K: Hello, gorgeous people! I'm Konstantin Lloyd but you can call me K.
Faye: And I'm Fayette Morgan, Faye if you're nasty.
K: And you're listening to Chart Heat Chat, a brand new podcast by music lovers for music lovers.
Faye: We have K-Pop royalty with us today, K. One of, if not THEE most successful K-Pop girl bands have decided to bless us with their presence. They've reached dizzying heights on the charts, their music has spread to all corners of the globe, they're no stranger to controversy or two and they've done it all whilst looking and remaining absolutely flawless.
K: Yes Faye, and they have just dropped their epic third and, sadly, final studio album after a lengthy legal battle. "When I Grow Up" finally dropped two months ago and while a triumphant return, it all has a rather bittersweet feel to it. Here to give us an insight into the music and their hectic lives, it's none other than the ladies of Mi•Mi!
Misu, Miki, Mae and Daena; welcome to the show! How are you?Mae: We are so excited to be here with you guys!
Misu: SO excited! Thank you for having us.
DAENA: I think we're all doing pretty good right now. All is well.
I feel like we're starting the show off the same way we did when we met Mandy Williams. That was a big comeback interview for her too. So I'll ask you ladies the same question I asked Ms. Williams. How does it feel to be back promoting a new record after so much time away from the promotion cycle?Miki: It definitely feels different this time. Promoting music with content that is actually close to your heart has been really great so far because we finally feel heard.
Misu: I'm just glad this is our last time having to wait on 4 girls to get ready every morning!
[laughs] If only you guys knew how early we have to wake up.
So, let's just jump right in to it and rip off the band aid. Get those difficult questions out of the way. What happened with SM Entertainment, ladies?Mae: There were 3 main reasons why we had to free ourselves from that relationship.
DAENA: Yep. There were a lot of creative disagreements and they even wanted to kick me out of the group over a back injury.
Misu: Being an international group, it's like they wanted us in so many places at once to promote. Mi•Mi was constantly on the road and when not, had to take nonstop looong flights from here to there and back. Most of the sleep we've gotten in the last 8 years has been on a plane. We didn't have time to breathe.
Miki: And they didn't even want to pay us right! Had us splitting small ass percentages 4 ways! I can put up with a lot but playing with my girl's MONEY while you're making millions off of our names is where I draw the line!
Mae: It just wasn't a good situation all around. We're very thankful that our other supporting companies were more compatible for us. They couldn't save us from disbandment because SM Entertainment formed us all by themselves but both Five Pesky Kids and Dahlhouse Entertainment fought hard for us and made sure that the right thing would be done.
Dahlhouse Entertainment also went on a hiatus for a few years too. What happened with all of that? It all seemed to be running like a well oiled machine and then silence fell. Were you aware that things were going to slow down?Misu: For Mi•Mi, as an individual act from the management company, things were already slowing down for us. They had to because after the release of
The Show Must Go On, it became clear that SM Entertainment exercise full control over us if we had continued to work and would have sabotaged
When I Grow Up, an album we knew wanted to tell our truth. We never saw the Dahlhouse hiatus coming but witnessing a company actually focus on our personal lives instead of money helped keep us, mentally. We didn't have to worry about coming out of our pockets or making anything back for those few years. We just got to take care of ourselves and learn how to live.
DAENA: Looking back, the timing just wasn't right in 2018 for us to continue being in the spotlight. Instead, it's like we got to go to summer camp!
[laughs] We're very thankful.
Did you ladies ever feel stifled and disenfranchised at all? Fighting a giant like SM for years and then Dahlhouse falling silent, it must have been a very draining experience. Did you ever feel like admitting defeat?Mae: At the beginning, we were very discouraged. Even though we took legal action, it still felt like there was nothing we could do. Dahlhouse going on hiatus made it clear to us that it was going to be a long fight but we had hope.
What was the atmosphere like in Camp Mi•Mi when you discovered that the courts had sided with you, Dahlhouse switched its lights back on and the album was finally coming out? I can't even imagine the sheer elation that must have been in the air.Miki: The atmosphere was celebratory, for sure. We threw a huge party that same night!
Misu: Friends, family, everybody we knew was invited! We started to feel so loved all over again It was the end of an era but the beginning of some really beautiful times.
Now you're back with "When I Grow Up" - a fantastic album which we'll be diving into in just a few. First,
I want to play the title track and open our listeners' ears to some brand new Mi•Mi."When I Grow Up" by Mi•Mi plays
That was "When I Grow Up" by Mi•Mi from their new album of the same name. The response to the record has been amazing thus far. How does it feel seeing all the goodwill and the fans' response?Mae: So many of our fans and artist friends really came back from the dead just to congratulate us on our last record. That showed us just how much of a legacy we really left behind. It's so much more important to us than anything else that everyone who was here with us from the beginning got to see all the progress we've made as a group.
