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#1 Posted : 03 November 2009 23:13:22(UTC)
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Bikki found me. She screamed, waking me up from my trance, and calling Joshy to her. He ran out of the ladies', got James and the two of them pulled a sofa into the hallway. While Joshy carried me onto the sofa and Bikki went to do her own vomiting, James kept the door shut. "No paparazzi," he said. "People will just have to wet themselves." This must have been so hard for Bikki. Me, now in the same place as Brisky was - at least I was vaguely awake, but at least Brisky was clean. I was covered in puke and blood.
Afterwards, as I regained consciousness, Bikki came out, and held up my handbag, and a few things that had fallen out. A few empty Ex-Lax packets .... and the culprit. The medicine bottle was still open, and spilling out. In a quick reflex, I picked up the bottle and screwed on the top, so that I didn't lose any. In case I needed it again.
"IPECAC!?" Bikki shouted. "I hope this is to get rid of the 40 laxatives you've just taken - but somehow, I doubt it." I wanted to say it was, if I was a good liar, she'd provided the perfect answer. But even if I said it was, we'd both know the truth. I started sobbing. "This stuff can kill you, Raven," she continued, taking the bottle from me. I started to cry some more - I don't know why. "Have you ever thrown up blood? Without Ipecac?"
"Only .... only if I really tried." This must sound terrible to a woman who vomits without assistance, just can't keep anything down - I almost envied Bikki, not just for her babies, but for her chronic morning sickness. That must sound terrible to anyone ....
"The paramedics are on their way," said Joshy. I secretly thanked him for the distraction. I didn't want to talk right now. All I wanted was one person.
"I want Jakey," I cried. "I want Jakey ...."
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline old.gregg  
#2 Posted : 04 November 2009 09:33:34(UTC)
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Jakey was jetlagged. After the Birdies show, he'd flown back out to rejoin Pilot on their world tour, but soon after his plane landed he'd heard news of what had happened. In a state of shock he got straight into a hired private jet and returned. After a long day traveling, his head was spinning. He reached the hospital and as he walked down the corridor towards Raven's room it seemed to last forever - mile after mile of gleaming white passageway, at the end of which was Raven's ward, glowing at the end of the tunnel.

He greeted Bikki who was sat outside, though said very few words. She hugged him, and said that Raven had asked for him. He spoke to hospital staff and a nurse told him to wait outside the room until she said he was okay to enter. He sat down, his back against the wall, on the glossy floor and watched the clock ticking. It not long before he was allowed into the room. He stood and took a deep breath.

Jakey saw Raven lying, asleep, in her hospital bed. He sat down on the chair next to her bed silently, not wanting to wake her as the nurses ran him through what had happened. He didn't know what he felt, angry but sympathetic, but the most overwhelming thing he felt was the fear. He was still young, they both were, and he'd never had to deal with anything like this before. He longed for his older brother, he'd know what to say in this situation, but instead Jakey just sat silently absorbing the information that was fed to him. Occasionally he nodded awkwardly to show the staff he hadn't lost it completely.

The longer he sat the more he felt the guilt come over him. He'd been out on tour a lot since the marriage, and hadn't seen Raven anywhere near as much as he'd liked to. Was it his fault that Raven was lying here right now? The nurses left the couple in peace and Jakey slouched back in the chair, his head in his hands as he felt himself unravelling, and spoke to a god he wasn't even quite sure existed.
Offline bikz  
#3 Posted : 04 November 2009 23:12:47(UTC)
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I woke up, remembering what happened, and not wanting to wake up. There was an IV drip going into my wrist. I pictured all sorts of greasy, fattening foods going through that wire, and I couldn't throw up any of it .... I wanted to pull it out, show them that it's not that easy to make me fat, but I wasn't alone in the room.
"Jakey?" I said, turning to him. Unfortunately, we didn't have long to talk alone. A nurse walked in.
"Mrs. Regan Robbins," she said, holding up a chart. "Ingested high quantities of Senna, followed by an overdose of Ipecac syrup. What was this for?" I didn't answer. She carried on. "OK then, I'll tell you what I think it was for. I'll assume you ate a lot of food beforehand." She was right, the post-Birdies fare was plentiful, and I couldn't help myself. "So to expel the food from your body, you took these laxatives, and then drank this poison. Is that the truth, Regan?"
Again, I didn't answer. "Please co-operate, Raven," Jakey said. I looked at his face. He wasn't trying to order me, or bully me - he just wanted to see me get better. Well, it may not look like it, but I'm fine. I've learned to take less Ipecac next time I take it, and maybe drink some water with it.
"How long has this been going on?" She paused, again unanswered. "Do you ever use other methods, such as self-induced vomiting, spitting, or diuretic pills?"
"Why do you want to know all this?" I asked.
"To get an accurate picture of your - problem, Regan."
Ha ha. The way she said it was almost laughable. "I don't have a problem."
"You lot are always difficult." The nurse sighed and walked out of the room. Great. Now I'm 'you lot'. No longer a unique person, me, Raven Comatose, I'm 'you lot', only known for drinking poison. I called the nurse back. "Yes, Regan?"
"When am I getting out?" I asked, hopeful for an answer along the lines of 'now'.
"When you've recovered from the poisoning."
With that, she left me here - still not clean, still covered in my own barf - to explain to Jakey. I couldn't. What if he wanted the whole story? "I'm scared," I said. "I'm sorry." I held his hand tightly. I wondered why, in the slightest, he would be interested in holding this fat, crazy hand, when he could have any hand he wanted. I felt guilty - like I'd wrecked the relationship for him, keeping this secret, and then it all blowing up like this ....

