The Bitch: While we are working on our next studio album we are releasing some more stuff. First up is Gratest Hits 2. The first one mostly focused on out biggest charting hits. This time around we decided to focus more on our most selling singles. Which gave us some surprises. We left our huge hit about Mozart because it didn't really fit on the collection and saved it for a B-side.
The tracklist:
1 "Come Home" (lyrics by The Bitch):
The Bitch: Our first semi-serious political single. I wrote the song about a soldier going to war and a husband leaving his wife to purchase sexual favors from prostitutes. The chorus where their loved ones asking them to come home.
chart position in Romania: #7 Peak position elsewhere: #82 (in Europe) sold: 900.000
2 "For the Money" (lyrics by The Bitch):
The Bitch: We signed to the Norwegian label Yo/Oy records and decided to make an album only for the money and called it
We Did This Album Only for the Money. Tbe first single was "Wiping" a song about how love is shit and if you get dumped you better start wiping. The second single was "For the Money". Our label gave cash to put on the album cover and the single cover. We had money we didn't even understand ourselves. We also made a music video where we went to the bank and took all the money. I mean, lyrics like "If you make prank phone calls to the school principal you do it cuz it's funny, but if you sell weapons to countries in war you do it for the money" and "If you take a sneakphoto of a girl with no clothes you do it cuz the day is sunny, but if you support Israel you do it for the money". We were really afraid that we were gonna be assassinated by Mossad, but instead we got letters from disappointed Palestinians who appreciated our support, but didn't like that we sang about snapping photos of people without their consent. They were right of course. We did get some naked photos of Israeli fans and after that we decided to support Israel, for the boobies, not for the money. Which was wrong of course.
peak position: #6 sold. 1.500.000
3 "Just a Mess": (lyrics by The Bitch)
We were supposed to put this one on our last Gratest Hits album, but we put it on a single instead. I remember it being huge in Germany.
in Germany: #1, peak position elsewhere: Who cares? sold: 1.600.000
4 "She Likes the Beatles": (lyrics by the Bitch)
The Bitch: We decided to write a song about a girl who liked the Beatles more than me. Turns out we sold a whole more records as we got older.
Peak position: #6 (in South America), sold: 1.767.648
5 "The Icing on the Pretzel"(lyrics by the Bitch):
The Bitch: I don't think we expected this one to be as big as it was at the time. It was actually released before "She Likes the Beatles", it was really out firtracge hit after our comeback and out first #1 hit in South America and probably outside of Europe.
peak position: #1 (in South America) sold: 1.786.104
6 "Hanging by the Flagpole" (lyrics by the Bitch):
The Bitch: When released[i] Control Alt Defeat[ady scored a hit in "Nice GUys Finish First". It was quite a successful album. We had hits like "She Kissed Me" and "Three Cans of Beer" and the fourth single was the opening track "hanging by the Flagpole" a song about depresion and drug addiction that didn't fit as a single, but it actually became a hit as big as the others and sold even more copies.
peak position: #2 (in Canada) sold: 1.790.485
7 "911 Truther" (lyrics by The Bitch and Poo Peter):
Poo Peter:We also wrote an acoustic album and we wrote some songs about 911. We tried to give Wyclef some competition.
peak position: #2 (in the Uk, Europe amd Asia), sold: 1.785.807
8 "The Darkest of Years (lyrics by Gory I.Lids):
Gory: I'm always delighted to have songs on these compilations. not sure why though. Why I'm there. Why do I even exist?
peak position: #7 (in Asia, Aus and NZ) sold : 1.774.672
9 "Jehova's Night Out" (lyrics by Poo Peter):
Poo Peter: We felt like we hadn't been blasphemous enough in a while. So that's what happened here. Not sure why one ended up on the comåilation. I think we really should've put "Spank My Ass and Call me Ishmael" instead.
peak: #21 (in Asia) sold: 1.594.204
peak position:
10 "Circumstance and Circumsition" (lyrics by Robin Banks):
Robin Banks: The newest single on the compilation. I was happy I also got a song on this thing. It's a weird song though.
peak position: #3 (in Europe and Canada) sold: 1.785.265