If I'm correct in saying, some of the oldest songs on the record date back to 2015. Six years is a long time to cling onto some songs. What made those songs so special as opposed to some others that were culled over time?Miki: It all came down to subject matter. One of the reasons there were no love songs on this album is because we felt like our fans deserved to hear the truth and directly addressing our situation was the truth we wanted to give. No fluff, no fillers, just what was really on our hearts throughout all this.
And of course, the single "The Show Must Go On" is nowhere to be seen on the tracklist. Dare I say that move was a middle finger to the record company?Miki: You know it!
Misu: we really didn't like that song because it felt like a middle finger to us. DAENA was being pushed out of the group and the first single you demand us to put out is, "The Show Must Go On"? Come on, now.
I've got to say, the production is really lush on this record. Who did you work with on the album?Mae: We had a newer producer GogoGigi on this album, a producer who I absolutely loved working with. On our more authentically K-pop tracks, she was great in creating a sonic vision that felt like home.
DAENA: Other than GogoGigi, we've always worked with the same producers on our albums. Big shoutout to FancyÑ, DrewWB, inZane and Flame 1&2.
There is this theme that all K-Pop groups are heavily manufactured, told what to sing, what to do, treated very poorly, and a whole bunch of other not very nice things. You all really pushed against that and fought for your own identity. How important is creative control to you? I want to know how hands on Mi•Mi get in the studio.Misu: Creative control was very important to us, we fought for it every step of the way. There was a lot of "okay this is great, this is good, it's going on the album" and there was also a lot of rewriting songs, scrapping ideas, rethinking everything. In the end, we got what mattered most to us and that was a chance to use our own voices to say goodbye.
You're definite trailblazers in the girl group scene for sure. iCandy is a new K Pop group who seem to be following in your footsteps, breaking that mold, and making waves in all different markets. I love that you collaborated with them on the song "Be You" for this album. A real girl power moment. I know a lot of fans adore this song already. What was the idea behind getting together with iCandy and what was it like working with another all-female band?Mae: Even in the beginning stages of this album, we wanted a big girl group collaboration. Initially, we considered SYNCO but we never really fleshed out the idea of the song. Of course, through the years they've disbanded and moved on from the group so then we thought, why not just collaborate with another K-pop girl group instead? We wanted to choose a group that was still active and making huge moves on their own and iCandy fit the bill without a doubt. I was honored to put them on my solo track, 'Be You'!
We'll be chatting to Mi•Mi some more in a few but first, here is the aforementioned "Be You" with iCandy."Be You" by Mi•Mi feat. iCandy plays
That was "Be You" by Mi•Mi and iCandy. My favourite song on the album follows this one, "Bird Set Free". Such a beautiful, emotional track. It brings tears to my eyes. It really feels like an ascension. The sense of freedom bottled and put into a song. Misu, you really did that! Just how important is that song to you and the story of Mi•Mi?Misu: Words can't even explain how important "Bird Set Free" is on the album. As the lead singer of the group, I've always been a guiding light for the girls. I wrote that song so that whenever the girls are having trouble in their solo career or feel alone, they can just play it back and be reminded of how strong they are. We accomplished the impossible during our time in Mi•Mi, the song is truly a reminder that it's nothing we can't do.
Misu is the lead singer and you all have your roles. I suppose it differs with each group but I always wonder how bands delegate and make decisions when it comes to the music. There can be 3, 4, or 5 different opinions and tastes but ultimately you'd have to agree on the one thing. I was wondering how decisions are made in Mi•Mi.Miki: The more successful you are, the more people that have to be involved in the music process. We always encourage each other to write songs beforehand so that as a group, we can decide on what we're going to present to the rest of the team.
Mae: The lead singer is always going to have the most say because, you know, it's already so many writers, producers, managers, A&R's, label executives and etc involved. We outsmart that by just letting Misu represent us as a group. When she makes a decision, it's never just about what she wants. It's something that we've all discussed prior and decided on, she's simply our voice.
You are all very talented, strong individuals. Did you ever find yourself getting lost after years of compromising and being 1/4 of Mi•Mi?DAENA: Of course, for a long time we felt like we just had to be this perfect unit that was consistent and equally good at everything. Eventually, we did realize that it's okay to be 4 completely different women and the only way we could achieve harmony is by playing off of each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Misu: Yeah, we got so much better at this when we made it a goal to really get to know each other and just let everyone individually shine at what they're individually good at.
