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Offline C4AJoh  
#1 Posted : 26 September 2020 04:16:24(UTC)
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Good evening Mariko, I feel like our paths are always likely to cross every now and then. How have you been?

whew,it does seem like we just keep finding each other. i have been well,considering 2020 seems to be the death knell for humanity as we know it. somehow it just keeps finding new ways of getting worse. i hope you're ok. i know the entire state of california is on fire currently. be safe,cara!

It’s been a productive couple of weeks for you with a couple of great new tracks being released. What you made you finally write a song?

seeing miss smith at the fca's! it was like "oh shit,the boss is here and i'm one of the few active artists on the label.i better get to work!" i've also sort of wanted to get something brighter out there,you know? my stuff tends to get kind of depressing,so i wanted to put something a little more positive out there.

You know I’ve always championed your talent, is this the start of some serious moves. Can we expect to see a shit ton of interviews and billboards of your face looking down over the Sunset Strip?

i know you have and it's so cool. you are someone who's work i admire so much and having someone like you actually like my work? its crazy. but i'll stop kissing your ass now. i am pretty sure were are both taken now. for the second part of the question..YES! i dont have that ideological hang up that my sister does about being mainstream. i WANT my face on billboards. i WANT a fragrance. the person i want to prove wrong is long gone,but i am anything but worthless.

I think we’ve all waited long enough and it’s time for the album Mariko, make our dreams come true. Be the dream weaver. Are there any plans for a full length release or do we all have our heads in the clouds?

oh cara,come on! you are putting my piggies to the fire here! i dont know if there will ever be a full length release from me. you see how slow i write? we will be old and grey before i could gather up ten songs. have i even released ten songs total? i want to though. i think it might legitimize me in some eyes. but i like singles. they are short,sweet,and dont wear out their welcome. much like me!

You’d have to be considered a veteran of the industry now. Do you consider yourself on the same level as a Cher or Dolly Parton?

its weird because i still think of myself as sort of new! but jeez,its been so many years,hasnt it? i guess i do have that grizzled veteran status now. but i dont think i have nearly become an icon yet. maaaaybe in small circles? i think a more apt comparison would be...i dunno. i can still walk down the street or buy things at starbucks. nobody outside of japan really recognizes me. i am big in japan. i know this sounds like a lie,but its true.

What are your long term goals. Is mainstream success important for you or your own personal happiness with what you create and do throughout your career enough?

i dont even know if its really a goal,or if i could even measure it. i want to to be an inspiration. an inspiration for anyone who has found themselves in a really shitty situation. it is possible to dig out of the hole you or someone else has put you in. i want people to know my story,how i am dealing with it. that is why i tend to write the songs i do. maybe someone else is going through the same thing and cant find the words to describe it. i am not going to run away from mainstream success,but i wont court it either. you wont see me collaborating with someone just because they are the hot thing. im not saying i'd never work with someone who is more popular than i,but they'd have to fit perfectly. you know? so yeah. i want the mainstream,but i am not changing anything i do to achieve it.

You’ve been in the Big Brother house before, how would you describe your experience in that eventful house of fun?

whew....my time in there was..well, god awful. i didnt get to be on one of the fun and cheery ones. no. mine was the one where tyron tried killing himself on tv. frankly seeing one person stab themselves is too much. i've seen 2,and one of those was fatal. i dont like violence. it takes me to places i dont wish to ever go again. honestly,being on that show fucked me up for a long time. some of that fucking up was my own doing. in retrospect,i would have waited until i was off tv to start the relationship with vara. total side bar,but do you know how hard it is to speak to cara,about vara...the names are too similar!

Would you ever consider going in there again?

not for any amount of money in the world. my sister was an idiot and went back on. it is a miricle that ada von wannemaker was there too. i think without her? things would have gotten very ugly and stayed ugly until either hitomi or nichole was voted off. i would never take the chance of being stuck in there with someone i hated....or someone that i've wrong. i think i have a healthy selection of both!

Who would be your ideal housemates?

names or personalities? we'll go with names. naturally,i'd pick you! vara,mandy williams,dustyn,joshua grimmie.kidd,serenity scott, you know, the sweet people. we would need joshua to handle speaking to big brother for us. also,i didnt pick my sister as we...can fuss and fight if cooped up for too long.

