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#1 Posted : 05 August 2016 12:49:40(UTC)
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22 musicians.

That's how many musicians had gathered in the stark warehouse-cum-rehearsal-space on the south side Chicago that N0where Records president Bradley Ard had procured. Once an automotive factory, the warehouse had four large, enclosed rehearsal spaces cordoned off, with a large open space in the middle. In each room, each of the four bands that were present had their gear set up, ready for rehearsals.

22 musicians in 22 folding chairs.

The bands had largely split off among themselves. Solara, from Iceland, were sitting off to one side, nursing horrible hangovers from a long night playing poker at a nearby casino. Blister Kings were chatting about football and baseball, and when the Texas Rangers were finally going to make a World Series run. White Star were by themselves, playing games on their iPads and giggling like schoolgirls. Radio N0where, however, were annoyed.

Sam: He's always fucking late.

John: He'll show up.

Paula: Look at them. They're, like, fucking perfect.

Sam: What?

Paula: Those fucking Japanese girls over there. They're too perfect. I mean, look at them. They look like they just stepped out of some Japanese cartoon or something.

Sam: Umm.... Can I point out that, umm, you're, like, half Japanese?

Paula: Yeah, but they're... So not fair.

Tim: What, you jealous? Or you got sushi on the brain?

Paula: Pervert. *laugh*

Tim: Don't tell me you wouldn't nail that short one with the purple hair.

Paula: What's with that? That's, like, the most unnatural shade of purple I've ever seen!

They all laugh.

Paula: I would like to know if all her hair's dyed that color, though...

Tim: Oh my god, dude! Now who's the pervert? *laugh*

A door opens at the back of the warehouse, and Bradley comes walking in briskly. He knows he's twenty minutes late, but he doesn't seem completely bothered by that fact. Along with him are two people no one recognizes, a man and a woman.

Brad: Sorry I'm late, guys, We got held up in traffic.

Johnny: 'Bout time you showed up. Who're these guys?

Brad: Glad you asked. Everyone, I'd like you to meet my new studio managers, Quinn and Jennifer. Q is a veteran of the music industry who used to work for a studio here in the city that closed down a while back. Jen was his assistant over there.

Johnny: So wait a minute. These guys're gonna be runnin' the show 'round here?

Tim: Well, yes and no. This has always been a joint venture between me and B, with B handling the business and me handling the production side of things.

Brad: Right. But, this time, Tim and I are concentrating on doing music full-time.

Tim. When Radio N0where went out on tour, they always hired another guitarist and DJ, since B was too busy running the label to tour with them, and I was too busy producing bands and running the studio.

Johnny: So wait, who the hell's runnin' the show here? You or them?

Brad: Ultimately, we are. But, while we're here at the studio and on tour, these guys are going to oversee the day-to-day operations. All decisions are ultimately ours, but these guys have been around a long time, and I trust their judgement.

Johnny: So you still own it...

Brad: Yep.

Johnny: But they're gonna run it.

Tim: Exactly.

Johnny: I dunno if I-

Brad: Dude. We wouldn't be doing it this way if we didn't think it's what's best for everyone.

Quinn: Look at it like this. They finally get to actually perform with their band, and you guys finally get the attention you deserve.

Jen: It's a win for everyone. Aren't you Johnny Miller?

Johnny: Yes, ma'am.

Jen: You remember that Robert Crayfish album that came out last spring that won all those music awards and was the first blues album in years to go platinum?

Johnny: Yeah, what about it?

Jen: I produced that.

Johnny: No shit? Huh. Well, if you can work that kind of magic, I guess this might just work out!

Anders: So what are we doing?

Brad: Well, right now, we're going to grab lunch. The pizza's already on the way. Then, we're going to break off and get some rehearsal in. This is day one, and I don't expect you guys to have set lists worked out or anything, so even if it's just glorified jam sessions, get in there and make some noise. While we're all doing that, Q and Jen are going to come around and talk to all of us and see what we need, what kind of set list we might be thinking about, shit like that. Then later, we're all going to go have dinner and head back to the hotels. By the way, tonight's the last night you guys will be up there. Starting tomorrow, we're all going to be in a few houses we got set up for everyone. They're all right by each other, and they share a common back yard, so get ready to get to know each other a little bit.

Katsumi: So we're going to be in houses?

Tim: Yep. B didn't spare expenses.

Johnny: Where'd you get all this money?

Anders: I'm curious as well. How are you funding this.... extra....

Sam: Extravagance?

Anders: Yes. That.

Tim: Dude, remember that $347 million dollar lottery jackpot last year?

