Hernandez, and Noel Houston. The demo for "Sweat" was released last year to favorable reactions, but it was only a demo. The first single "Never Sing Goodbye (Ft. Amy Meyer)" was released in April to mixed reviews. The song reached #3 on digital downloads. #3 is good for most artists but Reported Failure boasts eight #1 singles already, so they are looking to reach double digits with their latest album. They also boast the largest following in rock music, one of the largest followings in music today period with sold out shows all over the world, two FCA's for Best Album plus a host of other FCA's Chaos Awards and Goldies. Still, RF stays relevant and maintains their street cred by making music that is woke to social issues, being critical of themselves and the music industry through their music, but mostly by always upping the ante. All in all, the hype for this album is through the roof!

Vin Peters: The Release of "Lie In"
The seventh studio album "Lie In" was released last April. We knew we had to give Studio60 another album on our contract. We didn't want to jam pack it with singles. The album was about the deception that money will make us happier and the ways society's expectations can deceive us. You can stream the album HERE The point is that the statement we wanted to make was that we should stop always obsessing over getting to the top and make music that really questions the way the world is. I guess we might have been more successful if it had hits on it, but we also had to fight with the label in order to get some of the more controversial lyrics on there, so in refusing to make a pop album we also spited them, stopped them from making more cash off our music. Now on a new label we have made an album as gritty, but with way more singles. Why? There are a lot of ways to say fuck you, and owning the charts this time around would just be one of them.

So whats the point of this album? Its title is loaded with significance in the history of rock and roll. We all know The Rolling Stones the band and Rolling Stone magazine. Bob Dylan is perhaps most famous for the song "Like a Rolling Stone." The rolling stone has come to represent the spirit of rock and roll. Reported Failure have carried the flame of rock for years, and with this album title the message is clear: We are the stone, we are rock and roll, we are RF. They want to be as legendary as any other band that ever existed. The question remains does the stone still roll? Are Reported Failure holding the flame to carry on to new generations, or is this the endgame for a stone that has stopped rolling?

That question should be on everyone's mind already since these days its rare for a rock group to top the charts. Will Reported Failure change the tide? Its hard to say especially given how much of a clusterfuck #LP8 has turned out to be. In terms of PR Reported Failure is currently represented most often by Matt Collins running his mouth on twitter or pissing off Culture Uncut journalists. Because of that no one has really been concerned with the sound of the album, but honestly maybe thats a good thing. The group ditched Avil Hartman who mastered their sixth album "Rome" undoubtedly their best work. Half of "The Stone" sounds like a throwback to RF circa 2010 turning their amps up too high singing obnoxious snotty punk songs aimed at getting the older generations' panties in a twist. The other songs mostly produced by Ryan Ross Hernandez have a real chance of giving Reported Failure a handful of #1 singles but are still all over the place in terms of sound. One moment its relatively tame indie rock the next random ass synth is brought in for no apparent reason and the flow from track to track fails to follow any logic. There might be career defining songs in here, but you have to seep through the full frontal assault on your ear-lobes.

Matt Collins: We Are Still Working On It
Hey you! You see the tracklist up there. Its probably the first thing you skimmed over. Well I know you expect us to be all clean and finished on this but hell we might cut something from the final product, we might add a song or two. Dont get too comfortable over there on your couch because its never too late for us to switch things up. Also fuck the guy who wrote the last paragraph. I'll turn his face in to a clusterfuck if he think he knows shit about what our "best work" is. I'm sick of being expected to play songs from Rome at ever goddamn show as if my career has already peaked.

Lyrically Billie Beckett spends most of the album trying to decide whether he hates himself or thinks he is God. He manages to find the line between self doubt and self affirmation and ride on it for most of the album. The lyrics are more edgy and explicit than most we have seen from the band. On songs like "Your Son is Back" "The Real Bill Beckett" and "What More Can I Say" the band sounds like they are almost rapping about how much they have dominated music. At times "The Stone" is a victory lap. But then there are songs like "Sorry" and "Drive Slow" where the band sounds like they are about ready to call it quits because the fame has done them dirty. Is this the last reported Failure album? It could be but on some songs it sounds like a re-awakening. We can only wait listen and pick up the conversation later.

