"Ahem, hello! Wassup?! And to my Cambodian's,
chôm rab suôr! Ya know I love to show love to my people. So, my name is Tealiyah Phuong aka Liyah, you know the girl who walked right into this industry, helped revive female Hip Hop, and then faded into obscurity? Yeah, that's me! Blame my dumbass label, but we'll get to that in a minute. Last time yall probably even hear my damn name, I was 18, so young, still cute tho! I'm 21 years old now and I was born and raised in Cambodia and Brooklyn. I currently stay in Los Angeles tho but I fucking love New York and Cambodia with my heart! I rap, but yall knew that. Check my credentials if you're dusty, don't come for me either. I am most famous foooooooor, I guess slaying these hoes? Or I did before, now I'm a lil dusty myself, but that's okay, I've been preparin' and waitin, plottin' and schemein'. Most of it has been a mental thing goin' on with me but I had to pick myself up and remind myself that I was doing all kinds of things and making waves in the industry for a while. I feel like I haven't had any real defining moment, other than being the girl Drew Westbrook was like flirtin' with for a second and then decided I wasn't the right one because I didn't have a penis. Wink, fucking wink! I'm not mad tho, love is love. But forreal, I was one of the females that was making a lot of noise in rap, when all you saw was dudes. Like, me, Rum & Coke, Sonyae, even tho she wanted to try and shade a bitch every week, Chloe, and Miami, we was really reppin' for women and we all just came out around the same time. It was like a huuuuuge thing, still is, but yeah. I feel like I helped kick that off a lil bit. Still single, maybe Big Brother can help a sista out. Okay, okay, lemme stop actin' like I'm on eHarmony *Laughs*
I mean, I don't even really consider myself a celeb, i'm real cool and laid back. I still act the same way I did when I came into this industry and I'm not really changing, ever. I think I'm a little wiser now and my eyes are open. I'm WOKE, sis. Like all the way WOKE. I'm really down to earth, like I don't have any crazy demands, and if I did blow up again, Imma still be Liyah. I still like walkin' down to the store and shit, I'm really just a human being. I feel like everybody else. I get jealous, mad, crazy, hungry as hell after I smoke, etc. The best traits I have are I'm really fucking loyal. Like, I'm that chick that will still try to help you fight even if you gettin' yo ass beat, I'm gettin' my ass beat, Imma ride for you! I don't mind taking a black eye or gettin' a fat lip. I don't care, I will lie for you, if you ever need anything, Imma make sure you get it. That's like one of the benefits of being close to me, I will always take care of my family and friends no matter what. Drag my ass all up and down social media but imma speak my mind and say what I want. I'm very LOUD and outspoken too! I mean, I'm not really boring but I can be chill as fuck one minute, and dancin' on a table with some henny in one hand and a blunt in the other, it just depends on the damn day. Let's seee....Loyal, Loud, I have my own way of seeing things, like I don't really follow people and I don't really claim to be a trendsetter, I just do what I want and how I want it, regardless of how it's seen. I stick to what I love and I don't change just because of someone's opinion, that will never be me. I will put out a fucking tropical house track tomorrow night if I wanted to, that sounds like "Shape of You" and yall can't tell me shit. I love to argue too, like I will argue with you all night if I want to. I also don't mind gettin' dirty and stuff. I guess my worst traits are I can be too violent or always wanna throw hands if I just don't wanna talk. I'm very distrusting, like I don't date a lot because guys are just so fucking dirty and grimy. Like, just be 100 with me and we'll be cool. I don't really have a filter, and sometimes that shit isn't cool *Laughs* I literally just say the first thing that comes to my head. I'm a 'family first' above all person. If you fuck with my family, you're dead to me, end of discussion. Like let my niece come home and say some little girl is bullying her, I might have to pull up, i don't know *Shrugs*.
