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#41 Posted : 05 September 2019 03:27:44(UTC)
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Ada thought about Karoliena’s words. She was absolutely right, and Ada had been taking advantage of this time apart from Marlena to get back to her old ways. Not that she was drinking as much as she used to back then - she had stopped drinking for a while, and now her tolerance for it was much lower than it used to be - but she was definitely enjoying that la dolce vita a bit more than she was when she was at home. “I am terrified for Marlena to find out about all the stuff I did before she was born,” Ada admits. Not only was she terrified for the sex tape and everything of that nature that she and Erich got up to before Marlena was born, but she was also frightened of how Marlena would react when she found out about all the self-harm and suicide attempts. Ada spent a good amount of time in and out of hospitals before Marlena was born. Could that affect Marlena? Ada grins at Karoliena’s mention of Ada stealing other women’s men. “I am terrified for Marlena to find out about that as well. I do not want her to grow up thinking the things I did were inherently okay. I had reasons and rationalizations of most of the things that I did, but that does not mean I want her to necessarily follow in my footsteps for most of them.” Making Karoliena laugh so hard was the highlight of this conversation for Ada. “Utterly terrifying,” she agrees with a nod. Ada thinks back again to that first time she and Erich danced together, with him wearing the skirt made of chandelier. “I must be drawn to that type of craziness,” she muses. The moment she was back in Erich’s life, the craziness for her started back up again. Erich brought a little bit of chaos to Ada, and Ada didn’t mind it as much as she thought she might. “I think she expects as much,” Ada comments back when Karoliena says that Nichole will return to a lonely existence. “I cannot always tell what is going on in her mind, but I am sure she knows that there is no going back to the old days for her.”
Offline erich hess  
#42 Posted : 05 September 2019 05:38:06(UTC)
erich hess
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Karoliena closes her eyes briefly as this conversation was going into her private life,which by and large was just that. But she appreciated Ada's concerns and really felt she was the best to address them. After all,cassie's first daughter was into the double digits,agewise. She wasn't an oblivious young child." Our kids probably won't grow up to be mild mannered accountants. Our pasts will affect them. But it won't be entirely negative. They'll know what a creative life costs and if that's a price they wish to pay. We are forced to be the most honest of parents." She says,trying to explain her thoughts on this. Karoliena enjoyed a fair amount of anonymity as her life was overshadowed by Erich. But her wife,Cassie? She had been sexually active on big brother while underage. When pregnant with Jody,she drank and did even more drugs in a probable attempt to lose the baby. multiple fights..so Karoliena was well aware of not wanting kids to know things. Uncle Erich and aunt Erica were the own subject all together..and now aunt Ada.
"I can only hope Marlena finds someone whom she can leave for years,but pick right back up again. That is real love,Ada. Don't be ashamed of it" Karoliena quips. It was pretty rare and sort of admirable that Ada and Erich could do this. She had assumed it was just some sex thing, but after meeting Ada that wasn't the case. "There are far worse footsteps to follow in than yours." Karoliena says without elaborating. Karoliena's parents definitely made her as most people perceived her. For her,having kids is what broke the cycle. Karoliena smiles warmly when Ada mentions she's drawn to Erich's brand of crazy. At one time,Karoliena thought she was. But she and Erich only could work as friends. She loved him dearly in that regard. "I think he is rather drawn to you,as well." Karoliena replies. While erich and Ada were sometimes like oil and water, they did seem oddly right for each other. " i guess i should prepare Erica for the possibility of seeing her again. Ada...if this happens...." Karoliena sighs,nearly rubbing her face in despair,but stopping short. There was an your and half worth of makeup on her face. " you're going to need to learn how to bake cupcakes. Im going to need them." She sighs. While Erica was a changed woman,few people rubbed her the wrong way as Nicole did. That might be different with the lack of sexual tension now, but Karoliena wasn't looking forward to it.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#43 Posted : 05 September 2019 06:16:26(UTC)
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Ada nods as she listens to Karoliena. “You are absolutely right. The concept of parenting honestly has never even occurred to me before, truthfully. I have been too busy thinking up plans on how to keep from being honest to Marlena.” The idea of parenting honestly was scary to Ada because it meant admitting to things that were still difficult for her to even think about. “I just do not want my child to hate me for the things that I did,” she says softly, looking up at Karoliena. She wasn’t sure when she became comfortable enough to share these deep fears with Karoliena, but definitely something made Ada relax enough to really dig in. Maybe it was the tea. She puts it down on the fold-out table and looks down at her hands, holding back tears as she thinks about Karoliena saying that there were worse footsteps to follow in than hers. She still didn’t believe it, but it was nice to hear that somebody had faith in her - especially nice to hear it from Karoliena, who Ada thought hated her not a few hours before this. Ada perks up a little and laughs when Karoliena says that she is going to have to learn how to make cupcakes. “Fine, for you, I will learn,” she assures her. Ada didn’t really understand what the big deal was if Nichole came back to the music scene, Ada always found her a little difficult to work with, but overall a fine person. But she understood that Erica, who Karoliena was friends with, may have a different take on Nichole’s personality overall.