Enough talk, right? Well enough of me at least. If you want to join the conversation, just tweet your reactions #TheStone or #LP8 and the best tweets will be saved in the album thread! NOW LETS GET TO THE ALBUM ALREADY!

1. The Scene Wont Stop Til the Bombs Drop
The first song gives no room for the listener to ease in to the album. Robert Edwards simply slams on the drums while the rest of the band strums and Billie starts delivering the first verse very quickly. His voice sounds big as he sings a sort of biography of the band declaring to critics haters and fans alike that RF is back again. For the first verse most the instruments refrain for simply buzzing in the atmosphere except a mischievous little guitar riff, but the vocals are the center. We her Vin's backing vocals reinforcing a couple of the same lines Billie says. It all sounds pretty throwback to pop-punk. The chorus is the catchy heart of the song as things build up and release as the instruments finally really fill up the space and Billie belts his vocal performance. Its like they are seducing us to come with them "Somewhere safe to cut the cake" Every instrument is going hard, but Noel Houston's production does an excellent job of making sure that none of them overpower each other and the lyrics come across clear. In the bridge the sound of guitar fading gives way to gentle "oooh" melody of backing vocals and a quiet guitr riff. Billie sings more emotionally as he contemplates his death and even the death of his memory. Its a touching moment but as the bridge continues the instruments come back to full fury for one more chorus.

The message of this song is clear: You're gonna have to kill Reported Failure if you want them to stop rocking, and you are going to have to kill the whole scene of artists out there in order to stop the musical energy. Billie Beckett summarizes where Reported Failure has been especially how they are a California band. Its a powerful song between the lyrics and the full throttle delivery. Obviously its a highlight of the album, and sets a good tone even if it is an abrupt jump in to RF at their rawest.

This song was written by Billie Beckett, performed by Reported Failure, produced by Reported Failure and Noel Houston, and released on Songs to Love and Die By

We rolled in on a beat up van pushing the California sun
Before we knew we were playin' grandstands our time had finally come
Next the sun set we got out of tune and the tabloids told we're done
But we're pushing up daisies for the full moon to rock with everyone
Me and my brothers are back in town to sweat our sins away
And all of the sisters come around can't wait to hear us play
The old and the young can't help but feel in this familiar way
The warm fuzz and the bass buzz is the sound that's here to stay

The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
Baby do you want to get away
Somewhere safe to cut the cake
We can forget what the papers say
The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
So love each other until that day
Let the feelings get old when the lights grow cold
In the meantime we're here to stay

Between stadiums we witnessed the world flashing before our eyes
Had time to learn all the things we love and all the things we despise
Like all the fans who held us up we owe you all our lives
Like corporate thugs trying to stuff their pockets from our licks and lines
We felt love and we felt loss and we are stronger in the end
I learned one thing to tell you I dont know anything my friend
Except how to play and how to sing and how to defend
The music that has saved my life and will save my life again

The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
Baby do you want to get away
Somewhere safe to cut the cake
We can forget what the papers say
The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
So love each other until that day
Let the feelings get old when the lights grow cold
In the meantime we're here to stay

One day I'll burn to ashes under the California sun
One day the words I wrote won't mean a thing to anyone
Once the fire engulfs our fantasy here in the crowded club
And burdens us with the realities we came here to hide from
Remember we are not alone and those words dont have to mean
That one was greater than the other or anything in between
One day I'll burn to ashes under the California sun
One day the words I wrote wont mean a thing to anyone
I dont despair and dont prepare it comes when it comes
I hope this life I'm living is not my only one
When the trumpets sound I'll stand my ground turning to the west
And remember how the times with you were some of the best

