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Offline BrownSugar  
#2281 Posted : 24 June 2016 17:41:55(UTC)
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Dustyn holds Dallas tightly and gives him a nice big kiss, showing him just how much he appreciates him being here but not going overboard and having a full on snog in front of his band mates. Dustyn feels very lucky and is grateful that he came down to see the show. Although it's just a small gesture, Dallas really didn't have to do it especially with a busy schedule. The other boys rarely get the luxury of having the support of their significant other at a show other than via a tweet or text message. Eilidh is off being a pop star of her own, Jerry is on tour with his band, Chaelin is flying all over the world recording her album and Jennifer is at home in L.A, looking after a very cranky newborn baby. Dustyn feels blessed to have him here. "Well I'm really glad you made it. I just thought that it would cramp your style. A "serious" musician like yourself slumming it with a generic pop band as they say...practically unheard of!" Dustyn laughs and wraps and arm around Dallas' waist. He wasn't having a go and comparing Juneau and Weekend, but referencing what a lot of the music snobs say as they often write Weekend off despite Dustyn having a writing credit on every song and forgetting that the group executive produce everything, own their very own label and are pretty much involved with every aspect of their music. They even did a Taylor Swift and Adele briefly and blocked their second album from streaming platforms - they have that much control over what they do.

Riley smiles at Dallas and quickly throws on a fresh, white shirt, wafting a nice breeze tinged with his aftershave and the fabric softener around the room. "It's nice to finally meet you and see you as more than just something in the corner of my eye," Riley jokes. Dustyn and Dallas have been together for two years now but Riley has only seen Dallas in the flesh in passing once or twice, like if he was at Dustyn's door and Dallas happened to be pottering around in the background. "Would you like to join us tonight? We're heading out into town for a few celebratory drinks. Been a while since we've all been out together. You can be the honorary sixth member!" Riley says with a warm smile, patting Dallas on the arm. He's very appreciative of Dallas as he seems to be good for Dustyn. Weekend's youngest member likes being in a relationship but always seemed to find love in the wrong places and it worried Riley, who is like the father figure of the group despite being the third eldest. Past boyfriends did nothing to help Dustyn's demons, they only encouraged and left him feeling worse off after the relationship ended. Dallas may not be squeaky clean but he's certainly a better fit than any of the others. Dustyn then gives Dallas a tight cuddle. "Oh, please come with us! The drunken kebabs are all on me!"

Billy begins to wash in the shower which has about as much pressure and power as a dripping tap. Avoiding his hair which is perfectly styles, he scrubs up as fast as he can. They may be heading out in just a matter of minutes but Billy is very much a clean freak and will not do anything or go anywhere if he feels the slightest bit dirty. "Just be warned, mate. A night out with Weekend is like some sort of Inbetweeners episode only on crack and more boozed up. Not talking about the shit version you Americans got. Talking about the real fucking show, the one that was actually funny," he calls out to Dallas from the shower, still very much nude and not caring one bit. With his fast-paced Cockney accent, casual swearing and the animated way about him with his often wild eyes, Billy always looks like he's not long popped some sort of pill. He does have behavioural issues and a very full-on, dominating presence which a lot find intimidating. The good thing about Billy though is that he's genuine. What you see is what you get. He'll say the exact same thing he said about you behind your back directly to your face.

"How's the new album coming?" asks a voice from seemingly nowhere, changing the conversation. It was Oscar, standing up from his chair and involving himself in all the interaction. He is genuinely a fan of Juneau and would really like to get to know Dallas a lot better. With his hectic family life and then clashing with Billy at work, Oscar doesn't really get to flourish, make friends of his own and think about his own well being. It'd be nice to at least find somewhat of a friend in Dallas and expand from his very small and very intense social circle.




Offline genocidal king  
#2282 Posted : 25 June 2016 04:46:23(UTC)
genocidal king
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Dallas smiles and kisses Dustyn, happy to be here enjoying this special night with him. "Serious musician? Dude, I sing songs about sitting in skate parks and hating where I grew up. We're like one degree removed from dick jokes and farting on stage, how serious could I be?" he jokes, winking. When he's asked to join Weekend on a night out, Dallas is quite pleased. Sure, he had never spent much time with any of these guys before, so it would take him some time to fully come out his shell since he was a bit of a shy guy at first, but it was nice to be asked out with them, and he really wanted to bond with Dustyn's band and find out more about them, they seemed like nice guys after all. "Sure, man," he says to Riley, nodding. "I mean, as long as it's not some Weekend exclusive night. I don't want any of you guys to think I'm barging in," he adds, cautious that he didn't want to come across as an extra wheel if the band really wanted to just spend time together as a band, a group of best friends. He did appreciate that feeling. When he hears Billy yell out from the shower, Dallas laughs and shrugs. "Well anything would be wilder than a night out with my band. I love them all, but when two of them are straight edge, it's kinda hard to have a crazy ass night out without the non drunk people feeling a little left out."

Dallas is a little surprised when he hears another voice from behind him, one that he hadn't heard yet, so he kinda jumps a little and turns to see who it was, smiling at Oscar. He had heard Dustyn say that Oscar was a fan before, but he didn't know that Oscar had a genuine interest in what the band were up to. "The album? Yeah, man it's going well it's going well. We've been laying down a few tracks to get a bit of a sound mapped out, so we should be going into the studio soon for real," he smiles, pleased to be able to talk to someone about what Juneau were up to. It was cool to be able to speak to a fan, but someone who wasn't trying to get a selfie or an autograph at the same time.
Offline BrownSugar  
#2283 Posted : 25 June 2016 11:53:50(UTC)
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Dustyn laughs and then reaches for his little jacket which is hung on the back of the door. He wriggles around in the sleeves, putting it on as he continues to talk to his boyfriend. "Dick jokes and farting?" he asks with a chuckle, "Well that could be an interesting take for the next album. You know how everyone is trying to be cutting edge and all experimental nowadays. Although it wouldn't be that surprising for me to hear. It's basically what you do in the house anyway." Dustyn laughs and zips up his jacket, ready to make his way to the car.

