PROXIMO - LIVE @ The Fan Choice Awards VII
Featuring - The Brooklyn City Divas Dance Team
"Give it up for the I Wanna Dance challenge winners, BCD...

The lights go completely dark after PROXIMO's name is announced and a voice is heard of the PA system: "Give it up for the I Wanna Dance challenge winners, BCD, the BROOKLYN CITY DIVAS DANCE TEAM!" The Brooklyn based dance team is met with a barrage of cheers despite being virtually unknown, but the big stage and hot crowd is showing love to everyone tonight. The girls all jump up from openings in the crowd and the stage light up as this happens. Quick paced, tribal music is heard mixed in with a master mix of PROXIMO's hits 'Daydreaming' and "I Wanna" over the catchy tribal beats. The girls waste no time proving exactly why they were chosen as the winners of the I Wanna Dance Challenge. The group members, compiling of nine dancers break out into intense dance choreography over the tribal mix of PROXIMO songs. Thge hairflips, high kicks and cheerleading style dance goes on for about a minute and thirty seconds before the girls do jump splits onto the ground and finalize it with an amazing

After the tribal music fades away and the Brooklyn City Dance Team jump splits, the stage goes completely dark. The crowd cheers for the dance team but that's clearly not the end of the performance. A trippy instrumental makes way to the sound system and a mysterious whisper that murmurs Proximo over the sound system with an echo that fades off signals that the boys are about to make way. The crowd automatically goes into a roar as their name is announced. The stage starts filling with smoke as the boys as the boys rise up from the state in open stage props. The smoke filling the stage is aiding with "whooshing" sounds and an eerie instrumental as each of the boys rise up from an opening on the stage. When they all reach the stage, they stand there looking down, as the stage continues to fill with smoke and the boys are looking down. The female fans in the stage really show their love. For about 5 seconds they stand in the same pose, with the smoke covering the stage. The opening chords of I wanna, automatically causes more cheers. Each of the boys, in a slow ripple pick their heads up as the word PROXIMO is shows on the huge Fan Choice Awards screen that is behind them. Those smooth, long and lengthy synths in the background, swaying behind the relaxed beats tat come in relentlessly over a the beat that hasn't exactly found it's way to the track yet just consists of the swaying synths with Diego opening up the track with his captivating vocals and handling the start of the track as he stands in the middle of the stage prop in which they are standing in. The vibe is relaxed during the beginning seconds of the song but it's just the beginning of the track. The boys starting bouncing their bodies automatically as the beat begins to slowly pick up behind the track. The boys stand their bouncing their heads slowly to move along with the song's slow opening. Diego picks his head up first and opens his mouth as he sings into the mic that's placed next to his mouth. Deigo doesn't wait to show his captivating vocals that has a pinch of vulnerableness yet strong at the same time. As he starts singing, the girls in the crowd also cheer for him loudly, making it obvious that he is quite the fan favorite when it comes to the ladies. Diego opens up the track as the boys stand to his side, signaling the start of the performance.
I can't believe that you could swear right down
To the bottom of you're heart, girl
Make it look right, but why couldn't I see
You caused an everlasting misery, girl
And you're the one
Who said that life had just begun
Said we should carry onward
Because of you now all that's all goneDiego sings his part to perfection and even his chest as he sings deeply for the opening of their #1 single, I Wanna. At this point, the boys each stand there with smiles on their face, and as soon as Diego is finished singing his part, Carlos now picks up his head and looks into the crowd, which is also met with loud cheers from fans in the crowd. There's something enjoyable about Carlo's vocals, they sound lighter then Deigo's and slightly subtle, but he has a very enjoyable tone that clearly shows while he's live. As he sings his part, behind them, stage lights are revolving around the arena with a montage of "I Wanna Dance Challenge" vides that are playing over the TV Screens the beats continues to rise. Different shots of fan and celebrity videos begin to play behind them, with each getting a different crowd reaction each with different loudness levels. The video montage playing really emphasizes the impact that the I Wanna Dance Challenge has had on pop culture this year. Dennis continues to sing his part while the beats remain at the same pace, as the synths swaying along while Carlos's part goes on gets louder and as soon as he's finished.