The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
Baby do you want to get away
Somewhere safe to cut the cake
We can forget what the papers say
The scene wont stop until the bombs drop
So love each other until that day
Let the feelings get old when the lights grow cold
In the meantime we're here to stay

Edited by user 31 May 2016 10:58:37(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

I might give Satan a swirly
thanks 6 users thanked Osprey037[Reported Failure] for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 22/05/2016(UTC), erich hess on 22/05/2016(UTC), C4AJoh on 22/05/2016(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 23/05/2016(UTC), Clampdown on 23/05/2016(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 31/05/2016(UTC)
Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#2 Posted : 25 May 2016 04:03:26(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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Your Son is Back

Meet the band: Vin Peters (Lead Guitar) Matt Collins (Bass) Robert Edwards (Drums) Bill Beckett (Rhythm Guitar/Lead Vocals)

But who cares about Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones? The baby-boomers do and that generation is the nemesis of youthful punk Reported Failure champions. Reported Failure does not try to be like the classic artists on this album, they try to steal the crown from them. Ever since 2011's My Name Is... EP, Reported Failure has had Daddy issues. Now Bill Beckett and Robert Edwards are both fathers themselves. But they still speak to the feeling of being young. "The Scene Wont Stop til the Bombs Drop" fired off right away leaving the listener uplifted at the idea of rocking out with the band, but afraid for the impending explosion. On track two RF points the finger at whatever came before them, and affirm their independence.

Maybe "Your Son is Back" should be the intro. By the time we hear the guys singing about being back we already know they're back because we already herd the first song. The song crystalizes the point that RF is loyal to themselves not the industry or their label. After the strength of "Lie In" this point has been made before, but on this song Reported Failure is on the offensive. Their lyrics on this track are some of the most violent the band has played. They clearly send a message to Studio60 ("You might fall apart wen we leave you"... "You need me dont you") but also warns their new label not to put them in a box. Its even a message to the fans not to expect the same stuff everytime ("No im not singing fucking punk rock") Its production by Amy Meyer makes for very easy yet quirky listening. The band does something they have never done before which is have all the members of the band sing about each other at the beginning of the song.

tweet your reactions #TheStone or #LP8 and the best tweets will be saved in the album thread!

2. Your Son is Back
A light riff starts it out. The drums and bass have a funky vibe. The band (we're not sure who it is exactly) sings random money noises in the beginning. Then to our surprise Robert Edwards starts singing. It's impressive that the whole band contributes to vocals while keeping up a fast jam, but its clear they aren't all as talented of singers as Bill Beckett. Edwards performance is clean, then Billie's is confident and swag filled. Matt brings some swag too, but also falls flat on some of the notes. Vin really proves his vocal chops more than the other guys. He should sing more often. There's a break for some quick blusey guitar riffage between Billie and Matt, but the style of the vocals is so that each part connects to the other without dropping a beat. Its fast and energetic but not too loud like the first song since the guitars come and go instead of continuously blasting. After Vin, Billie takes over to sing the defiant chorus "You need me dont you". The instruments are minimal, bass drum and brief chords. The lyrics are the clear centerpiece of the song. There's a short break where the snare gets slapped over and over and the guitar picks up. Then it cools down for Billie to sing the bridge which goes right in to the last chorus. The band shines on the outro. Vin tears up the same blues style riff from earlier. There are some bells that make the last 15 seconds very triumphant. And its all packed in under three minutes.

This song was written by Reported Failure, performed by Reported Failure, produced by Reported Failure and Amy Meyer, and released on Songs to Love and Die By

Robert Edwards
Billie Beckett
Matt Collins
Vin Peters

Huh I said he's back Mr Billie singing
You wanna put a gun in his hand
Guide him forward to the end
Dad you better think again
Billie would put a cap in yo back
Faster than you could commit suicide

Huh I said he's back Mr Matt bassing
I say I know he is a smoking man
Record labels wanna put a bullet in his head
He smack them back against the speaker heads
They heading straight to the bottom of the river
So fast you'd think they shoes is lead

