Sound the alarms! Weekend have just made another very controversial move and no, this one does not involve any nudity...that we know of.
Music superstars Weekend are known for their outlandish ways of thinking, attention grabbing antics and for keeping everyone on their toes. Their latest idea may have just topped the lot of them. Unless you are partially blind or have trouble fitting two and two together judging from our headline and beautiful picture at the top of the page, the boys have only gone and hired Scott Rose-Hilton of all people to become their manager. Not only will Scott manage the huge pop entity itself, he will also look after the assets and interests of each individual member outside of the pop band. Yes, that is right. With Billy gearing up to release a solo album next year when Weekend take a planned hiatus, it should be entertaining to watch it all pan out with Rose-Hilton having a say in it all.
Not only is the news a shock to the fans of the band as Mr Rose-Hilton is not exactly loved in the Weekend world, which he touches on below, but the general consensus was that Rose-Hilton was basically finished with the world of music and slid on his dad slippers instead. Scott took a major step out of the limelight and has been living a relatively low-profile life for the best part of a year and a half now.
On what he's been doing for the last while:Quote: "After I was finished with the farewell tour for my band late in 2014, I felt it was time to just take the vacation that I'd probably been needing for the best part of a decade. That was why I wrapped up everything that came under the whole Chaos banner over the years and just basically put a big "closed" sign on the door. Building that empire over the years is something I remain eternally proud of, but it's not without its stresses, and it needs so much more attention than you'd ever believe.
"So I decided to take a year or so out to just get back home, make up for lost time and spend the best years of my life with Gia and the kids. It's probably the most relaxed I've ever been, and it showed me I don't need to be diving headlong into work like I used to ever again, not with that time and intensity. As rewarding as work and art can be, there's nothing as special as being home as often as you can be with the people you love."
Weekend have built their empire with the blood, sweat and tears of each and every single member of the group throughout the last five years. It's astonishing what the power of five seemingly "average" boys can do when they put their heads together. With the hiring of a brand new manage, many fans were apprehensive upon hearing the rumours as they believed that nobody else would have the band's best interests at heart more than Ward, Wellington, Khan, Blue and Hamilton themselves. Other reasons why "Weekenders" instantly disliked the idea of management, before Scott Rose-Hilton's name even came into the equation, mainly stemmed from the lack of independence it would give the group and how many media sources may twist the news to show Weekend as "incompetent" and as "failures" after throwing in the towel of self-management for the best part of four years.
The band formed in October 2011 after G2L member Lyrica Ocha set out to create a new project with a guaranteed record deal from Angel Music Records on the table. Ocha, a second cousin of Dustyn Blue invited him down to the auditions and basically secured his spot before even singing one syllable. A similar situation happened in regards to Oscar. Ward is the first cousin of Joey Frankson of The Titans fame who, in turn, is close friends with Lyrica Ocha and obviously put in a good word about his curly haired little cousin. With two budding musicians in the line-up and three "lucky" boys in the form of Billy Khan, Riley Hamilton and Scott Wellington, Weekend was complete and set out to take over the world. It wasn't all roses for long though. After their second single reached #1, their first label folded and infamously left them with no record deal overnight despite sitting at the top of the charts. Weekend then parted ways with Lyrica in September 2012 and have been managing their own careers ever since, which is why many fans have taken the news of someone else taking over as quite a blow.
When the ground began to shake with the management rumours around 48 hours ago, many major news sources disregarded them as nothing but bored "fangirl" fodder but, lo and behold, the man himself stepped out today and confirmed it to us in our exclusive and spontaneous chat.
On the approach from Weekend: Quote:"I was quite surprised when Weekend came calling, actually. Obviously I worked quite closely with them quite early in their career [when Weekend were signed to Chaos Records], and seeing them blossom like they did around that first album remains one of the most special and impressive things I've ever professionally been a part of. I feel like that was something that we achieved together, which was cool to be a part of.