Like K said, you are all individually strong and talented which brings me to the topic of solo projects. Miki, girl, you KNOW I couldn't go this entire podcast without bringing up your mixtape. "How To Get 'Em Heated" indeed! You had had ENOUGH! Tell me a little bit about that project and what fuelled that fire. No need to censor yourself, come on now.Miki: Whew! Where do I start? See... I think as one of the more popular girls in the group, people assume that it must mean I'm treated well behind the scenes. Out of all of the girls, I had the hardest time getting a say, I mean I had to fight for lines in songs that I wrote! I'm a rapper in a K-Pop group, most of the time when I tried to add a verse I'd be told that the song is good without one. They'd ask me for a verse and I'd send it back just to be told that it was too vulgar or too aggressive for Mi•Mi's image. I'd just try to stick to singing by submitting regular songs and they'd suggest that DAENA or Misu would sound better on it instead of me...I couldn't take it anymore! They were doing us so wrong and giving me hell so I went behind their backs and recorded a lot of material with Rum, one of our producers. They tried me for the last time and I just dropped it.
Mae: It got us all in a lot of trouble
[giggles] but it was worth it. We were proud of her, you could tell how liberated she felt after doing it.
Daena, you gave us "Team". Coke, Drew, Yasmine all involved in the creation of the track. Ms. Misu as well. Talk about star-studded. What was it like stepping out on your own for that release?DAENA: It was a lot of pressure. I only got that opportunity because
"THEY" were trying to kick me out of the group. Nobody aside from SM Entertainment wanted that to happen so we all banded together to make some magic and voila! I really had to prove myself with "Team" and I had this whole army behind me depending on me. My life was on the line but it all worked out like Anniken said it would.
Misu, you also released a couple singles in between the second and third Mi•Mi album, most notably "Fade Away" - a monster of a track, I must say. Being the lead in the band, what was it like doing it solo? Did you feel extra pressure because you had so much success upfront within Mi•Mi?Misu: Um...nah.
[laughs] I had released solo singles before and they didn't make much noise but I never minded. I never want to be ungrateful knowing that I was receiving privileges that the other girls were fighting for. When it went #1, I was shocked honestly but very appreciative of my fans.
And what about you, Mae? Did you ever feel tempted to release any solo material while seeing the other ladies do it?Mae: I was content with not having any solo material out. I didn't mind rooting for all my girls. Now, it's a different story. I'm ready to take on the world on my own.
We'll be taking a trip further down memory lane with Mi•Mi right after we play this throwback joint. This is Mi•Mi with "Take It Off"."Take It Off" by Mi•Mi plays
A classic. I remember when that initially leaked. How do you feel when you hear your older material? Are you the type that cringe or do you embrace it all.Mae: We are definitely cringing.
"He Say She Say" really was the album that cemented your status in the pop world. What was the buzz like during that album cycle and how do you feel about that project today?Miki: It was a moment, it was history. We had a lot of fun during that time, all considered.
Misu: To this day, we still feel like it was one of our greatest.
Like Faye said, that second album really took you to new heights. You even had a Weekend collab on there for goodness sake. Talk about fandom mayhem. I think that second album is when your fanbase really blew up and grew to an epic scale. You must have some crazy stories regarding experiences with them.Mae: Yeaaa, we learned the hard way not to go to the mall without security.
[laughs]Misu: One time, we were in a traffic jam and once they realized who was in the truck, people literally hopped out of their cars to come to our window and ask for autographs and pictures. We ended up getting fined!
Miki: Woww, I remember that! Like, what the hell? If the people want to risk their lives and make a traffic jam 10x worse, that's them! Why do we have to pay??
Going even further back, way before the huge success and acclaim, I want to take you to when "In Our Youth" was in the works. I want to know what the goal was for Mi•Mi back then. How did you think it was all going to go? Did you achieve what you wanted to?DAENA: In Our Youth had been in the works since we were 12 years old! Our only goal was to be successful as would any rookie group's goals. We just wanted people to love us and you know what? Most people did.
Fast forward to now. Your third and sadly, last album. We're here at "When I Grow Up". What is the goal these days? What do you want people to take away from this album and the journey of Mi•Mi?Misu: We wanted this album to be a map for all the girl groups out there to flip through to help them take the best route to their destination. We were blessed to be in the position that we were and even more blessed to make it out.
DAENA: We just wanted to let everyone dreaming about taking this route understood what they should expect and the types of standards and boundaries they should set for themselves and those around them. We aren't the first to go through this and we won't be the last. Hopefully, this album will reach the ears of whoever is up next.
Why is this the last album, ladies?Miki: Well, SM Entertainment is our home. Without them, this group would've never formed. When we decided to go through with this fight, we understood that we wouldn't be able to have our cake and eat it too. If we wanted to part ways with SM, we have to part ways with Mi•Mi.
Misu: It's okay though. We can now say that we've gotten the chance to do everything we've wanted to with Mi•Mi's music. All of us are ready for this change and we hope the fans are too.
Would you ever rule out a future reunion or tour?Mae: Of course not! One of these days, we'll get together and do something big. We'll always be a unit, no matter what.