Riley shakes his head and smiles reassuringly at Dallas. "Not at all, mate! You're welcome with open arms!" Although he's not that familiar with Dallas, he really wants him to join the group tonight so that he can get to know him. He obviously means a lot to Dustyn and after two years of dating, it's pretty clear that Dallas is here to stay so it makes sense to include the guy. Even if Dallas were just an acquaintance of Dustyn's, he'd probably still be invited along as that's just how Riley is. He's very friendly and would hate to see someone blatantly left out when it's all just a matter of simply asking them. "We aren't some exclusive inner circle. You can chill with us anytime. There are no rules...well, apart from the fact that you can't touch Billy's hair," he says while laughing. Although it sounds like a joke, knowing Billy it's probably true.

Oscar smiles and nods along as he listens to Dallas, genuinely happy to be talking about something that he enjoys. It's not often that Oscar gets to express himself and his interests. He's either playing pretend with his kids (and Eilidh) or having heated debates with Billy. His life is just an existing loop of the same thing as of late. Bringing Dallas into the equation injects some excitement and something different into Oscar's everyday life. "That's great to hear. I'll definitely be checking out. I really love the first full album you guys did. You're a talented bunch." While Oscar compliments Dallas, Dustyn smiles up at his boyfriend, looking very proud of him.

Billy steps out of the shower and grabs a big white towel out from his bag and begins to dry himself off. Scott raises an eyebrow, finally lifting his head up from his phone. "Billy, you travel around with a full-on large bath towel?" Scott asks. Billy shrugs and continues to dry himself off. "Yes, Scott, I do. Unlike you smelly cunts who just drown yourself in deodorant and aftershave after a show, I like to actually clean myself. It's basic hygiene. You guys wouldn't know anything about that, you dirty bastards." Again, Billy's way with words sounds rather aggressive but he's just joking around and comfortable enough with his band mates to know that they won't be intimidated or offended. Throwing on some clothes, Billy then heads to the door to collect his leather jacket. Passing Dallas on the way, he stops and decides to have some proper interaction with him now that he's no longer nude. "We're gonna show you the best spots in London tonight, mate...well, aside from the club that I own. Bit sad taking all your mates to your own club. You like getting fucking wrecked? That's what the plan is tonight, mate."




Offline genocidal king  
#2284 Posted : 26 June 2016 00:31:55(UTC)
genocidal king
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Dallas laughs at the way Dustyn struggles and helps him to find the hole in the jacket to put his arm in, smiling at him and straightening it at the front. "Well, you know, it made Blink 182 millions of dollars. All you gotta say is you fucked someone's mom a hundred times and people will throw money at you I guess," he laughs. He smiles at Riley again when he confirms Dallas can come on the night out with them. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. In truth, the only thing Dallas really knew about Riley was that he was best friends with Scott Rose-Hilton and those rumours that Riley had had an affair while married to Michelle. But this guy seemed nicer than Dallas had imagined, he didn't seem like the type who would let the fact he was friends with the A-listers change him, and the second part Dallas had heard about him, well those were just rumours after all. Dallas felt a bit bad for having assumed anything about Riley, and he could see now that he was a genuinely nice guy, which was great to know. "Hey, thanks man. I appreciate it," he nods. It was nice to know that Dustyn's band wanted him to hang with them. He always wondered what they thought of him, but the fact they wanted to hang out obviously meant they accepted him and wanted to get to know him, which he thought was really cool.

"Thanks, man," Dallas says with a smile as he pats Oscar on the back. It was cool to hear that someone in the world's biggest pop band was a fan. It was cool to know that Juneau's work was appreciated, and he always enjoyed hearing how fans enjoyed what they did. "Expect something different this time, though. We were all a lot less mature when we wrote the first one, so this one should be a bit darker and a little, like...more grown up, you know? Hopefully you like it though. And hey, maybe we can get you in to do some guest vocals, if we can afford to hire you," he says, clearly joking about the price at the end. "That would be cool to have a member of Weekend sing on our record," he says, nodding. Dallas hears Billy come out of the shower and looks across as the debate with Scott begins. To someone else, it would seem like the two were being a bit harsh with each other, especially Billy, but to anyone who knew what it was like to tour with a band and be in that close environment, it was obviously just playful joking around. When Billy speaks to him, Dallas raises his eyebrows at one thing in particular he says. "Your own club? Shit, I need to get into this pop music game," he jokes. "Yeah, dude, ain't nothing better than a night getting fucked up," he adds with a smile. "Besides, it's been too long since I really painted London red."
Offline BrownSugar  
#2285 Posted : 26 June 2016 02:17:47(UTC)
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Dustyn smiles, giving Dallas a silent "thank you" as he helps him put on his jacket. He then tuts and laughs, playfully nudging Dallas when he mentions Blink 182's secret to success. "You? You singing about fucking mothers? I think a heavy metal album from Isabel will be more convincing." The image of both records causes Dustyn to chuckles. Riley laughs along too, finding it impossible not to overhear the conversation in such a small space. When Dallas thanks him, he smiles and shrugs, not really feeling like inventing him out was any grand gesture as he wouldn't dare think of excluding him. "No worries, mate. Really have no idea why it's taken so long for us all to get together. We can make up for lost time tonight," laughs the burly Northerner. His appearance, gruff voice and powerful friendships and associations within the business could easily make Riley seem like a very dominant and intimidating figure but he's actually one of the most placid guys out there. He commands respect without even trying. He treats everyone like his equal, goes out of his way to help in whatever way and has time for everyone. Nobody would ever want to offend Riley or have a bad word to say about him because he doesn't deserve it. You simply don't disrespect Riley because he's one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Plus he goes to the gym all the time and is from Beeston so you know he can crack a skull if needed.

Oscar's face lights up when Dallas asks him to provide vocals for a track, whether it was an empty promise or not. Even though he has a lot of control over Weekend's material, there are still four other opinions and the fans tastes to take into consideration so Oscar still has to do a lot of compromising when it comes to the music he makes. Juneau's sound is far more up his alley. "Oh you wouldn't have to pay me anything. I'd love to work with you guys. Just get in touch if anything ever comes up." Oscar smiles and pulls on his coat. While he was talking to Dallas about recording with him, Billy sighs and rolls his eyes. He really doesn't have time for Oscar and has never liked him. It's basically just like a playground bully picking at anything. Oscar wasn't even doing anything yet Billy felt the need to express his annoyance, although very subtly. "Yeah, my own club!" Billy says butting in and stopping Oscar before he enters a conversation about all of the obscure music he likes. "Some musicians spend their money on flashy cars, others have private jets and acres of land. I have a place where my mates can have a right good piss-up. Also got a restaurant. Unlike a car that's obsolete six months from now, a club and a restaurant keep bringing the money in. I'm a greedy bastard." Billy laughs and leads the way out of the dressing room, down the dank little corridor and out the fire exit.