Huh I said hes back Mr Vin shredding
You wanna lodge a sledge in his spleen
but he take his axe to the killin machine
Polished man as slick as his strings
Bite yo head off along with the hand that feeds

Huh I said he's back Mr. Rob drummin
You snipers try to take him from rooftops
He snipe you out with his drumstick
Bass snare hi hat like its slapstick
Most experienced metal man in the pros
If you in the mosh pit better get ape-shit

You need me dont you!
Yeah you need me dont you!
But imma wear my own new T-shirt
You need my poems!
You need my licks, dick!
But imma be my own new prophet

You might fall apart when we leave you
You tried to put a label on us
No im not singing fucking punk rock
I'm preachin to the client and we're on the cusp
You might fall apart when we leave you
You can try to put together someone else
No im not singing fucking pop pop
I'm passing out guns to the kids on the block

You need me dont you!
Yeah you need me dont you!
But imma wear my own new T-shirt
You need my poems!
You need my licks, dick!
But imma be my own new prophet
You need me dont you!
Yeah you need me dont you!
But imma wear my own new T-shirt
You need my poems!
You need my licks, dick!
But imma be my own new prophet

Edited by user 25 May 2016 04:04:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

I might give Satan a swirly
thanks 5 users thanked Osprey037[Reported Failure] for this useful post.
erich hess on 25/05/2016(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 25/05/2016(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 26/05/2016(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 31/05/2016(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/05/2016(UTC)
Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#3 Posted : 30 May 2016 05:41:36(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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Right off the bat "The Stone" seems like Reported Failure's most self interested album to date. This isn't too unexpected because for the last three albums that launched RF center-stage in the music world, their success has never been the main focus of their music. In 2011 they released "Post-Grunge Catastrophe" an album that put their lack of success in the spotlight and ironically was the album that got them the attention they needed to pierce the mainstream. Five years later, this album is a slight return to the band looking at themselves and the scene in the mirror. So far on the album they look upon themselves and the fans very fondly, but identify an other --be it the labels, the media, artists that are more interested in fame and money than great music, or whoever else it becomes over the album --who is the object of RF's angst.

The third song flips to indie rock produced by rock star Ryan Ross Hernandez. When the lead single dropped, it made headlines for bringing RRH back together with Reported Failure after a falling out. Years back, Vin Peters started Liberation records and Hernandez eventually became co-president with Peters. Vin left to focus on the band, Hernandez replaced him with Nadia Berry and they changed it to North Hill Records. Today, "Never Sing Goodbye (Ft. Amy Meyer)" reminds us that music is bigger than music politics. Beckett and Meyer sing to the fans about the fans for the fans. The song is the perfect outcome of each star's respect for each other and each other's music. They mutual fans. The simple message "We will never sing goodbye" stands as a statement of RF's impact on the scene.

Billie: What a journey it's been!
I love having this song on the album because it brought together people whose careers together have touched more corners of the globe for a longer period of time than other collaborations being done! When we got in to the studio to record this we not only created what I think is an epic track, but we had an epic time. We swapped war stories and reminisced, but we also looked to the future. I hope this isn't the last collaboration like this.

The single didn't top the charts, and some fans were upset at the softness of the single. Reported Failure is moving as artists as they say that they will never sing goodbye, but we wonder whether the radio is going to move with them? If on their eighth LP, they are abandoning their sound maybe they'll be singing alone.

tweet your reactions #TheStone or #LP8 and the best tweets will be saved in the album thread!

