DEN: NO MORE PAIN IN HIS SKYNew interview with Titan Den Walnut talking about his new solo venture, his new life and his new addiction to 'feeling strong'
When I met the singer the day of release of his new record,
'Don't Be A Pain In My Sky', he looked extremely excited. We were in his apartment in London and You could tell he was over the moon, music is definately his element and he loves what he does. Not only because the new album was written, arranged and produced by Walnut himself, but because the singer explained me about the healing factor that his music has had.
But before we get there, let's start from beginning. As soon as I got into his house, he greeted me with big smiles and good manners, no wonder maybe why he is called prince of Pop by many.
His tiny four years old daughter also greeted me. She was holding a small doll and showed me a few of her drawings, part of me wondered if she will ever follow her father footsteps.
Now though, when we finally sit at the table in his living room, our interview begins. He looks comfortable, relaxed but still looking very smiley. My first question was how he was doing, what was going on in his life, in his mind at that very moment. After all, who isn't curious to know how a pop star feels when they are releasing an important album like his and he said "I'm not very nervous, I'm just very happy. I'm sharing my music, my ideas and of course my experiences with the world. Music is my passion and I've been doing it for ten years now, I feel a bit of an expert now". He jokes a little, but he's right and as I agree, I ask him what was the first response out of his friends and family on the album.
"They loved it. They got a few tracks stuck on their minds and even gave me advices on what to release and what not. Most of them already knew the songa before though, I always share stuff while working on it with others" was his answer and so I asked about his young daughter, did she listen to his music?
His answer was an excited nod, he told me "She would spend a lot of time with me in the studio, she probably knows all my songs and I love that! Kids are also the best judges 'cause they are always so honest and sincere. She loves listening to Pop, she has taken after her daddy after all. Brit loves some
Lady Gaga,
Weekend. I'm not sure if she has my same passion for music, but she also loves drawing. We'll see what happens when she grows up. Of course now I cannot tell her most meanings to my songs, meanings only adults could fully understand, she perceives them in a softer way".
So I got curious to know, what was he listening to, but Den explained that his taste doesn't change much from his daughter, confirmed the same names of Pop acts cited but he also added "Other than Pop I'm really being into soundtracks and music like
Sinatra. That's why in the new album you find some violins or classical instruments here and there taking focus of the song. I added like these big, epic instrumental parts that just flow so nicely in the songs. I like a bit of that too."
So talking about the album, I asked him what was his favourite track and what he could tell me beyond his successful, now widely known recent single '
Yourself' and he told me "I don't have a favorite. Every song has a meaning, every song is a part of that puzzle that made my life today. '
Yourself' was only the tip of the iceberg as I always say. It was about closing with my past, people and situations that needed to stay in the past. The reason why it was a single is because of that, I close with the past for a new life and new me. I love all the tracks, among them I love "
Coming Out Beautiful You' which is a mid-tempo Pop track dedicated to gay men who are hiding, that need strength or the right ispiration to do what is right for them and be free coming out. My LGBT community is important. Also there are nice songs like '
Spin Round, Round, Round' and '
Iron Gunner' that also reflect the sexuality matter but going a little further the sexual theme. I like the beautiful '
An Angel Told Me' or '
No Es Una Meteora' with love as main theme or the mysterious '
The Moon Knows' which is just the perfect closing track talking about secrets that we all have and are important for ourselves, we deserve all deserve to have secrets."
Then Den also pointed out how this is an album for empowering so no sad, teary Pop ballads were written as he said "The only sad song for the album could be '
Another Day', a full on tears on the dancefloor track but still will make you feel stronger, you will understand why when you hear it. Actually the main idea behind the album is never let pain take you down so you don't waste time suffering and that's also the idea behind my next single off the album, which will be released soon and it's '
Tick Me Off'"

Talking about the new single, I asked more informations and this is what Den had to say. "The song is totally made for the dancefloor, you only have time to dance to it actually. It is catchy, it is dancey, fun, camp. It is pretty much my genre, my style reflecting this moment. I'm shooting the video next week and I have a surprise for people that I'm sure they will enjoy, especially if they are my fans. It's a person I was very close with before"
So I started guessing and made a few names going from his
Titans bandmates to one of his friends, but no name made Walnut laugh as
Ciaran Chambers from ex boyband
ELMNT. Den had a short relationship with Ciaran years ago, before the singer met
Adam Black, with whom he had a difficult relationship as explained by the singer, as well with all the media news around the couple at the time.
Now, with suspicious tweets, messages, close sources to the singer, he seems to have gotten close again with the Australian singer so I had to ask him about it. What is going on between them?
"Nothing actually" the vague answer "We are just close friends now, he's very special to me, I don't want to ruin our relationship again and I don't want to rush into something just to fill a gap of being with someone. I want to enjoy myself and be free, but maybe Ciaran could be my person. Who knows. Depends if he beheaves and acts like a good boy". Den just laughs at his own last words, he said them playfully but I hear a glimpse of hope. My feeling is that of someone who got deeple hurt, someone who learnt hard lessons but with much love inside.
So talking about love, I asked his plans for Christmas. "working, working, working" was the answer, but still an excited one. Music is definately the job for Den as he told me "I will never get tired, not even during holidays. When I was with my bandmates, the guys would usually enjoy themselves, especially during holidays, I would always write lyrics, try new arrangments, because I like being creative. Creating music is making magic for me and when I've felt very low in the years, music was my therapy and even now I'm healing. It is a true God's gift and I think we should all cultivate our passions, even if it's not music. Our passions can define us and they can help on just so much"
'Don't Be A Pain In My Sky' out now in stores