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Offline bikz  
#1 Posted : 21 October 2009 11:25:42(UTC)
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2nd November 2009, 7pm-11pm GMT

The Awards
Best Band
Best Solo Artist
Best Newcomer
Best Artwork
Best Album
Best Single
Best Live Act
Best Gig/Tour/Festival
Most Attractive Male
Most Attractive Female
Best Record Label/Management
Best Personality

The Judges
Johnny Johnson (The Rockers)
Sexy Star
Jack Lepelbos
Ryan Ross Hernandez
Sýkn (The Violent Pyromaniac Enemies)
Regan Futrell
Stephanie Fierce
Brian Hanson (The Wicker Man)
Jimmy Him (The Nimrods)
Aurora Fortin
Lewis Mason (Final Heaven)

First Round Instructions For Judges
Pick 1-3 nominations per category. No self-voting! PM them to old.gregg (not me this time!) on or before 27th October 2009.
(If you are listed as a judge and don't want to be one, contact bikz or old.gregg ASAP.)

First Round Instructions For Everyone Interested In Getting Nominated
It's not necessary, but a VERY good idea, to plug your artists in this thread. This helps judges choose. Feel free to be completely shameless. It's allowed! ;)
Note on images - if you want to post pictures, PLEASE either post small-sized and not many images, or post links.

If you have any questions, feel free to post or contact us.

Have fun,
Raven Comatose [shiny new co-ownage // IMAs/Birdies]

Edited by user 23 October 2009 09:14:45(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline The Nimrods  
#2 Posted : 21 October 2009 11:31:05(UTC)
The Nimrods
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Best Band:The Nimrods
Best Live Act: The Nimrods, PANIC
Best Album:The Iliad,The Odyssey, Chronicles of a Heretic
Best single: whores and Desperates
The Nimrods (Progressive Death Metal,Progressive Metal,Progressive Rock.Think Opeth/Dream Theater/Tool/Pink Floyd)
Jimmy Him- Lead Guitar,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Davey Matlock- Bass,Guitars,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Kit Saunders- Drums,additional percussion
Jaska Latvala- Rhythm Guitar,Vocals,Primary Songwriter
Jack Burton- Keyboards,Keytar

Satyr in the Frost(Melodic Black Metal,think Satyricon/Mayhem/Early Dimmu Borgir/Immortal)
Sigmund-Vocals and Rhythm guitar
Saxon-Lead Guitar
Rincewind wrote:
The Nimrods wrote:
I knew you'd be back! *cries*

now now, *hugs and steals wallet*

xNightsidex wrote:
Oops I stumbled over and hit the "extend ban" button.


Gildermershina wrote:
The Nimrods wrote:
xNightsidex wrote:

What's everyone else do in the real world?

Sell pot and jerk off

JK, or am i?

At the same time?

Rincewind wrote:
Synxhard wrote:
I don't believe in jeans...

well your shit out of luck because they believe in you.....

Offline asdf  
#3 Posted : 21 October 2009 11:32:54(UTC)
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Best Band - The Rockers

Best Artwork -


Best Album - The Rockers Black

Best Single - Cut Loose or Lady in Waiting

Best Live Act - The Rockers or The Shadows

Best Record Label - V-Records

Best Personality - Johnny Johnson

Proud member since September 6th, 2007!

Proud to be a mod since May 5th, 2011!

Currently writing the longest Solo-Written RP in Rockstar Game History
Offline Paradox  
#4 Posted : 21 October 2009 11:47:38(UTC)
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Best Band - Insolent Paradox
Best Artwork - Insolent Paradox/Son


Best Album - Insolent Paradox/Son Info
Best Gig/Tour/Festival - Negative Tour
Best Record Label/Management - Negative Records

Edited by user 21 October 2009 12:06:01(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

RP bands:
Insolent Paradox - Progressive [Forum Thread] - Post-production
Oceans - Fusion Jazz - Writing

stephaniewazhere wrote:
I'm failing? I'm failing??????? LMAO!!!!!!

Mod Edit - you failed...

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room.
Offline Synxhard  
#5 Posted : 21 October 2009 11:52:28(UTC)
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Might as well get started.

Best Album:

Nile's Fear - The New Genocide Plot - Tracklisting + Other Stuff:

Wake Up to Death At Your Door: Similar to Avenged Sevenfold with Machine Head riffs.

Spared by a Coma (3:14) - Carver, Araya, Adler - For the first 5 or 6 seconds there is silence, and then the band rips into a face smashing set of intro chords, over which Lucas pounds out furious drum fills. They quickly rip into a relentlessly fast riff, which at first is only played by Jackson, before accompanied by everyone else. They change to a slightly more melodic riff and Lucas slows his beat, signaling for Matt to come in, screaming out violent and throat ripping lyrics. They slowly increase the speed of the riffs and drums, until the song reaches its climax at a vicious chorus, whose anthemic lyrics are unmistakable: 'Where has it come from? How can it be stopped? So quickly we're to meet our end, our empire we have lost. Karmatic armegeddon, no religion could foresee a planet once forsaken, not even a memory'. Matt takes an interesting solo, which is quite memorable, and they repeat some of the earlier passages, which lead out of the song.

Cancerous Bullets [single] (8:36) - Araya, Demmel - This song starts off with a powerful and gut wrenchingly fast thrash riff, laden with tons of string skipping and polyrythms, beautifully played by Matt, while David slams down an intricate harmony line and Lucas blasts savage yet technical death metal beats, infused with a tribal backing rythm. Over this madness Jackson lays down a mind blowing solo that takes one to a land of primal violence and purely majestic awe. They all converge on a chromatic riff, and Matt begins singing, using a mix of raspy grunge vocals, thrashy shouting and hardcore "talking". They rip through a progressive line of frenzied leads and arpeggiated harmonies, Matt and Jackson trading solos whenever the vocals stop. Suddenly the band cuts out, leaving Lucas to take a massive drum solo leading directly into a heavy as fuck breakdown, which finishes the song.

1349 (Corpses) [single]: Sounds like Slayer, Megadeth (a.k.a. old school thrash metal)

The Boy in the Bloody Pajamas (28:41) - Carver, Adler, Araya - The song begins on a rather somber note, leading right into a sad Middle Eastern influenced instrumental passage, played using entirely clean tones and a mix of cymbals, church bells, gongs and the occasional tom for the drum part. The band moves fluidly through different pieces, painting a story of depression, pain, loss and hopelessness, with Matt's ghostly vocals fading in and out like a hideous snake that is beaten back into hiding everytime it emerges from its hole. Jackson performs multiple acoustic solos, and David takes one as well, employing a very clean tone. At the 19 minute mark distorted tones and military snare drums fade in, and a brief passage of utter violence and savage riffs ensue, only to cut slowly back into clean playing, which can't decide to be victorious or horrified. The song fades out slowly.

Fate Takes A Turn For The Worst (5:19) - Araya - There is not much that can be said about this brutal, dark song which sings about chaos, death and there being no escape, hinting at Armageddon. It is composed of pure melodic death metal riffs and leads, accompanied by intense blast beats and growls that would give even the most professional of screamers a bloody cough. Somehow Matt and Jackson manage to pull off a 1:30 second shred-tastic harmonized solo, which when paired up with the breakneck speed of the track should prove nearly impossible and demands every bit of attention possible from both players.

Bury The Bones of Your Martyrs: Sounds like Trivium, All That Remains, specifically "Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr" by Trivium (see where I got the name?)

Life is an Unholy Thing: Sounds like All Shall Perish

The Words Still Echo: Instrumental, mainly synthesizers and other sound effects such as military drum, church bells, etc., occasional guitar work.

Into A Strange New World [single]: Sounds like Iron Maiden with more contemporary sound.


9 weeks: 1,007,000 records

Chart Peak:

US: 1
UK: 57
Europe: 1
Australia: 1
World: 31

more info here

The Wicker Man - Jeremy - Tracklisting + Other Stuff:

Finally, the long awaited second half of our double disc album, Call to Monstrosity, will be released in just 4 days. The album's title, as you probably know, is Jeremy. We really wanted to spend a lot of time on this one, unlike Satanic Pantheon, which was tracked in just 2 weeks. We used up 1 and a half weeks just laying down the basic drum parts (which aren't that basic!), excluding the fills. Every single band mate along with Scott H. scrutinized everyone else's part to find even the smallest mistake, which is why we've appropriately named this record 'The Overdub Album'. There are 2 versions of the record, the original version and the bonus edition, which contains a movie on the recording of the album, along with live performances, music videos, covers and plenty more. We've posted the descriptions of some of our favorite tracks. The track listing is as follows:

Death Camp (8:37) - Hanson, Styxx, Demmel - A church bell rings, accompanied by a crash cymbal, while Moose plays a delicate Spanish flamenco influenced acoustic set of arpeggios, trills and melodies. Another bell and crash, and Brian has joined in, playing an equally interesting counter melody with a slighly distorted, crisp sounding guitar, reminiscent of the counter melody in the intro of 'Not Alone' by All That Remains. Slowly building up in the background, Charlie blasts out a very complex and thrashy drum beat, which sounds completely alien to the guitar playing. The different elements only come together when the band blasts into a 3 second, heavily distorted set of diminished chords, before landing right back on cue, now all playing an interesting Latin influenced acoustic passage, over which Brian takes a mind blowingly melodic solo, which he executes with ease. He joins the rest of the band in their acoustic/clean jam, and Vinny begins to sing. Slowly, the music takes on a more chromatic sound, with gaining distortion every moment. When the build-up reaches it's peak Moose plays a short and extremely fast lick, signaling for the beginning of a heavily distorted, blast beat laden chorus which is overloaded with guitar hooks/harmonies and Vinny's mix of gritty and melodic singing, spiced up by the occasional growl. They cruise through multiple verses and choruses, inter-woven with solos, riffs and instrumental breaks. Around the 6 minute point Charlie takes a drum solo that trumps even the incredible drumming of metal giants such as Hell Hammer and Brann Dailor, after which the band smashes through a few metronome breaking fast thrash riffs, which are entirely shouted, similar to Robb Flynn of Machine Head, and Brian and Moose exchange solos, before ending on a white noise.

Jeremy's Wall from Society (17:53) - C. Haner, Styxx - Definitely the Tool track of the record. The guitar tones on this song consist of mainly Korn-ish psychedelic harmonics and arpeggiated barre chords. Charlie pounds out some intense tribal beats on the toms, only occasionally employing the use of cymbals our the snare. Mike slaps floating riffs on his bass that almost seem to drift away like ghosts. Vinny manages to capture the perfect ratio of horror to violence in his vocals to create that look over your shoulder feeling. The over-all effect of these different parts can be appropriately described as and acid trip through a haunted house. The mathematically flawless calculations and unison of the band allows them to twist in and out of dark complexes, execute perfect random moments of heaviness and race down haunting roads. The song eventually explodes into a shear wall of pure Mastodonian metal. The drums flash between complicated 16th note polyrythms and lightning fast drum fills, over which Vinny growls out lyrics, Brian and Moose work some chromatic chugging riffs and Mike takes an incredible bass solo which oddly is harmonic to Vinny's singing, although when played seperately they sound nothing alike.

Born on Hate (10:13) - Hanson, M. Haner, Demmel - The track begins with a short pretty set of clean chords, before Moose, by himself, lays down a gliding set of diminished and minor arpeggios on the lower strings. Vinny comes in, singing barely above a whisper, accompanied by the occasional crash cymbal and bass note, which eventually progresses faster and faster until it becomes much more of a background than an occasional embellishment. Vinny begins to sing louder, and scratching noises from Brian's distorted guitar interrupt and obscure the music for brief patches, which leads almost directly into a grooving riff played by Brian, who is quickly joined by the band. This becomes the verse, which is followed by a much more laid back pre-chorus featuring a simple hi-hat beat and palm muted arpeggios, leading into a climactic chorus beautifully layered with tom beats, guitar harmonies and melodic singing. After the second verse, the band shifts into a churning riff, which comes to a peak and then drops out, leaving only a clean guitar and choir-like vocals. A simple drum fill leads into the second chorus. They pound through several more parts, blast shelled with chugging, churning and grooving riffs. Around the 7 minute mark Moose comes in with an uber melodic solo, very clearly neo-classical influenced. The band plays a few more minutes worth of thrashy riffs, before ending on one note, with the same haunting clean guitar from the start leading them out.

Advice of the Wicked (9:01) - Styxx -

Exile (14:52) - M. Haner, C. Haner, Hanson -

Days on the Edge (18:19) - Demmel -

When Hearts Bleed Ink (11:55) -Hanson, M. Haner, Styxx - The song begins on a four chord progression, backed up by a steady floor tom beat. Then Moose kicks in with a catchy riff, and is soon joined by the rest of the band, who grove on the riff with him. Vinny begins to sing, Charlie occasionally echoing his words. They smash through a Trivium influenced riff, split in two by a triplet powered pre-chorus, which of course means a chorus follows afterword. This chorus in particular is very anthemic and will definitely be used as a crowd sing-along in live shows. They smash through another verse-pre-chorus-chorus set before riding on a powerful riff over which Vinny yells the lyrics. The band slowly fades out, and is replaced by Moose playing a diminished set of clean chords, which proceeds a four minute clean passage, where Brian takes a very blues/jazz influenced solo. The song slowly builds back into blast beating metal fury, which is notable for the intense shredding solos Brian and Moose play in quick succession. The recording fades out on one of the now common tom-tom riffs.