3. Never Sing Goodbye (Ft. Amy Meyer)

On "Never Sing Goodbye (ft. Amy Meyer)" the group flips from guitar driven hard rock on their last album, to rhythmic indie produced for the average listener, but written for the die-hard fan. Soft drums and light fuzz guitar echo out the intro. Matt leads a charge in volume playing simply the root notes. The song bursts bright with the entrance of acoustic guitar piano and a charming guitar lick that stays to the sideline. Billie's voice sounds fresh and healthy he does not over-sing at all but projects his masterful timbre. Amy also stays low-key harmonizing with Billie at the end of the verse. Between the piano and acoustic guitar chords, a second keyboard melody, Vin's artful lead guitar soaking in and out mixed left and right, and Billie and Amy's ad libbed "Oh" and "Ah," the song forms a melodic wall of sound. The vocal combination on the verse builds a tension that gets released at the pickup as the chorus runs on. Billie and Amy's voices cherry together atop the ice creamy soundscape. Their cat and mouse chorus is all the people need to press repeat, so the chorus itself repeats multiple times.

This song was written by Reported Failure, performed by Reported Failure and Amy Meyer, produced by Reported Failure and Ryan Ross Hernandez, and released on Songs to Love and Die By

Beckett - Regular
Beckett and Meyer - Bold

Everybody's lining up for the headline show
And I got a secret that will soothe their souls
The muses told me and I want you to know
You can be young when you grow old
You can be young when you grow old

The band plays tonight for the last time
And we're not gonna stop 'til the world ends
So live in the moment it can last forever
Tap on toes to make the heart song better
And feed the feeling for another night

I was born to live in the spotlight shine
Your beating heart is the same as mine
The call of the wild became my crazy life
And we're together when its dark or light
I'll die before I give up my mic
You'll live forever in the airplay sky
So sing with me for the final time
And we will never sing goodbye

I think I know what you want from me
To release the key to your wildest dreams
Baby here's one thing I need you to see
The music is from you more than its from me
The music is from you more than its from me

I was born to live in the spotlight shine
Your beating heart is the same as mine
The call of the wild became my crazy life
And we're together when its dark or light
I'll die before I give up my mic
You'll live forever in the airplay sky
So sing with me for the final time
And we will never sing goodbye
I was born to live in the spotlight shine
Your beating heart is the same as mine
The call of the wild became my crazy life
And we're together when its dark or light
I'll die before I give up my mic
You'll live forever in the airplay sky
So sing with me for the final time
And we will never sing goodbye


Edited by user 30 May 2016 05:43:14(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

I might give Satan a swirly
thanks 5 users thanked Osprey037[Reported Failure] for this useful post.
erich hess on 30/05/2016(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 30/05/2016(UTC), JohnnyBBB on 30/05/2016(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 31/05/2016(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/05/2016(UTC)
Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#4 Posted : 30 May 2016 15:08:18(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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RT: Alt_RockChick: Enjoying RFs The Stone already soooo much. We needed some more rock, they never fail to impress!

RT: MattCollins: I think my time has finally come to get the FCA for sexiest male

RT: KhanUNot: Billy won Sexiest Male last year. Whoever wins it this year, prepare for the media to compare you to him. After that, prepare for him to log onto Twitter and end you. Good luck xx

RT: Atomic_Erich: I long ago traded punk rock cred for rockabilly style....but I'm not too punk rock for reported failure. These guys are wub.

The reason fans come back to Reported Failure is the emotion in their songwriting and exceptional musicianship always makes a statement. They write music that stands against our ears like a slab of earth's crust. At #LP8 the rock-climber must train for years to know the moves to reach in the cracks on vinyl and climb the band's discography. Look at other eighth albums. The Beatles Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Jay-Z's The Black Album are a couple famous eighth studio albums. We can tell "The Stone" wants to be famous, but in what way? Reported Failure is known for structuring their albums in to chapters, but this album is long with songs all over the sub-genres. So far its very biographical, and on "Sweat" Reported Failure deliver great lyrics and a sound that makes a statement. The style is very hardcore, so RF isn't turning to pop radio on the whole album. This song sounds like you might actually hear it at a basement punk show.

"Sweat" is about Reported Failure looking back to their roots and trying to stay alive sweating it out on stage. The first lines set a vivid scene of RF before you know who they are when the best gig they can book is in their friends basement. Billie explains what it was like to play those first shows and in the pre-chorus a bit of how he felt. The chorus declares to Reported Failure's haters, to anyone who doubts them, or doubts what they stand for, "They dont know who the hell they're dealing with." Its a simple message and most fans can relate to feeling angry that someone doubts them or puts them down. In this song Reported Failure sounds fearless and by hearing their story sung, the listener gets more invested in the album. Its long, but its going somewhere.