So, with the final album out, will you be taking a step back from the industry? Finding love perhaps?Mae: Oh wow, don't make us blush.
[giggles]Misu: Absolutely not. We will be building our profiles as solo acts from here on out. No time to waste.
Miki: ...Damn, she's so cold-hearted.
Misu: Whaat? I'm the mom of the group. I have to make sure no one gets distracted!
Miki: You need to be distracted, girl.
DAENA: Don't get them started.
That's.. wonderful to hear. Well, we have one final song to play before K pieces together his music quiz and tests your knowledge. I'd like to hand the honour over to you ladies. Would you like to choose which final Mi•Mi track we play?DAENA: We want to play "Step It Up", our latest single from the album!
"Step It Up" by Mi•Mi plays
OK, so I have the girls of Mi•Mi in the hot seat. They seem like pretty fearless ladies but will my game of chart knowledge be the one thing that actually breaks them? Where will they rank on our leader board? I have five questions but only four lovely Mi•Mi members in front of me. That means one of you will have to answer two questions. Who's the bravest? Ladies, who do you nominate?Misu: Mae is the smart one!
Mae: Huh?? Since when???
OK, Mae, I'll give you the first and last question. First one. We're starting off easy. What is the name of iCandy's debut album?Mae: Easy! Nolza is their debut album, I bought it and know all the words!
Correct! Daena, true or false? Mercedes, Tika Mays and Adam Black have never had a #1 single.DAENA: Um... true?
Correct! Miki, The Zone were a four-piece American boy band consisting of; Blake Williams, Jason Ochoa-Steele, Chris Adams and ...?Miki: Baby, I have no idea...Michael?
Sorry, Michael was a member of ELMNT. The correct answer I was looking for was Liam Allen. Misu, which of these artists have NOT appeared on a track with Payton? Andrea, Serenity Scott or Brittany Knox?Misu: Serenity?? She's so sweet!
Correct! Finally, back to Mae. What are the full names of the ladies who go by the monikers of Rum & Coke?Mae: Wow, maybe I am the smart one! Niña Rumillani Tarantino and Airemse Nicole Smith! We know the full government, they're on all of our royalties!
Correct! Mi•Mi, you scored a total of 4 out of 5, tying with Mandy Williams!
Now that K has grilled your knowledge on other acts, I want to end the interview by bringing it back to you all. We're going to get a little more personal and delve into the music that made you and what makes you tick. My first question is; what is your earliest memory of music?Misu: My earliest memory is of my twin brother Dae and I dancing to traditional music with our family. Good times.
Do you remember the first album you all bought?DAENA: "The Great Rebirth" by Drunken Tiger! They were one of the first hip-hop groups in South Korea!
Is there a song or piece of music that resonates deeply with you because you associate it with a very specific time, moment or person in your life? Something that, as soon as you hear it, you're immediately transported back.Mae: "Turn Up The Volume" by Weekend honestly got me through my first breakup. It randomly came up on shuffle the other day and I could feel it all over again, the need to avoid what was being said by using music as an escape. Ahh, they are really legends.
Nowadays we are starting to see more of a push with K-Pop into the mainstream Western market. We still have a long way to go but things have been really snowballing these last few years. I want to know, as talented young Asian women, do you remember when you first saw yourself represented in the media?Miki: Good Morning America was one of the first American media outlets that embraced us and ever since then, we've visited them for every album. They showed us so much love and warmth when they didn't even know who we are. We are grateful for them.
What I love about you ladies is that you stand for a lot. You fly the flag for women, sisterhood, underrepresented minority groups and you also showcase hard work and dedication. Still standing after everything that has been thrown your way. There's a unity there and I love that. So, before we go, I really want to capture and embrace that love like a firefly in a bottle. I'd love for each of you to turn to the gorgeous lady next to you and say one thing you love about that member.DAENA: Awww, okay okay I'll go first. One thing I love about Misu is that she is a born leader. No matter how hard the task, she steps up to the plate and looks out for everyone.
Misu: One thing I love about Miki is that she is like an older sister who gives great fashion advice and isn't afraid to war for you, even if it means breaking a nail.
Miki: One thing I love about Mae is that she is a quiet storm that you'd never see coming. People underestimate her and I think sometimes she underestimates herself but she is such a force to be reckoned with. Every day she surprises me by doing all of the things she thought she couldn't.
Mae: One thing I love about DAENA is that she is so fierce and she's just as strong as her voice. Watching her step into her own power is so motivating. She has no idea how many people out there she inspires.
Misu, Miki, Mae and Daena, it has been a pleasure. Thank you for stopping by Chart Show Chat.Misu: Thank you for having us.
All 4: We are the B-E-S-T, Mi•Mi! *bows and poses*