Guess you were wrong so
You have no right to say to me
That we were only dreaming
Well seeing's not not believing
Seeing's not not believingA menacing swooshing sound makes its way quickly onto the track with the keyboards stopping quickly, signaling the song's pre hook. The boys smile after Carlos heard, and Dennis picks his head up. He too, is met with a wild reaction from the fans. Arguably the loudest out of the boys are heard. Derek begins to sing the song's pre hook and as he's singing it, each of the boys pick their head up in a ripple and start to walk out of their stage props and into center stage. Derek continues to sing their parts and now that the boys can all be seen, they are once again met with a loud reaction of cheers from the girls in attendance. After Derek sings his part, a quick sound swoosh is heard during the pre hook of I Wanna, the added synths of the pre hook make it's way onto the track as a more recognizable and extremely catchy backing beat mixes perfectly with rising beats. The boys all join in with their microphones to their mouths and letting go of their chest voices and go into a falsetto register for the final lines before the chorus. Their voices move along perfectly together in a nice pitched range. After each falsetto register the boys point to the crowd as Diego Bello, Carlos Portillo, Derek Ruiz, Luis Alvarez and Evan Cabrera sing as one as they sing the words Close our eyes and we'll be unseen/We'll be unseen/Close our eyes and we'll be unseen/We'll be unseen; before the song unleashes into the extremely groovy chorus. As the lights around the stage flutter, Luis steps out and does a backflip and the boys get into next part of the song. Diego Bello takes charge for the chorus with his spoken after Luis does the backflip. The boys then break into The "I Wanna Dance" chorus choreography.
We were running out of time
When all we knew was fantasy
We lived in total ecstasy
Miles away from you and meClose our eyes and we'll be unseen
We'll be unseen
Close our eyes and we'll be unseen
We'll be unseenOnce again, that surprising swoosh comes about once again, and the song bursts heavily into it's chorus. The boys throw their bodies into the I Wanna Dance video and famous chorus choreography. The beats move accordingly as electric synths come about and make one with a relentless dance backing beat making the chorus sound even bigger when it is love. Automatically Diego sings the chorus while doing the choreography and the boys sing their parts of the chorus to the tee following it. First Deigo followed by the other boys sing in a confident, sexy manner during the chorus. Their live skills come across as very professional and just like the actual track. They each sing out over the beat at their turn about no longer any need to keep pushing forward with the relationship and so they want to take control and do things the way that they want to, starting with getting rid of the the memories of the past relationship. The boys sing confidently as the cheers continue and they dance relentlessly. Luis, Diego, Evan, Carlos and Derek then all change order as they spin into their next line spacing. The synths slow down but the beats don't slow down, as the chorus and backing beat completely take over with groovy production. As the chorus moves into it's next section, the boys stop singing and break into a quick choreography piece that then causes another pop in cheer. They stop as the the beats move relentlessly once again with the backing beat.
Now I'm gonna wash your mess up out of my hair, you can circle the drain
One way ticket to Disturbia, know that I'll be jumping trains
Tired of living in all of your darkened shades
Rolling back the rooftops, let in some light and day
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wannaThe songs regular go back go back into place with the backing beat and the light but quick synths as Evan's's vocals come about. Evan takes the middle and throws his hands up, he's met with massive cheers for his part as well. The young PROXIMO members exudes star presence when it hits the midddle and begins singing his part of the loud cheers and synths. There's something special about his voice, especially when it's live. Evan exudes confidence and has this concentrated look on his face as he begins to sing his part. Evan sings: I gave you all I had but then got hit back in the face/And all these things that you say, these words can't replace/ You're a scam, was this all part of you're plan/To lose me tear me apart then leave me caved. It's clear Evan is very confident and it shows when he's performing. The boys each dance as Evan sings in the middle, still dancing while singing. Evan this snarl arrogantly placed on his face as he sings his part. The beat stays at the same pace and you are brought to the next part of the track. They all change spacing once more, with Luis, taking the center part and singing his verse. The crowd again, show massive love to Luis who's arguably the best dancer of the group and still hot from the backflip he did during the verse chorus of the track. The boys all hit the choreography to a tee. Staying on pace with eachother as we are brought to the next section of the performance.
I gave you all I had but then got hit back in the face
And all these things that you say, these words can't replace
You're a scam, was this all part of you're plan?
To lose me tear me apart then leave me caved inAnd I know you're a fool now I can see through your lies
Because of what you've done then maybe this is goodbye
Gave you an easy way out, but now I regret
I thought so much of you until I realized you're a threatGuess you were wrong so
You have no right to say to me
That we were only dreaming
Well seeing's not not believing
Seeing's not not believingDerek then moves to the middle for the next part of the groovy track. The camera's then catches shots of fans in the crowd who are singing or dancing along. The cameras also pan to different celebrities who are cheering along as Derek sings his part that is before the pre chorus of the track. After Derek sings, the pre chorus of the track comes upon the live performance now. The boys all move to different sections of the stage and start singing the pre chorus to their hit record, as they sing, the people in the crowd go wild. The fans are all grabbing at them as they all sing the slow build up to the chorus while touching the hands of fans that are in the pit area and closest to the stage. The beats then start to build up at the boys all walk back and stand in their places on the stage.After this they all walk back to center stage and break into the falsetto register once more for the prechorus. The stage lights come around them once more as they harmonize perfectly to the beat that has quickly drifted away showing off all of their vocal ability as one.