Edited by user 04 November 2009 23:13:58(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline old.gregg  
#4 Posted : 05 November 2009 07:22:29(UTC)
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Jakey hung up his phone. He'd been able to get a few shows off the Pilot tour to stay with Raven, but soon he'd have to get back on tour. He couldn't help feeling like he was being forced to neglect his wife - this is what the pressure was like between family and fame, he thought. He, himself, hadn't eaten or slept much in past couple of days, sustaining himself mainly on coffee.

His head was still constantly whirring, trying to make some sense of what had happened. In the back of his mind he knew what had happened but he couldn't bring himself to accept that fact. All he could think of was how this could all be his fault and that somehow he was to blame, for not spending enough time with her, or talking to her enough, or even noticing the obvious signs. But then, nobody else had noticed either. Raven was great like that, so innocent that nobody ever suspected that she'd been in any trouble whatsoever.

He'd spent the whole day by her bedside, watching the IV drip, still not knowing what to say. All he could offer was being there. Bikki knew what to say, and empathised with Jakey, at least this was what he'd assumed. He admired Bikki for this, handling the stress so well when he could barely cope. Jakey sat and waited to see what was going to happen next.
Offline bikz  
#5 Posted : 05 November 2009 10:08:34(UTC)
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"Shouldn't you be on tour? I don't want to interrupt," said Raven, but I really thought, 'I want to be worthy to interrupt, but I'm not'. But you can hardly say that out loud.
"Regan Robbins, yes?"
My thoughts were interrupted by the presence of another doctor. "Raven," I muttered. "Get me out of here."
"You seem to be recovering well, though Ipecac has side effects and we want to keep you in on watch." Oh fuck. "Ipecac syrup is the most dangerous way for a bulimic ...."
"I'm not - what you said," I cut in. I wasn't sure myself whether this was a lie or not. I don't like my secrets labelled.
".... to purge. Whether you are or not, must be assessed. If you are taken in ...."
"WHAT!?" I was gobsmacked. They couldn't take me in. I wasn't in critical condition.
"It's a possibility, Mrs. Robbins, that we may need to save you from yourself." He sounded patronising, but apologetic, kind of. "If you are unable to stop this behaviour, you may seriously hurt yourself."
"What do you mean? I can stop." OK, I probably can't, not easily, but whose business is it if I carry on? Not theirs.
"That's good to know." He turned to Jakey. "Make sure she takes care of herself." Why are you talking behind my back!? I'm right here!
"He can't, he's busy," I said. I hope I didn't sound mean. Needy, but not nasty. He has to do what he has to do, and I don't want to stand in his way.
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline old.gregg  
#6 Posted : 05 November 2009 10:35:05(UTC)
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Jakey nodded. Finally, after a near speechless two days he dug deep and found three words - "Raven comes first".
"I should hope so. If I could have a word with you outside, in private, Jake, I'd be grateful..." replied the doctor. Jakey nodded again and stood, kissing Raven on the forehead. As he walked out the room he wondered why he'd been Jake and Raven had been Mrs. Robbins - was the doctor going to tell him what everyone else had told him? That he's not mature enough to be in this kind of commitment.

As the doctor made eye contact with Jakey he could feel himself being analysed. He'd only felt this once before, and that was with the police the night Syke died. "You're aware that you're going to be a huge part of your wife's rehabilitation, aren't you? I need you to tell me honestly that if you think you see any signs of something not being quite right then you will get in contact right away, despite whatever your wife says. Can you do that for me?"
"I can," replied Jakey. With this the two shook hands and the doctor left Jakey outside alone, looking through the window at a peaceful Raven.

