nina is laying on a bed speaking into the camera of her laptop. she is wearing fairly short pajama shorts and a tank top. they are probaly a gift from erica,or may even be erica's,as they are hello kitty themed.
"right,loves. so i am nina sangria. that IS my legal name. so make sure you sign those checks right." she winks with giggle. she looks slightly up as she seems to be mentally checking off a tick box.
"i am 28 years old. so yeah,im nearly a fucking pensioner,but so what? you piss me off and i'll marry one of your parents just to spite you. as you can guess from this lovely accent,i am from england. im currently living in-"she is interrupted by erica hess walking by and smacking her pony tail so it flips in a circle and lands covering nina's forehead. nina swats at erica madly. erica just giggles and runs out of the room.
"dont do it,im telling you. dont do it,nina!" she can be heard calling from outside the room.
"osaka,japan." nina continues with a slight growl to her voice.
"as you can see,i need a fucking break from....her." nina laughs warmly and smiles. her general demeanor makes nearly every thing she does seem seductive. but aside from certain parts usually covered by clothes,her lips and eyes are her best features and she knows how to use them. she gives a little gesture with her hand to where erica had been.
"i play guitar in a band with erica hess. the harlots? i assure you,we do exist. but we mostly tour asia these days.".
at this point nina sort of sighs and rolls over onto her back while still sort of looking at the camera.
"really other than the whole harlots things. im not too famous or infamous for anything. oh wait! " nina springs back to a sitting position. (not realizing the camera is pretty much just showing her stomach.)
"you know that review for miki lee's "get em heated"? I'M the one who was mentioned in the bad metaphor section! so,yeah,loves. thats my only claim to fame outside of the harlots. oh shit. was this supposed to be a secret that mikki lee likes girls?" she shrugs and a laugh is heard. we assume she shrugs as we see the shirt move.
nina lays back down to face the camera.
"oops! totally forgot the camera doesnt move with me,loves." she laughs and makes a goofy face into the camera. no doubt the face will end up on many many memes in the future.
"when not touring..im well dull. i'm an aunt to erica's daughter.so i spend a lot of time at sanrio puroland. more time than any sane person ever should." she sighs again and shakes her head. "im a pretty much a fixture of osaka nightlife. not quite at the level where i get paid to be there. but pretty close. so yeah. i spend time with kids and at clubs. that sounds like something not on the up and up and im sorry." she grimaces and laughs awkwardly.
"as for my best and worst qualities? im going to say my best is i'm fun to be around and everything i say sounds like a the chimney sweep in mary poppins. how can you not like that? on the flip side of the coin...i dont really have any bad qualities. im a fucking charming person.". she shrugs again. she looks to the ceiling again and smiles a purposely wicked smile.
"i decided to join big bro 6 just to piss off erica hess. because im going to win and it will just eat her little soul up. no other reason really.""unlike the rest of my ilk that has joined this show. i dont hope to find a partner,or even a sex fling. but i fully expect mikki will give me something to remember the day before i am to report to the big brother house." nina laughs dirtily and licks her teeth while widening her eyes.
"i really just expect to get some temporary friends and lots of free booze." nina leans over and takes a drink from a large plastic cup....also hello kitty themed.
"fucking erica,i swear." she mutters when she realizes the cup matches her pajamas.
"inside the house you can expect me to take on the seasoned elder role. which means i will hand out solid advice. but not take shit from any whiny reality tv show types. you know the types,love. i cant stand that shit. someone took your sock and jacked off into it? tough shit,love. it washes off." nina follows this up with a gesture suggesting exactly what she just mentioned.
"in an ideal world? the perfect housemate just would be someone normal,loves. you know josh grimmie? the exact opposite of that."nina takes another drink from her cup and clears her throat slightly.
"i dont think im going to miss much of anything about the outside world. well, maybe sex and variety of booze. doesnt the big brother house only stock vodka? well cheap,loves. well cheap. i shouldnt have a problem being cooped up in the house for days on end. its like being in a hotel.i love hotels." nina purses her lips when it comes time for describing herself in three words.
"three words,huh? um....plastic egg...continent? i got nothing. seriously." she laughs and lets her head fall on the keyboard. this causes the camera to shake and bonk her on the head
"ow!!!" she can be heard yelping.
Which Disney character do you relate to most and why?:alice from alice in wonderland. she's british. likes cats. does lots of drugs. and we both wish to know why is a raven like a writing desk.
Which animal do you relate to most and why?:chimp. i can be loud and obnoxious. i also wont hesitate to throw shit. though not literal shit....well,maybe if i happened to have gloves on as a turd was spotted.
If you had three wishes what would you wish for?:im going to be super lame and say:
1.world peace. i want a star trek future. not a mad max one. even though mad max costumes are far sexier.
2. dr who's tardis. if you dont want this,what the fuck is wrong with you,love? shit. this and the first answer make me look like kind of a dork.
3. a gun that shoots rays to cause instant diarrhea in people. thou shalt not fuck with nina,loves.
If you could wipe one thing out of existence, what would it be and why?:deathly illnesses. i dont mind dying of old age. but getting sick and just wasting away? fuck that. and childhood cancer? fuck that too. twice.
Why do you think some people may not like you?:i probably fucked their sister once. i dunno. why wouldnt someone like me,and why would i care?
Tell us one thing that nobody else may know about you:um...i didnt do anal until a couple years ago? and even then,it was only once. jesus.i hate being put on the spot.
Which song lyrics best describe your life and why?:that song that has "clowns to the left of me. jokers to the right." i mean,have you seen my friends?
Do you think you'll win? Why/Why not?:i will win. i ll use the diarrhea gun previously mentioned to make my costars spend all their time on the potty. i will be the only one starring in the show and thus cant be voted off. brilliant if you ask me.