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10. BILLY VS. AARON STYLESNobody is safe from Billy's sharp tongue, not even a 16 year old kid by the name of Aaron Styles. We've included this rather high in our list as it totally bewilders (and intrigues) us. We have absolutely no idea what went on behind the scenes, that's if anything even did go down - we all know what Billy is like. Aaron seems like a sweetheart and was just innocently going about his day making thousands when Billy Khan pounced and decided to teach him a lesson or five. The singer has branded Aaron as "sleazy", hinting that the young actor sleeps around in order to get work, which Billy allegedly did something similar to with Mykaylah but anyway...if those accusations are true then it's deeply disturbing considering his tender age. That's not all. Billy holds a strong dislike towards his "cocky" and "know-it-all" attitude and believes he's only where he is today by luck and his parents' money - "Some people work tirelessly day and night, month after month, year after year and see little results. Some just live out of daddy's wallet and pick the life they want to lead, despite their lack of...well, everything. Talent, personality, drive...there's nothing there. Some are just a professional at hanging on and worming their way into certain circles. Not going to name any names. Aaron Styles." Ouch. As if that wasn't enough, he also called the star's big screen debut a "yawn fest" and said he's seen "better acting in 1970's dubbed porn".
9. BILLY VS. HONOR WYNTERBefore they were joined at the hip alongside Kai Rollins, Billy and Honor didn't see eye to eye. In fact, hadn't the feud been resolved, they would definitely be at the top of the list today...or one of them would have killed the other by now. Many people forget this war because everything is all sunshine and rainbows now but, like with Jerry, Billy's first encounter with the blogger and critic wasn't all that warm and inviting. He didn't take too kindly to her sudden large social media presence and all the attention she received. Not on Billy's patch! He dismissed a lot of her opinions but often agreed to some and backed her up. It was a funny relationship. One minute, they were at each other's throats, the next they were defending one another. When they got along, they were a force to be reckoned with online but when they had a chip on their shoulder, things turned EVIL. These two never had regular fights. Things got ugly and fast. The most infamous spat includes Billy making fun of Honor's deceased mother. It's a low point for him and even Billy agrees that he shouldn't have went that far. The pair have kissed and made up, becoming friendship goals alongside Kai, Honor's now-husband. Just be very aware that these volatile stars could erupt again any time soon. Nobody knows exactly what ticks them off but when something does...BOOM!
8. BILLY VS. QUEEN ALEXISThis one has been going on for years and shows absolutely no sign of stopping, unless money and a high profile TV appearance is involved. Queen Alexis is undoubtedly the Queen of the Trolls. 99.9% of her tweets tend to be negative, shady, down right rude or a combination of all three. We actually wonder if there's anything she enjoys in life other than sitting on Twitter. Where there is a Queen, there is a King though and Billy doesn't take too lightly to people launching online attacks out of the blue. That's his job!! The main focal points in this feud were his relationship with Andrea, who Alexis also is not a fan of, and Billy's "trashy" upbringing, having lived on the streets for a period of time as well as falling into gang and drug activity at a young age. While both can be unnecessarily nasty at times, Billy backs up his claims with receipts and often states that he actually has a career outside of Twitter, unlike Queen Alexis. Him mocking or questioning her credentials is often the punchline of many jokes. Another golden gag is Billy poking fun at her TV show which never seems to materialise. When she threatened to spill the "tea" about him on her next season, he replied with "I'll have Alzheimer's by the time your show comes out. I won't be giving a fuck 😂"
7. BILLY VS. MUSLIM COUNTRIESNow we're not going to tar all the countries with the same brush as that's, quite frankly, so wrong. Many Muslim countries still embrace Khan and see him as an idol, being a person of Asian heritage having worldwide success. A lot of Muslim regions, predominantly ones run by the Islamic State, do not just despise Billy but they have stated that they wish death upon him for spreading "blasphemy" and for turning his back on Islam. Billy's father was a Muslim, although not of deep faith, and the dysfunctional family he tried to raise also followed the religion. After being taken into care, Billy (as a young child) "lost interest" in following his religion and in his later years, came to the conclusion that religion is for "dummies" and is "only good for causing war and segregation". While all religions were included in his rant, the Muslim community took the words most to heart with Khan being a former follower of the faith. His beliefs in equal rights for women in the Middle East and support of banning the burqa in the UK have also made him an extremely unpopular figure in certain countries. He's also been banned from visiting a small amount of countries under Islamic State law to which he replied with; "I wouldn't wish to step foot there anyway. There's not enough money in the world they could pay me." So, there you have it.