Johnny: Don't tell me you won that shit.

Tim: B hit it. That's how we're all here. He's covering this out of his own pocket.

Rufus: Well son of a bitch.

Sakiko: Umm, excuse me, umm, Mister Bradley-san, umm, I have question. Umm, the house, do they have, umm, you call it... Cable?

Rufus: We got millions of dollars in gear here to have fun with, and you're worried about cable TV?

Sakiko: I'm sorry, sensei. *bow* I do not mean offend.

Yumi: Hey, douche, take it easy on her. It's her first time here.

Brad: Dude, really?

Katsumi: She's only 22, it's kind of high on the priority list when you're that young.

Rufus: Hey, now, I didn't mean it like tha-

Johnny: Just shut your pie hole, man. You done caused all the trouble we need.

Just then, a bell rings, breaking the tension.

Brad: That's the pizza. Sakiko, Paula, and John, you guys want to give me a hand?

John: On it, bro.

Paula: *under her breath* It had to be purple hair girl....

Sam: *snicker*

Brad: What's that? *amused look*

Paula: Nothing. We got it. Come on girl.

Sakiko: Okay!

Quinn: Alright, guys, eat fast, we got lots of work to do. Anders, Yumi, Sam, and Johnny, before you get started, I need to meet with you guys. The rest of you, when you're done eating, head into your rehearsal rooms and start getting familiar. Jen and I are gonna give you guys an hour or so, then start coming around and giving you guys a listen. Then we'll have a quick meeting with all of you and let you get back to it. It's 11:30 now, so I want you guys getting to work about 12:30. Let's eat!

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
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erich hess on 05/08/2016(UTC)
Offline bradleyard  
#2 Posted : 05 August 2016 13:29:02(UTC)
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Later that day....

Tim: Yo, B, what are we gonna do for promotion? I mean, we did billboards and what not before. What about doing Culture Uncut? Think we could get in there?

Brad: We might be able to get Yumi in there, but the rest of the label isn't exactly what I would call "pop".

Tim: True that, dogg.

Brad: There's other music rags out there we can try to get into. Q's got some ideas for publicity, too. He's talking about some collaborations that would raise the profiles of some of these guys.

Tim: Cool, I give him a call and see what he's thinking. No publicity is bad publicity, right? *sees Yumi walking over* 'Sup?

Yumi: So what are you guys talking about over here?

Tim: Your gorgeous ass.

Yumi: Dream on, Tim. *laughs*

Brad: We're just working on some promotional ideas.

Yumi: That is so not what I'm good at. I'll just let you guys-

Tim: Actually, I'm gonna go hang out with Anders and Johnny. I guess Johnny, Rufus, and Chet are trying to teach the guys in Solara how to shoot dice. I need to make sure Rufus doesn't take them for everything they have.

Brad: *laughing* Yeah, you better get over there.

Tim: Later.

Brad and Yumi are standing by themselves in the middle of the warehouse, staring out a window at the bleak industrial landscape.

Yumi: So...

Brad: So.

Yumi: You and I haven't exactly talked much since I got back.

Brad: I've been a little busy.

Yumi: You know, if you don't want me here-

Brad: It isn't that. I'm just... I don't know how to say it.

Yumi: *nod*

Brad: So... what's it like to be back in Chicago?

Yumi: It's cool. I missed it... and I missed you.

Brad: *sigh* Yumi...

Yumi: Hey, I'm just being honest here. I missed you. And, I'm sorry.

Brad: Listen, you don't have to-

Yumi: Hear me out, okay? Listen, I know I left all of a sudden, but I was scared, okay? I know we had a relationship, but I'd never been with anyone that seriously before, okay? It was really difficult for me.

Brad: You just kind of packed up and left. It hurt.

Yumi: And I'm sorry. I know I can't make it up to you, but-

Brad: You already did.

*uncomfortable silence*

Yumi: So... what made you get in touch with me?

Brad: I wanted to see if you wanted to work together. I hadn't heard you had a band together. I saw the movie you were in, though.

Yumi: Death's Door 3? You saw that piece of trash?

Brad: Hey, you stole that movie! You were good!

Yumi: It was horrid! Oh my god! It was so, so bad! *laughs*

Brad: Yeah, but you did alright.

*uncomfortable silence*

Yumi: It really is good to be back.

Brad: It's good to have you back. *hugs Yumi*

Yumi: I missed you *hugs back*

*hug lasts longer than appropriate*

Brad: Umm, *ahem* So. Wanna catch a movie or something?

Yumi: I'd like that! I'll stop by your room after I get my stuff packed.