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#44 Posted : 05 September 2019 08:08:33(UTC)
erich hess
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"it wont be easy. but it's easier than worrying about when little suzy q is going to find out about those times you participated in an orgy at a rundown medieval times restaurant. im not saying tell them,but be prepared for the questions." karoliena grins. she was fairly open with her children. when jody asked about drugs,karoliena and cassie told her the truth. some are good,some are bad,some are very dangerous. they are for adults. "our kids are probably going to hate us for so many reasons.things we did before they were born? i doubt they will even factor into it." karoliena laughs. she wasnt looking forward to it,but there would come a time when those little faces grown in small adults and they will claim to hate their parents. karoliena did enjoy having someone else to discuss parenting theory to. it was a small bit of grounding in the whirlwind that was touring. at this point karoliena politely avoided looking directly at ada. she could tell there was something ada wasnt saying. karoliena thought she may know what it was. she took a sip of her tea for strength and went for it. if she offended her now,well at least it would have been in good faith and not out of cruelty. "ada...i may be going out on a limb here. i know there was.....things? in the past few years. i know they are off limits and i do respect that. erich said you were vague even to him. so that is not what i am talking about. i think if you are worried about the things i do know about, the hospital stays and what not. i really dont think marlena will ever think less of you for that. you seem to be a great mother to her. that is what she will know. as for other stuff? you did what you thought was best. all you can really do is love them. they know if do. they will certainly know if you do not." karoliena says in support of ada. "we'll teach you baking in your own kitchen. i am kind of partial to this bus." karoliena laughs when ada agrees to learn to bake.karoliena was expecting the worst from nicole. the obvious physical similarities of gretchen to natalya would probably be brought up. though karoliena really only saw the blonde hair and boobs as being similar. the two had nothing else in common.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#45 Posted : 05 September 2019 08:37:05(UTC)
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Ada laughs as well at the idea of their children hating them later - which was an odd thing to laugh about, but Karoliena was entirely correct. “You are right again, Karoliena. I hated my father for many things when I was a teenager, but things that he did before I was born, I do not even think about.” Her father was just a regular person, though. Surely Ada got some lenience for being a musician throughout most of her life. Ada listens to Karoliena speaks about what was bothering Ada the most - her hospital visits and attempts. She knew that Karoliena knew about all of that, but it still made it difficult to hear about. Ada had definitely matured since those events years ago, and now she was much more private about her struggles than she had been when she was younger. She was embarrassed even at how public she had been about what she was going through at the time. “You do not think that Marlena will think that I am weak, do you?” Ada asks softly, noticing that Karoliena was not making eye contact with her any longer. “Right, it is no problem if my bus burns down. I am just happy to be here,” Ada jokes, wondering if she could really learn how to bake on this tour. It would be an odd skill for her to come back with.