Security guides the boys to a silver Mercedes V-Class MPV waiting outside for them. Scott waves at the middle-aged and somewhat under dressed driver, "Hello Terry!". Terry is the band's driver and tour manager. He's been with them from the beginning and has overheard many conversations and witnessed some shenanigans that could make him a very wealthy man if he spilled the beans to Culture Uncut. He stays quiet and loyal however and acts like the fun uncle or grandfather to the band. "Where we off to, boys? Hotel?" he asks in a thick Liverpudlian accent. "Nah, we're going to Cirque le Soir" says Scott excitedly, obviously a real fan of the place. "Oh no, that's not the place that's carnival themed is it? It's creepy. People jump around like they're out a freakshow with skulls painted on their faces." Dustyn whines from the backseats, squished in between Dallas and Billy while the other three members sit in the row in front. "Yeah but we'll be so pissed we won't even notice the creeps." Scott says with a little laugh.

Some time passes and they are still travelling through the now very rainy London streets at night. With soothing sounds on the radio playing at a low volume, the dark skies and the rain gently tapping on the windows, it's putting some of the boys to sleep rather than hype them up for a night out. Billy exhales loudly and groans, expressing his boredom. Looking over Dustyn, he tries to catch Dallas' gaze. "So, Dallas...Dustyn tells me you've got a fat cock..." Dustyn's eyes widen and he slaps Billy on the arm. "Billy!!" he exclaims, half pissed off and half amused at the randomness of it all. "Just trying to make conversation. I don't know much about him!" Billy raises his hands up like he's surrendering to arrest, not wanting to irk the little Irishman any more than he already has.




Offline genocidal king  
#2286 Posted : 26 June 2016 03:27:02(UTC)
genocidal king
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As they are leaving the venue, ushered out past the fans by Weekend's security, Dallas felt more like a celebrity than he ever had done before. Not only were people shouting for Weekend, but those who saw him were calling out his name as well, which was really quite funny in his mind. He smirks and waves a little to them as they all make their way through the crowd of fans. Dallas is about to ask if they should book a taxi to take them to the club when they come upon a huge and quite fancy car. He laughs a little at his own stupidity. Of course Weekend would have their own private car. "Terry," he says, saluting to the guy who opened the door for him. Dallas climbs into the car beside Dustyn; it was really flashy in here. Sure it wasn't a limo but it was all leather interiors and comfy as hell, so it probably cost about as much. He listens to the band discuss where they're going to go and nods as he hears Dustyn protest at the club. If he was being honest, it actually sounded really cool. "Sounds like some crazy Tijuana street party," Dallas chimes in. "Count me in. I love that sort of thing."

"Man, I will never get used to this fucking rain in this country," Dallas says as he looks out of the window and through what to him was like a raging storm. He quite liked seeing rain from inside, he was weird like that, but he hated being out in it. When he hears his name, Dallas absentmindedly nods, before Billy's question makes him laugh loudly. "Oh, he said that?" Dallas says through his laughter. "I don't wanna blow my own trumpet man, but let me say the video of our Warped Tour show where my pants gave up mid set....viral for a reason," Dallas jokes, happy to being included in the banter of the band.

Offline BrownSugar  
#2287 Posted : 26 June 2016 05:24:59(UTC)
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Billy laughs as he listens to Dallas, making a mental note that the guy is actually alright. Many people think that Billy is hard to please and far from friendly which is partly true but he's nowhere near as cold and standoffish as one would think. He likes to test people, press their buttons and see what their boundaries are before he makes up his mind on someone. Billy loves to put people on the spot, as shown by his random remark about Dallas but that's just how he rolls. He's loud, tells somewhat offensive jokes and has absolutely no shame. Dallas didn't shy away like a right old prude nor did he give Billy a lecture on how rude he was being, therefore Dallas passed the friendship test. All you have to do is be chill and let Billy be Billy and he's a total teddybear after that...for the most part anyway. Dustyn holds his head in his hands, "Aaahh, this conversation isn't happening..." he says with a muffled voice. Billy sees that Dallas enjoys the banter and how embarrassed it makes Dustyn, therefore encouraging him to go on. "Mate, Dustyn told me that you give him the most intense orgasms he's ever had..." Billy says before poking his tongue out a Dallas, totally loving winding Dustyn up. Even though it's all jokes, Dustyn's face turns red and it's quite possible that he has said that about Dallas as he and Billy are extremely close. Dustyn's probably mentioned to Dallas a few times that Billy is his best friend.

Pulling up to the club, the boys have to prepare themselves to dash out of the car and to the doors of the building as swiftly as possible. They have no security now and even though the fans are long gone, drunken party goers and civilians in the street are still bound to recognise the famous musicians. Weekend love their fans and would take a token of appreciation over an insult any day but if they stop for one person, they have to stop for everyone else and it takes up far too much time. Diving out of the car one by one with their jackets raised to protect them from the rain, Weekend and Dallas had over to the bouncers. Scott gives one of the guards a friendly smile and begins to exchange a few words with him while the others wait. It's clear that this is a regular go-to for Scott as he's been eager to head here all night and seems to know the bouncer rather well. He motions for the rest of the group to follow his lead as he holds his wrist out and is stamped with a clown's face which allows him to access all areas of the exclusive club. Scott heads inside with the others in tow. Dustyn holds onto Dallas, feeling a little overwhelmed by the place. This is definitely not your average bar. It looks like something straight out of an American Horror Story. Behind the unassuming black door and rather drab exterior lays a whole other world. Magicians, clowns, sword-swallowers, fire-eaters, burlesque angle grinders to snake charmers, contortionists and stilt walkers among a host of weird and wonderful entertainment are all regulars here, albeit not all at the one time. Still, the colourful characters, hall of mirrors entrance, staff covered in face paint and drinks which either seem to be all sparkling or on fire, really gives this place an edge and personality like no other. Only three of these clubs exist in the world; one in London, one in Shanghai and one in Dubai so it's a pretty rare experience and extremely niche. Billy immediately seeks out the bar. "I'm going to go get us all a round of Fiery Balls of Death. Start off lightly," he says rather casually as he heads off into the crowd. Riley chuckles and leads the group towards a booth. "Fiery Balls. That's all I bloody need!" he laughs, entering the booth.