Somewhere to Hide (8:46) - Hanson, Styxx -

The Abyss (Looms Overhead) (15:22) - Demmel, M. Haner, C. Haner, Hanson, Styxx -

Fistful Of Steel (6:36) - Hanson, Styxx -


38 weeks - 1,810,000 records

Chart Peaks:

US: 1
South America: 3
UK: 5
World: 46

more info here

The Wicker Man - A Haunted Road - The Covers:

Drag The Waters (Pantera Cover)- The opening riff to this song is has this massive, fuck off sort of feel to it, and really sets the pace for the album. Not much was changed with this one riff wise, since Pantera wrote every single great metal riff there is, and the only big difference is an added breakdown and harmony passage in the solo.

Set To Fail (Lamb of God Cover) - This is an instant classic by LOG, who are some of the best riffers of today, and we really showed just how versatile the different pieces of the song are by double timing the verse and halving the speed of the second chorus. Charlie would make Chris Adler proud with the skill exercised in his mid breakdown drum solo.

Not Alone (All That Remains Cover) - As soon as the opening harmony collides with your ear drums, the sense that this is gonna be one of the best covers off the album is unmistakable. Brian plays Oli Herbert's original solo, with Moose harmonizing half a measure off. Definitely a single candidate.

Throes of Peridition (Trivium Cover) - This is certainly the track the band fucked with the most. It is entirely instrumental, acoustic and three times as long, clocking in at 18 minutes. Anyone expecting a straight forward Trivium cover will be surprised, but not disappointed by this interesting rendition

Battery (Metallica cover: Live w/ Transferium Project) - Name pretty much sums this one up. Audio taken from our No Prayer For Brazil DVD.

Wage Slaves (All Shall Perish cover) - Another live performance. We really wanted to keep it real with this one, since ASP is a lesser known band, and we really wanted to get the word out to people about them.

Practice What You Preach (Testament cover) - This one's a really powerful thrash song, and we really wanted to stress that. Over loaded with blast beats and jagged riffs, this song screams of mosh pits and good times. Brian takes an elongated solo on this one, lasting over 4 minutes.

Aesthetics of Hate (Machine Head cover) - Future single for Cover Extravaganza, this song is notoriously tight and well executed by the band. The track was originally written in response to the article 'Aesthetics of Hate: RIP Dimebag Darrell and Good Riddance', a hateful strike against Dimebag and metal as a whole.

Bat Country (Avenged Sevenfold cover) - OOC: was lazy and didn't do the last 2. sorry :)

Everything Went Black (The Black Dahlia Murder cover) - Also off No Prayer For Brazil


9 weeks: 1,058,000

Chart Peak:

US: 2
UK: 1
South America: 2
Europe: 47
World: 33

more info here

Best Band (Not gonna win, but worth a shot :)) - The Wicker Man

Best Newcomer - Nile's Fear

User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#6 Posted : 21 October 2009 12:13:18(UTC)
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Best Solo Artist- Stephanie Fierce
Her debut album shifted over 3.2 million copies and from it it has had 3 #1 singles (Hot Shot, Where I Belong, Toy Soldier) and 7 Top 10 hits overall. Her upcoming second studio album "Diary Of A Pop Sinner Vol 1 & 2" is one of the most anticipated Pop albums of the year featuring many collaborations.
Her "Time Machine" 70 date world tour had many sold out dates. There is no doubt that Stephanie Fierce is one of the best solo artist alive.
For more in depth info on Stephanie Fierce
Click Here

Best Artwork- Love Feels Like grenades feat. GirlSpice
The artwork was done and based off the idea of the following lyrics of the song "Little heart shaped grenades" which Stephanie Fierce came up with.

Best Single- Love Feels Like grenades feat. GirlSpice
Click Here
For more info on the song

Spice Magazine Review

"Stephanie Fierce - "Love feels Like Grenades feat. GirlSpice" (Single)
I like this song because it’s different. The first time I listened to it, I found the lyrics a little dark, and a little weird but the sound effects throughout were so interesting, and different. I love how Stephanie used her heartbeat to add to the track and how it mixes so well with the drums and the single sounds so dynamic. Every time I listen to this I pick up on something a little different that I hadn’t noticed before and it is actually very catchy! I love the electronic sound and I think Stephanie has found her place in the industry.The more I listen to it, I also begin to realise just how clever the lyrics really are, which is often so rare with pop music, sorry to say it!!
This song has the potential to be something special and, I’m sure, with Stephanie Fierce’s fan base combining with GirlSpice’s, it will be a hit for sure!"