Offline erich hess  
#46 Posted : 05 September 2019 09:48:27(UTC)
erich hess
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"see? plus these kids cant get away with shit because we've already done it." karoliena replies with a giggle and sounding very mom like. both were rare for her outside her home. all she needed was a minivan and a wine cooler. karoliena was well aware of the drive to not look weak. in a very real sense,it defined karoliena. growing up,karoliena was not allowed to cry ,complain,or have friends. people were there only to be used and then discarded. the only pets she had were racehorses,these were only allowed because they were valuable and later sold. she cannot remember her parents ever telling her she was loved or even shown affection. its commonly thought that karoliena is a dominatrix,this is completely false. she is actually a sub,but only to someone who can best her. cassie summers is that someone. "ada...never be too strong. let things affect you. dont give into them,but let them affect you. marlena will see you as someone who weathered the hard parts of their life and made it through. weathering is what makes things beautiful,no? the duke in all its run down glory is beautiful,right?" karoliena stares into her tea,emotionless with the mask she had perfected long ago. "but to answer your question,no. i dont think marlena will see you as weak." she answers curtly to offset her earlier sentimentality. ada laughs and sets her teacup down. "that is right,you scruffy little street urchin. you're just happy to be here." karoliena laughs and bumps ada's foot with hers. " fine. we wont burn down your bus. we'll buy otis spunkmeyer muffins like a couple of plebeians. shall we get nascar hats and off brand energy drinks too? fuck it,nichole is a whole lot of not my problem. we'll drink till we pass out on the bus. a far better plan."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#47 Posted : 05 September 2019 10:05:03(UTC)
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It was strange for Ada to be told by Karoliena to never be too strong, as Ada saw Karoliena as one of the strongest women she knew. But she understood what Karoliena meant. “That has been a probably of mine for most of my life - I give into my emotions too much, to the point where they overwhelm me.” The art of learning how to just let it affect her rather than overtake her would be something she would after learn over time. “Absolutely beautiful,” Ada agrees when Karoliena mentions the Duke. She still hadn’t seen it in a while, but in her memory, it was one of the most beautiful ships on the sea. But Karoliena’s final answer, that she didn’t think that Marlena would find her weak, was enough for Ada. She nods and then runs her hands through her short hair, sighing. They had had a heavy conversation, and now Ada was ready for something more lighthearted. She was tempted to ask for another cupcake, but held back. “God, I could use a drink,” she says wistfully when Karoliena describes them getting drunk over Nichole.
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#48 Posted : 05 September 2019 10:40:53(UTC)
erich hess
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karoliena understood exactly what ada had said. sometimes allowing oneself to just accept the emotions rather than give in to them took great strength. in a way,far more than just burying it down deep. "in danger of sounding like gretchen's hippie ass,you have to find the middle way." karoliena tells ada with a slight smile.in a very real way,gretchen joining up with the hess clan did bring some humanity and direction to what was a real mess. karoliena would be hard pressed to really say it to all but her closest friends,but she really like gretchen a lot. this is also why she loathed the idea of nichole being around. "besides,you dont have to do it alone anymore." karoliena says optimistically. today had went pretty good,all things considered. karoliena had started off really wanting to lay into ada,but in a way that nobody could really pin on her. instead,she felt they had reached an understanding and perhaps rekindled what they once had.this was for the best. erich made it seem like ada wasnt going anywhere and that was that. karoliena also lay back in the small sofa,feeling the weight of the conversation. she had delved a lot deeper into areas she hadnt wished to go. she didnt say anything of course,but the memories of her past were there. "i'm guessing you dont want to get nutty and break out the earl grey?" karoliena laughs softly and gathers their teacups. she takes them to the sink and washes them. dirty dishes irritated karoliena to no ends. having 4 kids would do that to a person. "well...here on the bus we have rum and absinthe. we're either pirates or artists." karoliena grins,opening up the cabinet. the rum is bacardi,but the absinthe is unlabeled. its dark green though.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#49 Posted : 05 September 2019 11:16:33(UTC)
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Ada grinned. She really liked Gretchen as well. Ada wasn’t quite to the point that Karoliena was with disliking Nichole - Ada actually quite liked her, despite the villain role that Nichole had taken on - but she could definitely hope that Nichole wouldn’t do anything to Gretchen and Erica that would disrupt the happiness that they had built together. “I like Gretchen,” Ada comments with a nod. “I have not seen them together yet, and I already know that I like Gretchen and Erica together much more than I liked Nichole and Erica together.” Ada hadn’t known much about Erica and Nichole’s relationship, except for that it seemed tumultuous. “That makes my heart warm,” Ada says softly when Karoliena tells her that she won’t have to do it alone anymore. She had been parenting alone for so long now, she forgot that she could have a support system. Ada thinks about their choices and then shrugs. “Dealer’s choice?” she suggests, leaving it up to Karoliena on if they are pirates or artists today. She looked around the bus, wondering where Erich was, but not wanting to seem like a controlling girlfriend by asking.