Offline genocidal king  
#2288 Posted : 26 June 2016 07:39:12(UTC)
genocidal king
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Dallas was never the sort of guy to talk much about sex at all. He just never really saw it as the sort of thing that had much to discuss outside the bedroom, but the fact Billy is so open about it made him laugh somewhat, and it was quite entertaining to see Dustyn squirm a bit at the questioning. He imagined all of this was stuff Dustyn had said since Dallas knew how close band members could be, and how best friends could really talk about everything and anything. "Really, he said all that?" Dallas asks, seeing Dustyn look quite embarrassed by the whole thing. "Hey man," he says to Dustyn. "If you really feel that impressed by my skills, would you mind leaving me good feedback on my website," he jokes, clearly just taking the piss. He liked messing around and having a laugh, and he could see that even though Billy sometimes came across different on social media, he really was good for a laugh, and was not stuck up at all.

When the car pulls up at the club, Dallas peers out the window through the rain and wonders for a second what all the fuss was about with the club. Many of the nightclubs he had been to in London in the past were all flashy and bright outside, name in lights and all that jazz, but this one was far less showy. It just looked like a black door with nothing much to offer, and Dallas wondered for a minute why there was such a big queue outside. Once they exit and move towards the door, Dallas walks beside Dustyn, holding his hand; in some ways he was a little scared that if he wasn't there with Dustyn, the bouncers might question who he is or decide he's not famous enough to be skipping the queue with the rest of Weekend. And he was American, ironically the only one of this little crew who would hate queuing for ages. As they come through the door, he puts his hood down, glad to be out of the rain at long last, even if he wasn't expecting all that much from the nightclub they had entered given how it looked from outside. However, when the door inside opens and they are ushered inside the VIP area, Dallas gasps instantly. It was like immediately being thrust into a hallucinogenic dream with all the crazy shit that was going on around the place. all the circus and burlesque acts made for a cacophony of noise and colour that massaged the senses all at once and made for an almost overwhelming experience. It was almost magical, and Dallas could tell that this would be a hell of a night. When Billy says he's going for drinks, Dallas nods. "Yeah, man. Sounds good dude. I do love a good fiery ball," he jokes. As they sit in the booth, Dallas has a thought. This was already a crazy place to experience, and he found it so cool and overwhelming, but he could only imagine how it would feel aided by substances, and he wanted to experience that. His mind immediately goes to the pills he had in his pocket, but he didn't know how Weekend would take it if he suggested something illegal so early. He decided it was probably best to judge the feeling first before diving in though, so he sits down and looks around. "This place is so fucking cool!" he yells to the group.
Offline BrownSugar  
#2289 Posted : 26 June 2016 19:34:12(UTC)
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Dustyn and Billy are extremely close so they tell each other everything and anything. Being the most candid in the band, it's no surprise that the subject of sex comes up between them. Billy has a wild side just like Dustyn and they have lots in common so topics like this don't really bother any of them. Dustyn wasn't expecting this to come up in front of Dallas though, as he knows his boyfriend doesn't really like to talk about sex outside of the bedroom. Just like a woman has her closest girlfriend who she confides in about everything, Billy is Dustyn's equivalent to that so it's no surprise that Dallas' assets have came up in conversation. At least he had nice things to say. Dustyn turns, still red-faced and mouths "Sorry!" to Dallas, doubling as an apology for Billy's behaviour as well as for talking about their bedroom antics to other people.

The club can be a tad intimidating and too much for some people. Dustyn usually freaks at unfamiliar loud noises and chaos, as proven by how clingy he's being with Dallas right now but after a few minutes of adjusting, he's usually fine and becomes centre of attention by the end of the night. This isn't a place to go to for a quiet drink or for a catch-up with your mates. Cirque le Soir is where you go to have a right good piss-up and an insane night to remember...or not. It's a strange and confusing enough environment as it is when sober but when pissed, it's like some sort of mythical land. All the performers, staff, projections and artwork all merge into one and with the hall of mirrors leading to the exit as well as to the bathrooms, it can be a total bastard of a venue as it's easy to get lost and lose track of what's real and what's not. When Dallas says that this place is cool, Scott nods, finally acknowledging his presence for the first time. He seems to be very enthusiastic about this place. "Yeah, mate it's fucking insane here!" he calls out over the noise with his native Australian accent often slipping through the English one he picked up through his childhood after living here for over a decade. "Just be careful going for a piss. It's a big urinal trough but it's got that black and white hypnosis illusion projected and constantly spinning on it. Don't look at it too long or you'll either fall in and bang into the guy next to you. I've made that mistake once...or seven times." He laughs and then looks across the room before cheering as he sees Billy return with the tray of shots, which appear to be slightly...on fire. "Get this shit down ya!" he says with a grin, resting the tray down on the table. "Jesus Christ, Billy when you said fiery I thought you meant like it was cinnamon infused or something like that, not literally on fire!" Oscar exclaims, looking a tad bewildered and confused. People actually drink things that are alight? Billy shrugs, "Well don't fucking drink it then, moany arse!" He'll often laugh and joke with the others but when it comes to Oscar, he has no time for him. Billy then clears his throat and surveys his friends around the table. "Any of you cunts got anything to help these go down a treat?" he asks, obviously referring to some pills or any type of drug as he's not fussy. There was Dallas worried about illegal activity too.




Offline genocidal king  
#2290 Posted : 27 June 2016 03:24:52(UTC)
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Dallas might not be the sort of guy who normally talked about sex, but he was surprised to find that he wasn't all that bothered about the discussion that had risen its head tonight. Perhaps it was just because Weekend made him feel welcome, or because they were so open that it made him feel comfortable in a way he usually wasn't, but he felt like it was all good, and he knew that no one here, especially not Billy, would judge him. "It's fine," he says to Dustyn in a reassuring tone, squeezing his hand. "I'm just glad to hear I get good reviews even when I can't hear them," he adds with a little laugh. He didn't mind Billy being so brash either. It seemed that was just the way he was, and that was fine with Dallas.

