Artist(s): Layla, Joshua Grimmie
Title: Forbidden Honey
Running time: 11:03
Director: Diane Martel

The video opens with a beauty shot of Layla leaning against a will in a darkened room with the early morning sun peering in. Her name appears on screen in her respective font. Sounds of nature such as the buzzing of bee (a nod to the "honey" reference within the song), birds tweeting and waves crashing can be softly heard in the background. The whooshing of water amplified as it switches to Joshua, who is stood with his back to the camera next to a motorcycle as he looks out onto a large lake while the sun rises. The ambient sounds abruptly stop and the screen cuts to a black title card with "Forbidden Honey" emblazoned across it followed by a Parental Advisory logo, informing the viewers of explicit content ahead.

The ferocious crashing of waves dramatically return without warning after the few seconds of silence. It plays over a montage of intimate moments between Layla and Joshua's characters. Overlaying clips of the pair kissing and embracing each other play before frantically speeding up. Their figures in each tender scene back away from each other at high speed as if a tape is being rewound.

It is now a little later in the morning with the sun fully blossoming. Layla is seen entering the kitchen of a diner through the back door, adjusting her apron before throwing her hair up into a ponytail. The cluttering of pots, sizzling of fried food and the booming voice of a male manager yelling;
"Bacon and eggs for table 7!". Layla doesn't look all that eager to be at her place of work, only breaking her tired expression to briefly smile at a co-worker she passes.
"Table 2 needs service, Layla". The same disembodied male voice can be heard out of shot. Layla closes her eyes and sighs audibly before making her way out to the main floor.

Snapping into character for the customers, Layla paints a huge smile and cheerfully bounces over to the three women sat in the booth.
Layla: "Hello, I'm Layla. I'll be your waitress this morning. Do you ladies know what you're ordering?"As the first woman begins to speak, her voice and all other background noise becomes muffled before fading out altogether as Layla turns and clocks Joshua sat in the next booth over, all on his own and gazing at her. It's evident by her reaction that she wasn't expecting to see him and, through the awkward gazes, his presence may not exactly be welcome. This idea is cemented when a soft smile appears on Joshua's face and Layla bluntly turns her head to focus on her customers.
We then cut to Layla placing her pen and pad down at the counter, standing in between two barstools as she talks to another waitress who is cleaning glasses.
Layla: "Shawna, can you please deal with table 3? I am not about to get fired for that guy."
Shawna: "The tall, dark and handsome guy who pulled up here on a motorcycle?"
Layla: "I suppose that's one of the nicest ways to describe him."
Shawna: "Girl, wait. Is he the guy that's had you in a funk for the last...I don't know...eternity?"
Layla: "Shawna..."
Shawna: "OK, OK. Say no more. I got you."
Layla: "Thank you. You're an angel. Just make sure I don't have to deal with his table and if he asks for me personally...I'm...I'm doing a sponsored silence."
Shawna: "Ooh, honey. You sure have a lot of stuff you need to sort out but don't worry. Message received. Treat him mean."Layla smiles and picks up her notepad, swiftly turning around with a swing of her ponytail as she resumes her work.

The soft and now-iconic guitar chords at the beginning of the song begin to play as Layla walks through the diner. As she passes Joshua, he reaches his hand out in an attempt to catch her attention. Layla continues to walk on by. As the opening lines are heard, a defeated Joshua slumps in his booth while Layla turns to give him one more look. As the verse progresses, we switch between the present day, frosty breakfast diner scenario and a flashback to when the pair were in a much happier place together. The interspersed clips show Layla and Joshua dancing together at a party in front of what appears to be family and close friends. It seems like a serious affair, with the couple being embraced and lauded as the centre attention around everyone else in the scene. The get-together is also taking place in someone's home, suggesting an even more intimate vibe as opposed to what a club or bar could ever offer. Meanwhile, in the present day scenario, Shawna is seen to be keeping her word and servicing Joshua's table while Layla remains aloof.
This big city's too rough without you
And the cold air is far from forgiving
Tripped before I even planned my move
Dice got lost but I still think I'm winning
We really shouldn't be here
Only gonna get hurt in the end
Wrapped around you on the back of your bike
Hope we catch red lights on the way home
Something real beautiful about the dark nights
Intensified when I have you to hold
Oh, we really shouldn't be here
But let's keep on playing pretend