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#50 Posted : 05 September 2019 12:07:33(UTC)
erich hess
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erica's whereabouts and condition were a closely guarded secret. while karoliena was right to assume that erica wouldnt mind ada knowing she was a surrogate for dustyn conner's new son,she wasnt goint to spill the beans. that was up to gretchen or erica. erica 9 months pregnant at this point and beyond miserable. "its a far more healthy relationship." karoliean says to ada. she knew that ada was friends with nichole,so she wasnt going to compare the two relationships all that much. "it is really hard not to like gretchen. i have to admit,i really didint think much of her at first. erica met her while she bordering on alcohol poisoning at a yakuza stip club. erica,not gretchen was nearly killing themselves from alcohol. but gretchen has been amazing. she is a great mother to takara. my company would be no where without her. i guess sometimes one needs to look outside the music industry for love." karoliena says happily. for a long time karoliena looked down on erica as silly little girl. but she had really grown into herself in the past few years. "i hope so. never hesitate to call up myself or cassie. i am sure erica and gretchen would help you as well. i just dont want to volunteer them." karoliena says,much relieved that she could stop thinking of her own past. in a way,she was proud of how far she had come. she was a loving wife and mother. she and cassie had probably the most normal relationship of any of the hess clan. that is more than several generations of her family could say. of course,she had been disinherited long ago. she only had the property in belgium through a forgotten relative. nobody was willing to go through a protracted legal battle for a couple of old castles. she wanted ada to come see the property. but she was too proud to ask. that would fall to erica. if ada ever accepted the offer,karoliena would just happen to swing by. " i promise,nothing is going to jump out and get you,ada." karoliena laughs when she sees ada looking around. " the button to release the hounds is at home. far far away." karoliena grins widely, she joked about releasing hounds a lot. even erica wasnt sure if she had a button to do. but she wouldnt put it past karoliena.
she looked through the cabinet and wondering what shall they drink. karoliena settles on the absinthe. its what erich would have wanted. she brings the bottle down along with two glasses and spoons. "this we should take it easy on. its pre mixed with laudanum." karoliena says seriously before pouring the glasses to the dose line. she was not kidding. she and erich have made their own absinthe for years. a head spinning 180proof,colored the proper way: with chlorophyll.with a healthy smidge of laudanum to give it that olde oscar wilde kick. they were artists today. they were too far inland to be pirates at the moment.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#51 Posted : 05 September 2019 12:52:45(UTC)
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It was difficult to hear that Erica had been in such a low place before Gretchen. “It sounds like Getchen has really been a savior for Erica. I am happy you have that energy in the group now.” Ada smiles brightly at the naming of people that were now part of her support system. She was happy that she could count Karoliena and her wife, whom Ada had maybe only met once or twice but who still seemed lovely. It was really Erica that Ada was missing. It was weird to go from best friends to never seeing each other for years. Erica had been the first person Ada wanted to see when she moved Marlena and herself back to the United States, but she didn’t know where to look, and felt too embarrassed by how long she had been gone to message her and ask her. “Oh, no! I was looking... for Erich...” Ada admits with a small grin, looking down, when Karoliena calls her out on looking around the bus. “Not that your company is not wonderful, I just assumed he would be somewhere close by.” Of course, maybe he ran away the moment he saw Karoliena and Ada speaking to each other. It would make sense for him to do so. Ada was pleased when Karoliena chosen absinthe for them, it was the one that she was hoping for, but didn’t want to say so. “Artists it is,” Ada says gleefully, watching Karoliena as she pours the absinthe.
