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#1 Posted : 21 October 2019 21:53:39(UTC)
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OOC: Dustyn is by far my most favourite character whose FC also happens to be my favourite person. This is largely because he is based on me. I don't mean that in a narcissistic way. I have such love for the character because I can relate to him. He's like a vessel for me: sharing some of my stories, my thoughts, living out some of my dreams and with this thread, I'll get to bring more to light. I'm only part Irish unlike the man himself and I do NOT have his money but we have had similar lives. His story is an embellished, slightly altered and repackaged version of my own. Every aspect of Dustyn draws upon something that I've experienced. Sometimes it's to the letter, other times it's only a fragment of the truth. Either way, he is a reflection of my mind and life.

He is a character that has been developing for around eight years now and he alongside the other Weekend boys really cemented my place here. I fell in love with them and many other forum users took me and my boys under their wings; going from nervous rookie to part of a team. The stories, the music, the laughs, the memories! Weekend and Dustyn in particular have gone through a lot. This thread is sort of a way of bookmarking my fave character. After all these years, I think he's deserving of his own thread.

This will be a mix of self-written RP stories finally showing his colourful past, present day diary entries written in the first person as well as current interactive RP to develop new stories.

If you do decide to give each entry a read, thank you. This fictional Irishman means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy what's to come.




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#2 Posted : 18 December 2019 08:07:23(UTC)
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This town bores me. Same faces. Same issues. Same routine. Same four walls I have to stare at every day and night. For a place with rolling hills of green, the freshest of air and scenery that conjures up images of freedom, I've never felt more trapped. It's like video games with invisible walls that cut off the edge of the map. I can keep marching on, feeling weak in the knees and severely out of breath as I climb over hill after hill, wade through field after field but in the end, the only way is back. Back to Fethard. Yawn. Buses only come once an hour and it's not like they're any use to me either. I don't have any money of my own and even if I did, it'll only take me to similar towns. The priests may have different names and the Post Office might be situated on a different end but, ultimately, all these small towns are the same.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I have a roof over my head and I've never went hungry. I saw a clip on the news recently about poor little babies in an African village who are just wasting away and dying so young and so quickly because they have no nourishment. That's no life and, in comparison, mine is like a haven. I have it easy...in most regards. My quality of life, depending on how you look at it, is pretty decent but the lifestyle? Not for me. I love my ma and da. I love my entire family, well...most of them. I just...I just wish they'd see that I am not them. Everyone here is like a copy of one another. They all have the same opinion. All the kids go to the same school. Everyone goes to the same church. Everyone has the exact same routine. Pretty sure everyone has the exact same food too. We have a greengrocers and a butchers. That's it. I'm tired of looking at mince and potatoes. There's a recipe book in school that has a page on blueberry muffins. They look so good. I want to try one someday. Until then, it's bloody barmbrack for me. Yuck!

People look at me as if I'm an eejit when I tell them that I want to be a singer. The girls here grow up to be stay at home wives or teachers and the boys either go work in a factory, become a blacksmith or a policeman. No idea what the police actually do. I see them arrest bad men on TV and stuff but nothing like that happens here. The only crime I ever recall was a postbox being bent and even that was put down to the strong winds. I don't want to be a policeman. I don't want to do any of those jobs. I feel so alien. Why does everyone live like this and not complain? Surely not EVERY SINGLE PERSON here has the SAME ambitions? Surely some dreams have been crushed along the way? Surely I'm not the only one in the history of this old village who wants to leave it all behind? It sure seems that way, though. I once said to my dad that I wanted to visit London and he started yelling at me, bawling about how the English are terrible and then he sent me to my room. That was the end of that conversation.