He entered Raven's room once more and sat back in the chair beside her bed. "Hi Raves," Jakey said quietly, forcing a smile. He was ready to talk.
Offline bikz  
#7 Posted : 06 November 2009 08:52:00(UTC)
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"Hi Jakey," I said, reaching out to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he slapped my hand away. Oh great. What do I say now? I had a big secret and left you out? Yup, that'll go down well. I didn't tell you because you'd tell me to stop it? Oh, that'd be even better, I'd really keep the relationship going there! "I love you, and I'm sorry you had to be here, I really screwed up," I said. "I feel so bad for bringing you into - this thing. I shouldn't have."

I don't know how to explain. Jakey probably thinks I'm just some girl who's obsessed with her weight now, and thinks puking is the answer. I don't know, and don't care, what my weight is. But wouldn't it sound even weirder for me to say that I need to be empty, because .... oh, I don't want him to be part of my private hells, so many there are.
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline bikz  
#8 Posted : 07 November 2009 22:28:43(UTC)
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"Meet me at Kirsty's," she had said on the phone. "You're coming back to America. I've got your tickets." I launched a lame protest to start with, but Kay was stubborn. It got worse. "I don't trust that Jake," she said. "If he's letting you be stupid and poison yourself, why should you be with him?"
Then I got angry. "And what are you going to do, Kahlen? Track me like a god-damned hawk? Stand next to me in the bathroom if I go after dinner? Follow me around in a balaclava every time I leave the house, in case I pick up some Senna? You can't keep my fingers out of my throat any better than anyone can. So I might as well stay here."
"You're coming to America and that's final, Regan." It sounded final - but it wasn't. I could work my way out of this ....
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline old.gregg  
#9 Posted : 07 November 2009 23:55:15(UTC)
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"I think you should go," Jakey said. He was hurt by what Kay had said, but in a way, she was right - he wasn't sure he could be trusted with this responsibility either. "It's the best thing to do. I'll be there as long as I can, I can't stay forever and I want you to be with someone who cares for you as much as I do. Please go? For me."
He knew she needed watching over, but didn't want to say that to her face as if she was a child. America was the right place to be, with her family, they'd know what to do..
Offline bikz  
#10 Posted : 08 November 2009 01:23:01(UTC)
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Finally out of the hospital, I went to meet Kay. I kicked myself for thinking Jakey would want me around, throwing up. I kicked myself for thinking Kahlen actually cared, she just wanted to savour her triumph over me. I kicked myself for throwing everything out of order - it was all so easy. In, out, binge, purge, boy, girl, alive, dead, no middle ground had to exist. But now there was middle ground, and a middle child coming towards me, outside Kirsty's. She gave me a hug.
"Regan!" she shouted. "Oh, what a shame you're so - gross. Anyway, I've got our plane tickets, let's go!"
There was something a bit strange. Kay didn't want to stick around, and she wasn't outside Kirsty's, she met me round the corner. I noticed Dame Katie Kairiri, walking down the street, jogging. Kahlen pointed at her in a "look, that's an acceptable way to lose weight" sort of way, and smiled evilly in an "I just scored some points" sort of way. Katie waved at Kay, and walked over to us. She's skinny, I noted, thinner than me. But maybe she wasn't, and everyone looked skinny to me. Bleurgh.
Katie smiled at us. "Kahlen Storme! It's been so long!"
"Hi Katie," said Kay.
"I've got a few minutes before I get James and his girlband back in the studio. Up for a tea break?"
I nodded, but Kay suddenly looked uncomfortable. "She's got to say goodbye to Jakey, and then we've got a plane to catch, and I'm not sure a tea break is highly appropriate, she might, you know, not keep it down ...."
Katie ignored the last bit. "Surely you've got a few minutes!" If there's one person in the world more persuasive than Kay, it's Katie Kairiri. She grabbed our hands and pulled us over to the door of Kirsty's. Tight hold, I thought, and nice set of thin fingers. Shut up, brain.
Katie went in, I went in and signed my name in - Kay dropped her handbag outside and walked in, signing in. I went outside to get her bag for her, walked back through the doors, and the alarms went off .... the hounds were released, they found what set off the alarms, and suddenly it hit me ....
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Mouschi  
#11 Posted : 20 November 2009 01:06:59(UTC)
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After releasing my single, I went on this private plane. Landed at Columbia, as always. Met Yasmin there, along with a minion of hers. (My youngest sister doesn't have friends. She has minions.) The minion introduced herself as Minnie. I giggled inside, and could see that Kay was doing the same.
Minnie was rather talkative. "So, you're Kahlen? And Regan?"
"Raven," I said, sounding meaner than I meant to.
"Oh yes, Raven. I hate my name too. It's short for Minnesota .... it's OK naming your kids after where they're conceived if it's Paris or Geneva, but Minnesota?" She laughed. I laughed. Minnie seemed nicer than most Yasminite minions. Very smiley. Most of them just worshipped the ground that Yasmin walked on, but this one seemed genuinely interested in talking to Kay and me. About anything and everything - and when I say everything, I mean it.
Me : "Yes, it's weird having it out in the open .... I don't want to talk about it."
Kay : "What she said."
I could tell that Kay was having withdrawal symptoms, and would probably shoot up as soon as she had some time alone - but my superior knowledge did nothing to lessen the superiority of Kay. Being on pot and heroin is COOL, everyone does it. Bulimia's just gross, laxatives even more so. If I'm going to get sucked into an eating disorder, I could at least starve myself like all the pretty girls do. Honestly, Raven, get some control.
This didn't stop Minnie. She wanted to know everything about my bulimia, and Kay's drug addiction. We eventually gave in.
One thing I noticed about Minnie was that she was way too interested. Unlike my purse, she had a big bag on her, like a laptop carrier - a bag she kept dropping. I got a peek inside; it was full of paper. Maybe she was talking to us so much because she was a journalist, interested in the real life of Raven Comatose. I didn't care.