Delta Tau Entertainment (Dame Katie Kairiri)

"Stephanie Fierce - "Love feels Like Grenades feat. GirlSpice" (Single)
Stephanie Fierce ft. GirlSpice in "Love Feels Like Grenades" shows that love is a game of two halves - the masculine and the feminine, the violent and the harmonious, the hiding and the fighting. This is an epic step up from Ms. Fierce, the words to the song are excellent, and we look forward to hearing more.

Most Attractive Female- Stephanie Fierce
Artwork for the #1 hit "Where I Belong".

Edited by user 21 October 2009 12:36:42(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline TishaJackson!!!!  
#7 Posted : 21 October 2009 12:43:28(UTC)
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Tisha Jackson would like to be nominated for:


This single has debut in the top 20 in the U.K. And has already managed to go gold selling 800,000 copies worldwide so far.


Tisha has sold millions of albums and singles world wide. Putting out eleven albums.

Best Album

To Whom It May Concern




Come on look how beautiful the girl is.

Best Artwork:

To Whom It May Concern


Edited by user 21 October 2009 12:48:45(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified



Offline troymazing  
#8 Posted : 21 October 2009 13:22:26(UTC)
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Best Solo Artist
Aurora Fortin - With three #1 singles under her (very pregnant) belt, Aurora recently completed a four-month-long tour and re-released her debut album, Technicolour. It charted top ten in every region, and shifted 225,000 copies in it's first week. She has sold 13,000,000 singles to date. She has 9 consecutive top ten hits.

Best Artwork
Madison O'Leary - Victory

Madison O'Leary - Fight For It

Aurora Fortin - Histoire (it's a big picture so I linked it)

Best Album
Fighting Spirit - Madison O'Leary
The sophomore album from Madison O'Leary, it has sold over 2.4 million copies in 20 weeks. It also went #1 in Europe and the USA, and went top ten in the rest of the world.

Most Attractive Female
Madison O'Leary - a blonde hottie who can kick your ass ;)

Best Record Label/Management
Boy Toy Entertainment
BTE is the only pop label in the industry. It's website was the first of it's kind when it was made, it was fully interactive. It's website can be found here.

Edited by user 22 October 2009 06:18:59(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

GirlSpice wrote:
Oh well.. she sits outside then. LOL!

Offline PANIC!  
#9 Posted : 21 October 2009 14:04:05(UTC)
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Best Band: PANIC!

Their third studio album, "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner" sold over 4 million copies worldwide, and topped the charts worldwide. They have had five top 10 hits, and over 17 million single copies sold.

Their highly-anticipated follow-up, "Broken Down on Memory Lane" has been meet with generally favorable reviews by critics. The album has already gave way to hit single "Disloyal Order of the Ignorant" which has hit the top ten in every region worldwide and was a number one hit in Australia and New Zealand.

Best Solo Artist: Ryan Ross Hernandez

His debut album has sold over 3 million copies and reached the top 5 in every region. Much thanks to number one hit Your Arms Feel Like Home.

Despite the huge commercial success, the artist has been criticized for not touring nor promoting the album due to his focus on his main-project PANIC!.

Best Newcomer: Breaking Dawn at Sunset

The quartet out of Chicago, is the side-project from PANIC! guitarist Gabriel Hunter, who drops his guitar in favor of vocals with Breaking Dawn at Sunset. While releasing much demo's in an attempt and reach ears of labels, their main support came from PANIC! frontpeople Ashley Perry and Ryan Ross Hernandez who quickly backed the band. But their music wasn't their most-talked about subject. Instead the media has talked about bassist Patrick Lewis dating PANIC! vocalist Ashley Perry, also because of the fist-fights he has gotten into with Ashley's ex-boyfriend, PANIC! bandmate Ryan Ross Hernandez.

In hopes to finally be talked about their music instead of their personal lives, on October 20, they released their first official single titled "Hollywood, We Have a Problem", a song that takes a few cheap shots at the Hollywood lifestyle. The band is currently on tour with PANIC! and plan on releasing their debut album titled "20 Dollar Nose Bleed" on November 17th.

Best Artwork: Broken Down on Memory Lane by, PANIC!


Best Album: Broken Down on Memory Lane by, PANIC!

All information here.

Best Single: Disloyal Order of the Ignorant by, PANIC!. Off of Broken Down on Memory Lane.

All information here.

Best Live Act: PANIC!

Since the start of their careers their live show has been critically-acclaimed due to their high-energetic performances and crowd involvement. The band are currently on their European/UK leg of their 2 More Miracles To Be A Saint tour which has over 80% of the dates sold out and the upcoming US leg is completely sold out. The band is scheduled to headline a date at the upcoming SnowStorm festival in the UK.

Best Gig/Tour/Festival: 2 More Miracles To Be A Saint Tour - PANIC!

Here and (soon) here.

Most Attractive Male:

Ryan Ross Hernandez


Josh Fallon (PANIC!)


Nick Asher (PANIC!)


Patrick Lewis (Breaking Dawn at Sunset)


Most Attractive Female:

Ashley Perry


Best Personality:

Ashley Perry: Although she is short, she is probably the loudest member of PANIC!. To fans she is known as a spunky, blond/red/orange head who can have you dancing on your feet or can have you grabbing your Kleenex to wipe off the tears. Her friends also say that she is a very happy and fun person but when she is angry, like she shows on PANIC!'s upcoming record, you better back the fuck up. Now should you be scared of this 5'2" girl? No, but you shouldn't take her as an easy-target either.

Edited by user 25 October 2009 12:19:50(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Aj  
#10 Posted : 22 October 2009 04:18:11(UTC)
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Best Band: Failed Youth

Well it's blatantly obvious to be honest. It's because we're the best band. Hehe. Nah, but seriously, we decided to go for this as a bit of a long shot. I mean obviously sales don't mean everything but 37 million ticket sales, 15 million single sales and 8 million album sales do sound rather impressive. Now there's a ton of other bands that deserve this award more than us if you look at skill and everything, but we've got soul. We love what we do and we'll carry on whether or not we win this. This award would mean a ton to us though, and it would be such a great show for our hardwork that we've put in recently. Every second of our lives has been dedicated to music over the past months and we really hope that showed with Heroes and Various Occurances Whilst Intoxicated By Various Substances - which by the way has almost reached the 4 mil mark now (yay). New albums coming soon and it would look awesome on the cover to say Birdie Award Winner! Well anyway, that's why I think we should win Best Band this year, but it's down to you guys. Well, it's not, cos' I'm a judge. But I'm not allowed to vote for myself, so I guess it is down to you lot. Anyway, love :) x - Billy

Best Album: The Schadenfreude Ecdysiast - Hydrogen and Helium

Put so much effort into this album, and it really is one of the highs of my music career!

Click Here for TRSG Info.
Click Here for RP Info

Best Single: Failed Youth - Illusion

By far our favourite track on the album, it takes you through a journey of brilliant sounds and experiences in a stunning piece, written entirely by Billy. With around 4 separate riffs on the track all at different tempo's it's almost like Bohemiam Rhapsodey in the way it changes from part to part.

Best Live Act: Failed Youth

Come on, we're fucking intense. If there isn't over fifty mosh pits at our performances then your welcome to a refund. Recently supported the wonderful Jakey Comatose with Quarantine and we had his blessing so surely you guys gotta like us. And 37 Million tickets aint half shabby now is it? ;) But seriously, we put 101% into our live performances and have played across the globe in the past year in stadiums everywhere, rocking it out.

Best Record Label: Boslepel

Just brilliant.

ooc: So much effort goes into Boslepel, and it's about time it's shown some respect. :)

Edited by user 29 October 2009 10:11:22(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline six-T-nine  
#11 Posted : 22 October 2009 05:31:14(UTC)
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Best Band:

The 69 Sinz -
They formed in 2003, then split up in 2007, they have released 14 studio albums & have finished recording the follow up to 2007's 'Blood Lust' the album is entitled 'The Real Broken Hearts' and it is 'the best album made by the band' - aswell as a sell out UK tour in December, a slot on the SnowStorm festival bill & a World Arena tour Feb - May next year, the band are sure to once again take over the world

Chimera -
Smash Up, we all know them, voted best british Artists at the beginning of the year, the old line up that 'took over the world' have returned, with the aim to release the Ashes Of Dawn album triliogy, they have recently announce a 6-date UK headline tour for January, the Welsh band also pla to release Tommorrow We Die: EXtreme Edition, a new version of 2nd studio album Tommorrow We Die, the band are also expected to play at The Real Music World party this saturday supporting Jakey Comatose

Best Artwork:
The 69 Sinz - The Real Broken Hearts

Best Album:

The 69 Sinz - The Real Broken Hearts -
It took 2 years to write, but it's finally here, based on true stories from around the world, the deepest lyrics ever written by the band, some of the heaviest songs too, it's the follow up to the 2007 album 'Blood Lust' and it's the 15th Mark in the bands album releases.

Chimera - Tommorrow We Die: EXtreme Edition
the original CD, a full 18 track demo CD, 8 new songs, the New CD, and a bunch of other stuff to celebrate the re-uniting of the band, the album was the most succesful of The Smash Up libary, will this do better?