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#52 Posted : 05 September 2019 23:59:02(UTC)
erich hess
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"We all kept waiting for an evil streak to appear in Gretchen,but it just isn't there. She really is just as sweet as she seems....but won't back down when she thinks she is right." Karoliena gives Ada a little look. If it weren't for Gretchen,they probably wouldn't be speaking right now. She had been the broker of peace,not Erich. He'd have been content to keep Ada and Karoliena separate if it would keep things calm. " if you can get the story out of Erica,its quite something. She is on business in london for a little while,but should be free soon." Karoliena says after finishing her cup of tea. Personally,she found Erica's plan kind of silly. Someone is going to do the math and realize her sabbatical was exactly 9 months and dustyn will just happen to have a new son. But,she respected Erica's wishes of secrecy. Unbeknownst to Karoliena,Joshua grimmie already figured it out.
Karoliena laughs warmly when Ada asks about Erich. Ada was adorable and it made Karoliena happy. She would never be called cute or adorable. It was a trait she really liked. She sighs dramatically and shakes her head. " i guess there are some things conversation with me just can't do for you." Karoliena chuckles. She considers adding something fairly crude,but she and Ada may not be friendly enough where jokes about strap ons are acceptable. " I guess we'll have to call him or perhaps send up a plume of white smoke like a pope has been chosen or something. He's probably far away . he has it in his head I'm some sort of Disney villain or something. " Karoliena does start humming poor unfortunate souls though. She didn't care too much for the little mermaid,but she loved Ursula.
When the smell of anise and alcohol wafts through the air,Karoliena sets out a third glass. "Well, this might attract a wild Erich." She giggles,pouring a third. " so ,Erich tells me you used work in art before coming back to music?"
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#53 Posted : 06 September 2019 10:36:48(UTC)
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Ada smiles as they speak about Gretchen. Not backing down when they think they’re right was something that both of them had in common. Ada saw herself liking Gretchen more and more. “What is she doing in London?” Ada asks about Erica innocently, really not aware of what was going on with her currently. Although she wouldn’t be completely surprised to hear the truth. There was always something weird going on with one of the members of the Hess clan, Ada certainly didn’t expect for her and Erich to be the weirdest thing currently happening. Ada laughs a little as well, really hoping she hadn’t hurt Karoliena’s feelings by asking where Erich was, but being pretty sure with the laugh that Karoliena had found it endearing. Ada nods in agreement when Karoliena says that Erich probably ran away the moment they started speaking. Erich’s avoidance of confrontation was probably a much larger trait for him than it was for Ada, she could see that now. “Oh yeah, like Erich bait,” Ada agrees when Karoliena pours the third glass for him. She nods when Karoliena asks about her past. “I designed exhibits for museums,” she explains, waving it off like it wasn’t very interesting. “I went to school for design, but I had never done anything with it. I was in a band right after I finished college, and then... I have been doing music ever since.” She laughs a little.