Brad: Right on.

*a loud noise and shouting ensues from the other end of the studio, where Rufus and Chester are in a brawl with Hjilmar and Arnir from Solara*

Brad: Shit, I gotta break this up! See you tonight!

*Yuki pulls Brad back and gives him another hug and a kiss in the cheek*

Yuki: See you tonight. *smile*

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
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erich hess on 05/08/2016(UTC)
Offline bradleyard  
#3 Posted : 05 August 2016 14:06:40(UTC)
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Elsewhere, Paula from Radio N0where is watching the girls from White Star goofing off on their instruments. Sam wanders past, drinking a beer.

Sam: Stop drooling.

Paula: Fuck off.

Sam: *laughs*

Paula is paying attention to Sakiko, the girl with the purple hair. Earlier, when they first arrived, she noticed Sakiko kept looking at her and smiling. The first few times, she thought maybe the girl was just being friendly, but when she noticed her intently staring at her, for the first time in a long time, she felt... nervous.

"This girl is way younger than me", thought Paula. "She could get me in so, so much trouble. She's probably not that way, anyway."

Just then, the group of young Japanese girls saw her watching, and started yelling and motioning for her to come in. Paula had thought that she was being inconspicuous. "Shit, guess they saw me", she thought.

Paula: No, come on, I couldn't jump in with you guys.

Katsumi: We're just messing around, having some fun. Why don't you grab a guitar and join in? We have a spare amp.

Paula: I couldn't. I-

Sakiko: For me, you play?

Paula was several inches taller than the 22 year old, so she felt almost as though she towered over her. She looked down at the girl, and noticed Sakiko almost looked as though she could burst into tears. She was utterly speechless.

Paula: I, uh, umm, uh, I, umm-

Sakiko: Is that yes?

Paula: *sigh* Alright.

Paula walks over and picks up a Schecter and plugs it into the spare Mesa/Boogie Mark V head that was set up. She switches on the amp, adjusts the tome controls where she usually likes them, and switches the amp from "standby" mode. She strums a few chords, makes a few final adjustments, and turns around to find Sakiko standing next to her with her Fender P-bass.

"How the hell is that little thing playing that huge bass?" she wonders. All her doubts about the girl are erased as she starts slapping out a bass line that Les Claypool would be proud of. The rest of the band joins in, and Paula finds her place, providing fiery lead guitar runs.

As they play, she notices Sakiko is doing her best to stand as close to her as possible, brushing and pressing against her as much as possible. There were times where Paula was actually tripped up, but like a true professional, she caught herself quickly.

It seemed like they played all of five minutes, but they jammed for over half an hour. As the girls all cheered and congratulated each other, Paula gave them all quick hugs and walked out of the room, her ears still ringing.

She got over to the small kitchen behind the rehearsal rooms and was grabbing a pop from the refrigerator when she felt someone nearby. She looked up to see Sakiko standing near her.

Sakiko: So, you have fun?

Paula: Umm... Yeah. You girls are really, really great.

Sakiko: Thank you, Paula-san.

Sakiko moved closer and put her arm around Paula, resting her hand on Paula's butt.

Sakiko: I'm glad Paula san have fun.

Paula: Umm....

Paula was rarely speechless, but in this instance, she was lost. Here was the girl of her dreams, throwing herself at her, and she was utterly clueless.

Sakiko: Does Paula-san like to have dessert with me after dinner?

Paula looked down at Sakiko, who was giving her a seductive smile. Paula couldn't help herself any longer. She put her arm around the girl, puller her close, and kissed her deeply for what was maybe fifteen seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.

Breaking the kiss, both girls were speechless for a moment.

Paula: If dessert tastes anything like that, I'm totally there.

Sakiko: Mmm, I think this taste better.

They quickly split apart as three of the other White Star girls came into the kitchen area. Sakiko and the other girls exchanged pleasantries, and Sakiko turned back to Paula.

Sakiko: Paula-san, I come to your room for dessert? *winks*

Paula: I'll see you then. *smile*

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
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erich hess on 06/08/2016(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 06 August 2016 13:37:25(UTC)
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The second day of rehearsals, the bands gather at the rehearsal space for a breakfast of donuts and assorted beverages.....

Tim: Damn. I shouldn't have had that many drinks last night.

Brad: What do you mean?

Tim: Man, me and the Icelandic dudes ended up hanging out with a few of those Japanese girls. Dude, did you know they can drink?! They drank my ass under the table!

Brad: Hahaa! Yeah, I've heard that from Yumi. They like their rice wine over there.