"Sweat" is a gritty alt punk song. It starts on a soft note with Billie singing low over a clean guitar riff with a classic rock vibe. The drums pound to make way for the verse which shows the song's true aggression. Billie really yells out the lyrics the guitars go in to overdrive blasting power chords DUNUNUNUNU in powerful rhythm with bass and drums. Robert Edwards really shines as he smashes the cymbals each beat and hammers the toms creating dramatic fills. The effect is bold; Reported Failure is out to make a point. In a short section of refrain the vocals become softer, both guitars bounce sweet leads off each other and Robert chills out for a second. There isn't a big surprise in the song, the chorus is very similar to the verse in mood but its a little more exaggerated on the drums and lead guitar. Backing vocals from Matt Collins repeating the lyrics add a nice touch. The next verse runs the same except Vin plays a calming lead lick to balance Billie's vocals which sound as if he is cramming as much as he can in to an angsty rant to his doubters. The chorus plays, then the rhythm really drives the bridge as each instrument pounds at once. Billie shows his chops as the vocals soar. After four lines the overdrive rules transitioning to the last chorus. This part is the fireworks! Guitar blasting from the left and right sides, two backing vocalists repeating lines from the song as Billie sings the main portion. When it ends the temptation to press repeat is too much.

This song was written by Reported Failure, performed by Reported Failure, produced by Reported Failure and Amy Meyer, and released on Songs to Love and Die By

I came out sweaty from a Sacramento basement
Where the amps shook the foundations
And dust from the ceiling fell on our scalps
I came out ready to fight for what I believe in
When the push comes to the shove
My pen wont be any match for the bullets

[Verse 1]
I remember the Christmas lights
The only thing we had to see
As the room filled with people
Waiting for the holy ghost
Did he come I dont know at all
But we we played our first set
Under the kitchen we felt at home
Making it making it

I said I would never feel alone again
Sweating and starving for the next main event

Oh I'm not done fighting yet
If the bullets fly im coming in
Cant take away anything I've lived
They dont know the hell they're dealing with

[Verse 2]
I remember hitching rides
The days making it big
Meant playing the bay
Couch surfing to save a few dimes
Money shouldn't change us
It does rearrange our lives
I got more than I need now
In my heart I'm still the same guy

[PC 2]
I still got that fire in my chest I still sweat 'til I'm out of breath

Oh I'm not done fighting yet
If the bullets fly im coming in
Cant take away anything I've lived
They dont know the hell they're dealing with

It pours and pours I'm sure I've left one thing behind
Its yours its yours I leave it to you on the day I die
Come down come down the God who watches our bodies collide
The sound the sound will never end never run and never hide

Oh I'm not done fighting yet
If the bullets fly im coming in
Cant take away anything I've lived
They dont know the hell they're dealing with

I might give Satan a swirly
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JohnnyBBB on 30/05/2016(UTC), Realms Of Darkness on 31/05/2016(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/05/2016(UTC)
Offline Osprey037[Reported Failure]  
#5 Posted : 31 May 2016 10:56:21(UTC)
Osprey037[Reported Failure]
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The last song dropped for the die-hards, but the band is determined to move forward. The next song "The Real Bill Beckett" may turn out to be the most controversial on #LP8. They deliver a solid rock song that is not likely to be forgotten due to its lyrical content. The hook is a not so subtle play on Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady" and some of the other lyrics strike a similar chord. The track begins with Bill on a victory lap talking about speeding around LA like the biggest rockstar on the planet, but not trying to be role model as he sings about drinking and getting head ("Dont say you wouldn't do it if you could!"). The chorus is everything it needs to be if this song will be a hit. Billie declares that he is one of a kind.