Best Single:
The 69 Sinz - Another Day, Another Broken Soul -
Based on the bridgend Suicides, it's the deepest & probably best son written by The 69 Sinz, and the first single off 'The Real Broken Hearts'

Best Live Act:
The 69 Sinz -
Energetic vocalist, moshing guitarist, crazy drummers, playing a set with lights! nuff' said!

Best Gig/Tour/Festival
SnowStorm Festival -
The new Aftermath festival for this winter! the highly succesful festival is back with the new look!
5-piece Welsh melodic hardcore band.
Signed to Halcyon Days Records
Debut album Little Liars released Autumn 2011

Dan Serverge
Solo artist & producer
Debut solo album Enemies coming soon.

Aftermath Festival
Twice-yearly festival, outdoor & indoor
Sign up for the first Aftermath! Indoor festival now!
Offline bdylan88  
#12 Posted : 22 October 2009 06:17:41(UTC)
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BEST SOLO Artist: Caroline Furlong

I love how it says no self voting yet....
I own...

The Bards

Jack Frost (deceased)

Jimmy Merchant

The Bards are signed with HOT EYE RECORDS

Offline bikz  
#13 Posted : 22 October 2009 06:41:20(UTC)
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bdylan88 wrote:
I love how it says no self voting yet....

This thread is NOT, in itself, a voting thread. Posting in this thread does not guarantee you a nomination, but it could help you get one.

This is where you plug your own artists (or other people's if you prefer), with insane shamelessness, to give the judges ideas for who to vote for when we send our votes in.
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Synxhard  
#14 Posted : 22 October 2009 07:01:34(UTC)
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Forgot one :)

Best Gig - No Prayer For Brazil - The Wicker Man:

Click here, wayyyy too long to post below
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#15 Posted : 22 October 2009 08:06:13(UTC)
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bikz wrote:
bdylan88 wrote:
I love how it says no self voting yet....

This thread is NOT, in itself, a voting thread. Posting in this thread does not guarantee you a nomination, but it could help you get one.

This is where you plug your own artists (or other people's if you prefer), with insane shamelessness, to give the judges ideas for who to vote for when we send our votes in.

ah gotcha!
I own...

The Bards

Jack Frost (deceased)

Jimmy Merchant

The Bards are signed with HOT EYE RECORDS

Offline old.gregg  
#16 Posted : 23 October 2009 08:27:48(UTC)
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OOC: just bumping back up to the top - keep plugging, and judges keep nominating!
Offline bikz  
#17 Posted : 24 October 2009 06:47:40(UTC)
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OOC. Bumping and saying that the judge list has been changed slightly. Keep plugging, and keep voting! (:
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
User is suspended until 31/10/3309 09:35:33(UTC) sasha  
#18 Posted : 24 October 2009 08:52:45(UTC)
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Sasha for Best New Comer-UserPostedImage

Sasha For Most Attractive Female

Edited by moderator 24 October 2009 09:22:18(UTC)  | Reason: NO PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES.

Offline Regan  
#19 Posted : 24 October 2009 16:02:52(UTC)
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Best Band
Quarantine - Why?: The band has ex-Casting Thin Shadows members Regan Futrell and Alan Kidd. Regan has won an icon award at the birdies one year if that doesn't say anything. The band will be releasing their second studio album called "Rx" it was co-produced by close friend Jakey Comatose and should be in stores before November 20th. The album also tells a story of a man addicted to drugs and in the end well he accepts the fact that he is about to die.

The Waiting Room - Why?: Consists of two ex-Fear members Paul Reeves and Logan Spills. The band wil be releasing it's second studio album "Define Gravity" soon and are still on tour with The Prisoners. The album had production help from John Smith. It also features a song with Vincent Hale. for a B-Side.

Best Solo Artist
bunker18 - Why?: bunker18 is suppose to be a record of hip-hop mix with experimental rock and alittle bit of shoe-gaze. The debut E.P. should be out next month and on the debut album "The Ego and It's Own" it features collaborations from artists like Ashley Perry to Lewis Mason then to Jakey Comatose. It also had co help producers Regan Futrell and Jakey Comatose.

Best Newcomer
bunker 18 - Why?: bunker18 is suppose to be a record of hip-hop mix with experimental rock and alittle bit of shoe-gaze. The debut E.P. should be out next month and on the debut album "The Ego and It's Own" it features collaborations from artists like Ashley Perry to Lewis Mason then to Jakey Comatose. It also had co help producers Regan Futrell and Jakey Comatose.