Tim: Now I know! *laughs* So, man, I saw Yumi leaving our place last night. Anything go down between you guys?

Brad: Nah, she came over and we just ended up talking, catching up on old times. I'm more wondering what went down with Paula and the purple haired girl.

Tim: What do you mean?

Brad: All I know is, Yumi was leaving at about three in the morning, and we saw her leaving Paula's room. She ended up saying sorry a bunch of times and running down the hallway like she was embarrassed or something.

Tim: No shit?

Brad: Yeah, I don't know what that was about.

Tim: Huh. You think...?

Brad: I don't know, man, but if they did...

Tim: Dude, that's awesome!

Paula walks over and grabs an energy drink

Paula: What are you assholes talking about?

Tim: Hey! What makes us assholes?

Paula: You denying it? *grin*

Tim: Well, no, I just wanted to hear you say it.

They all share a laugh.

Brad: So what was up with you and Purple Rain over there last night?

Paula: What do you mean?

Brad: Well, Yumi and I saw her-

Paula: *sigh* Well, she came over, and we just.... you know....

Tim: Got y'alls groove on, didn't you?

Paula: What? No! We-

Brad: Put the boom-boom in the room-room!

Paula: Oh my god you guys are awful! *smacks both of them in the arm* Seriously, we just... got to know each other a bit.

Brad: She seems to be ignoring you a little today.

Paula: Yeah, in their culture, it's a bit... "outside the norm" for two girls to be together. She's afraid Yumi would kick her out of the band.

Brad: Yumi doesn't give a shit. Seriously, we talked for a while about it, and Yumi was honestly laughing about it. She thought it was cute.

Paula: Well, I'll let her come around on her own terms.

Quinn and Jen walk into the studio central room and get everyone's attention.

Quinn: Alright, it's moving day. I want to thank everyone for putting their luggage in front of their practice studios, we've already got it on the trailer. We've got six cars waiting outside, and we've split everyone into groups of four, except for one group of three. We're all going to ride over to the houses together and get situated. We'll give you guys a couple hours, then we'll be by to go over tour itineraries for about six weeks from now. If that's alright with everyone, Jen's going to read off the list.

Jen: Alright, listen up! In the first car, I want Johnny driving, Chester, Anders, and Petr. Second car, I want... Brad driving, Yumi, Sakiko, and Paula. Third car, I want... Thor driving, Arnir, Katsumi, and Mari. Fourth car, I want... James driving, Rufus, Ryoko, and Yoshima. Fifth car, I want... Tim driving, John, Maki, and Kameyo. Sixth car, I want... Sam driving, Hjilmar, and Tom. That should be everyone. Get loaded up!

Paula could barely believe her ears. She and Sakiko had all but spent the last night together, and while they didn't actually have sex, things still got fairly intimate. She remembered seeing her run down the hallway, utterly embarrassed at her bandleader seeing the young girl leaving her hotel room, and she felt awful. She had hoped she didn't get her in trouble, but looking at her usually bubbly self from across the room, she knew everything was fine. Still, she now had to, possibly, sit next to her in a car across town. Her thoughts were interrupted by Jen's voice:

Jen: By the way, guys, when you come to the studio in the mornings, you're going to carpool like this, so get to know each other a little, and decide on who you're going to ride with.

"Shit!", Paula thought. "Now I'm probably going to have to sit next to her every single morning and every single evening to and from here! Dammit, this girl is going to kill me!"

Paula looked around and saw the groups beginning to form and the various musicians introducing themselves to one another. She then saw Brad, Yumi, and Sakiko walking towards her. Sakiko looked even more happy than she had last night, when Paula opened the door to her hotel room and pulled her inside.

Brad: You ready to go? I got us all Dodge Chargers to ride to and from the studio and run errands in.

Paula: Hey guys! Yeah, umm... sure!

Yumi: Before we go... can I talk to you and Sakiko for a few minutes?

Sakiko and Paula looked at Yumi, then at each other. A visible sense of dread fell over them.

Brad: I'll go get the car... *runs away*

Paula: Look, Yumi, I wasn't trying to-

Yumi: Listen. Paula. You're both adults. I really don't care if the two of you drop right here, get naked, and do the nasty on the studio floor.

Paula looked completely shocked. Sakiko, on the other hand, turned bright red, and burst out laughing.

Yumi: Just understand that, in Japan, they aren't as... tolerant of people in the public eye being lesbians. I personally couldn't care less. Honestly, if you two make each other happy, then great. I support that. Just know that you need to keep things kind of quiet, at least for now, okay?

Sakiko: So it okay for me to see Paula-chan?