Dallas is surprised when Scott finally talks to him. He had been warned beforehand by Dustyn that Scott could be a little difficult, and he didn't mind when he didn't talk, but he was surprised that he was now after Dallas had been around them so long. "Shit, it sounds crazy," Dallas laughs. "I'll try to hold off experiencing that until I'm a bit more fucked up. Makes it more fun, man," he jokes, before reaching down to take one of the flaming drinks that are set down on the table. With no hesitation at all, Dallas necks the drink and cheers afterwards. This was going to be a good night, and he really was glad to be here experiencing how the mega rich and famous enjoyed their downtime. It was much more fantastical and magical than he normally experienced, but that was something Dallas loved, and he was really up for a good night. When Billy just comes out with it and asks if anyone has any drugs, Dallas laughs a little, wondering why he had ever been worried about bringing it up. Weekend were a hugely successful pop band, of course they were going to have at least one or two members who liked to indulge as he did. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the little bag and holds it up. Here, in the VIP area, he knew he didn't have to hide it too much. Security tended to turn a blind eye to whatever the rich and famous wanted to do. "Anyone partial to a little dance with Molly?" he asks in reference to the pills in his hand. He knew they would make this rather crazy setting and dream-like club even crazier and even more of a joyous assault on the senses, and he wanted someone to experience that with him.
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#2291 Posted : 27 June 2016 05:47:11(UTC)
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Oscar is surprisingly the first one of the band to take his shot, throwing it back before immediately coughing and screwing his face up at the less than pleasant taste. He isn't much of a drinker any more and always has his responsible head on, like his fellow band mate Riley. The difference is, Riley can loosen up when he knows that he doesn't have any major responsibilities that night or the next morning whereas Oscar seems to be constantly worrying, even at his own birthday party. He decided to just down the beverage and not give himself time to think about it because if he did, he'd more than likely leave the shot for someone else. "Shit...and people actually enjoy this? What's in it?" he exclaims, still in shock over the fiery experience.

Riley shrugs and leans over to take his shot, answering Oscar during the process. "Who knows, Ozzy my man? Don't think people buy them for the taste though. It's for the experience they bring with it." He laughs and takes his shot before looking over at Dallas who has now taken out some ecstasy. Riley doesn't frown upon drug use like this but he doesn't really partake in any of it purely out of fear. He's never touched a recreational drug and hasn't even smoked some weed due to his respiratory problems. Oscar's even dabbled in some illegal activity before. Riley will just stick to the booze and turn a blind eye to it though.

Billy perches on the end of the booth, next to Dallas and gives him a rather over the top kiss on the cheek when he sees the pills. "I always knew you were cool, Dallas," he says with a little laugh before taking one of the pills down with his drink.

Dustyn then places a hand behind Dallas' head and brings him in for a kiss (his second one from a Weekend member in the space of 30 seconds) and then whispers into his ear, "Can you save one for me? Wanna have a few more drinks first." Dustyn smiles and moves his hand down Dallas' back, keeping it there as it feels comfy and simply because he's his boyfriend and can.

Scott clears his throat to get Dallas' attention on the opposite side of the booth. He casually leans across the table and holds a hand out, wanting one of the pills. Although security tend to turn a blind eye, they aren't the only ones in VIP and doesn't want to run the risk of getting them all busted.

Billy rattles the table with his fingertips and jumps up from his seat, feeling a burst of energy run through him. The excitement of it all and the amazing environment is really hyping the already wild Billy up. "I'm gonna go get us some more shots...maybe a couple of bottles too. Wait, why the fuck am I the only cunt paying for this??! Fuck it, you lot owe me a lot tomorrow." Billy darts off across the wacky venue and almost collides with someone walking on stilts. His loud, sometimes grating Cockney accent can he heard from across the club; "Oi! Watch out you big Giraffe-looking cunt!"




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#2292 Posted : 27 June 2016 07:07:56(UTC)
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Dallas is still staring at the little bag in his hand when Billy grabs him and kisses him on the cheek. It was funny to see Billy this animated since he always came across as quite cool and not too excitable on social media when Dallas had seen his posts. "Hey, the coolest of the cool," Dallas says as he hands Billy one of the pills. Dallas was not a heavy drug user, but he did like to indulge when he was on a real night out. It just seemed to add something a little different to the alcohol, and the mix always made for a more enjoyable night. He smiles and kisses Dustyn when he leans over, before smiling at him and nodding, taking one pill from the bag and putting it in the top pocket of his hoodie. "That one's reserved for you whenever you want it," he says with a smile. To most people, Dallas might be seen to be an enabler of Dustyn's drug use when he was letting him use like this, but Dallas saw it a little differently. In his eyes, they were just having fun, and he didn't see recreational drugs as an issue. It's not like they were the addictive nightmare that other drugs were. Or at least he thought not.

When he sees a hand come across the table, Dallas smiles and drops a pill into Scott's hand, kinda happy that he was joining in. Dallas thought about how funny it would be if the Weekend fans could see their band right now. They certainly weren't sticking to that squeaky clean boy band image anyway tonight. He laughs at the thought of their fan base freaking out before he downs his own pill. "Hey, you all owe me thirty bucks," he then says, clearly joking, before he waves Billy away towards the bar, asking him to bring back a bucket of beers when he returns, before laughing hysterically at his reaction to the stilt walker. Clearly the drugs were already kicking in.
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#2293 Posted : 27 June 2016 08:08:45(UTC)
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Dustyn has had an ongoing battle with drugs since the tender age of 16 and no matter how many times he says he's going to quit, Dustyn always finds himself having an "innocent" pill now and then or the occasional line or two. While he's no longer suffering from an intense addiction like he did in 2012 and 2013 with cocaine, his ultimate demon, Dustyn still pretty much includes recreational drugs in his life and will probably never be completely clean. While it would be best and wise to not touch anything, since being with Dallas, Dustyn has learned to control himself and keep everything in moderation. He has strong enough willpower to say no but if he wants to get crazy, he sure as hell will. He whispers to Dallas again; "You gonna keep some stuff by for afterwards too?" he asks, referring to when the two of them are alone, not really sure if Dallas is up for continuing the fun after they leave this place.

Billy is gone for a good ten minutes, by this time Scott's pill has definitely kicked in as he hangs over the table in a fit of giggles at seemingly nothing and also interjects random outbursts of song no matter what is playing in the club, he seems to know every track. Eventually, Dustyn laughs and nudges Dallas before pointing over across the club at Billy. He is teetering around the freaky setting, wide-eyed and a tad sweaty from the pill while trying to balance two trays completely filled with shot glasses. beer bottles and a bottle of vodka all the while trying not to absolutely lose his shit at the trippy dreamland surrounding him. Billy finally makes it to the table and places the array of drinks down. From his seemingly never ending jacket pockets, Billy takes out multiple bags of nuts and crisps. He then proceeds to take out a handful of regular and flavoured condoms and places them on the table, giving a cheeky wink to Dallas and Dustyn - the only couple here tonight. "If you ever want to get freaky around the back of this place between the bins..." He laughs and sits back down.