6. BILLY VS. OSCAR WARDWe've said it before but again, nobody is safe from Billy Khan, not even one of his fellow band members! You would think that sharing an experience with four other people around the same age and with the same passion as you would be a hoot. Think again. It's common knowledge that Billy Khan and Oscar Ward do NOT get along inside the Weekend camp and often make no bones about expressing their dislike for one another. Many believe that Billy is not a fan of Oscar's entitlement and his silver spoon upbringing. Boy from the streets of Hackney meets little adored Prince of Mayfair was never exactly going to go swimmingly. The pair have been said to have clashed since day 1 of the band and that was back in October 2011! While heated debates aren't spread all over social media, the reports certainly are and a few instances have been publicly documented. Oscar infamously quit Weekend for less than 24 hours back in early 2013, exiting via a toilet window and never returning during a business dinner. Ward claimed that Khan was a "bully" and wants "everything to go his way". Another documented and heated war between the pair was shown on a one-off TV documentary following the boys in the lead up to the release of their second album, About Time. When discussing the final tracklisting, Oscar called the whole meeting a "waste of time" and that Billy will just decide on the songs and dominate as always. Well it all kicked off. Billy fired back at Oscar, calling him "lazy" and that the only reason Billy takes charge and makes important decisions is because "somebody has to", accusing Ward of never doing any work or attempting to make an input. Basically, Billy believes that Oscar wants to show up at all the big games but wants to skip the training. During the debate, Riley Hamilton suggested that they all take a break and regroup later. Billy agreed to the idea, parting with; "Yeah, a break sounds good. I need to get out of this room before I knock that fucking mop off his head!"
5. BILLY VS. HIS DADIt's never been fully made clear from either party why Billy has cut off all contact from his father, Heder. Hints have been dropped and Billy has given us little slices of information but other than that, we don't know the full, blow-by-blow account of what happened during Billy's childhood to make him resent his father with a passion. We know that his parents struggled financially and emotionally to keep the family and their relationship going, resulting in Billy and Deneil being taken into care while older siblings Sayyid and Faiza went to live with a relative. Deneil, however, still appears to be on good terms with Heder so it appears that it's just Billy with the axe to grind. Billy has stated that his father was involved in gang activity and how it was "laughable" that his father would try to raise a "good Muslim family" while he was out committing all sorts of "actions that are haraam" and not repenting at all. It is also believed that his father was unfaithful and abusive to his mother, with Billy saying he was a "terrible husband" and "quick with his words but even quicker with his fists". Again, only Billy has made these claims and nobody else from the family has spoken out to either confirm or deny. Billy says he no longer wishes to talk to his father and that the next time they meet will "be over [his] dead body". No words have been exchanged between both parties to one another to really call this an intense feud but when Billy feels so strongly about someone to actually tweet; "I just wish my father would die tbh. Like, brutally dismembered and fed to rabid dogs," you know this is some serious ish.