Throughout the pre-chorus and the chorus itself, the stark contrast between the flashbacks and the current scenario intensifies. Joshua continues to watch Layla every time she comes into his line of sight. The cold shoulder is nothing like the heat and passion of the clips that are now cutting through. We see Joshua and Layla in the stairwell of a club, under pink and purple lighting and in the same attire as shown on the artwork for the single. The pair passionately kiss and pull one another closer, with Layla eventually hooking her legs around Joshua's waist as he lifts her up and presses her against the wall. Meanwhile, current day Layla is shown in the dank, grey washroom of the diner. Her hands are on the sink as she stares into the mirror, focusing on her breathing as she tries to compose herself. It briefly flashes back to the pair in the club, with Joshua resting his forehead against hers. In the present day scenario, we now see Layla sat on a bench out back, playing with the bottom of her overalls whilst looking disheartened. Joshua glumly throws down the money to pay his bill, picks up his leather jacket and leaves.
Said we wouldn't get in too deep
The strings we said we'd never attach?
Well they keep me tethered to your reach
And I'm sure that I'm gonna regret that
But I wouldn't turn the time back
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet
After the chorus plays, the music fades out once again as Shawna joins Layla on the bench behind the diner, comforting her friend and colleague. They discuss Joshua's departure and Layla's current feelings towards him. Even though she initially put up a standoffish front, it quickly becomes apparent she still has a lot of loving feelings for him. The heartfelt conversation between the waitresses has some humour injected throughout but the sentiment still remains.
Shawna: "He barely touched his food but he's gone now. Does that make you feel better?"
Layla: "Nope."
Shawna: "Ooh, he's got you all kinds of fucked up, huh?"
Layla: "That sounds about right."
Shawna: "You know he's a fool if he doesn't claim you, right? You should also know that you're a fool if you keep hanging on. You don't stay perky forever."
Layla: "Oh my God..."
Shawna: "Look, it's clear he has you feeling some kind of way. He's cute. He made you happy. Had you in some funk since he dipped. I'm sure both of you want to be happy again. Why don't you both drop the high school stuff and talk?"
Layla: "It's just...we're good together. So good together. When I'm with him, it feels like everything is right in the world. It feels like we're unstoppable. Untouchable. Nothing can shake us. We're all that we need. Then he goes and flakes on me time and time again. I think we're making progress, he presents like he's on top of the world, I have zero suspicions and then...he goes cold. I'm tired of being blindsided. Tired of having to get over him just to get back with him again.
Shawna: "What a gorgeous asshole he is."
Layla: "Yup! I just wish I had it in me to actually hate him. That'd make things much easier."

Shawna hugs Layla just before Joshua's verse starts. As his voice is heard, it cuts to him mounting his motorcycle and giving the diner one last look. To Joshua, Layla is over the situation and pissed at him for his actions. Rightfully so. However, he has no idea that through the brave face, she too is feeling rather dismayed around the back of the building. As his verses progress, Joshua rides his motorcycle down the freeway at his speed. As the camera follows and picks up road signs and buildings, it's now evident that this is set in Miami. With the ardent look in his eyes and speed of acceleration, it's difficult to tell if Joshua is setting off home or about to do something stupid on his bike.
Contorted inside a web of complications
Didn't want to drag you down to the depth
But I've never won a battle against temptation
Saccharine waters, way in over my head
Tried my best to stay clear
But, damn, here we go again
I knew that it was playing with fire
We'll only walk away broken and burnt out
Do I suppress what the heart desires?
Or smother the little voices of doubt?
God, we really shouldn't be here
We both know how this one ends

