The Bitch: We've gotten close to the end working on our next album, so we've released the first single "Lazy Underwear" as well as 10'' double release with our last single "She Calls Another Dude "Bae" Now" because that song didn't get the attention it deserved
Lazy Underwear (lyrics by The Bitch)
Verse 1
I spend every sunday on my own
Watching tv, turning off my phone
Eating pizza straight from the box
I don't wear pants and I don't wear socks
And you tell me
Yeah you tell me
You like the crumbs in my beard
You like that I'm kind of weird
You like that I'm edgy and just don't care
but you don't like my lazy underwear
Verse 2
I wonder if you have a day
of the week where you just waste life away
It's dark outside, but you don't have a lamp on
you're on your period, but you don't buy tampons
And I tell you
I tell you
I hate the ring in your nose
I hate all your fancy clothes
I can't stand anything you wear
but I just love, your lazy underwear
Talk to Me About Toilets (lyrics by Poo Peter)
Verse 1
I guess it's better than being unemployed
I'm killing, and thrilling and filling a void
A shilling for spilling and working retail
Customers wetwipes whenever there's a sale
Yeah I wear a cool uniform
And I want a slow death with cloroform
And at this job it's ok to drink
if the bathroom is used I take a leak in the sink
So visit me at my job
come and see my knob
Come and talk to me about toilets
Verse 2
Yeah a bathroom salesman is a job everyone craves
We work selling jons like a couple of slaves
So if you're the kind that likes to poo and pee
Come and buy a toilet from me
and if you don't like wiping every day
May I interest you in a bidet?
She Calls Another Dude "Bae" Now (lyrics by the Bitch)
Verse 1
I starred one more time at her photograph
Thinking of times she would make me laugh
We'd go to the Italian restaurant
And eat as much as we want
But one day our love just ended
I don't like it, but I can't pretend
it wasn't for the best
But there's something I gotta get off my chest
I saw her with him
Now life seems so dim
and I suppose it's gonna be that way now
And I heard her make a vow
She calls another dude "bae" now
And it must be over now
Verse 2
I called her up just so I could hear her voice
but I couldn't hear a thing except static noise
She must have been driving in one of those tunnels
Or been at the bathroom at McDonalds
But I'm pretty sure she must've been
Out on a date and been with him
And it sucks I can't let her go
There's just something I want her to know
If I had one more try
Maybe it could be her and I
There are just so many things I'd like to say now
But if she's gonna hear I'll have to shout
But she calls another dude "bae" now
So it was never gonna work out
"Bae" is such a ridiculous nickname
But I still wish that's what she'd call me
If she picked up and I heard her say "hey"
That'd be the only thing that would calm me
And it's such a shame
That love has become a game
That I sure wouldn't know how to play now
It wasn't meant to be
Cuz she calls another dude "bae" now
Like she used to do with me
Cacti Intecepted (lyrics by Robin Banks)
Verse 1
The terrible fact is
I have a cactus
but I like to put it up my shitter
And then some brat
Tells me to quit doing that
No one should ever take me for a quitter
I got cacti intercepted
You're my cacti intercepter
I feel so disrespected
I really wish I could've kept her
Verse 2
Sometimes I'm a hungry lad
Want to eat something so bad
that I'd eat anything today
And as a matter of fact I
tried to eat three cacti
but you decided to come in the way