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Failed Youth, hardcore band known for their violent and rebellious lyrics are looking to take an even more violent turn with their new album, lovingly titled 'SCREAM'. The album will feature the number 1 hit single 'Burn' featuring Hannah Beth, which the band has stated is the lighted song on there. Lead singer Billy Jacobs gave this statement:Quote:It's fucking insane, the most hardcore album we've done so far, and we've also taken parts of thrash and progressive metal and added it to the beautiful and sickly concoction that it is. The albums lyrics will make you cry in fear. They're twisted tales of murder, violence, pain, rebellion, addiction and sex. Each one an individual story, bringing in the sickest, craziest characters yet. The albums song list is below, and details on the songs will be up very soon.1. SCREAM
The first part of a two part episode, the lyrics are dark and evil. They tell the story of a murderer, a dark and twisted psychopath who violently murders his victims. Billy sings this with a dark and tortured voice, eerily describing the murders in a brutal way. This song is actually towards the end of the story of him, when the police are tracking him down and he descends more and more into depression and soon finds himself suicidal. As the police close in on him, his methods of killing become more and more erratic, and he cannot calculate his murders, but his compulsive need to kill pushes him to carry on. His mental condition worsens and his schizophrenia become serious, with him not being able to control his own thoughts until at last, he ends his life.
2. Unhinged
At this point the album takes an unexpected turn. After being blasted by the violent and horrific lyrics of Scream, you are hit by the sound of a children's lullaby. As the lullaby because more and more slurred, the sound becomes more and more crackly until the lullaby is replaced with the sound of children crying. Screams fill the air as gunfire erupts around. Scream after scream hit you until you realise they are saying 'Help!'. The screams soon become quieter and quieter until you are once again alone with the crackle. After a few seconds, a guitar plays a chord. The chord continues at a face pace, gathering speed faster and faster until it becomes just a continuous chord. It stops. Silence. Drums, bash in the background. A big booming bass is played and the guitar playing comes back at a medium speed, switching up and down chords ever so slightly until it forms a riff, with the drums keeping rhythm the whole time. After that Leo comes in on the Rhythm guitar, basically copying Tom on the drums. When Billy sings, the lyrics are of torment. It tells of a young woman, abused and raped, using prostitution to fund her ever growing drug habits. The song takes on twists and turns at high velocity, ripping you around like a hyena with a hunk of meat. Billy screams like a wild animal, whilst keeping the meaning of the lyrics and not losing them in his violent yelling.
3. Burn feat. Hannah Beth
The song begins with a soft crackle, and after that a slow strumming of a deep bass guitar with a really thick juicy sound. The beat strumming is soon joined by the quiet playing of a drum kit, in a tribal, almost reggae sounding beat. Then both instruments stop and Jack comes in with a quick riff, and the song begins. Leo keeps up a tough flowing rhythm with his guitar whilst Jack plays a riff over the top. The bass is played in the background and the drums come in on the second bar. Billy and Hannah begin singing, with their voices merged eerily with a synthesiser. After the first verse it goes into a chorus, with Billy screaming out and Hannah singing. After the first chorus it goes into a more punky attitude with it, at which point the lyrics get very political. The chorus remains the same throughout, and Jack has a little play with a solo at about 3:15 til the end.
4. Decapitation
After Burn, this couldn't be more different. We're off the punk now and back onto the hardcore. The drums play a key feature in this, with Tom playing an epic little piece at the begining, like some kind of Cadbury's advert. After the drum solo the bass, rhythm and lead come in together. In the background there's a huge clash of symbols and Tom repeats the drum piece, this time however underneath the lead guitar which is the main focus of the song. Fast fret work is throughout, and provides the perfect back drop for Billy's distinctive growl/scream/yell/sing technique. The lyrics are very complex, and took a long time to write. They mainly focus on one man who is forced away from the world around him because of his beliefs, which aren't actually stated, but at the same time it shows how he could if he made more of an effort to he could get everyone back, however with some well-placed word play, irony and wit it turns the song into an almost-comedy-but-still-very-sad type song. Not what you expected from the title, eh?