Riley chuckles and shakes his head in amazement, "Billy...you are just full of surprises aren't you?"

Billy winks at Riley and takes his jacket off, really feeling the warmth from the club and the heat triggered by popping the pill. "Oh, yeah. You know me!" Billy laughs and grabs a bottle of beer. "Let's play a game of Never Have I Ever. Bound to get us wrecked. If you're a thick cunt and don't know the rules, we'll go round in a circle...well semi-circle in this case and the first player says a simple statement starting with "Never have I ever". Anyone who at some point in their lives have done the action that the first player says, must drink. We'll start with me, then it passes on to Dallas, Dustyn, Riley, Oscar, Scott and then back to me. You fuckers ready?" Billy raises his bottle and thinks for a moment, trying to think of something he hasn't done in life. "Never have I ever...made a sex tape with a girl," he says with a wink, knowing who he's put on the spot. Oscar sheepishly looks around and then takes a shot.




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#2294 Posted : 27 June 2016 09:49:59(UTC)
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"I don't know if MDMA works when you're at home, man. But I think I have some blow somewhere, just not in this jacket," Dallas laughs. "We can find it and do that later. We have more Orange is the new Black to watch anyway, and it always seems more high octane when I've got a nose full of that shit," he says with a little wink. Dallas wasn't huge drug user, but he was your typical rock musician. He dabbled in everything and really didn't seem to care what it did to him all that much. He was about living in the moment, and he enjoyed the fact that he could take something to enhance his fun at any given time. When Dustyn points across the room, Dallas looks across and sees Billy stumble back and forward between all of the acts performing at the show, most of whom look completely shocked to see him darting to and fro. The most impressive thing is that despite clearly being absolutely fucked by drugs and alcohol, Billy had yet to spill a drink, which makes Dallas laugh way too loudly, standing and applauding Billy as he comes back to the table with his array of snacks and other goods. In the corner of the club, one eager bouncer spots just how wasted all of Weekend and Dallas are, and he steps forward as if ready to eject them, when he's suddenly stopped by an older bouncer who shakes his head and leans in to tell him who they are. The first guy nods and steps back into place, scowling at what he perceived as a group of rich assholes just being exactly that and wasting their money on drink and drugs.

When the trays are down, Dallas picks up a beer and takes a swig, before Billy tells him they're about to play a drinking game. This was where Dallas came into his own. He fucking loved drinking games, and the MDMA was starting to make him feel invincible. He knew he would win tonight, no matter the game. Standing, he looks at his beer and shakes his head. "No! Fuck, this won't cut it," he says very loudly, stood there wide eyed. He then turns and puts the beer on the floor, making a very exaggerated shushing motion at it, before he rolls his sleeves up and lifts the large bottle of vodka. "Right, dude, BILLY! I'm ready to play, man!" he yells, nodding as he listens to the rules. He knew how to play, but he knew not everyone would. When Billy says the first never have I ever, Dallas is a little disappointed that he didn't get to drink, but he didn't expect anyone else to, except maybe Billy, so when he sees Oscar drink, he almost falls over in amazement. "OH SHIT, MAN!" he yells, gaining his balance. "With your girl Eilidh?" he asks, clearly surprised. He knew Oscar and Eilidh had been together for years, but he didn't imagine either would ever have been behind such an act, but it had to be her. Dallas rocks backwards and lifts a hand to his head, motioning that his mind is blown by that fact. "Alright....alright, alright, it's my turn," he says, putting his hands out as if to shush everyone. "Ok...never," he laughs. "never ever have...what? Never have I ever used a vibrator on my own tour bus. When everyone was on there asleep," he says, looking around hopefully at everyone on the bus, before he lifts the impossibly large bottle of vodka and takes a long swig. "Shit, that's good," he says, before coughing loudly.

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#2295 Posted : 27 June 2016 10:32:48(UTC)
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Dustyn nods and smiles, just glad that Dallas plans on continuing the fun back at home, albeit not as wildly as this. He hates just coming home, totally crashing and going to bed. It's not a fun night until you see it through until the sunrise. Also, being at home with Dallas means that he can relax a little more. Dustyn doesn't have a problem letting loose but it's a totally different vibe when being around a group of friends than it is being alone with your partner. "I might take that pill now, actually" he says with a little giggle as he sees everyone else letting their hair down during the game. Scott catches the bouncer from across the room and flips him off before returning his attention to the game. He can be so up himself at times and enjoys the perks of being famous and somewhat "above" certain people and the rules.

Standing up and clapping for Oscar after he admits to the tape yet again, Scott is clearly feeling the impact of the MDMA too and is becoming very animated and lively. "YES, OZZY BOY!! YOU DIRTY BASTARD!" He calls out, still clapping for his best mate who usually shies away from such rude scenarios. Oscar laughs, holding his head in his hands, rather embarrassed about the situation. A lot of time had past since the video leaked so most people knew of it and it was certainly old news to his band mates. Dallas, however, appeared to be in the dark about it and with the band clearly on a strong buzz, it sort of brings new life to the raunchy video yet again. "OK, OK, it's an old video boys..." Oscar says, blushing and trying to compose himself. "Yeah, Eilidh and I....y-yeah, it's out there on the big bad internet," confesses a bright red Oscar to Dallas from across the table.

After listening to Dallas' "never...", Oscar, Riley and Scott remain still while Dustyn and Billy have guilty looks on their faces. Dustyn takes an exotic looking light blue shot and coughs. He doesn't mind admitting to it, what he does find more shocking is Dallas' confession. "Conners, you've used a vibrator??!! I've known you for two years and never seen you take anything up your..." Dustyn then giggles and turns around to the other members of the band, suddenly remembering where he is. "Oops, hehe!" he giggles, looking up at Dallas who is still stood up. Billy is on his feet next to Dallas and looks totally fucked. His eyes are extremely alert and wild, his palms and forehead are getting sweaty, he can't seem to stand still and he's unbuttoned his shirt, showing some skin in usual Billy style. "I use a vibrator even when these cunts are awake on the bus!" he laughs then reaches over, grabbing the neck of the vodka bottle while Dallas still holds the base of it in his hands. Billy guzzles down some, not caring that it had just been in Dallas' mouth a few seconds ago. "Blue, your turn!"