As Joshua rides away, we switch back to the past yet again. This time, rather than short, chopped up clips, we linger under the pink lights with the couple for a while longer. As the pre-chorus plays, Joshua and Layla begin to dance together yet again. Unlike the movements they were making together during the family gathering scenes, this dance is far more sensual and intimate. Joshua delicately kisses on Layla's neck as he stands behind her whilst she seductively leans back into him, tilting her head upward to allow easier access for his lips. The camera pans from Layla's waist, focusing on Joshua's fingertips as they caress her body upwards and over her breasts. It then cuts to Layla up against the wall once more but rather than the teasing, gentle nature of before, things are far more explicit this time around. Although the camera is set and focused on their shoulders upwards, the heated expressions upon their faces as well as the thrusting motions tied in with Layla tilting her head back suggest something far more intimate is going on below. A panoramic sweep of Miami is then shown in a time lapse as the sun sets, switching to night.
Said we wouldn't get in too deep
The strings we said we'd never attach?
Well they keep me tethered to your reach
And I'm sure that I'm gonna regret that
But I wouldn't turn the time back
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet
After the chorus, the music subsides again. Layla has now clocked out and is leaving the diner through the back door. As the camera pans, Joshua is revealed, sitting on the bench where Layla and Shawna had a heart to heart earlier in the day. Glad to get out of there, Layla is focused on making her way home and doesn't even notice her on-and-off-again lover sat behind her. Even when he calls her name, she does not seem surprised. She continues walking, not even bothering to look back as she dismisses him. It's only when Joshua catches up to her and takes hold of her arm that Layla finally turns around to properly acknowledge him. This is when she finally erupts, getting all her grievances off her chest. A scolded Joshua looks down at the ground, nodding along as he takes in her words which are very true. He finally owns up and takes some accountability but Layla doesn't give in too easily. She continues with her hardened front, so not to seem as that invested and easily won over. Even at the prospect of hitching a free ride home and spending some time in his company, Layla still proceeds to act a little detached so not to make him feel like he's in control.
Joshua: "Hey!"
Layla: "No."
Joshua: "Wait!"
Layla: "What?!"
Joshua: "I just...I just had to see you."
Layla: "Oh my God, I can't keep doing this!"
Joshua: "I know we said that we would stop seeing each other but..."
Layla: "No, YOU said that. YOU always flake on me and pull the rug from under my feet. I think we're going some place and then, whoosh! Off you go running for the hills and I just have to deal with it. I am TIRED of picking myself up off the floor each and every time. You end things and I get clobbered. I uphold my end of the deal, stay away and somehow I'm clobbered yet again. To show up at my work like that?! Oh my GOD, you can just be"
Joshua: "I know, I know. I'm an asshole. I'm all the names under the sun and more. I'm an idiot. I'm a coward. I...get scared of my own feelings and the idea of fucking things up with you. Then I go and purposely fuck things up anyway and you hate me so..."
Layla: "As if I could ever hate you. You know I can't so don't play that card."
Joshua: "Wouldn't blame you if you did. God knows, I deserve it. Are you still at the motel?"
Layla: "Yeah. Why?"
Joshua: "Let me give you a ride back. Much better than the night bus."
Layla: "Oh, I don't know. I sort of like the thrill of the creeper lottery."
Joshua: "Come on, I can get you there safe and a whole lot quicker. We"
Layla: "Talk?"
Joshua: "Talk."
Unlike her stubborn stance in the last scene, we now see Layla smiling gleefully as she sits on the back of Joshua's bike, arms around his waist and the wind blowing through her hair. The song is still not audible. Instead, we hear the heavy revving of the motorcycle's engine alongside the whooshing of vehicles as they drive on past in the cool, dark Miami night.

The music returns for the bridge of the song and we now see Layla and Joshua in her motel room. It is now even later in the night, set after the serious talk they promised one another. Layla is now in more relaxed attire and the couple seem far more comfortable. It's clear that the talk went well and they reconciled due to the slow removal of Joshua's clothes. He sits on the bed, removing his tee while Layla remains standing over him, exerting a more dominating power this time around. She slowly walks over to Joshua, who is perched on the edge of the bed, all eager in the eyes. As he goes to stand up, Layla reaches out and puts a hand on his bare chest, pushing him back down. She then climbs onto the bed, straddling around his waist and running her hands through his chocolate brown curls as they look into each other's eyes.
We don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurt
We don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurt
We don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurt
We don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurt

After the bridge, the music subsides once more. An external shot of the hotel is shown with Joshua's bike parked up outside. The sound of crickets fill an otherwise dead of night silence. We cut back to the room to see both Joshua and Layla now standing in front of one another. The shots used really showcase the height difference between the pair as Joshua towers over her at 6'3. The pair give each other a multitude of short and sweet little kisses before Layla places her hands on Joshua's bare chest, catching her breath as she looks up into his eyes.
Layla: "No more games?"As she asks the question, Layla's hands run from Joshua's chest up to and around his neck, playing with the back of his hair. Joshua vehemently shakes his head and cups the side of Layla's face, using his thumb to gently brush over her cheek.
Joshua: "No more fucking games."After his bluntly honest promise, a sly smirk spreads across Joshua's face. He bites on his bottom lip before swiftly picking Layla up. She lets out a little squeal as he turns around and throws her onto the bed.

An extended looping of the guitar chords heard at the beginning of the song slowly fade in, becoming more prominent with each passing second. This piece of music isn't in the official recording and is instead being used to soundtrack a very intimate scene. Layla lays across the bed horizontally as Joshua climbs on top of her, getting into place between her open legs. He begins to kiss on her delicate neck, moving down to her collarbone and chest area while she grips onto his hair with one hand as her other rests on his bare shoulder blade. The camera focuses on Joshua's left hand which is tenderly trailing up Layla's exposed thigh. It ventures further and further before cutting away to show the pleasurable expression on Layla's face. She tilts back her head and bites onto her lip. While not shown, it can be easily assumed what his hand is doing.
As the guitar continues to strum, an aerial view of the couple on their bed is shown. Layla runs her hands, almost scratching down Joshua's bare back before pulling onto the waistband of his jeans. The camera positioning returns to their waists again, revealing the most explicit shot thus far. Layla pulls down Joshua's jeans at the back, showing off his branded white Calvin Klein boxers. This is subtle product placement as Joshua has a deal with the company. Layla then uses her thumbs to pull down his underwear, revealing Joshua's bare backside. It is only shown for a few seconds before the view is obstructed by Layla hooking her thigh around him.
The scene then focuses on their side profiles, staring into each other's eyes intently. Layla's jaw drops after the pair make a jolting motion. Again, nothing below the waist is shown but there's no denying what just happened.

The chorus, now sang in unison by Layla and Joshua, returns once again and it is now the next morning. Layla poses seductively against the wall across the room in full view of Joshua for his benefit. It is the exact same darkened room setup as the very first shot of Layla in the opening of the video. She slides down the wall, dancing and teasing with a mischievous grin. Meanwhile, Joshua lays shirtless on the bed, hands behind his head as he enjoys the show. Layla then jokingly pulls open the blinds, hitting Joshua in the face with direct sunlight. After adjusting his eyes, he looks up to see her silhouette seductively moving in front of the bright sun. Her shadowy figure moving her hands up and over her chest and into her hair. Joshua smiles gleefully and slowly stands up to join her.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet

When the chorus repeats for the second and last time, however, the mood is very much different. Far from the playful and sensual vibe between the pair. Joshua is seen mounting his motorbike once again but rather than taking Layla to work, he appears to be preparing to ride solo. He looks back but we see nothing but a closed motel door. He rides off out of the parking lot and out of frame. We then cut to Layla, riding on a rather bleak looking bus with her head resting against the window, looking disheartened yet again. It then switches back to Joshua angrily kicking dirt and inaudibly yelling around the lake he was first seen at in the opening titles. A close-up of him looking out over the lake with a tear strolling down his face is shown. The sun reflects and amplifies his chocolate brown eyes as well as the tears. We then flip back to Layla, who is in a similarly devastated state of mind. Standing next to a dreary, steamed up window in the kitchen, she then begins to sob and holds her head in her hands. Her friend Shawn then steps into frame, putting her hands on Layla's shoulders to console her.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet
As the song ends, another sped-up and rewound montage of their time together plays. This time, however, it documents the events of the last 24 hours playing in reverse. Their time together has yet again been undone. The screen fades to black and the sound of a buzzing bee flying away is heard.