We went out for a cup of tea. Well, tea for me, vodka coke for Kahlen, coffee for everyone else. "You're getting British!" Minnie laughed - but she was observing what I was ordering. Looking at the stand full of luscious cakes and muffins; looking at my reaction to it. (I was almost drooling.) "Alcohol at lunchtime? I always save it for the evening!" she giggled at Kay's order. When Kay went out for a cigarette, Minnie said, "I hope it's legal!" I went out with her to 'check'. I didn't care whether Kay had a cigarette or a spliff in her hand, probably the latter; I just wanted to get away from Minnie. She was driving me round the bend.
"She's driving me round the bend." Kay dragged on her secret spliff. I wouldn't tell on her, just as she wouldn't tell on me as I downed six Senokot Max Strengths. Now wasn't the time for ipecac, or for 'gobfingery' as Rayne calls it. Minnie would probably watch me purge.
"Why does she care? About timescales and all that. It's like she's reading out the DSM criteria, to see if we fit ...." My brain clicked. "You kick over her bag as you walk in, by 'mistake'. I'll offer to pick it up for her, and see what's on those papers."

Just as I thought. I took a sneak peek, and saw a file labelled ....
Diagnosis : Substance abuse, 305.00.
Ref. Dr. Minnesota Bat.

I held it up. "Well, the crap's out of the bag now, isn't it, Dr. Bat? Let's see what you've got on me!"
Handing Kay's file to her, I took out mine.
Diagnosis : Bulimia nervosa, 307.51.
Ref. Dr. Minnesota Bat.

I looked through the pages. I saw a handwritten note.
Dear Kahlen,
I would definitely be interested in assessing your sister for inpatient treatment.

There was more to it than that, but the words 'inpatient treatment' stood out .... and then, 'Kahlen'. I was used to this - Yasmin and I would never be friends. Kahlen, as the middle child, swung between being on Yasmin's side and on my side. I would expect Yasmin to betray me like this, but not Kay.
"YASMIN! YOU BETRAYED ME!" shouted the girl at the other side of the table. "You .... you want to put me .... into REHAB!?"
I took her letter, and compared it with mine. Same handwriting, same signature, Cheryl somebody. Obviously a Bedlam-type place where they treat all addicts. I decided to be a smartass about it. "Well, at least you won't be alone. You'll be spending time with me, Judas!"
"I'm sorry, Regan. I was only trying to help!"
"So you were trying to help - but when you get a similar letter, Yasmin betrayed you? Kettle pot teamaker!"
"All rockstars do drugs. It's NORMAL. And there's a reason they're called recreational drugs - they're FUN. How can making yourself shit your guts out because you're afraid of getting fat be normal or fun? And you've been barfing WAY longer than I've been smoking pot. You're fucked up."

Maybe I am, but not as bad as her. Or the same, or worse .... I don't even know any more.

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