Yumi: Sure. I don't care, as long as you're getting your rest.

Sakiko: Yay! Arigato gozaimasu, Yumi-san!

The short Japanese girl practically tackled Yumi, giving her a hug. She then walked over to Paula, who was still stunned from the exchange, and hugged her warmly. Paula gladly returned the hug. As much as she hated to admit it, she was quickly falling for Sakiko.

Brad: Hey! Guys! Everyone else left! Let's GO!

The three girls walked out of the rehearsal space, got in the car, and headed to the houses they'd call "home" for the next six weeks.

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
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erich hess on 06/08/2016(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 08 August 2016 09:30:09(UTC)
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Two weeks later...

Rehearsals had gone by uneventfully. The four bands had gotten along quite well living close to each other. Tour itineraries were solidified, songs were written, and demos were recorded.

White Star, in particular, were very busy. The band had recorded an album before coming to the states in a studio in Osaka, so they were very excited to see what happened when Quinn got hold of the sessions and got it mastered. The results were amazing, and the girls were anticipating the release of their first album stateside.

Quinn had brought in ProTools machines for each rehearsal space, and miked up each room, so the bands could record demos of new songs in advance of the old studio in the suburbs being reopened.

Blister Kings, especially, took advantage of the recording gear, laying down four scorching blues tracks. Johnny was really excited about what he hears, and couldn't wait to play back the tracks for everyone.

Solara and Radio N0where primarily were using the ProTools machines to listen back to rehearsals and evaluate themselves. While they were writing new songs in their spare time, they were mainly gearing up their existing set lists for their tour.

The old studio in the suburbs was undergoing the major renovation they had hoped for. New windows and doors were already installed, and crews were working to refurbish the interior. Brad had driven down to check things out, and couldn't help but envision what it would be like to be back in that old building, getting to work again.

Nothing could derail things now, or so it seemed.....


A phone rings in Chicago...

Yumi: Who could this be... Someone calling from Japan... *answers phone* Moshi moshi...

Voice: So how are things going in America?

Yumi: Who is this?

Voice: I'm disappointed. I guess you figured you could just break our contract and head to America and start over, huh?

Yumi was stunned. It was her old producer, Ryuji. He had helped her assemble her band, and had provided the rehearsal space she had needed to get the band going. Shen it came to light that he had tried to force himself on some of the girls in the band, she and her best friend, Katsumi, confronted him and protected their bandmates, Consequently, he cut off all label support for their album and tour, and exploited clauses in their contract that all but bankrupted them. She had already made the decision to pack up the band and move them to the US when Brad called, asking if she wanted to work together again.

Yumi: You son of a bitch, what do you want?

Ryuji: You know exactly what I want. We have a contract, a deal. You are supposed to be over here, promoting the album you recorded with my money, touring for MY label, opening for MY bands. You broke-

Yumi: I broke what? The contract? You're damned right I broke the contract after you tried to rape Sakiko and Yoshima you son of a bitch!

Ryuji: Heh heh heh, well, they are my property, after all, aren't they? I mean, they're signed to my-

Yumi: No. They aren't your slaves. They aren't toys to do with as you please, you bastard! Oh my god, you're unbeliev-

Ryuji: You watch who you're talking to. After all, you all signed the contract.

Yumi: So sue me, asshole. Do what you think you need to do.

Ryuji: Oh, I'm going to do more than that. You think you can just leave? I'm going to ruin you.

Yumi: That contract won't hold up. It isn't valid here.

Ryuji: Quite the contrary. These contracts are reciprocal in certain countries, America included.

Yumi: Bring it on, asshole. I dare you. When people find out you're a rapist, they'll never work with you again.

Ryuji: We'll see about that.

Yumi: Go to hell! Don't call me again, you can call my new label and my lawyer instead!

Ryuji: Oh, I plan to. And I'm going to-


Yumi smashed her phone into the wall, smashing it into a million pieces. Brad, Chester, and Katsumi, who had been playing a video game in the living room of the house, came running to see what the noise was. They found Yumi sitting on the floor, her head in her hands, sobbing. Brad knelt next to her and pulled her close, trying to comfort her, as Chester and Katsumi stood nearby.

Brad: What he hell's going on? What was that?

Yumi: I just... I can't... I-

Brad: Slow down. Talk to me. What's going on?

Katsumi: Guess we need to get her a new phone.

Chester: No shit, man, she should be pitching for the Cubs.

Brad: Guys, come on, stop. Yumi, what happened?

Yumi: I... we... we need to talk...

