DAY DREAM- LIVE PERFORMANCEThe screen is black when we hear the voice of Radios ex-boyfriend,
Frank, in a sweet tone of voice saying, “ you need rest sweetheart..” The opening stage is shown with smoke lathing all over the stage as the fallen white glitter is seen on the screen on stage. Seconds later, a group of small girls all run together, hand to hand, spinning in circles as they white dresses flows among the fans that are centered on the front of the stage. They all begin to showcase happiness and fun as the smoke covers their lower bodies. They continue to spin to the camera hovering over their heads as they look up and smile. Radio suddenly rises from the bottom of the side to the platform that sits in the center of the stage.
The small girls runs off stage to three background singers walks out on stage and walks over to their mark positions for the performance. The interlude for ‘
Day Dream’ creeps up on the audience. Radio and the background singers all open their arms widely as if they are accepting the energy and love on stage. Radio looks scared as she looks around, looking confused. The instrumental comes to a stop to a video beginning to play on the black screen.
Radio is seen laying in a bed with white sheets, the sheet covers her naked body. She looks up to the camera then closes her eyes slowly. Flashbacks of all performances during the Yankee performances all rewind backwards from Sweet Tea to Peace Knockers. Smoke then covers both sides of the bed, raising to her stilled body. Radio eyes remain closed. Radio opens her eyes a few seconds later. A voice is heard,
“ wake up Radio... we need you.. wake up” sounding hopeless and desperate for her attention. The smoke then disappears to Radio closing her eyes again. Her body looks cold. The video ends to Radio standing on stage, stage dark in a long ruffled robe.
She grabs the mic, closing her eyes as the instrumental begins to play in the darken stage. A dimmed light shines in between Radio as she takes a deep breath in the mic. She begins to sing in a low D2 note, more deeper then her original vocal track. It’s based on a sweet and angelic falsetto that she switches back and forth from her falsetto in her head voice to the deep D2 note arrangement.
Sell me away
To my dreams
Make them feel
So real
Sell me away
To my dreams
Make them
Like day dreamsShe opens her eyes, while maintaining the strength of the last note. She repeats, “ like a day dream, diving away..” as she slowly takes off her robe revealing her short blue ruffled dress with loud blue eye makeup. A spotlight from the top of the stage shines peacefully on top of her. The robe drops behind her. Vocally, she starts to carry her falsetto for the first verse, mixing her chest note with a short head voice that contains her strong timbre that awakes her high and powerful falsetto. Belting towards the end of the verse, adding her soulful runs between the lines of the verse.
Head in the clouds
So high
Everything is clearer
[everything is clearer now]
This time
I can feel the presence around me
[this time oooooooo]
It’s creations that only my mind sees
[my mind se-eeeeeeee, oooooooo]The background singers all begin to walk into the blue light that only focuses on the back of the stage, you can only see the body figures of the women and not their faces. They all slowly walk on stage, walking in front of the mic as they all join in with Radio to sing the pre chorus. The female vocals adds this heavily awaking sound to the arrangement, all allowing their chest notes to be fuller and louder as Radio belts over them with power. Radio walks off the platform on stage for the pre chorus.
If I could live in this world
I will call it my world
The world no ones knows
The world that never showsShe directs the mic towards the audience that no one is in. The camera directs itself to the fields of the stadium where it’s filled with small children all standing there, they all join in the pre chorus along with the Radio and the backup singers.
If I could live in this world
I will call it my world
The world no ones knows
The world that never showsThe children begin to walk slowly towards the front of the stage as Radio then looks sadden by the destroyed dreams of the children. She takes a moment to take everything in like a dream to the smoke aggressively coming from both ends of the stage. The top lights on the stage begin to dim just a bit. The stage is more dark then before with just a small light that is focused on Radio. The backup singers remain in the blue light on the back of the stage. Radio begins to sing again as the instrumental continues to go. Her voice is broken with emotion as she sings low, her voice sounds weaken by the visuals of the children walking towards the stage.
Day to day
Hey hey hey
To reality
Slipp-ing away
Day to day
Sippin- away
In the mist of the day She then remembers the times of her in her head about her life, the vision in her mind about Frank and her childhood begins to come into play as she confidently belts out the chorus again
Day to day
Hey hey hey
To reality
Slipp-ing away
Day to day
Sippin- away
In the mist of the day The children are now in the front of the stage on the fields all looking at Radio with curiosity and fear. The instrumental breaks down only hearing the instruments of the instrumental playing. She takes her vocals to a more warmer tone with her falsetto. She repeats the chorus one last time.
Day to day
Hey hey hey
To reality
Slipp-ing away
Day to day
Sippin- away
In the mist of the day In the middle of the chorus, a light that’s filled with sprinkles and glitter projects from the top of the stage. It starts to go in circles as Radio looks out to the field to the children now all lined up like a cult. The video from the beginning of the performance starts to loop over and over again with the small voice telling Radio to wake up. Radio vocally becomes easy and sweet with her mid tempo vocal style along with the arrangement of the instrumental.
In a daze
In a maze
Daze daze
In a maze
In a daze
Make my memory come my way The video then only loops to radio closing her eyes like in the beginning to the smoke raising up towards her lifeless body. Radio walks to the middle of the spinning sprinkle/glitter circle. She begins to the spin slowly as she sings along with the Temptations. Her pitch of her vocal matches the lead singer of the group. She adds her airy vocals as she spins slowly with her body looking into the camera.
Just my imagination
Runnin away with me
It was just my imagination
Runnin away with meThe glitter/sprinkle circle continues to spin with Radio in the middle of it. The video in the background stops just moments before Radio opens her eyes at the beginning. We can only see her eyelids. She continues to spin singing in a low register,
“ it was just my imagin-ation, runnin away with me. Oooooo, it was just my imagination, oh, running away with me.. it was just my imagination. Runnin away with me..” she continues to the spin as the Day Dream instrumental is heard with no vocals. Radio smirks at the camera then looking up to the glitter as particles of glitter then falls slowly on her face.

The video resumes to Radio opening her eyes slowly. The video also shows glitter falling on her face in the bed, covering the white sheets with black glitter. The Temptations voice sample of Imagination starts to play again on stage as Radio begins to walk into the blue light
. “ it was just my imagination.. running away with me..” she fades into the blue light, only seeing her body figure from the audience.

The spinning circle of sprinkle and glitter is continues to the small girls that were on the fields all joining hands spinning together in circles as the glitter all falls upon their bodies. The small voice is heard again, “
Radio, wake up. Wake up Radio..” the girls continue to sing to the video showing Radio opening her eyes in a loop, replaying over and over again. The circle then stops. The small girls all stop running in circles
as a distortion voice is heard, “ Radio wake up..” seconds later? The video shows Radio opening her eyes and looking lost. She looks around, hopeless as she looks up to the camera, one tear falls from her eyes. The camera then shows the figure of Radio standing in one spot in the blue light. The performance ends.
Day Dream: