Title: Mary Palm Suzie
Artist: Denim Skirt Murders
Label: Full-Figured Four Records
Genre: Thrash Metal
Music: Keiko Kitamura
Lyrics: Bao Van Tran, Keiko Kitamura
Released: July 26th 2017
About the single:Lili: This song is about an assassin. Yes, a hard as fuck assassin.
Keiko: You just threw an F bomb.
Lili: OMG
Bao: That's fine, we're metal after all.
Yuri: Yeah. Uhhhh... Yeah.
Bao: Good fucking stuff! It's a hard as fuck tune!
Yuri: Yeah. Uhhh... You got that right.
Keiko: Oh yes. Great speed and unrelenting riffing. Gotta love it.
Yuri: Yeah. Uhhh... I love playing, uhhhh... fast.
Bao: Fucking fast indeed.
Lili: I'm starting to really like this metal outfit, we get to say "fuck" a lot.
Keiko: Yes.
Yuri: Anyway, uhhh... Buy our new stuff so that uhhh... We get more money.
Bao: Absolutely.
Keiko: What she said.
Lili: Indeed! Love you all!
Lyrics:She's the best in the east
You know she's the best
She is
Mary Palm Suzie
Guns is her fix
In firing loads she's a beast
She is
Mary Palm Suzie
With Killshots she beams
She's the assassination queen
She is
Mary Palm Suzie
High RPM, high power
When she works the rod she's got power
Flow with the shaft, like a river
Her expert fist, your gun's trigger
When the kill is done
When the load is all gone
She goes straight to her house
And takes care of her cat named Puss
The next evening comes she does it again
More guns, more kills, more shafts to cleanse
With a steady fist she moves in for the kill
Mary Palm Suzie firing hand cannons with ease
High RPM, high power
Like a powerful V8 her hand burns rubber
Those guns heats up like hell
A smoking hot assassin, she's Mary Palm Suzie