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
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erich hess on 08/08/2016(UTC)
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#6 Posted : 08 August 2016 10:34:50(UTC)
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Chester and Katsumi walked out on the back deck of the White Star house. It was relatively late, and the rest of the girls had turned in for the night. Except Sakiko. She had walked to the Radio N0where house to spend time with Paula. The two, aside from in the studio, had become nearly inseparable. Initially, the rest of the girls in White Star had been somewhat nasty to her, as they weren't used to seeing two girls together, but both Yumi and Katsumi had put a stop to it quickly, and over the last two weeks, they saw how happy their bandmate and friend had become.

The bands had all started getting along well. Anders and Johnny, who were initially hostile to each other, had started a nightly poker game at the Blister Kings house, which was basically an excuse to get together and drink. The girls from White Star, however, had started having nightly movies, which the guys in Radio Nowhere and Solara took in.

Chester: So what do you think all that was about?

Katsumi: No idea. I've never, ever seen her get upset about anything like that.

Chester: Well, I reckon it had to be about something kinda heavy, I mean, you just don't go about smashing an iPhone like that.

Katsumi: Yeah, I don't know. That was kind of weird. I'm worried about her.

Chester: Man. I guess y'all will be goin' to the Apple Store tomorrow.

Katsumi: Yeah, ya think? Did you see that phone?

Chester: I didn't know a phone could explode like that. You need to go check on her?

Katsumi: No, I'm sure Brad is taking care of her.

Chester: Yeah, I'm sure he is. *laughs*

Katsumi: Oh my god, you perv! *laughs*

Chester: Well, them two seem awful friendly the last two weeks, know what I mean?

Katsumi: Yeah, well, they were close friends for years, then they had some crazy argument, and she quit their band to move back to Japan and try to make a solo career. She missed being in a band, so she and I put together White Star.

Chester: So what made y'all move over here?

Katsumi: Well, for one, she missed it here, and I think she missed Brad. I mean, she loved him, but they're both really dominant personalities. They couldn't be in a band together, which is why she left in the first place. But, after putting the band together, she realized what a dick of a producer she'd signed with, and when Brad called she knew it was the right time to... Oh. Oh shit.

Chester: What?

Katsumi: Oh fuck. Fuck! Shit!

Chester: WHAT???

Katsumi: Fuck! I know why she's so upset! Dammit! I should have guessed!

Chester: What the hell is-

Katsumi: Chet, I have to go talk to her. If it was who I think it was, things just got really, really complicated. This could get really ugly.

Katsumi brushed past Chester as she practically ran back inside. Chester lit a cigarette and took a long draw from it. "Well shit", he thought, "just when I was gonna make a move. Wonder what the hell's goin' on." He stared out over the lawn that connected the houses, and looked at the stars. "Not too much to see here in the city", he thought as he looked up, the light pollution from the surrounding city obscuring most of the night sky.

He finished his cigarette and, realizing Katsumi probably wasn't going to be coming back out tonight, stepped off the deck, and walked home.

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
thanks 1 user thanked bradleyard for this useful post.
erich hess on 08/08/2016(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 08 August 2016 12:22:26(UTC)
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Yumi had explained everything to Brad. Ryuji, the bad contract, his attempt to assault Sakiko and Yoshima, everything. Brad had made phone calls to Tim, Quinn, and Jen, who were on their way to the house to discuss their options. They had plenty of money still in the bank, but they didn't know if it would be enough to buy out her contract, much less fight a breach of contract lawsuit across two countries.

Katsumi had come back inside after she figured out what had gone on to try to get a grip on the situation. She knew just how dire things probably were, and she had to know if her suspicions were correct. She walked to the room Yumi and Brad had been in, where they were sitting quietly on the floor.

Katsumi: Yumi, I-

Yumi: Kat, listen, I-

Katsumi: It was Ryuji, wasn't it?

There was a long pause. Yumi just stared at the floor. Brad stared at Katsumi, while Katsumi worriedly stared at Yumi.

Yumi: Yes. Oh my god, I am so, so sor-

Katsumi knelt next to Yumi and hugged her.

Katsumi: Shhh. Hey, it's okay. Listen, we'll figure this out, okay?

Yumi started sobbing all over again. She knew she was going to have to talk to her band, and tell them that there was a very real possibility they would have to go back to Japan. She was glad that the first person she had to tell was Katsumi, but it didn't make things any better,

Yumi: I'm sorry, Kat. I am so, so sorry.

Katsumi: We'll get through this, alright? Bradley, is there anything the label can do?

