The Crowd at Wembley was going crazy as the lights on the stage went out and a single spotlight focused on Kit Saunders and his drum kit, obscuring the rest of his band members.The drummer or rather "battery" had a grin on his face and was staring at the crowd while spinning his drum sticks.Finally after mouthing something to an unseen band member or roadie he starts playing a nice drum groove with the ride cymbal and tom toms.He then does a short drum solo on only the toms and finally hits the snare and crash cymbal so the entire band kicks in with the trademark riff from The Return!The song is fast and heavy the entire way through except when it ends with a softer part with a slow bass solo and medieval singing from Jimmy.The majority of the lyrics of the song are positive too.
Not all Must end
After we die
We will return
Triumphant cry
Fight we shall
Winning ever going battles
Unknown to most
Returning heroes
After we leave
We shall return
The fallen Rise
The enemy burnedThe band finishes the song and Jimmy Him decides to announce the next song.
"Hey guys, that was a hell of an opener right?Well this ones a more mellow one so hold up your damn lighters!We want you all to sing along if you know it.It's a longer one too so it might be difficult.This one's from
The Iliad it's called
Mother Gaia,Father Oceanus!The song is divided into 2 parts."Mother Gaia" a softer part with progressive rock influences like Pink Floyd.The lyrics are very mellow too.
Born of you, you guided me
Urging me to fight
I cannot stand to hurt you
I will be at your side
The lyrics then turn into a ranting sort of style
Slowly destroying me
As you fade away
I can't bare to lose you
It will kill me
Why am I losing you
Why are you dying mother!
The song then turns into the heavy "Father Oceanus" part.Very heavy and dramatic with tons of painful shrieks from Jimmy.The lyrics are tortured and a bit profane as well.
Fuck this shit
Fuck you father
You tried to protect me
But you killed me
I can't move on
Because all as see is mother
You saw her as a THING
Just something to FUCK
Well I don't need you
The song turns instrumental after this with tons of heavy riffs and a few crazy solos thrown in.Davey actually matches one of Jimmy's solos as well while only using his FINGERS!The song ends with one long power chord matched by a brutal scream by Jimmy.Jimmy approaches the mic again.
"How'd you mother fuckers like that!" The crowd responds with a cheer.
"Well then you'll love this one.This one is off of our "Smash Hit" the Odyssey which has almost sold 1 million copies by the way.The song is called *in growling voice*
IthacaaaaaaaaThe song starts with an epic tremolo riff sounding like some of the early 90s black metal riffs.Kit goes crazy on blastbeats hammering them out like there's a demon in his snare drum and the only way to get it out is to hit as hard and fast as possible.Davey's bass is very quiet at first but soon comes out loud and strong with some jazzy basslines and Jack creates a scary atmosphere with his keyboards.Jimmy's vocals sound like the devil after drinking acid and his lyrics are amazingly defined.
As I return to the gates the sun burns my brow
I'm filled with rage
My city is destroyed
Nothing but smoldering ashes
A shell of its former glory
I would rather live in Hades
And be tortured for eternity than return to this
This is no longer Ithaca
The once glorious city has been conquered
The horrid visions
The song ends with a heavy breakdown with a few simple leads over a heavy progression and tons of Latin grooves on the snare and ride and a lot of funky bass lines too.Jimmy goes to the mic again. "This time we're gonna play an extended version of my personal favorite.I got this idea from Opeth on their "Roundhouse tapes" CD so I figured I should do it too.This song is from
The Iliad and you guys probably already know what it is.This one's called
Bathing in the Cursed River!The song starts slower than usually with a keyboard intro that sounds sort of like vocals.During this Kit does a lot of light touches on his cymbals to create the spooky feel for the song.Jimmy goes to the mic again while this is going on."I'd like you all to headbang like crazy for this song,I wanna see some fucking moshing and a wall of death alright?"The crowd cheers and finally the known intro riff to the song comes in with every member in the the band headbanging at the same time.When Jimmy comes to the mic to sing he utters his most powerful growl,
I walk along the banks of the Styx
I feel colder than death
I disrobe,preparing to take the plunge
The thought of my mother keeps me alive
I do this for her,to kill is my intent
My father shall pay,I will throw him into Tartarus myself
In the middle of the song Davey has a short bass solo and then Jaska comes in with a bluesy guitar solo followed by a keyboard interlude and the a dual classical guitar part until the song is over.Jimmy once again approaches the mic this time with a bottle of water.
"That song is so fucking crazy.And now I will have a rockstar moment and introduce the band.Everybody be nice and cheer for everyone.But louder for me.*chuckle* Aright *points to Davey* on the bass guitar.Straight outta Helsinki Finland, Davey Matlock! *points to Kit*
Now,on the drums,a lean mean battery machine from Munich,Germany, Kit Saunders!And now for our trusty keyboard player!*points to Jack* From Oulu Finland, good ol' Jack Burton!
Now*points to Jaska* one of my biggest influences,such a cool guy too, our guitar player from Espoo, Jaska Latvala!And of course there's me, lead singer,guitarist,songwriter.Junkie number 5! *crowd laughs* ok fine you want me to be serious?I'm Jimmy Him.Happy?Good.Now this next one is a great piece from
The Odyssey one of my faves.It's called *shrieking*
The Journey to HadeeeeeeeeesThe song starts with an epic riff reminiscent of Muse.It has very heavy play on the toms and cymbals.The song almost instantly goes soft with really prominent bass and keyboard with lots of grooves on the ride cymbal.The song then turns to a medium tempo heavy riff with some Latin drumming and a chugging bass line.When the pitch changing growl of Jimmy Him comes in the entire arena is just shaken.
The Demons surround me laughing
All I do is suffer
I beg for death but it never comes
I pass lost spirits begging for rebirth
Nothing can satisfy the Lord of The Dead
Only pain can nourish the ghostly one
Jimmy's guitar solo after this was fast and technical using various scales and sometimes matching Davey or Jack. After this the song goes into a tribal part with really weird guitar chords and a weird lead over it spanning only 4 notes each of them drawn out.Over this Kit is going wild on the toms playing like a madman while Davey slaps a funk bassline definatley a very progressive song.Jimmy comes to the mic again "We're gonna play a few more songs for you guys if that's ok.We need to head out soon but hey it was fun.This next one is called
Troy!The song starts with a nice classical part that is extremely technical and peaceful.The song soon turns into a metal masterpiece with Greek instrumentation and screams uttered by Jimmy.The song also highlights more drumming with blastbeats everywhere and lots of heavy double bass drumming.Davey closes the song with a nice bass solo too.After this they play Enigma which is simply amazing full of nice clean parts and heavy ones too.They then play the classic Pure Vileness.Jimmy approaches the mic again "We're gonna play one more song, this one is called
Unforgiving Sodomite! everyone sing the chorus with us too!"
The toms kick in and the song erupts.The guitars fast and heavy and the bass too.The keyboard plays a few dark chords and the song is very powerful.Finally Jimmy's signature solo comes in which is probably the best he's ever done full of technicality and beauty and his gracefully goes through sweeps and taps with plenty of scales.Davey then rips through with a bass solo reminding the fan of the older days of The Nimrods and Kit plays his drum solo with blazing speed.At the end of the song the band jams a bit and Jimmy comes back to the mic."Thank you Wembley Stadium!We love you guys!"
OOC:Probably the best RP I've done, hopefully you guys will comment and maybe this'll get me a birdie ;)
Edited by user 08 September 2009 04:05:27(UTC)
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