Title: Mighty Fine (Dime)
Length: 3:39
Genre: Pop
Written By: Elyar Black
Produced By: Marshmallow"Mighty Fine (Dime) is the sixth track on the album and continued on from a similar mood of the previous track, however this song is far less sexually charged than "Get Me (Naked)". The song has a strong pop vibe and was produced by Marshmallow, whom makes his second appearance on the album as a producer.
"Mighty Fine (Dime) is a song about finding the perfect woman and how fine they are and look. The song could possibly have been written about Gemma Kane, however "Mighty Fine (Dime) is so far the track that had the slowest tempo of the entire album.
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Nothing can compete, you make me complete
It's time to bump and grind, flex and flow, girl it's time to put on a show
Make everyone know this love isn't just for show
It's real it's proper, nobody will ever top her
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Hot damn your mighty fine
Sometimes you gotta just express how you feel
That way it makes everything real
We talk, we, fight but everything always works out right
It's a case of kiss and make up, sex or break up
Nothing will change, that's way it'll be
Expressing feelings can get too real, too serious, far to delirious
In the end nothing matters, it's all just a game
Love and war, war and pain either way the story remains the same
We're like Romeo and Juilet only without the drama
Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, but without any karma
The love bug strikes and takes it's flight
No matter what, the love is pure and simple
Just like our matching dimples, it makes us equal
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Nothing can compete, you make me complete
It's time to bump and grind, flex and flow, girl it's time to put on a show
Make everyone know this love isn't just for show
It's real it's proper, nobody will ever top her
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Dime, dime, dime baby girl your a dime
Hot damn your mighty fine
My heart skips a beat, my knees get weak
Whenever I see that body so unique, on fleek
Your a freak between the sheets
Just me and you touchy feely under the covers
Oops that's how we made a bubba, little tubba, beautiful bubba
The love is right, the love is strong but most of all it's the bomb
Our love is on fire, oh it turns me on, it's still burning strong
It's always a reality check when you step in my line of sight
It gives me a fright, but it's oh so right
We're like Romeo and Juilet only without the drama
Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, but without any karma
The love bug strikes and takes it's flight
No matter what, the love is pure and simple
Just like our matching dimples, it makes us equal
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Nothing can compete, you make me complete
It's time to bump and grind, flex and flow, girl it's time to put on a show
Make everyone know this love isn't just for show
It's real it's proper, nobody will ever top her
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Dime, dime, dime baby girl your a dime
Hot damn your mighty fine
When ever we get to kiss, it's just pure bliss
It's so good I never wanna miss
You've got a beautiful face and beautiful smile, think I'll stay a while
The love metre is off the scale, for our love cannot be measured
It's something that deserves to be treasured and pleasured
The body you have is so on fleek, it makes loving you so sweet
Our love is cosmic, our love is outerspace, either way our love cannot be misplaced
It's build to last, no matter what anyone says
I may be 24 and you just 18 but love is love it shouldn't be denied
We're like Romeo and Juilet only without the drama
Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, but without any karma
The love bug strikes and takes it's flight
No matter what, the love is pure and simple
Just like our matching dimples, it makes us equal
Falling hard, falling fast but somehow the dream last
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Nothing can compete, you make me complete
It's to bump and grind, flex and flow, girl it's time to put on a show
Make everyone know this love isn't just for show
It's real it's proper, nobody will ever top her
Worth my emotions, worth my time baby girl your a dime
Hot damn your mighty fine