It’s fair to say that I’ve spent some time with you over the years and I know that you’ve had some interesting experiences during your time in the music industry. What’s the craziest story you can tell us. I don’t believe Netflix give a shit about censorship, so story time with Mariko. You have the floor.

well,i dont think the statute of limitations has expired on some things,so i cant say the CRAZIEST things i know. one of the crazier times,i think you know pretty well. you were there. *winks* the one that comes to mind,and i would be lying if i said this wasnt the craziest thing i'd ever seen. i do warn you though,it isnt a fun kind of crazy. nina and tarantino and i were...well,screwing around. nina was dating emerald black at the time,adam black's sister. well,i wanted nina. emerald had a differing opinion. words were had and emerald just starts fucking stabbing herself in the neck. blood is spraying everywhere. once that artery is severed,it looks like a horror film. so eventually she drops to the floor and bleeds to death or drowns in her own blood. i was there for that. later it was a moot point since nina and i didnt last. it's so crazy. that poor girl ultimately died for nothing. if i could have a time machine,that'd be the second thing i would change. sorry this wasnt the time i did lines of coke off a stripper's dick and then did the macarena for 3 hours straight. i think death sort of outweighs that.
but,to go out on a brighter note,that strippers dick was so long that i was scared i was going to catch a heart attack from all that coke.

You’re signed to Dahlhouse, I imagine some people can find Anniken to be quite an intimidating boss. I’ve met her before and had her on the show with Coke in the past and can definitely see why some people would be intimidated by her. Have you had many dealings with her and what’s your working relationship like?

you are so right! she is kind of frightening and a lot of times i try to avoid talking to her. it isnt like i am bringing in near the amount of money i cost to keep around...that sounds kind of prostitute-esue. or farmer-esque,like i am a chicken or something. i think she is sort of misunderstood. i went to her about an,um. private matter i am not going to get into here, but it was something she could easily fix with a swipe of her hand. but no. she said it was best for it play out and if it was truly an emergency,then she would get involved. i think our working relationship is really good. miss smith always treats me with the utmost respect. not to sound like a suck up,but i wouldnt want to be anywhere else. she ..gets me. this is kind of funny in retrospect,but at one time...i kinda think she had a thing for me. there was some...tension in the room. this was years before vara and i got together again, stop the assumptions! nothing happened,but...i'd have been ok if it had. and yes,i'd have totally held it over coke's head that her mom fucked me.

You’re currently dating Vara, who is so fucking beautiful. You’ve previously dated myself also. Would you describe yourself as a top-shelf liquor kinda gal?

top shelf,because i have a coupon! i really dont know how i've managed to date some of the most beautiful and attractive women in the business. i guess people just really like finding a girlfriend that is willing to do butt stuff. i am KIDDING! please dont take that serious,audience. cara can vouch,there was no butt stuff. i am pretty low key and low maintenance,so i maybe its an opposites attract thing? i guess the real question is: what did you see in me?

Oh that's easy. A winning personality and a body that just wouldn't quit!

Alright, you know what it is. Mariko, are you ready to reveal some stuff?

well,im not wearing matching underwear,but i'm up for tasteful nudity.

Alright. Erica, Gretchen, Vara. One has gotta go, who you killing. What’s your motive and how you gonna do it?

erica and it would be a sword duel. there is just something poetic about two sisters swinging swords at each other by a waterfall. shes nearly as dramatic as i am,so i think she would be on board for this. but not be on board for losing. my sister is....competitive. you may have noticed. i could also totally see us doing the itachi/sasuke thing. erica,lacks hatred. see? this works so well.

You’ve been in the industry for some years now. Who is the greatest artist that you’ve witnessed in your time and why?

it would be super biased if i said vara gallo. so,i am not going to name her. even if its totally true. i dont people claiming i chose her because we're an item. rum and coke would also be in the running for this,but....well,you know. so. that being said,i am going to say miss vanity as the greatest artist,that i havent slept with. her songs were just so damned good! she had the videos,she had the look. vanity was like some weird alien who graced us with her presence and the was beamed back aboard the mothership with hardly a trace she was even here. i feel for the newer artists who never got to witness this woman at work. i would so like to be the miss vanity for this generation...but.well, you know..the whole "talent" thing.

