A low grumbling sound is heard throughout the arena, almost like it is emitting from some sort of underground machinery. The audience look around and chatter quietly amongst themselves, questioning where the sound may be coming from and if it's even part of the show. Suddenly, the screens above the stage turn a shockingly bright white with no warning and the rumblings stop. A spoon slowly comes into frame from the right hand side of the screen. The audience are still no clearer as to what is going on. A few seconds later, honey starts to trickle down onto the bowl of the spoon from an unseen bottle. The emphasis on the sweet, viscous substance gives more clues as the what is going on. Things are further clarified when the recorded voice of Joshua Grimmie is heard over the sound system throughout the venue. He speaks in a slow, clear and direct voice. It verges away from sounding like a PSA and more like that of a mind control spiel.
"Good evening. The person next to you has messed up. They have fallen weak at the knees. They have given in to temptation. Succumbed to a greater power. Everyone in this room has a secret. We all have our vices. We have all divulged in something that's gone against our better judgement. We all love something that's so bad for you yet feels so good. For some, it may be nasty little sweet tooth at play. Never satisfied until the bowl is licked clean. Others prefer harder stuff. Unoccupied fingers fidgeting during office hours, struggling to behave. Maybe after the long day at work, you'll be replacing the pen between your fingers with something else? You deserved it. Then, for some of us, there's lust. That forbidden honey just yearning to be tasted. Can natural instincts truly be switched off? We can pray not to be lead into temptation but how does a God view those whose addiction is to the sin?"The screens cut to black in a sharpish manner and silence falls over the arena once more. It's not long before the crowd soon erupt into screams and cheers as the darkened arena is slowly lit with hundreds of little golden-orange bulbs across the stage as well as a similar lights dotted around each level of the entire venue. The place looks as if it's filled with thousands of floating small candles, emitting a soft, warm glow throughout. A flickering wick appears on the screen before being completely shrouded by smoke.

A similar situation happens across the stage. A thick mist cloaks a large portion of the setup. As it subsides, the silhouette of Layla emerges from a raising platform under the stage. The crowd vehemently cheer for the now-solo star. She poses with her hands on her hips, her figure still darkened, as she listens to the applause and awaits her cue. Cheering only amplifies when the familiar guitar intro of the record-breaking hit "Forbidden Honey" begins to play. However, unlike the official release, no other musical elements besides the acoustic guitar and Layla's voice are heard. It's clear that she's going for a more stripped back sonic approach with this performance.
This big city's too rough without you
And the cold air is far from forgiving
Tripped before I even planned my move
Dice got lost but I still think I'm winning
We really shouldn't be here
Only gonna get hurt in the end
Moving onto the second verse, Layla seductively saunters down the catwalk stage. Her figure is still darkened, showing off her curvaceous body frame through her light, loose, white dress. The camera zooms out a little to further showcase the sheer amount of small lights scattered across the arena in the dark. It almost appears as if Layla is a floating Goddess within some otherworldly heavenly realm. The mid-tempo song doesn't allow for any extensive or energetic choreography but Layla still adds some flare, making great use of her hips and adding a lot of sex appeal as she struts and twirls down the stage as opposed to just simply walking. Her voice sounds confident, soulful and more matured from her girl band days.
Wrapped around you on the back of your bike
Hope we catch red lights on the way home
Something real beautiful about the dark nights
Intensified when I have you to hold
Oh, we really shouldn't be here
But let's keep on playing pretend
Sliding into the pre-chorus, Layla makes her way directly towards the main camera that's focusing on her. Now, she is fully illuminated and visible to the live crowd as well as the audience at home, who she is performing intimately to as she gives all of her attention to the lens of the camera. Layla does a half turn and sensually runs a finger through her hair, which she is wearing in her natural curled state, as she sings the words;
"tethered to your reach".
Said we wouldn't get in too deep
The strings we said we'd never attach?
Well they keep me tethered to your reach
And I'm sure that I'm gonna regret that
But I wouldn't turn the time back
More string elements can be heard playing as the song enters the chorus. It lifts production slightly but this version of "Forbidden Honey" still has a very understated sound. Layla backs away from the camera, allowing her dress some proper airtime in the correct lighting. The puffed sleeves, bejewelled chest area along with the crisp, virginal white seem like a nod to the dresses worn by classic Disney Princesses. However, the cuts within the dress and see-through material, add a modern day edge as well as a dash of sexual appeal and womanly power. As she continues serenading the camera during the chorus, the plethora of little bulbs begin to fade in and out, creating the effect of an even warmer, calmer glow.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet 
After finishing the chorus, a short instrumental piece plays which is not heard in the official release. As it does so, the camera moves backwards, leaving Layla a few paces behind downstage and reveals Joshua Grimmie. The crowd frantically whoop and shriek at the revelation. Joshua has fast become a modern-day icon within the music business after a very successful 2020 which saw him rack up acclaim and multiple hit records. He also put on a very controversial and jaw-dropping comeback performance at the last FCA. It's safe to say that his presence on the stage is very much welcomed and viewed in awe and anticipation. As he sings the first verse and plays the guitar, the production of the song picks up to the same tempo as the actual single. An unseen band at the back of the stage play the extra flourishes while Joshua holds down the main guitar chords.
Contorted inside a web of complications
Didn't want to drag you down to the depth
But I've never won a battle against temptation
Saccharine waters, way in over my head
Tried my best to stay clear
But, damn, here we go again
As Joshua continues to sing, it is apparent that he is not approaching the song with his usual vigour. He is often noted for having a very powerful voice and his performance style has always had a lot of flare, with a hint of chaos - manically thrashing on his guitars and using his wide vocal range to his advantage. Last year's FCA performance is testament to that. Even though "Forbidden Honey" is a far more subdued song sonically compared to a lot of Joshua's solo work, the official recording still has much more life to it than what he's giving. It's almost as if he's walking through the verses, barely even to add as much as a vibrato flourish.
I knew that it was playing with fire
We'll only walk away broken and burnt out
Do I suppress what the heart desires?
Or smother the little voices of doubt?
God, we really shouldn't be here
We both know how this one ends
His same detached energy continues into the pre-chorus. He still sounds "good", staying on key and having a naturally beautiful voice but there's no real fire or energy behind it, which is even more jarring when it's an extremely emotive and engaging performer like Joshua Grimmie being this disengaged. While Layla works the crowd behind her, seductively dancing and acknowledging the room, Joshua looks rather glum. He gazes off dead ahead and only forces a smile when the camera pans and is directly on his face. Joshua still looks as handsome and healthy as ever, with a nice tanned glow and arms that guys would kill for. Despite his sharp appearance, however, his eyes and voice tell a different story. At the end of the pre-chorus, Layla stand directly behind Joshua and sensually runs a hand from the back of his neck down to the base of his spine before twirling around and leaning back to back on him.
Said we wouldn't get in too deep
The strings we said we'd never attach?
Well they keep me tethered to your reach
And I'm sure that I'm gonna regret that
But I wouldn't turn the time back
Even though Joshua is still dominating the vocal line in the chorus just like in the actual song, Layla is singing in unison with him taking on a lighter and higher harmony. This isn't an element of the actual single. Whether or not it was planned or a last minute, spur of the moment decision by Layla, it's certainly welcome as it adds more "oomph" to the chorus. Even though Joshua has raised the projection of his voice, he's still not killing it like he usually would, still sounding and looking as if he'd rather be in a dentist's chair. Despite not giving it his all in terms of his voice and all-round energy, Joshua is a very gifted guitar player. It's all second nature to him so at least the instrumentation is still spot on. Layla is holding it down, fleshing out the sound of the chorus and adding a visual treat as she writhes up and down Joshua's back, seriously working it. Keeping up a higher, lighter and airy tone throughout the chorus just shows how well-developed and controlled Layla's voice is these days. It has grown with her.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet

Entering the back and forth bridge of the song, the camera slowly pans around the couple and Layla follows its motion, turning around and facing Joshua's back whilst placing a hand on his bare shoulder. Layla runs her hand down his exposed, muscular arm until she gets down to his wrist. Taking hold of it, she turns him around to face her. Joshua pulls his microphone off of the stand and slings his guitar around his waist, letting the backing band take over the music. They now stand face to face, riffing off of one another with each passing line. Perhaps the close interaction with Layla is helping with his confidence or mood as more life enters Joshua's voice. More soul and vibrato enters his delivery and there's a clear emotive connection as he works with Layla's lines.
We don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurtWe don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurtWe don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurtWe don't say that word, 'cause we know it'll hurt
There is a sudden brief silence within the music as Layla spins around and Joshua splays his legs apart. The hundreds of lights quickly flash a brighter glow before the music returns and they sing the chorus in unison. Layla slides down Joshua's frame, letting her free hand travel down his torso and then down the side of his leg as she moves further down, keeping it somewhat family friendly as there was another place she could have reached for. As Layla turns to face him, Joshua takes her free hand and they begin to dance together in a Tango-like manner - as much as wielding a guitar and microphones allows. It's the little routine from the hilarious fail video Layla posted two days prior. Fortunately, Joshua doesn't lose his grip this time and she refrains from meeting the floor. Her hair and dress flow with flare and finesse as she spins and twirls, finding her way back into a close embrace with Joshua. Layla is really performing with much gusto, really giving it her all with the dance while delivering great vocals. Joshua, however, just seems to stand there and only really make a movement when it is required.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for me
But honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet

For the final chorus, the camera starts to pan around the couple 360 degrees. Each spin gradually growing faster and faster, causing the multitude of lights to blur and making Layla and Joshua the only figures in focus. Similar to a concept in their much-lauded music video, it's as if time is rewinding and everything around the couple is unravelling. The more intense dancing subsides but the pair still sway together, with Joshua holding Layla around the waist while she tilts her head back onto him and reaches up to caress his neck. Unlike in the studio version of "Forbidden Honey", Joshua lowers his mic before the chorus ends and allows Layla to sing the final line, closing the song for everyone.
I crave the taste of this forbidden honey
Feels like I've got a damn dependency
I was never one to go and dance with danger
Now I'm strung out waiting on my favorite flavor
And I know that too much is no good for meBut honey's still honey and honey's oh so sweet
At the end of the performance, Layla swirls around and gazes upwards towards Joshua in a very close and intimate manner. The audience whistle and scream in delight at the cosy and close moment as it seems like the pair are just mere seconds away from kissing live on TV. A controversial move as Joshua is in a relationship with fellow singer, Dae Ho Park, not to mention that he and Layla are already ex-lovers. The singers continue to look longing at one another, letting the crowd dangle and speculate for a while longer. Layla then scrunches her face in a sweet and playful smile before innocently rubbing her nose against Joshua's, causing the audience to erupt in cheers and applause.