Brad: Aside from purchasing her contract, I'm not sure. I mean, we have about $22,000,000 in the bank right now, but I don't know if that would be enough. $4 million of that was to rebuild the studio, and the rest was to finance the tours. We're making some money right now, but not a whole lot. It's mainly coming from the singles we have out for the bands, and the White Star album that just came out, which is that guy's main beef. We released it in Japan, which he says is a breach of their contract.

Katsumi: So what does the dickless wonder want?

Yumi: I don't know, I-

Brad: I'm guessing he's going to want the royalties or the rights. The problem is, I don't know if we can afford it.

Katsumi: Yumi, you want me to make a couple phone calls? That son of a bitch needs to-

Yumi: Doing anything to him would be wrong, Kat. We have a contract with him.

Katsumi: Yeah, but, he tried to-

Yumi: I know, I know, but listen, he-

Brad: We'll figure it out, okay?

Just then, Tim and Quinn practically broke through the front door and ran to Yumi's room.

Quinn: Guys? Guys! Hey, everyone okay?

Katsumi: Do we look okay?

Tim: Hey, now, chill out, we-

Quinn: We have a plan.

Brad: You have a plan? What do you mean you have a-

Tim: Bro, check it. We got a plan.

Quinn: We have a plan.

Tim: It's a risk, but if it works, we'll get this fixed.

Brad: What's the plan?

Yumi and Katsumi looked up, confused looks on their faces. Jen came into the house and walked to the room:

Jen: Yumi, do you have Ryuji's phone number?

Yumi: It was on my phone, which is unfortunately kind of broken now.

Jen: Shit. We need-

Katsumi: I have it.

Jen: Good. We're going to need that. Brad, we're giving everyone the next two days off , but we're going to need you, Yumi, and Katsumi at the studio first thing in the morning the day after tomorrow. Tim, Quinn, you guys check into what we need to do to keep the girls safe, I don't want this son of a bitch thinking he can bring over any goons to try something stupid. Everyone clear on everything>

Brad: What the fuck are you talking about?

Quinn: We're going to call his bluff.

Yumi: What?

Quinn: We're going to call him and invite him over here for a chat. A business meeting, if you will.

Tim: When he gets here, we're going to make him an offer.

Quinn: Trust me, he won't refuse it.

Katsumi: What, are you three the Godfather now?

Tim: Hey, I'm Black, not Italian.

Quinn: We're just gonna lay things out to him.

Katsumi: Guys, I think we have a bigger problem...

Just then, about six police cars pull in front of the house. The police kick in the door, and begin searching the house, yelling loudly, rousing the girls from the band from their slumber. Confused and frightened, the girls were completely unsure of what was happening. Brad ran over to where the person who looked like they were in charge.

Brad: What the fuck is this shit???

Lieutenant Phelps: Are you Bradley Ard?

Brad: Yeah, why?

Phelps: Can you turn around and put you hands behind your back?

Brad: What? What the fuck? Why??

Phelps: Just turn around please and put your-

Brad: Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on here!!!

Phelps: We got a tip that you were trafficking several young Asian girls for a brothel in-

Brad: SERIOUSLY? They're MUSICIANS! I'm their label head! They're here legally! You want their fucking visas? Shit! They have a fucking ALBUM coming out next w-

Phelps: Sir, could you stop yelling please?


Phelps: Sir, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to tase you.

Quinn: B, I got this. Listen, Officer....

Phelps: Lieutenant Phelps.

Quinn: Phelps. Listen. This is a misunderstanding. Obviously, you got some bad info. If you let me walk over to the desk over there, you'll see we have all their visas and paperwork. *holds up CD* This is their album that's about to drop, their names are all over it. If you want to give it a listen, be my guest. You can even have this copy.

Phelps: *sighs* Okay, if you have their paperwork, and this was a misunderstanding, then... You say their musicians?

Quinn: Yeah. Good ones, too.

Phelps: Let's have a look at their visas, and whatever other paperwork you have. Why did they need to fly all the way over here to record an album? Aren't there studios in China?

Quinn: They're Japanese.

Phelps: Japan, China, it's all the same.

Yumi: It's not the same! We're Japanese!

Phelps: You need to sit down, lady. Now. Someone want to cuff her and this other Chinese girl?

Yumi: You keep your fucking hands off me!

The police had the five girls who were asleep cuffed and in the back of a police van. They quickly cuffed Yumi and Katsumi and escorted them outside, but not without protest. They pulled Brad, Quinn, Tim, and Jen into an office just off the living room, where the desk was containing the paperwork.