"However, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and I don't think it's any secret that I have problems on a personal level with around 40 per cent of the band. And hey, those two guys [Billy Khan and Scott Wellington] don't like me either, they've never hidden that. So to be approached by them was a surprise to me, a real surprise, but I think in the end it was testament to my business acumen and my track record. Success like I've enjoyed over the years doesn't happen by accident, and I think Weekend are astute enough to realise that, so I can see why they came to me. It was quite pleasing to know that guys in the band can put things like our personal problems on a back burner for business reasons. I don't think Billy, for example, is as reckless as he likes to present himself. The guy knows where to come when he needs someone to find him success, and I appreciate what that says about me."
The band themselves have yet to say anything to the press and their devoted fans but with Scott confirming it himself as well as members Riley Hamilton and Dustyn Blue updating their business contact information on their social media sites to addresses and links related to R.H, it's safe to say that this is all legit. It also confirms that this is not a friend doing them a favour and managing for a bit to ease the workload, this is 100% official with legally binding contracts and a serious new business venture for both parties.
Scott has many ties to Weekend but the strongest connection is certainly his almost "bromance" type relationship with Riley Hamilton. R.H has stated many times that he sees Michelle Green, Riley's now ex-wife, as a little sister of sorts and back when the pop star was involved with Green, the pair hit it off and created a brotherly bond. On top of their supportive messages to one another on social media as well as regular sightings of the pair out on the town, Riley and Scott's friendship was truly solidified after a steamy romp together (simulated, of course) on the hit TV show Diary of an Escort, which Hamilton starred in. Despite his closeness to one fifth of the band, Rose-Hilton has had many public disputes with some of the boys, namely Billy Khan and Scott Wellington. It has left many questioning why he would ever dream of taking the job and worrying about any ulterior motives. We made sure to ask him exactly why he decided to take on such a big responsibility and work closely with people he very clearly does not care for.
On his decision to work with Weekend: Quote:"For a number of reasons, this opportunity was one that was too good to pass up for me. I mean, for one, my boy Riley Hamilton comes to me asking for help? I'm going to be the first to step in there and help make things right. The issues that can come with bands are another reason that it felt like a good idea to get involved. I mean Weekend, as far as I know, don't have huge issues, but when you work with people that closely for as long as they have, there's always niggling underlying problems that need stamped out, and you often just need that outside influence to be able to deal with that in an unbiased way. I've been round the block more than a few times with bands that have had issues like that, and believe me, you could basically label me a human fire extinguisher for that sort of thing. Like I said, it's good to have someone there as mediator and like problem solver.
"I'm that bit older now than when I was embroiled in band issues myself, and I like to think I have the maturity to help iron out disputes or whatever. I mean I also spend most days being the mediator for three kids, so you know, how difficult could a boy band be? Thirdly, I think the fact that I can work with Weekend on a basis that allows me to spend as much time at home as I have been in the last few years was important. As much as getting back involved with music has been the goal for a while now, I'm not up for being away from my family for any great period of time again, and this role as manager will allow me the chance to embrace a work-life balance that is...well, a balance at all. It'll be nice to do something that's both rewarding and relaxing.
"And finally, I mean it's Weekend, what else can I say? I'm a businessman first and foremost, and that prospect of music's greatest and most successful businessman working with music's greatest and most successful band...it just gives me shivers that tell me this partnership is meant to be, you know? It doesn't get bigger or better than Weekend, and who could say no to working with talent that special?"
Well that's that then. It's extremely apparent that Rose-Hilton is eager to get the ball rolling now that he has taken over the reins from all ten of their poor, tired little hands.
What he has in store for them will definitely be interesting and no doubt iconic. Weekend under their original management turned pop music and celebrity culture on its head while breaking into music markets all over the world. Self-managed Weekend propelled themselves to legendary status, launched their own businesses, swooped up quite a nice handful of awards and accolades, proved music critics wrong all while tripling their net-worth in the process. We can only imagine what Weekend can do now with Scott Rose-Hilton at the helm - one of the most prolific and respected people in the music industry not just of today but of all-time. It's safe to say that if they manage to put aside all of their differences for good and really join as one solid unit, this could be one of the greatest moments in music history.
We would like to know what our readers and Weekend fans (as well as "haters") think about it all. Do you believe that this is one of the smartest moves ever made? Just how much further do you think Weekend can actually take their careers? Will this all blow up in their faces? Send in your thoughts in the comments section below!