JoshuaGrimmie: I guess fighting for those whose voices struggle to be heard is taking myself too seriously. I guess I should stop standing up for what is right because I have money to spend. I guess I should stop challenging those who abuse their positions of power because...I have a big dick??? Fuck that. If you're not going to be part of the solution, you may as well be part of the problem. Others may be comfortable letting life pass them by, feeling free to make snarky comments on situations because it doesn't have an impact on them. I'm not one of those morons. I have a voice and a position and I'm sure as hell going to use them. FUCK ATOMIC WAR BRIDE. They're so far removed from reality, they're floating around on a fucking rusted time capsule of a ship. Comment on my life when you come back down to earth and sort out yours!
TheShadyMusicFacts: Joshua Grimmie calls out Atomic War Bride, specifically zoning in on Erich's statement that he "takes himself to seriously". Grimmie has accused Hess and Co. of being "removed from reality" and tells them to "sort out their own lives" before they comment again on his.

JenniferIsTHICC: @TheShadyMusicFacts They're just mad because they have the same outfit.
IsabelYKatriel: @JoshuaGrimmie Yet still no comment on the pee thing
JoshuaGrimmie: @IsabelYKatriel Fuck you!
JGrimmz: @JoshuaGrimmie You tell them! Don't stop what you're doing, we love you x
GrimmieNationNL: @JoshuaGrimmie You're doing amazing sweetie
LetsDanceHamilton: @TheShadyFacts I understand why Joshua may be offended but I read Erich's comment as a rather fatherly statement, like he's offering advice. Joshua is a young kid and while he's doing good, he's REALLY putting himself out there and subjecting himself to really awful stuff.
AtomicDeathclaw: @JoshuaGrimmie You need to stop overreacting to every little thing. Erich wasn't taking away from your work. He was complimenting you and suggesting that you stop being so intense. You're going to do yourself an injury.
MaryBethRogers: @JoshuaGrimmie TRUMP WON, FAG!
TwistedStylezz: Fuck Erich Hess, Joshua Grimmie has a 12 incher!
PeterNotRabbit: I can't stand Erich but I LOATHE that Grimmie asshole so I may just have to buy Atomic War Bride's next record in support.
AdamBell28: Only Joshua Grimmie would make a rant post about why he doesn't take himself seriously. The irony. Dick.
SkinnyMessiah: Joshua Grimmie is a fucking headcase. Erich is a drug riddled weirdo. Cassie and Karoliena are WHORES. Burn them all!! Turn to Jesus.
MerGirl: @TheShadyMusicFacts They're all unhinged yet I can oddly see all sides. I can see why Joshua thinks this is very dismissive but I also see where Erich and co are coming from. This is an odd situation.
JoshuasForeskin: Erich can go suck me.
NoLeftShoe: Joshua Grimmie needs to take his meds before he does some damage. Lunatic.