Anniken and Coke, welcome to the show. I've been really looking forward to this one ever since we figured it out. How are you both doing this evening?Anniken: Fabulous, darling.
Coke: Thank you for having us, girl. Anniken won't admit it but she's a little nervous.
Anniken: Maybe just a little. I'm so used to monitoring these things, even conducting them, but I'm not sure if I know how to actually do one!
First things first, how does your partnership work?Anniken: Oh, that's an easy one! It starts with me asking her to do something, anything..
Coke: And I'm not gonna lie, I usually say no.
Anniken: Frequently! A day doesn't go by without me having to explain to her that I'm her mom, I'm her manager, she has to do what I say, I just know what's best.
Coke: Except, I'm a grown ass woman.
Anniken: And I make sure to remind her she can be a grown ass broke ass woman if she feels my counsel just isn't for her!
Coke: But I know she'd never cut me off, she loves me too much.
Anniken: Fuck, she's right.
[Coke and Anniken shares a blatantly fake laugh]
Coke: Being cut from the same cloth means we can understand each other a lot more and it makes it so much easier to work together that way. As stubborn as we both are, I love music so much that we always put aside the mother/daughter drama and make it happen.
The rise that Rum & Coke has had since you began in the industry is insane. You're now one of the biggest names in the industry collectively and individually. What do you think of the position you find yourself in now?
Anniken: It's not enough.
Coke: [laughs] Oh god..
Anniken: I'm being honest! It's not enough and it never will be. For me, that's what keeps me going. I want the whole world and once I get it, I'm going to want the galaxy. When I think about how far we've come, it's always in cringe, never in awe.
Coke: Always.
Anniken: [Laughs] I just get so frustrated thinking about how we could've gotten where we are so much earlier if x, y, and z never took place.
And Anniken, how have things changed from those years before the outright success?
Anniken: I'm so much busier and I love it. Took me a while to really figure out what I was doing but once I got a grip, nothing was the same. I have something to be proud of professionally now, an empire with over 30 different talents. That means so much to me.
You've been known to work incredibly hard as a manager and businesswoman and have become wildly successful due to that work ethic. Do you think that is the key to everything you have achieved?Anniken: Absolutely. Everyday I put in work and just when I get done with the day's work, I get started on the next's. If you want to be successful then there's just no way around it, roll up those sleeves and get to it, Louis!
So Coke, you clearly have that work ethic gene too. Tell me, how does your working relationship go down?Coke: Her genes really are a double edged sword.
Anniken: Excuse me?
Coke: Being a workaholic like Anniken definitely is a blessing and a curse. I never have time for anyone but since we work together and just as much, I always have time for her. It's weird but it's produced amazing results so far. So girl I guess.
Anniken: You guess???
Anniken, your management company is insane. What did you envision from your company when you first started it and has it exceeded those expectations?
Anniken: Definitely. When I first started down at Studio60, my plan was to outlive everyone higher on the ladder than me and own the whole thing. Not a good one though, I'm already decades older than a few of them [laughs]. The Dahlhouse was what I decided to do instead and I never thought it'd turn out to be this big.
And what about your family life, has that suffered from your success or have you managed to balance both?Anniken: You know, I used to really think I was doing a great job at balancing family and business up until my husband died earlier this year.
Coke: Ma...
Anniken: No, let's talk about it. These hard times on my family have really opened up my eyes to all the sacrifices I didn't even realize I was making. Losing the father of my children showed me that I've been a pretty indifferent mother these past few years. I mean, Nicole fucking hates me now.
Coke: [Rolls her eyes, a single tear running down her cheek] I don't
hate you.
Anniken: I'm just.. I'm still trying to figure out how to successfully balance family and work, as are a lot of women out there in the world. And you know what? That's okay, none of us are perfect.
Let's talk about Rum & Coke. What's the deal there? Is there more for you to achieve together or is it the right time to take different paths?Coke: We'll never run out of things to say. I actually really miss her crazy ass in the studio. This year has been the first time we in history that we haven't made music with each other for each other and it just feels so weird. Right now we're working on solo stuff to expand our craftsbut we're still very much together and we always will be.
You've proven that you're equally capable of working with others and of branching out on your own. Which do you prefer?Coke: My own.
Anniken: Exactly what she said.
And what does the rest of the year have in store for both of you?Anniken: I really look forward to continue working with all of my Dahlhouse acts, especially my newest signee, Rueben Rodriguez, who was wrongly fired from Nickelodeon. He's such a talent and we can't wait to showcase all that he has in store! I'll also be making a few more appearances on my very own Dahl Hour with a few special guests, so look out for that. Coke?
Coke: New music very soon. VERY very soon! Might even come with a little tour too, but that's all I'm gonna say for now!
Alright, time for some quick questions. Let's have some fun!Anniken: Did somebody say fun? [Undoes the first two buttons on her dress shirt]
Coke: Oh my.
Anniken: Too much?
Coke: Way too much. You just crossed a line.
Coke, If you could form a supergroup, who would you choose?
Coke: Hmm, a supergroup? Let's see, there'd have to be me and.... Who's that one girl who can sing real good?
Anniken: Airemese!
Coke: Yes, Miss vocals herself!! Her and that other girl who can dance her little ass off--
Anniken: Nicole??
Coke: NICOLE! If I could form a supergroup it'd be with Coke, Airemese and Nicole a.k.a. me, myself and I because I work with too many damn people already to even dream about that mess.
Anniken, if you could sign anyone in the industry right now, who would you choose?
Anniken: Mariko Kobayashi. She's definitely my favorite artist out right now that's not signed to me and I've met her in person a few times, she's such a darling. Miss ma'am is elusive and her songs just fucking sneaks up on you. I would love to make her the biggest rock star this industry has ever seen.
Coke: You probably just want to sign her so you can tell everyone she makes J-Rock and finally have an excuse to start scouting in Japan.
Anniken: All I'm saying is if I did it for K-Pop, I can do it for J-Rock.
Coke: Anniken, she doesn't make J-Ro–
Anniken: She doesn't make J-Rock YET!
Personal favourite career moment so far?Coke: Dans Ta Tête went platinum, just in case y'all forgot.
What are your biggest dislikes about the music industry?Anniken: Record labels. They hate me because The Dahlhouse reminds them that they are needed less and less everyday. Just a little tea for the darlings.
Coke: Umm..don't you still work for Studio60?
Anniken: ...
Coke: ...
Anniken: You need to worry about YOUR life and YOUR career.
Anniken, hardest person to work with, Rum or Coke?
Anniken: Coke.
Coke: Come again?
Anniken: Rum doesn't cause any problems unless someone pushes her buttons. Would it help if she was a little more tight-lipped? Perhaps.
Coke: PERHAPS? She has literally sabotaged interviews in the past just because she wasn't feeling the "energy"!!
Anniken: I'd rather that then fighting Amy-Jayne outside a bar while she was pregnant.
Coke: I–
Anniken: BLOOP! Rum would never.
Coke: For all you know she already has, probably just hid the bodies and hired a clone.
Anniken: Oh my.
Coke, hardest person to work with Rum or Anniken?
Coke: Anniken.
Anniken: Pardon me??
Alright, I think that's it for this weeks episode. Thank you so much for dropping by. Hopefully we'll hang out again sometime.