it was rare selene ever visited while atomic war bride was on tour. karoliena always chalked it up to her profession and it would be seen as fraternizing with
the help. karoliena liked the woman. in fact they got along well,at least on the surface. karoliena really didnt know much about selene. but had a dislike of people in the music industry that were parasites of those with the talent. atomic war bride wasnt on the label selene worked for,so if ada and erich got caught? it woudlnt have professional repercussions. besides,if erich and ada could carry on mere blocks from where selene worked? it was doubtful this tour would be what busts them. "you miss kids?!" karoliena asks ada in a tone of someone who had multiple kids and was enjoying the relative peace and quiet of a rock and roll tour. but she does soften when she remembers this is ada's first tour away from her child. "skype is a damned lifesaver,i never miss a night." she adds,in case ada thinks she is a child hater or something. karoliena always at least skyped her children a good night. her uncanny skill to maintain,no matter what chemical she had in her system,served this well. "its rare anymore. the kids...well,jody at least,is old enough to grasp what is going on backstage. we try to keep the kids away from...the life,while at home. it took me years before i would even have a glass of wine with dinner in front of our kids." karoliena explains. but perhaps reading ada's mind,karoliena suggested: "maybe on and off day we can all go out to dinner? it would be a nice change from erica and gretchen. we adore them,of course. but they have been our dinner companions for soooo long." karoliena smiles hopefully. the bitter truth was having kids limited just who was willing to hang out with you outside of work.
"by god,the determination in you." erich exclaims. "if there was ever someone to ride by side in all of this..." erich says with deep admiration. there were precious few who went along with,much less participated in erich's version of reality. there was erica,but he wasnt allowed to hang out with her too much. the pair fueled each others self destructive streak. karoliena forbid it years ago. the most recent gathering of erica and erich saw them banned from performing in Missouri. the cart was now speeding along nicely. the vehicle wasnt fast,but as the saying went:
its more fun to drive a slow car fast than drive a fast car the ride was intense to say the least. through many many hours of watching gilles panizzi,he was pretty competent. the wind was now blowing their hair as much as the top speed on a golf cart would allow. " i....think so." erich sheepishly admits. he was really only aware of cheesecake with fruit and plain. " i think new york style is the best. so you live in the city for the stuff.. i dont know if the english can make a good cheesecake. lord knows they put god damned kidneys in everything.
ooc: lets appreciate the awesome of gilles. in the 2002 catalunya rally,he pulled this 360 and still won the stage.
i miss when speed channel had wrc programming and not the bullshit it has today.