4. BILLY VS. AUSTIN NIMMOWe all know that Billy isn't exactly the best of friends with guitar strumming Australian pop star, Austin Nimmo. Like a few others, we have really no idea where this one stemmed from other than Billy's general dislike to what he sees and hears. As far as we are aware, nothing happened behind the scenes to ignite the fire. Billy just happened to be in Uber Billy mode one day and decided to publicly crucify the poor boy. When Austin's profile started to rise after his first couple of releases, Billy would make remarks about the "poor state of music" whenever Austin either topped the charts or released something new. Eventually the indirect messages stopped and he went in for the kill. Not only did he berate his music, calling it "the sonic equivalent of soggy cardboard" but he made fun of Austin's looks, saying "You look like you've been smacked in the face with a bag of hot coins," as well as the brutal, "They hang pictures of your face on the doors in Africa to keep all the bad spirits away". His relationship with Layla Sanchez has also come under fire from Khan. When it was announced that the pop stars were officially dating, Billy tweeted; "Suzie must be gutted. No longer the biggest pair of tits in the industry." Harsh. The hat wearing Aussie also has a bit of a bite too, calling for Billy to seek a mental health professional as well as bringing up his drug abusing teenage past. Again, Billy retorted and couldn't resist having a go during an iconic episode of RealTalk with Ezra, saying; "He is honestly what I imagine would be the human equivalent of thrush. Not that I've ever had it. You just can't shake him off. He nips, he irritates, he drives you up the wall and his face reminds of some horrible, puss, cottage cheese looking discharge. You just want to get rid of him as quickly and conveniently as possible." It's safe to say they are not on each other's Christmas card lists this year.
3. BILLY VS. PAYTONThis one always has us in stitches. While he believe that everything is all good now after the pair being spotted near Andrea's home with three-year-old Daniel Khan, this one still has to make the top three in our list. Billy was never a fan of the Puerto Rican rapper from the moment he heard THAT debut song of his on the radio. When asked about his thoughts on the new polarising rapper during a radio interview with Capital FM, Billy replied with; "Oh, he raps? I've not heard him do it yet," before sipping on his cup of water. Billy brushed him off as a passing viral fad that nobody would be speaking of six months from then. Billy didn't count on the peroxide blonde rapper to start dating his ex-wife Andrea Mason that's for sure! Not that Billy was still in love with Andrea as he now has the lovely Jerry by his side but the thought of having to deal with Payton on a regular basis and his son having to spend time with him didn't sit well with Mr Khan. His Twitter spats with Payton have became so heated that Billy's account has been locked and monitored by The Metropolitan Police...TWICE! Payton is known for his broken English, incomprehensible slang and highly sexed nature, which Billy likes to poke fun at. He's stated that Payton must have arrived on US soil with "...nothing but some Viagra and a link to Urban Dictionary". He's also indirectly referenced Payton in numerous tweets such as "Alright, who let Speedy Gonzales watch Boyz n the Hood?" and "What is this?! Straight Outta The Borderline??". Those tweets referring to Payton as an illegal immigrant have since been taken down and the reasons why police were involved. On the same show where he tore into Austin Nimmo, Ezra asked Billy if he would date Kato or Payton. After choosing Kato, he explained why he'd reject Payton - "I feel sorry for him because he seems like a frisky dog, wanting some action but he's only about 12 so I doubt his penis has even fully developed yet. I would give him a hug and then send him on his way. He can go back to school and brush up sex education and work on his English." Savage.