So, I decided to do Big Brother because I wanted this to be kinda like somethin' fun for me to do. I love meeting people and I'm very competitive so I will be tryna win. Plus, I could use the exposure, lemme not front. I hope to make some new acquaintances but most people ain't shit so I won't like hold my breath. If I do then that'll be cool but I'm not just goin' to make friends, I wanna win. I think people should know that I'm gonna be Liyah so don't think I'm gonna simmer down or anything, what you see is what you get with me! I watched past Big Brother's and people be mad wild sometimes, i was like 'Yo, can I really do this?' I mean don't expect me to be gettin buck naked and all that, no *Laughs* Imma leave that to yall. Can we fight? Is that allowed? I might have to fight, I know my personality tends to clash with others sometimes so I can't hold my tongue. I don't really wanna see Daniel in the house because I know for damn sure we beefin'. He's an ass and I would tell him that. Bitch, got me all the way fucked up if he thinks I would ever be scared of him, but I wish I was on when Tyron was on because oh my god, he had my sides hurtin'! He was crazy, still is. I'm lowkey here for Tisha to make an appearance, that bitch gives no fucks and I'm here for it. I strive to be her petty. My ideal housemate would be Lotus, the Lo to my Li Lang, like bitch, get the fuck in the house so I can already have one vote for me! Someone chill, would be ideal, but can turn up when it's time. I can't lie, imma miss being able to talk to my family because I'm so close with them and I've been with them this whole time so it's gonna be weird be away from them. Also, i don't think we can use cell phones and that's my life right there. I never wrote a damn letter in my life. I don't even write lyrics, bitch who? Not I. And the food. Most of the time, these bitches can't cook and Im not about to eat ramen noodles every damn night, listen I am TIED already. To be honest, Imma probably be high half of the time, that's how I cope with shit, just smoke. Now, Big Brother better not ban it because then I'll just start doing weird ass shit. I mean we can go outside and stuff right? So I think I'll be alright. To simply describe me in three words is kinda hard but I guess' Crazy, Loyal, annnnnnd Foodie. Okay, I guess that's all Imma say for now so hopefully I get to the end of this thing and win it all. Pray for me."
Which Disney character do you relate to most and why?: "Jasmine because she was a bad bitch! I had my Aladdin try to come scoop me up and spit game but I was like, 'I don't need you, I got my own! Byeeee!' Plus, I bet because I'm Asian yall thought I would say Mulan but I'll be damned if I go to war for my country, hell nah."
Which animal do you relate to most and why?: "Okay, don't laugh but I think a Hyena because I laugh a lot and I'm like small but quick." She shrugs. "I don't know, sounds suspect."
If you had three wishes what would you wish for?: "Yas, bitch I've been waitin' for this! 1st I would wish for an endless supply of weed, boom, done. 2nd, I would ask for more wishes, and don't say I can't do that because that wasn't stated so therefore my ass will be invoking this wish. Ummm 3rd would be to meet my bae Tupac, like make him alive again. Kidd SHOOK, I know it."
If you could wipe one thing out of existence, what would it be and why?: "Dentists because I hate those bitches for my braces. I COULDN'T EAT FUCKING GUM FOR LIKE 3 YEARS. I'm traumatized. Just give me new teeth, not fucking chains and rubber bands."
Why do you think some people may not like you?: "I don't know, they're pressed and I'll pray for them because there's nothing to not like. I'm a fucking Queen."
Tell us one thing that nobody else may know about you: "I have a very sensitive side and it takes a lot to bring it out. Like I have to be really feelin' you for you to see that. I guess not a lot of people know that because I have this hard outer exterior."
Which song lyrics best describe your life and why?: "Ahh shit, a lot of them. I guess;
'Don't settle for less, even the genius asks his questions
Be grateful for blessings, don't ever change, keep your essence
The power is in the people and politics we address
Always do your best, don't let the pressure make you panic
And when you get stranded
And things don't go the way you planned it
Dreamin' of riches, in a position of makin' a difference'That's Tupac, 'Me Against The World' and I've been feelin' that way all my life basically. I was like at a point where I was doubting myself and I had like nobody to really talk to or deal with shit so I felt like it was over but now I feel really positive and motivated, like what this song does to me and any Pac record."
Do you think you'll win? Why/Why not?: "I better or it's rigged!"