So what makes the song controversial? First there's the fact that its taken straight from the Eminem song, but the content goes deeper. In the second verse Billie doesn't go in to depth but touches on social issues like poverty and race. Reported Failure came out of a working class neighborhood in Sacramento. They also voiced their outrage at police violence on several songs from their previous album "Lie In." On the first part of this verse Billie defends RF's rep of talking about some real shit in their songs. Then he challenges other artists in the game and delivers the powerful lyric "Join or die Im not afraid to lay a band to rest/I got my finger on the button so better pray its not for you" saying that Reported Failure is big enough to take another artists fans, knocking them off the map, if the band wanted to. On the third verse, he calls out girl and boy groups and says "Im the real Billie Bad Boy" which might be a shot at someone else specific in the scene, but is more so Billie's way of affirming his status.

tweet your reactions #TheStone or #LP8 and the best tweets will be saved in the album thread!

5. The Real Bill Beckett

The arrangement is pretty chill. The guitar isn't too loud, the bass is soft and the drums are playful. Billie's vocal delivery could be aggressive but he chooses to stay nonchalant in the verses. With what hes saying it comes across as extreme confidence, he doesn't feel threatened enough by other bands to even raise his voice. Vin Peters's guitar has a chimey feel. Halfway through the first two verses the drums pick up to keep things interesting. A clap is also used to sweeten the production. The chorus has a fun guitar melody and Bill sings out the hook in a strong performance. The song follows the same basic pattern slowing down a bit for the third verse so it can build up. Vin gets a sick little guitar solo in to the song which is about three minutes and forty seconds. The classic rock vibe isn't anything progressive, but the lyrics arguably are and make this a song to keep your ears out for.

This song was written by Reported Failure, performed by Reported Failure, produced by Reported Failure and Noel Houston, and released on Songs to Love and Die By

Pullin up to get my star pressed in Hollywood
Then back to Ocean way to make the record spin
Since when have I been this man I see my name
All over the place I know this fame it should
Bring me to bring the best me back right?
But Im not a role model for you lab mice
Pullin up cuz I live large out in Hollywood
Pouring out all the potions in the glass I sip
Still thinking there's a way to get in between your lips
Dont say you wouldn't do it if you could!
Can I live on my life while I still have time
Damn right I'm pulling up to take whats mine

Im Bill Beckett
Yeah the real Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
About to get wrecked
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up
Im Bill Beckett
The legit Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
Piece of shit Becketts
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up

On stage like hey what does the world want to get in to
Try to take my soul but you aint got a chance
Expose you its common sense high power never rest
The bankers and the peddlars and the liars come on too
I reconcile we need release from the rich or the poor
Reconstruct the system make peace on the race war
On stage like hey what does the world know what I been through
You say you a fan you a friend why should I give you a chance
Join or die Im not afraid to lay a band to rest
I got my finger on the button so better pray its not for you
I got my army ready to take over the shore
Do you hear it? I hear it saying play one more

Im Bill Beckett
Yeah the real Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
About to get wrecked
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up
Im Bill Beckett
The legit Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
Piece of shit Becketts
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up

You can criticize scrutinize and cast all your stones
I'm the A1 of the game dawg now its your move
You try to take apart my untamed heart and steal my grooves
But before you know I'll slash you back by layin the blues
No I dont have to cuss on my tracks to sell records
I just emphasize the point that Im the real Billie Bad Boy
You think punk rock needs me fuck the genre I aint going backwards
Bitch put me on blast on the top airplay
I'm sure the girl and boy groups I got sent here to destroy
Will recognize a God when they hear repeat the tape

Im Bill Beckett
Yeah the real Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
About to get wrecked
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up
Im Bill Beckett
The legit Bill Beckett
All the other Bill Becketts
Piece of shit Becketts
So please Mr Beckett
Please stand up
Please stand up

I might give Satan a swirly
thanks 2 users thanked Osprey037[Reported Failure] for this useful post.
JohnnyBBB on 31/05/2016(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/05/2016(UTC)
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