Dustyn clears his throat and tries to think of something that will cause a few giggles. "Alright...never have I ever had Dustyn Blue's willy in my mouth." Riley laughs and pats Dustyn on the back, loving how he's willing to put himself out there. As funny as it was though, it doesn't apply to him so Riley doesn't touch his drink. Scott and Oscar also leave their drinks untouched. "Seen it plenty of times, Dusty but never been lodged in my throat," Scott jokes, now appearing even more erratic. Dustyn looks around with guilty and shifty eyes before taking another colourful shot. "I'm flexible and got curious..." he says with a little giggle. Not sure how it will go down, Billy sighs and takes another gulp of vodka from the bottle Dallas is holding and looks at his new friend with a mischievous grin. Must be weird to know that the guy next to you has sucked off your boyfriend before.




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#2296 Posted : 28 June 2016 04:57:32(UTC)
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Dallas reaches into his top pocket when Dustyn asks to try a pill after all, nodding and smiling. He was glad Dustyn wanted to get involved at last, he didn't want to see him left behind when everyone else was totally gone. Dallas smirks and puts the pill on his own tongue, holding it out for Dustyn to take. He wouldn't normally be like this in public, but the drugs were helping him loosen up and feel more relaxed around everyone. When Oscar discusses the sex tape he made with Eilidh, Dallas was amazed, and he holds his hands to his face as he listens to Oscar spill it all. "Well shit, man. She's such a cute little thing, I didn't think she had it in her. Well...I guess she did have it in her, huh? Or else there'd be no sex tape," he adds, absolutely loving his own joke again. These drugs made him feel like the funniest man alive and he loved it. "Shit, dude. I can't believe it," he laughs, trying to joke around with Oscar and make him feel less self conscious about the whole thing than he clearly did,

When he's questioned after drinking, Dallas smirks, knowing that Dustyn would react exactly how he had. It was funny to see him so shocked at what he had said, and even though it wasn't something he'd have normally admitted, the drugs he had taken were making Dallas more open and honest. "Hey....hey it gets lonely on the bus smetimes, man," he protests, laughing. "I didn't say I was a fan, necessarily. I just tried it out. It hurt like hell too. I didn't do a whole lotta sitting down that weekend," he jokes, sharing far more than Dallas normally would. When Billy then goes one step forward and admits what he does on the bus, Dallas goes into fits of laughter. He was clearly enjoying Billy's banter and how open he was about everything. He just seemed so honest and real, and Dallas didn't know many people that legit. He stops laughing eventually and turns to the three straight guys across the table. "So hey, now you know what he's up to when you're all on that bus. Watch where you sit boys," he laughs, falling back into his seat as he finds himself hilarious. Dallas eventually stops and waits for Dustyn to make his statement, sure that he would be drinking again. If he knew Dustyn, he would be making sure he used something that Dallas had to drink for, and he was right. What Dallas didn't expect when he hears Dustyn's challenge is for anyone else at the table to be drinking as well, but when Billy does, he laughs loudly. Dallas was never the sort to get jealous, so it didn't bother him one bit if Billy and Dustyn had done something in the past. He waits until Billy takes a swig from the bottle and laughs. "Hey, haven't we all?" he says with a shrug, clearly joking, before he takes a long drink, giving a satisfied sigh when he's finished. This vodka was dangerous, because even though it was strong, it was incredibly easy to drink.

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#2297 Posted : 28 June 2016 05:51:02(UTC)
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Dustyn is usually one of the first ones to get the party started but as it was his first time having Dallas along with his friends, he wanted to keep a clear head for a while just in case there happened to be a clash between his band and boyfriend which he had to resolve. After testing the waters and seeing everyone ease into the night at a surprisingly fast pace, Dustyn decided that he wanted to be part of the fun too. When Dallas puts the pull on his tongue, Dustyn smirks and places his hand on the back of his boyfriend's neck and pulls him in for a kiss. Dustyn's very tactile and loves expressing his feelings so it's nice to see Dallas loosen up in this sense tonight. Taking the pill from him, Dustyn slowly swirls his tongue around and gently massages Dallas', turning the drug exchange into a very sneaky little make out session. Billy rattles on the table and then claps for the couple as he witnesses the kissing. "Oi oi!! Getting a little frisky over 'ere!" he calls out at an almost deafening volume. Breaking away from the kiss and taking his pill down with a swig of beer, Dustyn blushes and looks at Dallas lovingly. It's not just how he's loosening up that's pleasing Dustyn, but even listening to him joke around with Oscar, a guy he's only just met, to make him feel at ease really does put the icing on the cake. He knows he's landed a good one with Dallas. Oscar flashes a smile across the table to Dallas.

Dustyn smirks, enjoying the mental image of a bored Dallas experimenting but decides to keep it to himself and store it away for private time with his boyfriend. Billy laughs and pats Dallas on the back, finding the story more hilarious than he should have done and, like Dustyn, gets the mental image of Dallas and his vibrator in his head. It's the thought of trying to cover up the sound of the heavy vibrations and moans in the dead of night that's tickling his funny bone. "Mate, was it a big vibrator? How far did you get it in? You still got it? I could help you with it, if you want?" Billy fires off a round of questions in his usual no-filter style. After telling Dallas that he and Dustyn have fooled around, he suddenly feels a lot closer to Dallas, purely for the reason that he knows more about him now. Billy is very candid and tends to answer everything honestly when asked but has never really came across the right moment to admit to fooling around with Dustyn. All of his crazy experiences make him who he is today and not being able to share his stories sometimes makes Billy feel like he's not being totally genuine. "Yeah, me and Dustyn did a little experimenting in the earlier days. Did we, Dusty? He still like it when you put your tongue under his foreskin?" Billy asks rather casually while Dustyn's jaw drops and reaches over to playfully slap him. "Billy! Oh my God!!"

Scott is in a fit of laughter at it all, totally away in his own world and curled up on the edge of the booth. Oscar seems to be all smiles too, finally feeling relaxed for this first time in an age. Riley clears his throat and surveys the group while thinking of what to say for his turn. Coming up with his idea, he smirks, knowing that it's definitely going to get a few of them to drink but not sure if it will include all. "Alrighty...never have I ever...eh...tasted my own cum..." Riley asks with a little immature chuckle, waiting to see who responds. Dustyn giggles, always finding it funny when he hears Riley say rude words as it's a rarity. He takes a shot and also begins to feel his pill kick in. Billy takes a swig of vodka, the drunken Scott takes a shot after knocking two over and even Oscar takes a gulp of his beer with a guilty look on his face.