I really, really hate going to church too. As a kid, I didn't mind it. It was normal to me. I thought everybody in the world did it. It was part of life. When I heard from one of my teachers that some people in the world don't go and that some have different Gods, I was shocked...and a tad jealous. I've been pulling away from God and the church for a while now. At first it was out of jealousy. My family, my dad in particular, spends more time on God than he does me. He places more value in God than me. He seems to have more respect for God than he does me. I don't like this pressure that comes with it. I don't like having to bow down to some guy and blindly value him more than everything and everyone. It's scary to me. I don't like how everyone is hung up on the words of a guy they've never even met. It all just seems silly to me but what would I know? I'm just a dumb 14 year old. I haven't lived an exciting, enthralling, page turning life like Sister Evelyn and Father Michael.

Oh and another reason I'm not the biggest fan of Jesus and the church right now? I'm pretty sure that I like boys. It's weird to say out loud. I've always known I was "different" in a sense. When I was younger, I had no interest in girls nor did I aspire to be a husband. When people playfully teased stuff like "oh is that your girlfriend?" when I so much as smiled at a girl in my class, it made me feel sick. Not that I found girls repulsive. I didn't even like boys back then. I'm talking about like when I was a proper kid. All I know is that even little remarks like that didn't feel right. I've always felt like an outsider. I always knew deep down that I wasn't going to grow up the way that people wanted. Over the last year or so, I've been fighting these growing feelings. There's this boy in my school called Colin and...well, I've had thoughts about him. I have to do everything within my will not to stare at him, especially when we're changing for gym class. Suffering God. I hate this. I know that if I tell anyone, they won't understand. I'll just be yelled at, beaten and told I'm going to Hell. Oh I'm not stupid, I pay attention to what everyone has to say about gay people. Don't think I've heard one nice thing.

That's another thing, if I am really gay...then SURELY there must be others in this town, right? I keep telling myself that I'm not wrong, that I'm not disgusting but it's hard to believe that when everyone else around me acts so picture perfect. If there are other gays living here then they deserve an award for their acting performances. Everyone here must be so terrified to go against the status quo. I feel like I can't be the real me because it's "not allowed". There's nobody to support me here. Reason 10384 why I want to leave. It's so frustrating. I cry myself to sleep at times. I feel like I can never get out of this constant cycle of denial, mundane living and repression.

It's currently 10pm. I should be sleeping right now and if dad comes in and catches me up, it's another smacking. I can't sleep though. These thoughts fill my mind almost every night. Instead of crying about it, I think I'm just going to read through the liner notes of the Like A Prayer CD booklet until I drift off. That always helps me. This album is another thing I have to hide. My Dad thinks her music is blasphemous. I got this from a secondhand store when I was visiting my aunt and uncle in Nenagh last year. I remember reading that Madonna arrived in a place called New York with just pennies to her name and became the famous lady she is today because she worked hard and believed in herself. Maybe one day I could do that? Get the courage to just up and leave for a foreign land and become the singer I've always dreamed of being. Ugh...I can dream, right?

Edited by user 20 March 2020 03:19:28(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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erich hess on 18/12/2019(UTC), snap_itshannah on 18/12/2019(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 18/12/2019(UTC), freestylechamp on 18/12/2019(UTC), AmyJayneXoX on 20/03/2020(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 22/03/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 31/07/2020(UTC), FiveT on 28/10/2020(UTC), PANIC! on 08/08/2021(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#3 Posted : 20 March 2020 05:19:18(UTC)
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"Look at the tits on her!", Billy exclaims as he turns his laptop screen for me to get a better view of the filth he's watching. Sure enough, there's a heavy chested woman bouncing around and screaming like she's in some sort of 1950's horror b-movie. Tone it down, love. Billy seems to enjoy the theatrics but in all honesty, it's the guy she's rolling about on top of that I'm interested in. If only she would stop moving, I could get a better look. I still find myself enjoying the thrill of it all - sex. Aside from one very unfortunate incident, I was never exposed to this. My father wouldn't even be caught dead saying the word "sex" let alone explain it to us. Some boys at school would talk about this seemingly forbidden thing but even then, they were saying words that I don't think any of us understood and the mental images I had conjured up were purely that of guess work. I had seen naked bodies before and some Madonna songs gave me a very vague insight into what that stuff could be. I just put 2 and 2 together. Seeing it for real on Billy's computer was life changing though. It looks very intense and even sore at times but also very, VERY nice. All the moaning can't be for nothing, right?

My innocence to it all is what started this - Billy showing me these videos each night. He asked me if I was a virgin and I sheepishly said yes. He wasn't too surprised. He then asked me what sort of porn I like and I couldn't lie. I had no idea what that was. Well, Billy made it his mission to correct that. It's been going on since just before my birthday, so about two weeks. Two weeks of chaotic bliss. It's all rather mind boggling. Most of the time I enjoy it but some nights it churns my stomach because it drives home the fact that I'm gay. I've had thoughts like this for a long time now. I hoped it was just some phase but if anything, it has grown stronger. Sleeping next to Billy doesn't help things. I mean, it HELPS in a lot of ways. Being wedged between the wall and him is a great place to be. He smells so nice, I feel all loved and wanted having someone to cosy up to at night and sometimes he sleeps with his shirt off. Sometimes I just look over and...wow. The sight...the things that go through my mind...yeah, I like guys. Tonight, however, isn't one of those pleasant experiences. We had a recording session earlier in the day and one of the producers made a remark about my singing voice. Something along the lines of "turn it down a bit, son, you're sounding like a little gay boy". Well, my stomach has been in knots since that moment on. It's been playing in my head all day. I can never tell anyone. They can't know. They CAN'T. I haven't said a word and they're already making jokes. If they knew, I'd be crucified.

"Well?" Billy asks with a chuckle. Jesus, how long have I been staring blankly at the screen for? As usual, I got lost up in my own thoughts. How the hell do I get emotional over watching a clip of a dirty movie? I just smile, raise my eyebrows and nod. Gay or straight, I don't know the etiquette for watching these type of things. I thought it's best to say nothing rather than say something and risk sounding stupid. "The big fake ones not do it for you? Billy laughs, closing the video and returning to the search bar. Again, I don't utter a word. I just screw up my face and shake my head. Yeah, let's just go with the narrative of not liking fake ones. Fake what, by the way? Surely he's not referring to her boobs. They were real. I saw them stuck to her. Maybe he was meaning her hair. I've heard that London girls put clips in that make their hair look longer. I don't know. Things are simpler back in Tipperary.

Billy lays back, not saying anything. He just moves the laptop to the centre of the bed and another video starts to play. This time it's two women doing rude stuff together. Great. I lay down next to Billy and tilt my head, pretending to be looking at the screen when really I'm in a daze and also enjoying the closeness. Every so often I look at the screen but when I do, all I can think about is how I really don't like the brunette girl's eye shadow. Oh and the fact that I'm not normal and that I should be enjoying this. "Fuck that's hot... Billy says softly. I look to the screen and see nothing but pink flesh. I don't get it. I don't get it! Why is it not clicking in my brain? Why am I like this? Why can't I be normal like Billy and literally every single other man I know? The incident from today, the rapid turning in my mind, the tightness in my stomach, the fear of basically everything, being wedged in between the wall and Billy, the heat coming from the bottom of the whirring laptop...it's too much. I shoot right up, breathing heavily and resting my back against the cool wall.

"Dusty, are you alright?!" Billy asks in a very concerned tone. He closes his laptop and suddenly things go dark. Really doesn't help how claustrophobic I'm feeling. "Dusty?". I realise that I still haven't answered him and that my breathing is increasing rapidly. The cold sweats aren't subsiding either. Shit. I can't respond. Clearly something is wrong and Billy has noticed. What the hell do I do now? I can't lie and say I'm fine. Jesus, I can't even get a word out anyway. Holy shit, what do I do??! The more I worry, the more I panic. The more I panic, the more emotional I get. I can feel myself welling up. It's all bubbling to the surface. Billy reaches over and turns the lamp on. Please, no. Don't show my flustered face. I really CAN'T hide now. Before I know it, I start whimpering and a few tears fall down my cheeks. The next thing I know, I begin sobbing and just throw my arms around Billy and bawl like a baby on his shoulder. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. My body is doing one thing while my brain is saying another. While it feels good to get all the pent up emotions out, the nauseating thought of having to explain the outburst still gnaws away at the back of my mind.

"Dustyn, are you OK? Are you feeling sick? You need a doctor? Jesus, Dusty, talk to me!". Even though I'm sobbing my eyes out and Billy is extremely worried for me, I find comfort in his voice. Billy may have a wild personality but he's very softly spoken. Him also being my first real friend also brings comfort. Not enough to spill the beans, but enough to wind down the tears. "I'm...I'm f-f-fine. It's...i-i-i-it's nothing...", I sputter, finding it hard to control my voice. I think most of the boohoos are out but I'm at that awkward stage where my vocal chords don't know how to behave. Doesn't help convince Billy that I'm OK.

Billy puts both hands on either side of my face and moves me around to look him dead in the eye. He holds me there and we meet each other's gaze. I can see the concern in his big brown eyes and I'm sure he can see the hurt and fear in mine. Damn these sparkling blue oceans. Damn them...and damn Bilal Khan for caring about me. I'm...I'm really going to have to tell him aren't I? What else can I say? Right here and right now. I'm going to say the words. Fuck. As I open my mouth, however, another wave of tears erupt from nowhere. Seeing how distressed I am, Billy eases up and the questioning and pulls me in for another hug. "Sshhhhh, it's OK. It's OK, Dusty..." he says in his dulcet tones, running a hand through my hair. Seriously, screw him for being so lovely. It'd be easier if he were mean. That way, I can easily turn this pent up frustration into anger and make this whole conversation about him being an arsehole but no. The spotlight is on me and he's all ears. We're really going to have "that talk" in a matter of...seconds? minutes? My stomach churns again. I gulp and just blurt out the first few words my brain can compute. "I'm not normal, Billy!!!". I continue sobbing, covering Billy's pyjama tee in tears and God knows what else.

"Not normal? Of course you're normal! Dusty, what the fuck do you mean?" Billy moves away and takes hold of my shoulders, giving me a light shake so that I'll look at him and hopefully knock some sense into me during the process. Looking into his eyes, I can see him trying to piece things together. The expression on his face has gone from one of panic to that of a concerned parent. I know he's on my side. I know he is. I just can't say it. Once it's out there, I can't take it back. It becomes real life. It goes from being my secret to a story for everyone else to take and comment on. "Dustyn, mate...you can tell me anything. I know that whatever this is is big for you...but I can also tell that it's hurting you. Clearly. I don't like that. I want to help you. Please...Dustyn...tell me. Let me help. Whatever it is, I'll still love you, yeah?" By this point I think he too has figured it out.

"I'm...I'm....I'm..." I sniffle and almost lose it again. For God's sake, Dustyn! It's a one syllable, three letter word. Just say it! "Billy, I'm...I'm g...I'm gay!". I let out a little whimper but immediately, I feel the weight lift from my shoulders. Always thought it was just an expression but I literally felt a few pounds lighter in that moment. The fog had cleared from my brain. The thing I feared most for years was just set free. Sure, there's a few billion others to tell but FINALLY, it's out there. Yeah, I'm still scared but the unexpected injection of happiness just from saying the words is making me feel euphoric. I...I feel a little confident. I have a tiny bit of ownership over this.

"You ain't half dramatic, Dusty! Billy says with a grin, wiping a tear from my cheek with a soft fingertip. He hasn't yelled or threw up so I'm guessing things are OK?! He pulls me in for another hug, giving me a squeeze so tight that I think he could put a few chiropractors out of business. "I still love you, man. You're my best friend and...I'd never have a problem with anyone being gay. I'd be a fucking hypocrite if I did. You're not alone, Dusty..."

It takes a second for what Billy said to sink in as I'm on such a high from the acceptance. I'm so hung up on him saying he still loves me that my brain almost doesn't register the hypocrite part of his statement. "W-why would you be a hypocrite, Billy?" I ask, sniffling and wiping away the rest of my tears.

"I like guys too," he says far more forthright than I could ever imagine being. He says it so confidently that I think he's just joking and saying that to make me feel better. Besides, I just watched as he drooled over a lesbian video.

"Billy...are you just saying tha-" before I even finish the sentence he jumps in to back up his statement.

"No. Yeah, I love girls. I also love guys. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a horny bastard. I like it all. And, probably like yourself, I kept it in because...well, it's not exactly something you lead a conversation with. Also, my brothers don't know yet and I'd hate for them to find out from some shitty newspaper or gossip magazine. It's why I haven't said anything. I just thought that now was a very appropriate time considering how you were feeling about it." Billy gives a gentle smile. His grin coupled with his revelation just takes me to cloud nine. I can't believe that I did it and this was the response. It...it wasn't a car crash after all! I said I'm gay and my best friend still loves me. He's also had the same thoughts as me too!

"I had no idea that you had the same problem as me. Well...not "problem"...it's not a problem...I just...I...I can't get my head around this. This is all so bizarre!" I giggle happily, looking over at Billy, still not quite believing how well this went down.

Billy laughs and ruffles my hair. He's just so cool and unfazed. I wish I had known him years ago. He leans over the side of the bed and brings his laptop back up. "So...do you want to look at willies?" he asks, tickling my chin before letting out a hearty laugh. I giggle along with him. Jesus, I'm giggling at penis references already?! What a 180.

"Maybe some other time, Billy. If you don't mind...can we go downstairs and talk some more? I need some water and it's getting kinda stuffy in here."

"Sure thing," Billy says with a warm smile and with that, we get out of the bed and proceed down to the kitchen at 3:45 a.m. with all of our gayness.

Edited by user 27 October 2020 14:13:13(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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#4 Posted : 21 March 2020 08:50:20(UTC)
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Last night was chaos. An outer body experience. I feel like I simultaneously recall it both vividly and vaguely. It's bizarre. Parts of it still feel fresh like saying the words and feeling Billy's warm embrace. Other moments such as the bawling and nauseous churns are just a haze now. Adrenaline and lack of sleep does that to you. I can't believe it's almost been a full day. My first 24 hours as a proper gay man. It's awfully fabulous. Last night I thought my world was going to come crashing down around me but today has been just wonderful. One of the best days of my life. Billy was fantastic with me and I also told the other three boys at breakfast. Billy and I sat Riley, Oscar and Scott down at the table. I came out while Oscar poured his Frosties into a bowl. It was far less dramatic than my first reveal. Sure, I was a little nervous but I knew I had Billy in my corner and it wasn't as scary as saying it for the first time. I now actually have some experience and confidence under my belt. I was so happy that they accepted me but, as selfish as it may sound, I was happier that I was in a place where I was confident enough to say it. Not long ago, I would've preferred to die than have someone know my little secret. To talk about it over breakfast is such a triumph.

Billy, however, didn't say anything about his bisexuality. I found it odd at first. I believed we were going to have it all out at the dining table. I was telling my story and I expected Billy to come in afterwards and tell his but as time went on, I could feel that the focus was not going to shift from me. It also wasn't my place to reveal Billy's news so I kept it under wraps. I pulled him to one side a few hours ago and asked him about why he stayed quiet about his sexuality after hyping me up. Surely he wasn't scared? Billy doesn't get scared. Well, unless it involves deep water. I would've fought his corner if he needed me to. When I quizzed him about it, he simply said; "Today was about you. I couldn't care less about me and my situation. It's not their business. They can find out another time. You being happy and owning this is what matters most." Ugh, my heart!! He's so sweet. I dare not call him that, though. I've noticed that Billy doesn't take compliments well. He seems to have a really hard shell and tends to act a little standoffish with people, especially with Oscar. I don't think he likes him that much. With me, however, he's just lovely.