Sakiko had seen the fracas from across the lawn, and she and Paula had ran over. Sakiko was promptly placed in the back of the van with the other girls, while Paula stood by worriedly.

In the office, Brad opened the desk, and pulled out a file folder, which contained all the paperwork on the girls. After examining the paperwork and placing a few phone calls, Lieutenant Phelps released the girls, who were, by now, visibly distraught. Yumi took them into her bedroom and talked to them for about twenty minutes, calming them as best she could.

The girls, joined by Paula, were too distraught to sleep by this point, so they decided to watch a movie in one of the bedrooms. Yumi and Katsumi went back to the front of the house, where Brad, Tim, and Quinn were fixing the door. Jen, on the other hand, had several glasses set out on the counter, and was mixing margaritas for everyone.

Just then, Johnny and Anders arrived...

Johnny: What the hell's goin' on over here? We heard a huge ruckus...

Brad: We got it, guys. It's all good.

Anders: We heard a ruckus.

Quinn: A ruckus?

Anders: A ruckus.

Tim: Could you describe the ruckus, sir?

Tim, Johnny, and Anders stared at each other, and burst out laughing, recognizing the movie line.

Yumi: Jeez, guys. *shakes head* The Breakfast Club? Really?

Johnny: Naw, seriously, what's going on?

Quinn: Someone apparently thought it would be funny to call the police and tell them that White Star were a bunch of illegals being trafficked for sex.

Brad: We got it all straightened out, though.

Johnny: Well ain't that a bunch of shit. Who the hell would have done that?

Anders: If you like, I can have Arnir break their legs. He's good at those kinds of things.

Quinn: We don't need anyone's legs broken, guys-

Yumi: Yet...

Brad: You think it was Ryuji?

Yumi: Who else could it be?

Katsumi: Let me grab my phone...

Katsumi returned a few short minutes later, and handed her phone to Brad. He quickly scrolled through the contacts to Ryuji's number, and pressed "dial". It rang twice, and a man's voice came over the line.

Ryuji: I figured you would come around.

Brad: No, no, I think you got it wrong, friend.

Ryuji: Ahh, the great, failed label impersario, Bradley Ard, I presume?

Brad: Yeah, and I'm guessing this is Ryuji the Rapist.

Ryuji: Now is that any way to address a potential business partner?

Brad: Look, fam, we aren't going into business. I just want these girls released from their-

Ryuji: Contract? I don't see how that can happen... unless... you can make me an offer I like.

Brad: Listen, I'm not letting these girls go back there so you can take advantage of them. You tell me what you want, and I'll see about making that happen.

Ryuji: What I want? What I want is those girls back here, especially the two little freaks, Sakiko and Yoshima. I was just in the process of breaking them from their little fetish so they would be more desir-

Brad: You motherfucker. Listen. Tell me what you want for me to keep them here and safe. Why don't you come over here and we can sit down and-

Ryuji: No, no. Do you really think I am stupid enough to negotiate this on your soil, in your house? If you would like to negotiate this, face to face, and not in a court room, where you would certainly lose, then you will come here. Otherwise, you have 72 hours to return my girls to me. That is the reality of your situation. Do you understand?

Brad held the phone in his hand. He was so furious, he was visibly shaking. So many thoughts were running through his head at the moment, but he couldn't bring himself to say a word at that moment.

Ryuji: Do you understand, Mister Ard?

Brad: We'll be there to negotiate.


Brad hung up the phone. He was visibly furious, and yet, calm. He turned to Yumi and the others, and handed the phone back to Katsumi.

Brad: Quinn, tell everyone we're going to be gone for a few days. Johnny, Anders, grab Chet and Arnir. This son of a bitch wants to negotiate face to face? Fine. We'll negotiate face to face. Guys, we're going to Japan.

Katsumi: Look, this guy is Yakuza. He's fucking crazy.

Anders: Yakuza? What is Yakuza?

Yumi: It's organized crime, like the mob.

Anders: Oh. That is where I met Arnir, Thor, and Petr. That is how our band started. We will come to Japan.

Johnny: You know, Andy, you guys scare the shit out of me.

Brad: Alright, grab them. Let's get packed. We're leaving in the morning. Quinn, we're going to need some security around here. Let's see about having everyone stay at the studio. Everyone got it? Let's go!

Jen: First, we have margaritas to drink.

Katsumi: I am NOT passing these up! Thanks, hun.

Jen: Don't mention it.

Radio Nowhere

Former owner of N0where Studios

Current co-owner of Chicago I.T. Pros, LLC
thanks 1 user thanked bradleyard for this useful post.
erich hess on 08/08/2016(UTC)
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