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#54 Posted : 06 September 2019 12:39:44(UTC)
erich hess
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karoliena didnt miss a beat in her answer to ada in regards to erica in london. " shes working on a very special project for dustyn of weekend. i am not sure what all is going on,you'd have to get details from her. if she is even at liberty to say." karoliena easily says. technically it was true. she was also a far better liar than erich was. a small part of karoliena did want to tell ada. mainly just to see the look on her face. it was a typical,overly complicated way to go about something fairly simple. "exactly. we could probably take you bra off and hang it on the door handle,but this will do for now. "karoliena says with a little smile and opened the window to the bus. it was cute how ada wanted to see erich, karoliena was much the same way when cassie was around. they had been married for quite some time,but they were always excited to see each other. karoliena was very impressed with the work ada had been doing outside of music. she would have been very disappointed if ada had been doing a dull job . she was very into museums and archeology ."oh how being in a band changes things,huh? i was slated to be some trophy wife. can you fucking imagine?" karoliena says with a hint of venom. she then smirks and giggles. "Well,i still am a trophy and a wife. but on my own terms."

karoliena wasnt kidding about the odor of anise attracting erich. soon,a familiar face was at the window. his face pressed against the screen. " well,i see the absinthe is out. are we celebrating or disposing of a body?" he asks cheerfully,spotting ada.

"erich,i dont know what you told this poor woman. but she was terrified!" karoliena chastises erich through the window screen.

"prepare for the worst,hope for the best." erich replies.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#55 Posted : 06 September 2019 13:39:49(UTC)
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“Oooh, sounds mysterious,” Ada comments, putting her elbows on the table in front of her and placing her face in her hands, drumming her fingers against her cheeks. Ada assumed it was a music project and thought nothing more of Karoliena’s perfectly articulated answer to her question. “Hanging my bra on the door may signal something else. Like we were getting along too well,” Ada jokes, miming that she was taking her bra off for Karoliena. She was sure there were plenty of fans of both of them that would pay to see some video of the two of them together, but none of that today. “That is okay, I have already seen from Vara and Mariko what happens when you hook up with your boyfriend’s friend on tour - and I have enough drama in my life, I do not think I could juggle a relationship like their’s as well.”

“Hello!” Ada says cheerfully, giving a little wave when Erich appears in the window. She was happy to see him, especially now that her anxieties that had been following her for most of the tour were now absolved.
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#56 Posted : 06 September 2019 23:28:32(UTC)
erich hess
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Karoliena puts her hand to her chest,utterly delighted. "Aww,you are so precious." She melts over Ada's reaction. " You better watch being that cute around Erica. She hates competiton. Mariko only pulls it off because she can beat erica up." Karoliena warns Ada with a little smile. She wanted to add that at the moment,erica had the edge since she was as wide as she was tall with the pregnancy and all. But Karoliena took her promise of secrecy seriously. Karoliena smiles seductively at Ada at the mention of what a bra on a door can signal. " Well,the day isn't over yet." Mimicking Ada's action and pretending to lean over and lock the door. Karoliena could see what erich saw in ada. There was something very appealing about her. But,in reality it would be too weird. " I guess it goes to show vara's allure. Mariko isn't a big fan of men. Like,at all. " Karoliena grins. She heard good and bad about vara. So Karoliena was neutral on her. But the woman had style,and Karoliena appreciated that.

"Heyo." Erich greets his official lover through the window. " i should totally crawl through here,like that guy in that movie. You know,he vaguely looked like me. Has some actress that kind a looks like Nina in it. Sangria,not the other one." Erich decides against crawling through the window though. Karoliena would kill him. The bus was designated a no destruction zone by her. Erich assumes that Karoliena knows exactly what is up,so he comes through the door and gives Ada a little greeting kiss.

"The other one is dead. " Karoliena says flatly. Not that she cared. She just thought it was a funny way to deliver the line.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#57 Posted : 07 September 2019 01:41:15(UTC)
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Ada blushes and covers her face when Karoliena calls her cute, “Danke, danke,” she says through her hands, giggling. She had already had a ‘run-in’ on Twitter with Erica not liking how cute she looked in a couple of pictures. She did not want to see what that reaction was like in person - it seemed severe. Ada laughs at Karoliena miming locking the door, clapping her hands together. “Perfect. I will set up the camera, and we can make millions,” Ada says with a grin. “I have experience in this area,” she references her own sex tape with Erich with a laugh.