Of course, he's sleeping in with me again tonight. I love it when we share at the best of times but after last night? He's my security blanket. I can't imagine going to bed without his snuggles now. He truly is my best friend. I've never had a best friend before. I don't think he has either. We sort of came into each others lives at the right moment and bonded right away. Of course, I still love the other boys and see them as big brothers...more so than my actual brothers. It's just that Billy and I have this really tight bond. He's just my favourite person ever. I can literally tell him anything. Life's so good right now. I snuggle up under the covers and just relax for a few minutes, thinking about how much life has changed since October and how magical these last 24 hours have been. The lights are still on but they aren't distracting me. My thoughts are too blissful and the sound of the shower next door is calming. This is great.

The soothing sound of the water is abruptly cut off. I was enjoying that. A couple of minutes later, Billy walks into the room with a towel around his waist, still rather wet. Ooh la la. He might be my best friend but I'm still allowed to think he's hot, right? I hope that's OK. "Where's the hairdryer, Dust?". Before I get a chance to answer, I'm dumbfounded at the sight that lays before my eyes. Billy moves his towel from his waist to dry the back of his head and in doing so, the white fluffy towel swings every so often and reveals...it. I've never seen him naked before. I've never seen a man fully naked before, at least not in the flesh. It's pretty mesmerising. He's just gorgeous. I can't help but look every time the swinging towel allows me to see flesh. It's so pretty. Very smooth, rather long and a gorgeous darker complexion but...where is the little thing at the end? You know...the little cover? Did they not all grow like that? Is mine faulty? Oh no, do I have to go see a doctor?!? It's an odd feeling when you're pitching a tent and simultaneously thinking about a doctor's appointment.

"Oi! You willy watching?" Billy says with a laugh, snapping me out of my gaze. Fuck, he noticed. How embarrassing. Let me just go crawl under a rock and die. "No..n-no...I-uh...I was just thinking about where the hairdryer was...it's uh...it's in the top drawer," I say unconvincingly. Playing it cool is not my strong point. I was definitely caught red handed. Billy grins and slings the towel over his shoulder, showing it all off now. He walks forward and I try my best to avert my eyes but it's proving difficult. Billy reaches into the bedside drawer and takes out the hairdryer, just mere inches away from me. Resisting temptation, I make the conscious effort to look up at his face instead. I'm met with a cheeky wink from him. "It's OK if you looked, you know?" and with that, he turns and walks out of the room, giving me a view of his bare butt for the first time too. That's gorgeous as well. Jesus, what is doing to me? Is this real? Is this seriously real life right now?

As Billy is off drying his hair, I lay and stare at the ceiling, thinking about what I have just witnessed. It's a shame I won't be alone because I could really use a right good THINK about it. It's not long before Billy returns and, to my surprise and delight, he's still naked. I don't get much of a look though as he switches off the light. It then dawns on me that he's about to get in beside me...nude. Oh my God! I think I'm...yeah, I'm having heart palpitations. As thrilling as it is, I'm also rather scared. What are the rules of sleeping next to a naked person? Is keeping my distance rude? Is being close an offence? I cannot cope. It's too late. I feel the covers lift and the bed weigh down a little. He's in beside me. I just lay out straight, looking totally rigor mortis and breathe heavily through an awkward silence.

"Saw you looking earlier, Dust..." says Billy's soft voice from within the darkness after a few minutes of quiet.

My eyes widen and practically fall out of their sockets. The shame. "Billy...I'm so-"

"Shhhh, it's OK," he hushes me immediately, almost comforting me like he did last night. I hear him swallow a nervous lump and quietly clear his throat before he continues and delivers the knockout punch. "Do you want to touch it?"

What?! Am I dreaming? Did...did he really just say those words? Yeah, I'm gay and he's bisexual so it's not an odd thing. Why does it feel so odd though? I never really saw myself doing...that. Sure, I had my imagination but I thought wishful thinking would be as far as it'd go for me. I never dreamt of actually coming out let alone touching another man. This is crazy. 16 years of denial and being cooped up in that hellish village and I'm finally being rewarded in spade loads. Never thought I'd see the day so forgive me for thinking this is too good to be true. This could possibly be a dream but I don't want to wake up before the good bit. "Yeah...y-yeah I would..." I say with a nervous giggle. As much as I want to do it, this is still bizarre to me and brand new territory. The shaky hands and voice are a side effect of that. Maybe one day I'll be able to do this without giggling like a naughty schoolboy. Hope it's not too unsettling for Billy.