Who is the absolute worst?

cara! you are trying to get me in trouble! but you know,i am not going to be like "oh,you know,we're all good in our own way." people want the dirt and i think we should give it to them. my choice for worst is :tyron. does he have a last name? i dont know. but i have had such a weird and roller coaster experience with him. he has done terrible things. things to me personally. then we sort of came to an understanding. then...who knows. all i know is if some how he managed to get himself killed,i dont think anyone would care.

You’ve been to a lot of industry parties over the years, awards ceremonies and events. Who would you say is the absolute life of the party during your time in the industry?

i have been to a few. like you say,i've been here for a while. so the parties i've attended have been fancy private affairs with pretty ice sculptures. during the early days,the party was smoking really crappy weed in the back of a repurposed mail truck. i am going to say billy khan is usually the life of a party. though sometimes not in the way you want. if there is some yelling and whatnot going on,he is usually in the center of it. but until that point,he is kind of fun to be in the same room with. certainly perks things up a bit.

What is the best part of being in the industry?

creating something and having people appreciate it. it gives an ego boost like nothing i have ever experienced before. my creativity has given me an entirely new life.

And final one. What has been the worst part of being in the industry?

the people. being creative usually is packaged along with some sort of damage. for as many great people in the business,there are just as many terrible,terrible people. i dont even know which group i fit in,so i guess that part is up to you.
thanks 9 users thanked C4AJoh for this useful post.
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Offline freestylechamp  
#2 Posted : 26 September 2020 04:29:40(UTC)
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Chris: BOOO! I wanted this end in a bra and panties match like old school WWF and then Vara comes out with a steel chair but hits Mariko by mistake and Cara picks up the win leading to a three way match where the winner get the rights to the show.

Jake: And you wonder why he doesn't do his show every so often but this was good

Sarah: The chemistry between you two was great, but yea I think that was what chris was trying to say.

Chris: Actually I was trying to do something different than a mud fight. Like those are played out, but I did love the show

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erich hess on 26/09/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 30/09/2020(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 26 September 2020 04:50:50(UTC)
erich hess
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Erica: nobody, absolutely nobody..... My sister : let me tell you about these two gory things I've witnessed. Remember this show being cute and fun? Fuck that, it's stabbing time,bitches.

Mariko: I could've told about that one thing we have in common. You know...

Erica: stabbing time is good. Really good. Nobody needs to hear that other story.

Erich: Chris, creamed corn is the substance you are looking for.

Mariko: I've been pinned by vara and cara. It's rare I came out on top.

Erica: my sister knows EXACTLY what she is saying here.

Mariko: *innocent laugh*
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 3 users thanked erich hess for this useful post.
freestylechamp on 26/09/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 29/09/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 30/09/2020(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#4 Posted : 30 September 2020 00:00:29(UTC)
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OOC: Great job from both parties :) I always do love learning more about your characters, Mr. Hess. They are in my opinion top tier because they are some of the most unique and creatively created ones on here and honestly don't even need music to make them relevant which I think is a top tier move lol. It's also nice to reminiscence because I forget some things that have happened in characters lives lol.

Serenity: Oh I would LOVE to be your housemate. I absolutely think every day would be an adventure and I'm here for it. You are one of the most genuinely nicest people I've known and funny too. We must meet up sometime and hang out.
Do you like reading reviews on anime? Manga? Games? Do you wanna support a fellow black nerd? Then click above.

Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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erich hess on 30/09/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 30/09/2020(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 30 September 2020 01:45:53(UTC)
erich hess
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Ooc: thank you so much. I need to offer something,we know the music isn't happening. I don't know how,but Mariko always seems to find her way into some wild stuff. Arguably wilder things than Erica. Weird,that

Mariko: oh serenity,I'd definitely be in a house with you. You might keep me out of trouble. we have to do lunch,dinner or snacks sometime. Maybe steal my niece and hit up chuck e cheese.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 2 users thanked erich hess for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 30/09/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 30/09/2020(UTC)
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