“Where have you been?” Ada asks Erich, jokingly frantically, as if she had been looking for him all morning, returning the hello kiss with a bright smile. Ada looks up at Karoliena and nods at the mention of other Nina being dead. “She was dating that actually insane man, was she not? Yes, she is dead. Definitely dead.”
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#58 Posted : 07 September 2019 02:37:36(UTC)
erich hess
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Karoliena smiles at Ada's blushing and giggling. Karoliena hated when she blushed. Being so pale,she nearly glowed red when she did. It would have people asking if she was ok. Then She would get pissed off and become even more red. " so You do. I can honestly say I've never watched your work. It'd be sort of weird. But i would be happy to consult your experience in camera work,angles,lighting. I think you'll bring a professional bit of quality to this." Karoliena says very seriously before the ends of her mouth turn up in a smile. " i do like them small and cute,though. So much easier to bend to my will." She adds with a little wink. She was complimenting Ada,or course. But also referencing Cassie. Who was barely taller than erica.

"Hiding!" Erich jokes back to ada after taking in her smile. She had an infectious smile,so erich was soon looking pleased as punch. " so things are ok in here? " He asks,looking from Ada to Karoliena.

" not a big loss." Karoliena replies callously. If she liked someone,she would at least have a passing interest in their well being. If not? She couldn't care less.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#59 Posted : 07 September 2019 02:58:31(UTC)
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“It would be a little weird to know that you had, honestly,” Ada responds back with a laugh when Karoliena says that she’s never seen Ada and Erich’s sex tape. “Right, my signature directorial style is a lot of natural lighting and some weird, avant-garde angles. So get ready for a pretty Sundance-ish sex tape.” Ada really had wanted to be an art director when she was a kid - not for sex tapes, obviously, but for movies and TV. That dream got away from her after college, but she would probably be working somewhere in film had it not. Ada laughs a little at being called small and cute. She was always cute, but being small was a newer development for her. “I am still not used to people calling me small,” she says honestly, putting her fingers around the sides of her waist, which were much thinner than it had been when she and Erich were first married.

“A good plan,” Ada says with a nod when Erich jokingly says that he was hiding. “Yes, I believe everything in here is fine.” She looks up at Karoliena for an agreement, but she mostly felt that things were good now between her and Karoliena. Ada didn’t want to sound still jealous or as callous as Karoliena (Ada couldn’t pull it off as glamorously as Karoliena could), but she also felt as though Nina’s death was not a huge loss. She was still harboring some residual emotions over that day in the casino, although the actual event she did not remember very well anymore.
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#60 Posted : 07 September 2019 03:40:55(UTC)
erich hess
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"Just a little."Karoliena also laughs. She had plenty of nude pictures out there. Most were even tasteful. But as sex tape between her and Cassie? Yeah,that would be a little uncomfortable knowing friends had seen it. " your skills sound perfect. We wouldn't be making common smut,ada." Karoliena jokingly scoffs. She did consider asking If Ada would be interested in similar work for summers time black and blues. But asking your bandmate's girlfriend to join your sex toy and fetish wear empire is not a first day of getting to know each other again topic. Inwardly,Karoliena winced at perhaps bringing something unpleasant to Ada,but the outer mask never cracked. Karoliena lightly touches Ada's hands with hers and shakes her head. She really didn't know what to say. Other than Erica and her infamous anger about never winning sexiest female award,to her knowledge she didn't know any one with issues about their physical form. " I'm sorry. I really didn't mean anything by it." In a rare display of being nervous,she watered the absinthes and started drinking hers.

"I think we are fine too." Karoliena agrees,looking over to Ada. " we laughed,we cried,i told st olaf stories,then we had cheesecake." She laughs because even Karoliena liked the golden girls. Still,it was odd she'd choose to be rose in this joke. She was definitely a Sofia.

Erich looks from face to face and around the room."....so...i don't see any more cheesecake and I'm kinda bummed ." he says before sitting in a chair that faces both of the women.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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