"Here..." Billy whispers, reaching out and taking my hand. He guides me over to his side and down a few inches. It's only a matter of seconds before I feel warm flesh. Christ, it's warm. You could heat soup up on it. Actually, that would cause some nasty burns. Scratch that logic. It does feel different to holding my own though. I wrap my hand around it and feel it growing hotter and harder in my grip. In the dark it feels ginormous! "Move your hand up and down. It's alright..." Billy says in a breathy voice. Oh. I know what he wants me to do. It's gone from just a simple touch to actual sexual stuff. I mean, it's great. I can't believe I'm actually doing this...but I have no experience other than doing it to myself. What if I hurt him? I'm still unsure about why the end of his willy looks like that. Do I have to do something special to it?

"I...I haven't done this before..." I say sheepishly. I know he's well aware of the fact that I'm a virgin but I'd just like to reiterate that so that if it does turn out to be crap, he feels sorry for me instead rather than thinking I'm rubbish in bed.

Billy just chuckles and strokes my arm with a fingertip. "It's OK, Dusty. Do whatever you like or don't do it at all. Whatever you're happy with." His stroking of my arm really spurs me on. He's been so good to me, he deserves a treat. With that, I start to move my hand up and down the length of him. I keep on doing this for a few minutes, following his commands of "faster" and getting confidence from the sharp sounds of his breathing. I'm going good. "Shit! Keep going! Don't stop!" he blurts out in a loud yet breathy voice. Obviously it's feeling really good for him right now. I follow his command and keep on going. After a grunt and a big sigh from Billy, I feel him twitch within my hand followed by a warm liquid dripping down over my grip.

Billy leans over and switches the lamp on. I see the mess and feel conflicted. On one hand it's hot! On the other...ew, it's all sticky and over me! "Jesus..." I just say as I look at the aftermath. The white substance against the dark brown of Billy's skin is a sight to behold. It's...oddly beautiful. Billy hands me a tissue and starts to clean himself up. He doesn't say much else and I'm glad as I have no idea what to say. It was amazing, sure...but again, I don't know the etiquette.

Billy throws our used tissues into the wastebasket before giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead. It sends a tingle down my spine. He's kissed me there and on the cheek before but, after that, it felt so different. Honestly? I wish he kissed me on the lips. There's so much more I want to do but that little experience was good enough. I just wanked off another guy. Me! Who would've thought? I'll remember this for as long as I'll live. I smile back at Billy. "Goodnight, Billy..."

"Goodnight, Dusty," Billy winks and turns away, switching the lamp off and with that, we lay in the darkness until we drift off to sleep after that energetic little adventure.

Actually, scratch that. About 45 minutes later and my mind is still wired. There's something on my mind and I can't rest until I have the answer. "Billy...?"

"Yeah, Dust?" he responds in a groggy voice.

"I uh...I hope I don't sound rude or anything...but uh...I was wondering...you know the end of your willy?"

"Yes, I'm fairly acquainted with it. What about it?" Billy says, clearly a few seconds away from sleep. I better ask now while I have the chance.

"Why does it look like that? Why doesn't it have the little hood cover on the end?" I ask through gritted teeth, hoping he won't turn around and belt me for asking such a thing. I know it's an intimate question but I just HAVE to know.

Billy clears his throat and sighs. "'Cause I got it snipped off when I was a baby. Goodnight, Dust." OK maybe I DIDN'T need to know after all. As Billy drifts off to sleep, I lay there, eyes wide open, thinking about an enormous pair of scissors. Sweet dreams.

Edited by user 21 March 2020 09:09:25(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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