2. BILLY VS. ANDREAWe can already hear everyone sighing and can sense them rolling their eyes. Yes, it's 2012 again and Billy and Andrea are the hot topic! Not a day went by without some wild story about Billy and Andrea's toxic marriage being published. The newspapers, bloggers, magazines, talk shows and strangers at the bus stops loved to talk about them. As much as you all pretended to HATE hearing about them, you couldn't help but sit back and enjoy no matter how tragic it was. The press had a field day and made a beeline for them. Young stars with lots of fans suddenly together and who were both emotionally unstable at the time = jackpot! Think Britney and K-Fed mixed with her 2007 breakdown and a dash of Azealia Banks' wicked way with words. That was pretty much Billy and Andrea's relationship. Constantly on and off again, Billy would say some of the worst things imaginable to her on TWITTER for the world to see before she took him back a few days later. It was like The Jerry Springer Show. Billy poked fun at her weight on several occasions and dubbed her as "thunder thighs" at one point. The fragile Andrea wore her heart on her sleeve and would post long and descriptive tales of her ordeals and sadness online. The tired public telling her to "shut up" also didn't help her get out of her feelings. Billy called her "a one-night stand that refused to let go" and his total disrespect towards her lead him to be the most hated man on the face of the Earth at one point. Stories of physical abuse surfaced too but none of these claims were ever fully confirmed so we'll move along. After the birth of their son, which Billy wasn't there to witness, things perked up for the couple. While nasty arguments weren't exactly a thing of the past, they appeared to be more loved up than ever and Billy even manned up and came to his wife's defense. Leaving their teenage years behind and maturing, the drama subsided and both realised they belong with other people. Andrea underwent a dramatic transformation and is now one of the most badass girls in the industry. She is now signed to Five Pesky Kids, which Billy co-owns. While things are cool for the most part, they still have the occasional dig at one another. Billy even pushed back the release of her album when he found out she was dating Payton. Some things never changed. Oh, Billy!
1. BILLY VS. SCOTT ROSE-HILTONYou didn't think we'd get to this point in the list and not include this one, did you?! Of course this infamous battle between Billy Khan and Scott Rose-Hilton was going to be number one! While Billy and Andrea's rocky relationship made many more headlines than this one, there's something so iconic about this highly publicised clash. What do you get when two of the most powerful and talked about men in the music industry lock horns? Pop culture history, that's what! The biggest, most successful and powerful man in the music industry is without a doubt Scott Rose-Hilton. He basically IS what the music is today. With commercial and critical success leading his iconic band Blood of Wecz, being 1/2 of the richest power couple in the music business and having the entire Chaos empire under his belt, it's safe to say that Mr Rose-Hilton is a hard-working and well-respected man. He can make you or break you. One phone call from him and you can be headlining the next Chaos Awards or totally blacklisted from every single event known to man. Do you think that intimidates Bilal Shaaen Khan? No. Not at all.
When Scott launched an online attack against Billy's then-wife, Andrea Mason, things really took a turn for the worse. Khan was never a fan, despite Rose-Hilton saving Weekend and signing them to Chaos after Angel Music collapsed. He thought of him as "pompous", "a total dickhead" and believed that he frowned upon Billy for coming from a poor and rough background and favoured Oscar Ward and Riley Hamilton instead. Hamilton IS super close with R.H to this day. Billy had had enough and told his boss exactly what he though of him. Risking his and his fellow band mates' careers, Billy didn't hold back and fired insult after insult towards the music legend. Onlookers thought that Billy was absolutely out of his mind and that his career would surely be over after this. If there's one person you do not pick a fight with, it's Scott Rose-Hilton. Billy didn't seem to care one bit.
It doesn't stop there though! Billy came back for another round, which effectively dragged Gia Rose-Hilton into it too. We touched on it briefly before but now we're going to get into the nitty-gritty of it. The Rose-Hilton's are proud of their children and there was a point were you couldn't log into Twitter without seeing the latest appraisal and achievements of Sophie, Bailey and Logan. Well Billy was sick to the back teeth of seeing the kids of two people he despises all over his timeline. He obviously believes that Daniel is far superior too. Possibly his most comical and downright rude comment was when he referred to the Rose-Hilton children as "ugly" and singled out little Bailey, saying; "Never in my life have I seen a child so young that needs waxed that badly!". You can imagine the furore that then followed.
Scott and Billy appeared to have forgiven each other following a handshake at the Chaos Awards which broke the internet and then re-following one another on social media. There are times when we still see those shady tweets coming from them and we bet out bottom dollar that this isn't the last conflict between them!
So, there you have it! Our Top 20 Billy Khan Feuds. We don't know about you but we've loved our trip down memory lane and are just realising how iconic Bilal Shaeen Khan actually is. We all remember those moments. We all loved those moments. We'll all tell our grandchildren about those moments. We'll teach future generations in school about those moments.
We hope you enjoyed the read. The big question is; Who is next??!