We were running out of time
When all we knew was fantasy
We lived in total ecstasy
Miles away from you and meClose our eyes and we'll be unseen
We'll be unseen
Close our eyes and we'll be unseen
We'll be unseen
Now I'm gonna wash your mess up out of my hair, you can circle the drain
One way ticket to Disturbia, know that I'll be jumping trains
Tired of living in all of your darkened shades
Rolling back the rooftops, let in some light and day
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wannaThe boys throw their bodies into the I Wanna Dance video and famous chorus choreography once again. The beats move accordingly as electric synths come about and make one with a relentless dance backing beat making the chorus sound even bigger when it is live. Automatically Diego sings the chorus while once again doing the choreography and the boys sing their parts of the chorus to the tee following the heavy choreography with one another. First Deigo followed by the other boys sing in a confident, sexy manner during the chorus again. This time however, their choreography is a mixture of I Wanna Dance Challenge choreography from Naomi and Gemma Kane. Showing their respects for their contribution to essentially starting the trend, they pay their respects by adding a mixture of their dance moves in their videos for their live performance.
Once they move out of falsetto the heavy backing beats go completely missing and a quite eerie subtle, synth driven backing beat is heard with long synths that soar along for the bridge as the boys look serious again as they join each other. Luis is heard as they all start dancing and the stage lights meet them at center stage. With them not dancing, it allows the boys to really focus on delivering, crisp live vocals and Luis does just that, he holds a fist to his hand to add to the emotion of the performance. His voice holds something quite unique as well, and especially with the eerie slow beats, it allows listeners in attendance to get a taste of all that Luis has to offer vocally. Luis has a facial expression as if he is defeated, just to add to the slowed down piece of the bridge before the big chorus. After Luis sings, the cameras catch Evan who does the final part of the bridge. The camera's zoom in on him as he finishes out the bride of the chorus he speaks out but also sounds as if he's singing as his vocals echo behind him. Evan takes off where Luis finishes singing his lines; Is it me or you or am I free/Is it me or will I have to scream/Or will I have to scream; The eerie breakdown begins to start sounding like it's building for it's last chorus and Evan breaks into a smile, belting out the final line of his part as the song breaks into the final chorus
You caused an everlasting misery
You changed my course in historyIs it me or you or am I free
Is it me or will I have to scream
Or will I have to scream
Now I'm gonna wash your mess up out of my hair, you can circle the drain
One way ticket to Disturbia, know that I'll be jumping trains
Tired of living in all of your darkened shades
Rolling back the rooftops, let in some light and day
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wannaSoon as Evan is finished, the song bursts into it's final chorus with the beats picking back up and relentlessly roaring over and over again with the quick backing beat and synths. The boys start walking to their stage spots right in time for the chorus where they are joined by the I Wanna Dance Challenge winners who are named "The Brooklyn City Divas" dance crew. The crowd cheers them on as they make their way on stage after an awesome intro. The join the boys all as one as backup dancers then make their way to the stage as one final, big I Wanna Dance routine. They all dance the chorus relentless as lights flutter around the stage and smoke swooshes from machines on opposite ends of the stage. The girls of the Brooklyn City Divas circle the boys, in the center, the boys dance the final choreography of I Wanna with the competition winners. As this is all happening, Evan belts out the huge adlibs as they dance and sing the chorus. After one final note and finalizing choreography, the girls jump down to the ground the smoke shoots up from the stage as the boys stand there in a pose.
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on living with the spell I'm under
I'll be doing things the way I wanna
I can't go on hiding away from your crashing thunder
Gonna be doing things the way I wanna

The boys of PROXIMO stand there as the smoke shoot from the stage and BCD lay motionless on the ground after having jumped down. Thge crowd goes wild for this dance heavy performance. As an encore, the boys sing the final lines of I Wanna acapella with one another, showing off their wonderful harmonizing skills with one another and after this, the final synths of I Wanna is heard before smoke shoots up on multiple spots on the stage signaling the end of the performance. The crowd goes wild and the girls of BCD stand up and share hugs with PROXIMO, some of them in tears of joy from the lifechanging moment. Diego speaks into the microphone.
"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! And give it up for BCD!". They all stand together, hand and hand, and bow as the performance ends.
Setlist:1) Brooklyn City Dance Team Opening Sequence (Tribal Master Mix of "Daydreaming" and "I Wanna")
2)"I Wanna" + Acapella Encore