As a decent amount of time passes, most of them are totally wrecked. Most sentences are filled with drunken mumbles and little hints of proper English. By this time, it has worked it's way back around to Dallas for his turn.




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#2298 Posted : 28 June 2016 08:23:16(UTC)
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Dallas is starting to sway a little whenever he stops talking. It was almost like when he wasn't having to concentrate on talking, his mind just totally wandered and he kinda drifted into a state of being totally confused and almost comatose without being actually unconscious. He looks across at Scott and laughs at the way he's curled up in the corner of the booth, before he lifts a handful of peanuts and chucks them across the table at him to try to wake him up, even though only about four peanuts actually end up hitting him. He looks around when he hears the next question, lowering his eyebrows a little. Dallas had had a drink on every question so far, but surely no one would drink on this one. When they do, he looks a little shocked, sitting up straight. "Shit, man. Weekend, huh? Damn dudes," he laughs. "That's some pretty crazy shit right there," he mumbles a little, trying to still stay upright and not just totally fall over.

Dallas is laid back a little on the seat when he hears that it's his turn next, and he sits upright all of a sudden, the drugs still giving him that little burst of energy he needed to stay awake. "Huh?" he asks with an air of surprise as he hears his name, looking around the group. After a few seconds, he gives a little smile at no one in particular and laughs. Dallas was so wasted right now. "Alright....alright. Let the Juneau guy bring the real questions," he says with a hiccup. "Ok...ever never never, have I ever slept with more than 2 groupies at once?" he says, totally mixing up his sentence so it ends up in a question. "Nah, man. That's a lot of dick. Have you?" he then says, inexplicably answering his own question, as if someone else had asked it.
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#2299 Posted : 28 June 2016 08:54:23(UTC)
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Scott jumps and freaks when he feels the peanuts landing on him, literally hopping out of the booth and going into some sort of karate-like stance. "NAZIS!!" he shouts out, totally shaken by the attack of the peanuts. His sudden outburst and manic look on his face cause a few other club-goers to stare at him, some looking concerned and others in disgust at the state he's in. The other boys at the table just laugh hysterically at him. "What? W-w-what is it?!" he asks, swaying around in front of the table. The group just continue to laugh. Having not received an answer, Scott just shrugs and eventually let's it go. "I...I'm going...going to go for a wee...don't...don't sell my lamb while I'm gone, K?" He points to each and every guy then directs his finger to a beer bottle which is apparently his lamb. Scott staggers across the total mindfuck of a club and tries to track down the toilets. Oscar then follows, holding his stomach and clearly about to barf. He's not a regular drinker and this is the most alcohol he's consumed in about three years. Even though he and Riley haven't touched anything illegal, Oscar is still absolutely wrecked.

Leaving just Riley, Dustyn and Billy with Dallas, the other boys finish up the game without the others. Riley can't drink as he's never slept with more than two groupies, or any for that matter. Dustyn and Billy, however, down yet another shot and have probably drank about the equivalent of their own body weight tonight. Riley, although still very drunk, is probably the most alert out of all of them. He appears to be the only one who can string a proper sentence together and still knows what he's talking about. No mentions of lambs or spewing up for him. It's why he's the only one who seems to be surprised when he suddenly sees Billy sitting without a shirt on. "Billy...m-mate...where's your shirt, pal?" he asks, totally bewildered as he swore he just saw him with it on a split second ago and now it appears to have vanished. Billy looks down at his nipples and then holds his head in his hands, beginning to sob as he answers Riley. "I don't know!!" he cries, genuinely not remembering what the hell he did with it.

With the group dispersing, Dustyn seizes the opportunity to go for a cigarette break. He's quit smoking as it's not good for his voice but whenever he drinks, he begins to crave them again for some reason. Dustyn nudges Dallas and then rests his head on his shoulder, looking up at him as he speaks. "H-hey...you there...you with th-the...uh...beardy thing..." he says, laughing and stroking his boyfriend's wonderful facial hair, "I wanna go f-for a smoke...y-y-you coming too?". Dustyn then looks over at Billy as he's another fellow smoker but seeing him still "cry" over being shirtless and totally away in a world of his own he decides not to. Besides, actually getting Dallas along for a bit tonight would be really nice.




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#2300 Posted : 28 June 2016 10:11:31(UTC)
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When Scott yells out loud at the impact from the peanuts, Dallas quite literally laughs himself off the chair he's in, landing on the floor with a thud at the feet of someone painted head to toe like a giraffe. "Hey, lady, are you drunk?" he asks her. "I....I like your skin," he says, pointing at the woman with a serious look in his eye, before he pulls himself back to his knees. Someone walks past at that point, looking from Scott to Dallas and shaking their head at the state the two were in. Dallas looks at him and waves him away dismissively. "Hey, man...hey! Hey don't worry. We're famous, and he's rich so it's all good," he slurs, holding up his hand in what he thought was an "ok" sign, but what was actually just a circle, which he then holds over his eye like a telescope. He hears Scott's request and immediately bounces back to his feet, hand still at his eye. "Do not...do not you worry," he says, sure that that wasn't right but not sure why. "I got my telescope eye on that lamb. If any of these fuckers try to sell it...I'll know," he says, patting Scott reassuringly on the back.

"That dude should be cool more often," Dallas says after Scott has left the table. He liked the dude now he had shown his true self after being very quiet and dismissive when Dallas first arrived. "He's a good guy. All you guys are a good guy," he says as he lifts the vodka bottle to his face, pouring more onto his shirt than into his mouth.

Dallas is later sat a little dazed from the mixture of serious amounts of vodka and MDMA, so when Dustyn rests his head on his shoulder, his reaction is somewhat delayed. Eventually, he turns to Dustyn and smiles, resting his own head on Dustyn's. "Hey, buddy. You know you're pretty cool for a little dude," Dallas says, laughing at his own joke, before exaggeratedly shushing himself when Dustyn speaks to him. He nods and tries to stand up. "To the smoking room!" he yells, pointing across the room totally at random. "Hey, dude, we need some of those smoking jackets like on posh people," he says, as if it's the best idea he's ever heard. "Hey, Billy, you wanna smoking jacket, man? We can get one to replace your...HEY WAIT! Maybe your fucking shirt turned invisible dude? Is it still there!" he yells again, totally losing his own train of thought in a mist of drugs and drink clouding his brain.

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