5. Sick
This one was actually written by Jack, which you can probably tell from listening to the lyrics. They're dark, twisted and malicious. In a way the song isn't actually about killing or rape or sex it's actually more about nightmares, and exploring the darker parts of yourself. It's more in a way about fear itself rather than the things you're fearful of. The lyrics if taken literally but when taken more metaphorically it makes a hell of a lot more sense to your personally. You'll take something different from each listen, each one will fill you with more haunting. Jack actually wrote this with the intent of the music to flow with the lyrics, rather than the other way round. Which adds to the sensation greatly, building up to great moments of tension and then letting you go and hitting you with something you never expected. I sung it, and Jack really did the rest. It was pretty much his pet project for about three months straight. We asked him to put it on the last album but he said it wasn't evil enough. So give it a listen, we'll be releasing it as a single very soon. Enjoy!
6. Keep It In Your Sights
This song's is completely different to the rest of the album. It carries on the dark tone, but rather being in the position of the aggressor it now switches to the victim. Everything is flipped on it's head but the emotions and feelings are all too similar yet completely different. Where in previous songs it was more the reasons for why the person committed the acts that caused the pain and the heartbreak, in this it's now about the completely innocent. It's now about the feelings they're feeling right there and then, the vulnerability. The knowledge of your own death. The sicking feeling in the deepest pits of your stomach. It's about the mind and how it feels in that situation. The adrenaline - and then the fall. Like a drug, building you up to survive, but ultimately failing. The lyrics, rather than being linear are jumbled and mixed. Almost crazed. The music in the song was written by Jack, pieced together to recreate the panic and the agony. The song takes your head and screams until your brain explodes. It goes from a soft acoustic almost ballad like track, with terrified, tortured vocals to being an out and out guitar fest with the riffs doing the talking, and then it throws you into a vicious blend of both of them. It's our favourite on the album, and probably favourite we've ever recorded.
7. Set Me Free
The song keeps up the violent, thrashy hardcore style of the album with this being actually quite similar to Unhinged. It begins with a big drum being played, and we also used some lovely ladies playing the violins in the background. The lyrics are about a crack addict, who lives his meaningless life under the control of the drug. It's grasp over him drags him to the deep depths of addiction to the brink, when he feels there is nothing left in life worth living for. The drugs make him commit crimes and beat up his wife, who is torn between a man she is having an affair with and the main character, who she still loves despite his deterioration of recent times. The guitars clash and symbols smash, creating a really epic and almost chaotic sound to the song.
8. Asylum
The longest song on the album, it features no vocals and is just guitars, drums, violins and even a saxophone. The most abstract song on the album its more of a musical piece than a pop song. It starts with a long, thrashy 2 minute guitar solo with no interference from other instruments. After this the drums come in, building up louder and louder until the violins join. The saxophone plays to, giving an almost jazzy edge to the song. With the clash of the instruments from different genres giving a strange, eerie atmosphere we decided against putting words to the song because we thought it would take away the meaning, if there is any of the song. It's kind of strange, quite like our 'Hippy Celebrations' song on Heroes because it's completely different to everything else on the album. Towards the end of the song it kind of switches to quite a progressive metal feel. We also took a lot of influence from The Nimrods in this track, as well as a lot of Wicker Man around the middle.
9. Caught Up
A fast paced, thrash song. Much like SCREAM 11, actually, so this description won't be very long. This song's lyrics are mostly pointless really, fast, shouty rebelliousness mixed in with a bit of gibberish for good measure. This song will probably the most popular, aside from Burn, because it's not very in depth and is pretty safe, but we thought we best put one in just for a bit of fun really, and show we don't have to take everything so seriously and still can have a good pointless time!
The last song on the album, we wanted to go out with a bang - and we did! The song screams insane lyrics, jibberish mainly, but beautiful. The stunning concoction was written by Jack, and are part of the diary of the main character of SCREAM as he awaits his date on death row. It describes the emotions, the pain, the anxiousness. But it also describes the guilt, gargantuan upon his shoulders. The hate inside him, turned to fear. The sick twisted thoughts he once had now filled with those of regret. But still, the voices continue. They remain, deep embedded in the back of his brain. There is no was of getting them out, they'll always be there. Like ghosts, haunting him always. Around every corner, there's no escape. Because as far as he can run he can't run away from himself. Musically, it's a masterpiece. With massive cruscendo's and an entire orchesta backing up huge guitar riffs, howling screams and massive drumming it's really something special, and I hope you enjoy it! Edited by user 21 November 2009 07:13:50(UTC)
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