Best Album
Quarantine - "Rx" - Why?: The album is a far more light years away sound from the debut album. It is suppose to be a very dark and creepy record. The first single "Sleep-Apnea" will be debut on the day of the birdies. If the band gets accepted to play it will debut then and be released right after the show if not it will only be released right after the show as well. The album had Jakey Comatose co-producing the album as well. It is rumored that Regan changed everything about himself to take on a more deeper role as a frontman and spiritual. The band are anxious to play the new material live.

The Waiting Room - "Define Gravity" - Why?: The album is said to be a classic. The first single is called "Floating". It is said to be Paul Reeves song writing at his best since Fear's "House Of Leaves". The album is to have an upbeat-dark tone to it. The last song "The Haunted" is said to be about the break up of Alex Sin and how the two drifted away from each other.

Casting Thin Shadows - "Phoenix and the Bronze: Live From Carolina Crossroads!" - Why?: This is the bands highlight moment of their live shows. The crowd was on their feet and the tour had some of the biggest names in the music industry. It had This Comatose to Final Heaven to PANIC! and Billy Madison plus more! The live album is said to be a double disc live album and the first single is to be "Judgement of Paris"(featuring Jakey Comatose) which the band has two videos. One the band shot for the studio version and another they shot for a live video. Both do indeed still feature Jakey Comatose and on the live version he has a longer verse. The show also got a 4.5 rating from Spice Magazine!

Best Single
bunker18 - "Warning" E.P. - Why?: The debut release of Quarantines Vincent Hale solo project! The E.P. is said to features two more songs and is suppose to be some really great music.

Quarantine - "Sleep-Apnea" - Why?: The band has been waiting forever for everyone to hear their new sound. It is said to be very experimental in a cool dark vibe way. The single is said to be released on the day of the birdies.

The Waiting Room - "Floating" - Why?: The first single is a very upbeat song. It is about Paul Reeves drug abuses he use to have when touring with Fear.

Casting Thin Shadows - "Judgement Of Paris"(Featuring Jakey Comatose) E.P. - Why?: The fourth and last single from Casting Thin Shadows last record "The Golden Bough". The single features Jakey Comatose and was said to be epic live!

Best Live Act
Casting Thin Shadows - Why?: Because when the band are on stage as a full original member band the band kicks so much ass then you can even imagine live! It's like a cult. Also when there keyboardist died Luna Star they still performed incredible when the whole entire time they were so depressed about the death of their keyboardist but they kept on going until they decided to just end it and take a break.

Quarantine - Why?: The band has two former members of Casting Thin Shadows. Lead singer frontman and lead guitarist Regan Futrell and drummer and back up vocalist Alan Kidd. The other two members are from a local home town band called This Wound. Vincent Hale is an incredible up and coming musician and he plans on breaking out with his bunker18 project. He claims it will be his second band and will never get in front of his full focused band Quarantine. The band have plenty of matieral from thrashing your head off to crying your ass off of how sad and depressing the song is to a person. The band could open up for Transferium Project then the next day open up for either Girlspice or Final Heaven. The band are also really good friends Jakey Comatose and he will be co-producing the bands second album.

The Waiting Room - Why?: The band has incredible live guitarist Paul Reeves and Logan Spills from Fear. The band are debuting a new sound that mixes post-hardcore with progression rock. Kinda like a Jimmy Eat World meets At The Drive-In in a little bit. The band plan on becoming and staying underground for now.

bunker18 - Why?: You never know who will be playing what instruement that night other then Vincent Hale playing guitar and singing. Each concert he has a different band line-up. From one night he had ex-Casting Thin Shadows member Marcy Smith, one night he had Alex Sin on bass and just the other night Paul Reeves and John Smith joined the stage. He is also an incredible up and coming muscian.

Best Gig/Tour/Festival
Snowstorm Festival - Why?: Casting Thin Shadows will be headlining.
Jakey Comatose w/ Failed Youth and Quarantine - Why?: It might've been a 6 date tour but it was a hell of a time and brong back memories for Regan and Alan.

Best Record Label/Management
Midnight/Mythic Records - Why?: Might not be doing much lately but it's still my label and I will support it.

Also like to give a shot out to This Comatose/Jake! He should win everything he can possibly get nominated for.

Edited by user 24 October 2009 16:04:33(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

quarantine | thewaitingroom | bunker18
Offline old.gregg  
#20 Posted : 25 October 2009 08:15:49(UTC)
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Regan wrote:
Also like to give a shot out to This Comatose/Jake! He should win everything he can possibly get nominated for.

Cheers man! Best of luck to you to (:

JUDGES - get thinking about sending in your nominations, not too long left and I've only had one set so far!

- Jakey x
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