[After Naomi takes this final pose she throws the microphone in a distance, the crowd cheers, still going wild from the pervious performance. The camera's fade upward, and a dramatic instrumental is heard as Naomi looks into the camera as it faces a "look down" view. As Naomi looks up at the camera and the cinematic beat is heard of the sound system, it's clear that the track is transitioning. One of the dancers, the only dancer in view, pulls Naomi's top off to reveal a tight pink top, as he's doing this Naomi keeps looking up at the camera. He pulls the bottoms off as well, showing bright pink short shorts that match the top. Naomi also has on white sneakers. After her new outfit is shown, the stage lights up pink with diamond like shapes. Naomi runs her hands through her hair and the male dancers disappears out of view. After he is out of view, the track starts off with catchy beats, likened to UK bass. The beats ride in and slap, with heavy pulsating beats. Naomi has spoken words that she mouths as part of the opening to her new track, "Dreams" which includes inspirational words about following your dreams and to be who you wanna be.]
"You see me?
I had a dream....
It's your...
Turn now
Follow your dreams
Be who you wanna be..."
As the beats continues and the spoken, Naomi then puts both arms behind her and does a backflip! After the backflip, she jumps back up on all fours and twists, going into a split that looks both painful yet astonishing. The lights around the arena flicker along at the same time as the bass booming over the sound system of this dance/electronic record. After Naomi does this split, she crawls on the ground shaking her body and derrière as she makes it to her next spot as the beats continue to grow bigger, at this point, Naomi's dancers are closer to her, they find their position and her dancer pulls her up from the ground, Naomi arches her back as she steps up, further showing off her flexibility as she gets in position for the first performance of her extremely catchy new record. Her back up dancers passes her the microphone, and Naomi takes it with quickness as she starts to sing the opening lyrics of her new record, "Dreams". As she sings the first lines about dreaming big, it's clear that this is an inspirational record. As she sings the first parts of the song, Naomi, stomps to the beat in choreography which is more hard hitting than the previous performance, as this record has harder "punch" than the subtle but faced paced "The Rhythm". Naomi's voice sounds angelic over the beats as she hits each move with an ease. As she brings to hands to herself and spins her head around, she walks to the next position of the record, with the beats bumping.
Dream big
No one can tell you slow down
Go hard
No limit on what you could do
Give a go, don’t let go, don’t say no
Give it a try, don’t say goodbye, not tonight
Don’t let go of all your dreams
Go head and get your name up in lights
Money, glory, vanity, fame
Welcome to the real hunger games
Paparazzi, magazines
Life is never what it seemed
But I had to follow my dreams

Cause in your dreams, in your dreams
You can be, anything you wanna be
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
You can be, anything you wanna be
In your dreams, in your dreams
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
In your dreams, in your dreams
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
Follow your dreams, queen
When Naomi reaches her new spot, the beats continue to pick up, as she sings about money and the hunger games, she points out to the crowd as if she's speaking to the crowd about fame and life not being what it seemed, but it still didn't stop her from following her dreams. The hard beats continue and Naomi's dancers, move quickly but when they reach her they move around as if they are in the trance, which mixes well with the hypnotic sounds of a record that sounds both experimental but electronic as well. Naomi's light vocals stand out over the UK influenced beats. Looks focused and determined, mixing in with the song nature. The song reaches it's chorus and the group of dancers break into a 36 count high level dance performance. That seems them hit moves at a fast pace, the record really makes you want to dance and feel inspired! The lights continue to change as Naomi dances and sings for the chorus, when the inspirational record hits the belting part, the dancers continue to dance and Naomi stops dancing to get the best out of the belting part of the record. After the chorus is heard, Naomi moves up to the fans and starts dancing, touching their hands as she sings about following your dreams, hoping to inspire those in the crowd a she sings about her own personal account of rejection.
I’ve been down and out
I’ve been forgotten, I’ve been rejected
Felt like I was nothin’
I’ve tried hard and failed
But I got back up
And now I’m onstage
Tearin' it up
So don’t let go
Cause you and me we both know
Is right we're you're headed
So give it a go, don’t say no
Don't let the haters, stop your flow
Don't let em know, don't let em know
That soon you're bout to blow
So don’t say goodbye
Don’t let go of all your dreams, tonight
Go head and get your name up in lights
As she continues on into the next verse, after sharing a moment with the fans Naomi makes it back to the center stage. Her dancers come around her once more, being placed with one another as they dance together as pairs. Some boys are paired up with boys, some with guys and girls and some both being girls. They break into a partnering dance, the cameras zoom into see Naomi dancing with her partner, she has her fans on her face, as if she's having the time of her life. The dancers that are standing vertically, drop down on the ground, as does Naomi's dance partner. He jumps down and Naomi steps over him as Naomi sings "Don't Let Go", she pushes his head away and he gets up again and doesn't let go, Naomi looks at him and twirls around, as does the other dancers do as well. When Naomi gets to the last line she sings out "Go head and get your name up in lights " she points to the big lights of the Fan Choice Awards, as if she's speaking to others, wanting them to feel inspired to go out and achieve anything they want to achieve.

Money, glory, vanity, fame
Welcome to the real hunger games
Paparazzi, magazines
Life is never what it seemed
But I had to follow my dreams
Cause in your dreams, in your dreams
You can be, anything you wanna be
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
You can be, anything you wanna be
In your dreams, in your dreams
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
In your dreams, in your dreams
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
As Naomi sings the pre-chorus, her and dancers find different spots on the stage as they break into another dance number to this dance heavy U.K bass number. The beats are continuous and there's simply no time to break, and Naomi truly has that come alive as the reaches the next chorus. All of her dancers are placed behind her, Naomi throws one hand up, as the other is being used for singing. Naomi flips her hair down then spins her head in a dutty wine style, along with her dancers for this chorus. She takes one hand and places it on her shoulder and shimmies, then jumps down to ground and then back up. She twists her hand left to right, throws one arm out and dips down all in fast nature, to stay on key with the fast beats of the record. The choreography is definitely faced paced and looks like it took a lot of preparation to prepare steps at this pace, yet Naomi makes it looks so effortless. After the second chorus the beats slow down, Naomi's dancers surround her at the center stage.
Is this what we're looking for?
All of the anticipation
All pays off at this moment
Cause’ when the lights go down
And the music starts up
I step onstage and tear it up
And they’re screaming out the words that I’ve written
I’m thinking I’ve f-cking made it
There ain’t no way that I’m gonna fall
Follow your dreams, queen
Naomi's dancers all form a line down the circular at each part of the circular stage, when they reach, her two male dancers lift her up on their shoulders as she sings the lines of the bridhe, where she sings about making it finally and for others to follow their dreams. As she sings this she uses the other hand to raise up to the sky and she looks up and then back out at the crowd. When she raises her arm up slowly, her dancers do the same. The cameras move in closer to catch Naomi and then pan outward to see her other dancers positioned around the stage, as she sits on the shoulders of two of her main dancers who are also standing next to the troupe of dancers who all positions across the stage. They follow all of Naomi's movements as as she finishes off the final line before the chorus. When the chorus rises above, the two dancers who's shoulders Naomi's is sitting on, take their arms and throw her up, Naomi jumps and in front of them as the final chorus hits the sound system with a big punch as they revisit the choreography from the chorus, this time with their partners. Naomi falls down to the ground as part of the choreography and comes back up, hitting 5 more steps.

Cause in your dreams, in your dreams
You can be, anything you wanna be
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
You can be, anything you wanna be
In your dreams, in your dreams
You can see, you can see, anything that you wanna see
In your dreams, in your dreams
Make it a reality, you see it in me?
Follow your dreams, queen
Finally, all of her dancers are placed behind her, Naomi throws one hand up, while the other is being used for singing. Naomi flips her hair down then spins her head in a dutty wine style, along with her dancers for final chorus. She takes one hand and places it on her shoulder and shimmies, then jumps down to ground and then back up. She twists her hand left to right, throws one arm out and dips down in fast nature, to stay on key with the fast beats of the record. For the final lines of the record, Naomi hits the moves once more and then all of her dancers fall down and out of the view of the cameras, the song starts moving toward it's end, Naomi struts to her final line of the track and sings it before tossing the microphone and nodding her head, as the backing lights on the stage cut off. She nods one more time, with her eyes following the camera before she hits a final pose, this intense, entertaining performance comes to a stop as the cameras fade out and lights in the arena dim to black.
Setlist0. Intro
1. "The Rhythem"
2. "Dreams" Intro + Solo Dance Break
3. "Dreams"
"Dreams" soundalike