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Offline erich hess  
#8841 Posted : 08 January 2022 11:20:02(UTC)
erich hess
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"fucking republicans. "erich mutters and takes a drink of a beer. its someone's beer. it certainly didnt start out as his,but it is his now. "liked chuck a lot better when i just knew him as a game show guy." erich sneers. if the modern age has taught erich one thing,its the limits of separating the art from the artist. he did wonder how many folks out there did the same thing with him.

chloe listens to micah speak,her eyes look to him and try to figure out just how old he is. he sounds fairly young. but chloe also looks far younger than she actually is. there is something to be said for having a baby face for sure. from his tone,she does assume she is slightly older. "and before you know it? you will be an old fucker with no hair or time left." she tells micah simply. he gave the air of inexperience off in buckets. which certainly made him the odd one out here. "time only moves forward,you know." she tells him with a little smile and small pat on his knee. she did wonder just how he came to be here. he was far more gentle than...well,even dustyn. she smiles when micah doesnt elaborate about the stereotype. it was a refreshing change from hearing that every fellow that he had something special that could rival anything at a zoo. at the revelation that he is single.she merely smiles and looks out the window. "join the club. i think we are getting matching jackets made this weekend....the time period.not the band." she giggles,motioning towards the others in the house. there was a time when she dated someone from a long forgotten metal band,but that was ages ago.it just wasnt something that presented itself usually. it isnt like being the drummer from a punk rock band got her into the areas to hobknob with the rest of the industry.

"oh. so you dont want to chase people down the street with a sword cane while off your head on outdated drugs?! fine,be that way scott. nobody will like you when you grow up." he smiles to scott and hands him some of the tamer substance. at the moment,it really is just relaxing erich. it doesnt offer the instant kick that heroin does. which makes it far more appealing.

dallas repeats the gesture to the slight hair on dustyn's face. "hopefully not too good. i dont want to get that urge to get the band back together. changed phones and lost kellin's number."

erich returns the hug and squeezes dustyn. it may have been the pill he took earlier,but the hug feels amazing. just pure warmth and love. "you are soooo welcome,dust. thanks so much for having me here. this place is so much cuter than the london place." erich says,clearly feeling it."oh i insist on helping you. what do you do if this delivery person is weird? it'll take both of us to throw them in the pantry until they are safe to be around." erich states as if this is a completely normal train of thought.

chloe is in the middle of packing the glass bowl she has for them to smoke out of when micah tells her about his relation to erich. gone was the the rather sensible demeanor she had until this point. she ends up dropping the pipe on the floor where it bounces once. "qu'est-ce que c'est ?!" she exclaims and nearly falls down. chloe staggers as she picks up the pipe and points out the door as they walk. while the grounds may be impressive. she finds it all a bit much. much like the castles that karoliena and erica reside in. why would anyone want to live in something that could double as a resort? it was silly. "not here and now!" she exclaims to micah's fuck me. chloe looks out at the sea and the distant lights of the duke. she hands micah the pipe and her lighter. "if you do not partake, that is fine." she says with a little shrug. she wasnt sure how to address the father thing. was his mother someone she would know? no...she would know if that were the case. "my god.i am old enough to be your mother." chloe says softly. "do not smoke that! do you not know what it will do to you?! " she says in a very motherly way
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#8842 Posted : 08 January 2022 21:51:25(UTC)
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"Maybe just track down the other members instead?" Dustyn smirks and widens his eyes, giving a knowing head tilt towards Dallas. Kellin and Dustyn didn't see eye to eye. They don't talk about it as it's a bit of a sore topic. Kellin and Dallas go way back. He and Dustyn just couldn't get along despite no matter how hard they tried.

Dustyn gives the best hugs. He's a warm and loving person and will strike down the first person who claims that he isn't. He has enough love and affection to give everyone. Besides Cher. "You're soooo welcome! I'll give you a proper tour later. Got so much to catch up on too. Hope this is the first of many visits, Mr." Dustyn enjoys the company of people in general but when it's ones he loves, he's the happiest little Irishman in all the land. Tonight's going to be wonderful and one to remember. When Erich favourably compares this home to the previous one, he nods and looks up at the tall ceilings as they begin to walk into the main hall. "Yeah, we're so happy here. London was...well, it was London. Even though it was the first home I owned, it's here I feel most accomplished and proud of. London was just very, I don't know, clinical? Like a holding spot. I was there because of work, not because I wanted to be. Here? Here's home." There was certainly no taking Ireland out of the boy. This new home is a true reflection of his accomplishments in the industry and as a family man. "Oh, I hate answering the door sometimes. Even though they're nice, you often get people wanting a picture. Kinda awkward when you're in your pyjamas and have bed hair."

En route to the door, Dustyn's ginger cat lays on the bottom step of a huge staircase, looking very relaxed and content, eyes closed and tail very gently swaying. Dustyn places a hand on his heart as he clocks the kitty. "Aw, just look at my little Jaffa. So precious." The cat briefly opens his eyes to look at Dustyn and Erich before closing them again, clearly having better things to do with his time.

"That's...usually the reaction I get, yeah." Micah laughs at Chloe's stunned response to the news he's actually Erich's son. At first, Micah didn't like to tell people. Nothing to do with Erich himself, just the fact that he couldn't handle the attention and zealous response. Micah's a very low-key, centred person. Being the son of a celebrity, a wild and controversial one at that, it was a shock to the system and something that took a lot of adjusting to. Now, he doesn't care and is more than happy to answer any questions. "We only recently learned of each other's existence." Micah pretty much sums up the whole 'whoops! / long lost son' scenario without actually having to say much. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to sound...uh..." Micah nervously laughs, running a hand through his hair. Most people wouldn't think twice about the expletive but Micah can be rather sensitive and assumes other people are too. Chloe's softness factor is somewhat reduced in Micah's eyes though as she hands him the pipe and lighter. "I..." Micah looks down at the foreign objects then back at Chloe. "I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never done...this...anything..." Micah chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. He's wet behind the ears to this world and thinks it's best to be upfront about his inexperience rather than try to look cool and end up looking like a moron when he smokes the wrong end or something.




Offline erich hess  
#8843 Posted : 09 January 2022 14:54:12(UTC)
erich hess
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"fuck em. the phone works both ways." dallas says simply. he had really just accepted that period in his life was over. he couldnt see working with new people..or even the same people. too much time had passed. besides,he had made his mark on pop culture. he didnt want to get greedy. staying home taking care of his husband,children,and cats. that was a luxury and he basked in every moment of it.

"cant have a house tour on an empty stomach. especially one as vast as this." erich replies to dustyn with a satisfied nod. the one thing that is hard to get used to after living on a ship is the rather small scale of most homes. even the typical mansion seemed cramped to the some of the areas of the duke. " we'll see. i imagine it wont be the last time im here to see you guys." erich says to dustyn. if there is one thing erich rarely deals in,its certainties. most things are usually said with the caveat of should or might. it is just the way he did things. erich nods along with dustyn as he understand perfectly. " totally get it. same reason why i never could be in new york to live. yeah,i know some people love it and really fall in to it's character. but me? always felt like an outsider. like the very concrete knew i didnt belong. now the open sea? that is where i thrive." much like how dustyn belonged in ireland,erich felt the sea is where he belonged. he didnt truly connect with many people. he hated the confines of polite society. it was the sea or some tiny cabin in the woods like the uni-bomber. "get a ship,you'll never have to answer the door again. if you do get a knock at the door out there,dont open it. it's probably some god damned pirates!" erich smirks as he prepares to do the door answering. its not like anyone would recognize him. he had the rather selective level of fame. most of the general public had no clue who he was. dustyn may not want anyone to know he lives here.

"oh,are we boring you? fucking cat." erich laughs at the sleeping cat. he loved cats and their lack of urge to please. he respected them. he couldnt respect dogs in the slightest. he liked dogs well enough to ooh and ah at particularly cute ones. for instance, he loved mariko's wiener dog. but hed never own a dog of his own.

chloe looks at micah for a little while. looking to see if she could see any real resemblance to erich. she really couldnt. she had never seen erich's youngest son,dean,but she assumed he didnt look anything like erich either. "i can imagine so..i mean...its a little strange." chloe starts and looks back to the ocean before hopping up to sit on the stone railing. the cold stone quickly made it's way through her trousers and to her butt. christ,ireland is cold. given micah's age,it was possible chloe had known his mother. maybe. for all she knew it was a one and done thing. its not like she paid much attention to erich's liaisons from at least 18 years ago. "frankly,i am surprised you are the only one." she finally says. "those were indeed wild days. one is young and it so hard to say no to people who want you." she sums up with a little shrug. she had sussed exactly what the circumstances behind micahs creation was. she knew that anywhere close to the time where micah could have been born,erich did not have an actual girlfriend...well,maybe erica. she looks to micah when he seems to apologize for bad language. " i am not fragile,you know. sometimes one needs to put a good fuck in a sentence,i will not judge. perhaps just say it in french so it sounds high brow." she suggests with a little smirk. chloe looks at the pipe and then to micah and shrugs. " you know what? its a terrible habit. never start." she states before lighting up and taking a very relaxing puff. "fucking ironic that erich hess' son has never even smoked weed." she says very amused while blowing the smoke up and away from micah. she wasnt going to offer him any again. she did not want to seem like she was pressuring this...well,rather inexperienced young man into doing anything. if it wasnt for him,well then it wasnt for him. "i'm going to finish this.but i dont want to be out here by myself. so please stay." she asks of micah. its dark. its ireland. it could be haunted.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#8844 Posted : 09 January 2022 16:18:11(UTC)
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"Don't envy Dallas and the cleaning he has to do." Dustyn giggles and looks up at the high ceilings, taking in how grand this place is. If Dustyn's writing, performing, touring and running a record label, the least Dallas can do is vacuum and polish. "Oh, you definitely have to come back. The boys will want to see you." Koa may be an infant but Shay definitely enjoys Erich's company and will be bummed to learn he was over in his absence. Dustyn's aware of Erich's preference to be at sea, often going long periods of time without seeing him but when he can, he grabs the chance to have him over in the flesh. "Who would've thought I'd be back in Ireland? Spent so long running away from here. Odd." The smile on his face soon turns into an expression of fear when Erich brings up the idea of hearing a knock at the door while at sea. "Pirates makes more sense but my mind immediately went to some creepy sea ghost bitch who does NOT look 18." Dustyn does have a rather active imagination.

Dustyn opens the door but positions himself so that he's slightly behind it, allowing Erich to mainly deal with the delivery. A guy wearing a motorcycle helmet and carrying a plethora of pizza boxes stands at the door. A whole other bag filled with food also sits on the doormat. Dustyn went to town with the order. "Delivery for Conners?" asks a very muffled and strong Irish accent. Jaffa comes over and slinks around Erich's foot to be nosey, sniffing at the bag of food.

"It's very strange. No need to downplay it." Micah laughs and sits up on the stone railing beside Chloe. He doesn't do the same quick hop up as Chloe, choosing to slowly and gingerly climb as he has a penchant for tight clothing. He doesn't want to risk a tear at the butt. Micah also feels the cold almost instantaneously as he sits down. "I may not be the only one and I probably wouldn't have found out if my mum hadn't...if she was still here." Micah hates saying the word 'dead' in reference to his mother. While it's true, it still sounds too final and blunt for his liking. "Kind of bittersweet circumstances, me finding out about Erich. Lost a parent, gained a parent...in a way." Micah knows it's not conventional and the dynamic isn't like a typical father/son setup considering the circumstances and his age but it's the truth, Erich is his parent. "My French doesn't really go beyond high school and they never taught us cuss words there. So what is 'fuck' in French, then?" Micah chuckles and looks up, following the smoke trails up into the air as Chloe exhales. He's curious about it but still isn't confident enough to do it. When she asks him to stay, he smiles softly and nods his head. "Of course. Not going anywhere. Though this railing's not exactly being kind to my rear."




Offline erich hess  
#8845 Posted : 10 January 2022 05:51:52(UTC)
erich hess
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erich grimaces at the mention of cleaning. he preferred a bit of comfortable disarray. it was a lot less stressful keeping something moderately clean as opposed to absolutely clean. "unless he is bored,maybe hire someone to do it?" erich suggests in hopes of freeing some of dallas' time. the house was massive and much like karoliena's castle,it probably was best to have a team come in and do it. erich had seen them at work once and was disappointed to learn nobody actually wears a maid uniform. erich smiles at the mention of dustyn's boys. they were good kids and he enjoyed seeing. "maybe one day i'll have to bring one of my younger ones for them to play with. though perhaps micah is a postman pat fan,i dunno." erich tells dustyn with a shrug. he did know that dusty hadnt been the biggest fan of the realities of living in ireland,at least as of a couple years ago. "honestly,never would have guessed it. seemed about as likely as me moving back to miami. " he agrees with dustyn. even moving back there just to make everyone's life miserable didnt appeal to erich much. even if,much like dustyn,he was rife with enough cash to live wherever he wanted in the city. erich places his hand on dustyn's shoulder and says completely seriously. "dust,thats just impossible. the ghost bitches live inside the ship. not outside,you silly goose.

"back cats!" erich says loudly in hopes of not letting the cat out. he says this as if he is a lion tamer and jaffa is going for a jugular. "i think you're at the right place. its god damned amazing you can fit all that on a motorcycle and in this weather?! how much is the damage and is tipping a thing here? i kind of think it is." he asks the man. he's got plenty of euros with him. didnt seem like real money,so he had no qualms with shoving fistfuls of it at people. amazing that dustyn could handle legions of fans but hid behind the door from a pizza delivery person.

chloe watches micah slowly sit on the railing. perhaps he had bad balance or hemorrhoids.or perhaps both. she looks over at him after he settles on the railing. she soon gets the picture that micah's mother is no more. if she knew him better and if she knew that the mother's death was comfortably in the past,she'd make a joke about being his mother now. but,she chose not to. chloe looks at micah and through the glass door at the back of dustyn. he looked to be hiding behind erich for some reason. "he is a bit strange. a bit maniacal. but he does seem to care. so you could worse than erich." she assess. she knew he cared deeply about dustyn and she got the same sense of warmth showed to micah. "when you get to be my age,sonny, nobody has parents anymore." she tells micah in an exaggerated old woman voice. "i am kidding. they are fine." she finishes with a little smirk. it did amuse her that she was old enough to be his mother. "ah! people always want to know the swears! with such intent,i wonder if you passed the class." she teases him while waving a teacherly finger in his direction. "i offered you drugs and now you want to learn swears! no. we are not doing this." she giggles . shes have a good,if a little weird time. its far more interesting to her than whatever was going on inside. even if it was freezing out here. she flicks the lighter to life again and takes another hit. "fine,i will try to hurry. we dont want your ass getting frostbite. i guess you do not have the padding i have back there...or perhaps,my cheeks have already went numb and my butt has literally frozen off."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#8846 Posted : 10 January 2022 12:34:39(UTC)
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"Oh, we have cleaners come in every so often too. Dallas just keeps on top of things." Dustyn pauses for a second, replaying the last statement in his head and realising how filthy it sounds. "Not in a gay way. In a dust-busting way." He stops in his tracks again, realising he's in the middle of innuendo city. "I mean literal dust, not me." Thankfully the conversation switches to a more wholesome topic soon after; offspring. Nothing Dustyn loves more in the world than being a dad. Not even blueberry muffins come close to providing the same joy and happiness. "Aww, that'd be great! Bring the kids over any time. Can stay the night too. More than happy to babysit." It's no secret that Dustyn would like more children and takes great pride and joy in being that paternal figure. Erich's kids would be no problem. He's a natural. Only child not allowed in this house is Danny Khan. Well, not unless a priest is present for an exorcism. "According to Layla, Miami has a lot to offer..."

Jaffa lets out a meow of curiosity, circling back around into the house via between Erich's legs. He's the most sociable and nosiest of Dustyn's cats. The other two are hiding out of the way from all the strangers. The delivery driver shakes his head as he hands over the tower of pizza boxes which are emitting a glorious combination of smells and heat. "Oh no, it's all been pre-paid online." Dustyn's filthy rich but rarely deals with actual cash. It's all bank and cheque transactions. Dustyn's great to have around if you want treated to a Michelin star meal but useless if you're looking for change for the bus home.

Micah looks in through the patio doors but fails to spot his father or Dustyn. Must be off somewhere together. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't envious of their bond. The duo aren't related but seem to have a tight and natural bond. While Micah and Erich get along well, they still have a long way to go before reaching that level. "Yeah, he really does seem to care. A rather bizarre man but a nice one." Micah chuckles softly and traces a fingertip along the edge of the railing, finding it odd that he's sat here in the garden of a mini mansion in Ireland. "You know...I'm pretty intimidated by that Dustyn guy. This place too." Micah swings his feet and looks back at the grand structure that stands before him. "Don't know if you're familiar with the show Doctor Who but it kinda feels like I'm a new companion in that. Living a regular life in Ipswich and then I'm in a different country, ordering takeout with pop stars." He laughs at how absurd it all sounds. There are worse scenarios he could find himself in but it doesn't downplay just how surreal all this is to him. "Straight A student." Micah quips after Chloe gets her teacher roleplay on. He's an extremely bright kid. Erich should be proud. Most of that stems from his mother's encouragement. She felt as though she failed in life and so put her all into raising Micah. "Padding?" Micah raises and eyebrow and looks back at his rear before shrugging. "Think I'm OK in that department." He doesn't skimp on his squats. Micah looks up at the rapidly darkening sky only to be met with a few raindrops hitting his face. "Oh, wonderful..."

Edited by user 11 January 2022 01:58:51(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





Offline erich hess  
#8847 Posted : 11 January 2022 09:15:10(UTC)
erich hess
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erich's eyes widen slightly at the mention of dallas being on top of things. they go very wide at the mention of dust busting. "that shit may throw these irish bumpkins off the case,but i know better." erich informs dustyn. he know what dustyn's all about. if he and dallas were alone right now? they'd be swinging naked from the chandeliers. "we'll see." erich comments noncommittally when the reality of the logistics of getting marlena and dean over here. not only would he have to clear bringing children out of the usa,he'd also have to clear it with two women who arent antagonistic towards each other. its probably more like they dont wish to think about each other. they were good kids,even if marlena was a bit free spirited."well,i did bring micah for you guys to babysit." he laughs while nodding towards the direction the man was last in. "i didnt think you really spoke to her for some reason. shit, i guess that story is true. weird. really saw her and joshua being a thing for a lot longer." he says,actually rather interested in the topic. much like his counterpart,erica,erich could be quite interested in gossip.

"god dammit,cat. you're trying to kill me!" erich howls as the body of the cat between his feet causes him to lose his already shaky balance. he stumbles around,eventually making a complete circle before regaining his footing. he finishes with jazz hands at the delivery man. "thats showbiz,baby!" he announces,very proud that he didnt fall ass over applecart and take jaffa,the delivery guy,dustyn,and part of the door with him if he did fall. "right...i guess...here." erich feels weird not tipping,so he hands the guy an assortment of euro notes. "sorry,i dont have the entire collection." he apologizes as if the notes are pokemon cards. he hands dustyn a small box containing the wings and balances the rest as they return to the party. " ok. guys. place your bets on if i make it into the kitchen. unless you lack that sporting feeling and feel like helping me carry this."

chloe wasnt sure how much micah knew about dustyn or weekend in general. she takes one more final hit from her pipe and holds it while giving the situation some thought. she knew of dr who from nina. maybe it was standard british viewing. she'd never seen an episode of it. she thought she had the basic idea down though. " dr who? you are telling me about the show. how do you expect me to know this doctor's name. you yell me." she says flatly to micah before her mouth turns to a smile. "it is just stuff. nice stuff,but still stuff." chloe says looking at the house and at the grounds she can see in the dark. it was very possible micah was not as punk rock as herself. it was also easier to come to terms with such thoughts when one also had the means to have such things for themself. she didnt quite have dustyn money,but she wasnt concerned how the account would be effected if she bought take out every night. "you get used to it,you know? pretty soon you see these gilded beings as just people. more often than not,some of the most fucked up people you will ever meet. myself,excluded." she grins pointing to herself. "im normal." she says with a little nod. being lowkey allowed her to never buy into her own,or anyone elses hype. "though..if you wish,i could kneel behind dustyn and you could push him over me. just a suggestion." she offers with a little smirk. " good. stay in school." she orders micah when hearing about his grades. for all she knew,he could still be in school. she wanted to be a good example. chloe looks down and around at micah's butt and kind of shrugs. " not the same. man butt is just built different." she says as a rain drop hits her directly in the eye. "oh come on! she screeches while squinting. " guess we better go inside. i'll melt if i get wet."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#8848 Posted : 11 January 2022 13:09:32(UTC)
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"Hey, this is a wholesome household!" Dustyn furrows his brows and places his hands on his hips, taking a small pause. "It's a child-free home for the first time in goodness knows how long and instead of using the free space for a night of debauchery, we invite our friends over." Dustyn then looks around to see if anyone else is in earshot. "Though if everyone's down for a good time..." Dustyn winks and gives Erich a nudge with his elbow. He giggles at the idea of babysitting Erich's eldest. "Micah seems like a lovely guy." Dustyn begins after closing the door, not wanting any runaway kitties especially now that it's dark and the smell of rain is in the air. He hasn't interacted all too much with Erich's son but that's more on Micah's nerves as opposed to anything on Dustyn's side. He'll happily chat to anyone, especially if they mean something to someone he cares about. "Layla? Oh, we've been friends for like 10 years. Her and Joshua were cute together but I just don't think she could handle all that comes with...well, Joshua."

Dustyn takes the bag of food and one of the pizza boxes from the stack that Erich's carrying. Best that one of them can see where they're going. "Poor delivery guy having to travel out in that weather. Heard that it might get rather stormy tonight. Perfect sleepover atmosphere. Excuse for even more cuddles!" Dustyn sure does love his cuddles. Living by the sea, extreme weather can be very atmospheric. He takes great comfort knowing that he's safe and sound in his home while listening to and viewing Ireland's harsh weather. "Jaffa, move your butt!". Dustyn's cat meows frantically and walks a few paces in front, looking back at them every so often, smelling the food and thinking he's about to get fed.

"I can't imagine it right now but I probably will get used to all this one day. I've kind of spent a lifetime adapting to extremes." Even though he's been to university, has a job and his own place, most of Micah's life hasn't been lived for him. Other people's decisions as well as life's cruel ways have always thrown and impacted Micah. He finally settles and then another curveball is hurled at him. He chuckles at the mental image of pushing Dustyn over. He's envious of him but doesn't wish to hurt him. "Thanks but I wouldn't wish to hurt him. He seems really nice and I don't think that'd make me popular around here. Also don't want to piss off his partner. He looks tough." Having no real clue who Dallas is, Micah's only going by the beard and tattoos. In actual fact, Dustyn's the one with the more fiery temper when the wrong buttons are pushed. Micah hops down off the wall and holds his hand out to help Chloe down. "Looks like it's about to get nasty out here. Probably a lot more cosier in there amongst the pills and tequila." Micah says with a nod over towards the open water, thick clouds rolling in towards them.




Offline erich hess  
#8849 Posted : 12 January 2022 09:06:37(UTC)
erich hess
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"not my brand of fun,dust. one. it'd be weird with you. two. it'd be super weird with micah around..2...i mean 3,i've seen less sausage while visiting the butcher." erich answers dustyn as if dustyn is being completely serious about the offer. "dont judge me. i like seeing how the sausage is made. gotta make sure they are arent filling them with sawdust or something.or god forbid,giving me black pudding." erich says with more than a hint of distaste and giving dustyn an elbow of his own. one day erich will try the..he assumes it's legally food.. "yeah,micah's a good guy. probably too good to be around us degenerates." erich laughs looking over to see his son talking to chloe. he assumes the two gravitated towards each other because they werent well known among the host and what not. erich takes another dropperful of laudanum and gives a slow nod in response to the layla and joshua thing. " yeah.i can understand that. " he says simply. while probably not technically the reason he and micah's mom didnt work. it definitely wasnt the reason he and selene didnt last. his own habits probably quickened the demise of he and ada. again.

"fucking amazing they could fit that all on a motorcycle." erich muses looking at the increasingly comical amount of food they are moving. at the mention of the weather,erich looks out the window but doesnt see much. the light from inside is just reflecting back at him. "if we read the driver was killed in an accident on the way back,it'd be perfect. great night for a horror origin story." he says wiggling his fingers at all around in a spooky manner. "ah, yes. the cuddles. if the weather startts getting bad,you are enlisted as entertainment director. as probably the only licensed sea captain here,i will help us get through the roughest of weather." he says with authority. in a strange occasion of doing things the legal way,erich is actually telling the truth. there is a frightening amount of paperwork involved in running a ship. even more so if one wishes the ships registry to be hard to follow. erich is very amused by the cat. it seems to be a universal asshole move that all cats do. " fucking weirdos will follow you into a bathroom,but carry something? they do that walk and stop thing. little murderers is what they are. no cat owner dies from natural causes. they are all,100 percent killed by the cat. which is fine. if the cat can manage to kill a person,i think they deserve to get away with it." erich glances at all the pizza boxes and back to the cat. "bernie sanders said that cats can have a little salami."

"you must weather extremes well. i think i have seen you take a sip of beer and that is all. " she muses and slips the still warm pipe and lighter into her pocket. in her world,that is just how must anyone handled anything. she herself wouldnt know. she lives a fairly charmed life. there just was nothing interesting to her tale. if not for being in the harlots,she'd not really have much excitement around. "we push dustyn down and establish dominance among the hess boys. do not worry about dallas. he was in a pop punk band,my dominance is established by default." she smirks at micah and raises her eyebrows before giving one very short laugh. chloe pauses for a second. she was more than capable of getting down on her own but she didnt want to be rude. plus,it was a very sweet gesture. she reaches out to put her hand in his and gets off the rail. it actually made it harder not having her right hand free,but she hoped he could catch her if she fell. he was short,actually not much taller than herself,but comfortably burly. she wasnt going to be break him if they fell over. "i might take some of that drink. it makes an excellent companion to..." she pauses and looks up at the smoke drifting up and over the house. she was interested in why micah was...well,not his father or like anyone else in the house in this regard. perhaps he was straight edge or religious. she wasnt going to ask. it wasnt her business and he must not be too conservative,its not like dustyn and dallas were just roommates.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8850 Posted : 12 January 2022 23:13:41(UTC)
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"Well, we're both handsome men and there's loads of bedrooms in this place so if you ever change your mind..." Dustyn shrugs before laughing heartily at the idea. For all his jokes and liberal approach to nudity, he's not going to play with anyone else besides his husband. Well, there was a very special threesome moment a few years ago. He needed cheering up. Deirdre from Coronation Street had died. "I've got some in my fridge. Black pudding, I mean. Not severed penises." Ireland has some odd culinary practices but not THAT odd. "I promise not to corrupt Micah...too much." Dustyn grins and pats Erich on the back. He hasn't had much time to talk to him about the Micah situation beyond Twitter's direct messaging system. Despite all the complicated history and uncertain future of the relationship, Dustyn senses that things are going rather well between the pair. He doubts Erich would've brought him over to a different country to meet friends if things weren't rosy. "Am I making him nervous?" Dustyn asks while keeping his voice low. He can't help but notice Micah's distance and lack of interaction.

"The motorcycles have this weird box thing attached to the back and the food goes in there. I'm surprised they don't topple." Dustyn stops in his tracks, partially because of the cat in his way and partly due to the dark though that enters his mind. "Oh no, what if you're right and the bike topples? That's so sad. Also don't want to get haunted so hope he gets home alright." Dustyn looks back at the window and grimaces as the rain starts to fall heavily, enough to make a sound against the panes. Thankfully Jaffa is there to pick up Dustyn's mood despite being a little ginger murderer. "Awww he can have a little salami for sure. I hope they haven't forgotten anything. Was a big order." As if Erich needs any reminding with the tower of pizza in his arms. Dustyn walks a few paces in front, guiding Erich back into the kitchen. "Food is here!!"

"Yeah, I guess I'm not as wild as members of a boy band. God, that makes me sound so lame." Micah chuckles and makes a point of taking another swig of beer. In all fairness to Micah, Weekend aren't exactly a regular boy band. They've done some stuff. "Oh, Dallas is a musician too? Guess I'm the only one who's not musical around here." Micah couldn't get further away from Erich and company if he tried. He hopes the conversations tonight aren't all music related. He can't exactly chime in while they talk about touring the world. If the topic moves to serving drunks some hot sandwiches however, Micah will be in his element. When Nina mentions a drink, Micah looks down at his own measly bottle and chuckles. "I swear I'll loosen up later. Just want to ease myself into it. Uncharted territory, first impressions and all that." Micah made a conscious decision to take it slowly, not wanting to embarrass himself during the first meeting. Well, not at least until everyone else is out of it too. He opens the door to the patio for Chloe, allowing her to head back indoors first.

Dustyn holds court in the kitchen again, clapping to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, the food's here but I think we should all get into the movie room and have it there. It's already set up with pillows and quilts." Dustyn's face beams at the mention of his movie room. He loves all the snuggles and wholesome times that comes with it.

"You mean your orgy room?" Scott pipes up, taking a few pizza boxes from Erich to help out.

"It's not an orgy room!" Dustyn gives Scott a little smack on the arm. How dare he make it filthy. He then turns to Erich, Micah and Nina to reassure his new guests that it's not a place of debauchery. "It's just a room filled with bedding instead of flooring but it's cute vibes, nothing dirty!" With that, Dustyn turns around to address everyone else. "OK, no outdoor clothes allowed in the movie room so get them off!". Dustyn begins to lead the way, through the living room and up a separate staircase. "You can get changed in one of the bathrooms if you like."

Dustyn stands in his boxers, setting up their first movie of the night on the projector. It's the real deal. Dallas also helps sort out the food and booze as they wait for the others to enter. The cinema room is comfort personified; padded floors, a plethora of pillows, the thickest and fluffiest quilts and three cats to pet. Add in the fact that there's food and drink and this is paradise. "Dallas, you think people will be comfy here? I want to be a good host and I feel like not everybody loves cuddly vibes as much as us."




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#8851 Posted : 13 January 2022 09:42:57(UTC)
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chloe looks around at most of weekend and back to micah and makes a little sound before speaking. "i wouldnt compare yourself to weekend. you even wonder what your dad and a boy band have in common?" chloe says with a little smirk and a nod. she understood micah's thought process though. look at these guys? they look mostly non threatening,even now with the tattoos most of them sport. most mother's wouldnt clutch pearls seeing these men walking through the door. "and you dont know dallas?!" chloe dramatically puts her head in her hands and groans dramatically. "i guess i am just going to have to be your tour guide. though,completely understandable that you dont know him,when was the last time juneau was a thing....wait. do you even know what i do?!" she giggles as she would never get a positive answer to that often said rockstar phrase. do you know who i am?!. it is possible she already told him,but now she was curious. "if you do not know.then guess." she says while folding her arms expectantly. "if this is all not your thing,then it's not your thing. besides,we might need a designated driver or something. or a sober one to talk to the cops."she adds and trots inside ,she holds an arm behind her so that she holds the door open for micah. it was warm and dry in here. she hadnt really realized how cold it was outside.

"sounds like an orgy room." chloe murmurs to micah. she wasnt a prude,but that would be the strangest thing ever,given the company. she looks up and over the crowd of people and pizza boxes being handed back and forth between everyone. if someone got her margarita pizza,there would be hell to pay. "i hope there is not an orgy,i am but one woman...a delicate one at that. now i am looking for a margharita pizza. if found,please return to me." she says while looking at the boxes and sniffing at the air.

erich kinda nods as chloe speaks. "yeah,dust...that sounds like an orgy room. especially with the requirements for entry. i mean,hey.im as open as the next fellow. but i know an orgy room when i hear about one. i once nearly had one installed on the duke. but...well,there are some things in this world you cant do yourself. and i dont mean the carpentry." erich says with a dirty laugh.

dallas slips an arm around dustyn's waist and leans his head onto dustyn's shoulder. dallas is also in the boxers. his are black and have a hockey motif. they have little pucks and sticks all over them. slightly dirty as the items are arranged in groups of two pucks with a stick between them. each one is embroidered onto the underwear. an item from the cute section of summers time black and blues. "when the lights go down and the storm gets worse outside,cuddles will come naturally. you're an excellent host. a perfect host" he tells his husband before pinching him on the butt cheek. "now get in there." he commands with a smile.

erich walks towards one of the bathrooms while chloe runs up behind him. "erich!" she hisses to get his attention

he pauses and looks over his shoulder while working at the cork of a bottle of wild turkey. "what?" he asks with a shrug of his shoulders.

"give me your shirt." chloe says nodding towards the door of the movie room. "i dont have any pajamas, i cant just wear my shit. it wont cover my ass!" she says while pulling at the hem of her shirt.

"you're wearing underwear." erich says,really not understanding the issue of modesty here.

"give me the fucking shirt." chloe hisses again but trying to remain quiet. "its weird if everyone sees my underwear."

erich looks around and sighs,rather annoyed. "so if everyone is going to be in their underwear...why cant you be too?"

"listen. i am the only woman here. it is weird. i would feel very uncomfortable." chloe states.

"oh.. oh!" erich says,finally getting what she is saying. he was going to suggest just asking dustyn or dallas,but they were rather short too. so their shirts probably wouldnt do chloe much good.

"thanks!" chloe chirps and dashes off to a room to change. she didnt know the rest of weekend well enough to ask them for literally the shirts off their backs. micah was out. his shirt was tighter than hers!
chloe emerges after changing. she folds her trousers neatly into a pile. she assumed it would be ok to leave them in this bathroom. erich's shirt was comfortably long enough and her butt was safely covered.
she walks gingerly to the door of the movie room and leans against the door to wait for everyone else.

taking a drink of his bottle,erich just shimmies out of this trousers in the hall. they're all friends here. whats a little disrobing among friends? unlike chloe,he doesnt fold his pants and just tosses them in the bathroom where they land on top of chloe's pants. the loud clatter of the knife falling out of his pocket is heard. erich's boxers are the stereotypical white with red hearts all over them ones. he joins chloe against the wall.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8852 Posted : 14 January 2022 02:35:07(UTC)
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Dustyn's boxers are also patterned but instead of lewd hockey sticks and pucks, they're adorned with four leaf clovers. These ones aren't from Summers Time Black and Blues. If he wore any of the items that he purchased from there, it definitely would seem like orgy night. "I look forward to all the cuddles. In a wholesome way, of course!" Dustyn grins and hooks his arms around Dallas' neck, giving his husband a delicate kiss. They'll have to sneak in kisses during stolen moments alone like this, not wanting any of their guests to get the wrong idea. A few of them have already twisted the cinema room into something filthy. "A perfect host? Now that's sexy talk right there." Complimenting Dustyn's hosting skills is a true language of love. He briefly pulls his undies down at the front, not all the way but enough to give Dallas a nice eyeful of private parts. After the pinch on the butt, he jumps and giggles in delight. "OK, OK, I'll get under the covers. Just set up 'A League of Their Own', grab us some pizza and then we're scheduled in for some snuggles."

Micah exits one of the bathrooms in his boxers, clothing neatly folded and carried in his arms. He sees Erich and Chloe waiting outside and catches up with them. "Chloe, you're looking all nice and cosy...in my dad's shirt." It's a little bit of an awkward setup. He then turns to Erich. "Dad, you're also looking, uh...those are your nipples, huh?" Micah remarks as if his tight black boxers aren't highlighting the fact he's Jewish. He looks down at his feet and clears his throat, realising they're all pretty much nearly naked. "Sooooo...looking forward to the pizza?" Micah asks, literally wanting to talk about anything.

Riley and Scott soon join, with the latter walking a good few paces behind the big beefy Northern lad. "It's better for my ego if I don't stand so close to Riley," Scott says with a tilt of his head towards Riley's ripped physique. Scott's hardly unfit. He's naturally slender and healthy looking but looks like a straw next to Riley.

Micah leans against the wall and whispers to Chloe, answering her earlier question before they had to split up and undress. "You're a great drummer by the way. Totally didn't Google while in the bathroom." He chuckles and rests a foot against the base of the wall before the laughter abruptly stops. "That sounded wrong."

"Guuuuuys, you can just come in!" Dustyn's disembodied voice calls out from within the cinema room. "Dallas is just putting his willy away!" He giggles and winks at his husband, placing his hands behind his head as he relaxes into the pillows.




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#8853 Posted : 14 January 2022 09:16:13(UTC)
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"you must be this cuddly to enter to room." dallas says in the tone of a bored carny that is telling kids they cant ride the gravitron. he looks at the boxers and up to dustyn's face. " you must be serious about the wholesome. you dont have the kiss the blarney stone undies on." he tells his husband with a smirk. he was honest about his assessment of being the perfect host. this night was important to dusty and it went off without a hitch. aside from a spare french woman, but he had liked chloe from the few times he spent with her. well,the few times he could remember spending with her. the festival circuit was a chemical wonderland. "hey!" dallas says accusingly and pointing at the exposed area of dustyn. "you stole an entire salami from the pizza place?! i wont ask you to share with anyone but me since its been down your pants. but you'll have to convince me to keep quiet." he leads with a dirty giggle. he leans over and snaps dustyn's waistband at the task he was just given. "wait,i set up the film while you get comfy?! you're working my fingers to nubs, conners-blue. NUBS!!!" he tells dustyn in an exasperated tone and holds up his fist to show there are no fingers from all the hard work he's been doing. "get in there!" he playfully sneers to dustyn and smacks his ass. dallas artfully sets the projector up and whistles while he works. dustyn is lucky that dallas was in the a/v club at school. the district was woefully underfunded,so he had experience working with old reel to reel machines.

chloe pulls the shirt further down her legs in hopes of covering more of herself.which covers more leg,but reveals more cleavage. erich can be heard groaning as his shirt is now thoroughly stretched out. chloe giggles and twists her hair what she assumes micah is implying. "well, you know. i cant make breakfast while topless. the bacon grease. it pops every where." she pretneds se is batting away burning grease.

"yup! i grew them myself! these nipples have seen some shit,son. see how they dont retract and hide? these fuckers stand proud like a lone pioneer on the prairie." he says,obviously very proud of his nips or didnt know how to properly respond to them being pointed out. "i see you have two as well. looks like quality pair too. i wont have to beat up the dr that delivered you. we hess men are known for our nipples. " he tells his son with a nod and a thumbs up.with this,he turns and walks into the room.

chloe follows micah's gaze as it goes downwards. as she does,she cant help but look at the man's absurdly tight underpants. she could probably count the hairs if she stared long enough. did the man own anything that he didnt spray on? she kinda wanted to see him dress,mostly out of sheer intrigue of how it was done. unlike her friends erica and nina,she didnt thrive on seeing how uncomfortable they could make things,but she saw a joke and was going for it. " oh i am so ready for pizza. a sausage one would be splendid." she says with a hearty laugh and nods towards the room. "cmon. lets go and find a good spot. though keep an eye out for....you know,stains." she grimaces and purses her lips.

"you need some more mushrooms,my friend." erich says with his finger raised while approaching riley and scott. " an ego death is something we all could use." he says this as he just walks by. he doesnt bother stopping. they have places to go. shirtless,erich was a man almost past his prime and covered in a patchwork of amateur tattoos.

chloe blushes and looks away from micah. it was rare she complimented and she couldnt really take one. " oh stop. its drums,micah. i could teach a dumb puppy to be a drummer." she says before a contented sigh is heard "but...thank you." she says quietly. she smile when he informs her of just where and when he googled her. unlike the rest of the harlots,she had managed to go her entire career without being on big brother and getting naked. well,technically lydia also fits that bill,but cmon. we all know she'd get her butt out at least. she was going to joke with micah about how this could be taken,but she already made a dirty joke and didnt want to scare him.

"dont listen to him! he's just lulling you into a false sense of security. then...when you walk in? willy!" dallas voice is heard before turning into laughter
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8854 Posted : 14 January 2022 21:41:44(UTC)
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"Forget those kitschy Blarny Stone undies. Everyone should be thankful I don't have those little black ones from Cassie and Karoliena that you like." Dustyn gives his husband a mischievous smirk, knowing just how much Dallas loves those undies. They're very fitting and highlight Dustyn's assets very well. Incredibly well. Best for everyone in the room that he's not parading around in them. "I wouldn't dream of sharing with anyone else but you. Though, Riley is here tonight." Dustyn winks at Dallas as they have a little inside joke going on. Dallas once admitted that if they were to have a threesome, he'd want it to be with Riley. "I'll save you a space next to meeeee!" Dustyn teases as he climbs under the covers while Dallas still potters about setting things up. Being rather small, the covers and pillows shrink Dustyn to near microscopic size. It looks like he's drowning in a huge vat of marshmallow fluff.

After all the nipple talk, Micah brings his arms up further to cover himself, suddenly well aware of his own being on display. He really should be focusing on censoring below stairs instead. "Can't say I'm familiar with the vicious nature of bacon grease." Micah confesses to Chloe, having never cooked or consumed it in his life. The strips in Subway also arrive prepared. "A sausage one it shall be!" Poor Micah doesn't actually pick up on the joke. He doesn't have a naturally filthy mind and wears his clothing due to personal taste and not to appear as smutty and sexual. "Stains?" Micah asks with a tilt of the head before it clicks. "Oh!! Stains. Uhh, let's hope not. They seem like a very cleanly couple. Did you see those bathrooms?" Micah starts to tell himself that there won't be any staining otherwise he won't be able to relax and sleep.

Riley and Scott make their way into the large, comfy cinema room, more than ready to get under the covers and out from the awkwardness of the hallway. "I'm getting the far end!" Scott exclaims as he skips merrily across the bedding. He can only deal with one person next to him. Two? He'll overheat and physically explode.

"I'm next to you, mate." Riley gingerly makes his way across, watching his footing. He's a big guy. Last thing he wants is to fall and hurt someone or worse, damage any food.

With Scott at the far end and Riley next to him, it leaves enough space to the right of Dustyn. He pats the space and looks up at Dallas. "Got a spot right here for you!" Dustyn winks at his husband as the allocated slot has Riley on the opposite side. He then turns to face Erich and pats the other spot on his left. "Erich!! Come on in!!"

"Well, I don't know drums at all so it's still very impressive to me." Micah smiles at Chloe as he shuts the door behind him and makes his way in, slipping under the quilts next to Erich. "Oh wow..." Micah sighs happily as his back touches the soft, comfortable bedding. Who cares if there are any stains? This is comfort like no other.

Edited by user 14 January 2022 23:29:02(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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#8855 Posted : 15 January 2022 10:59:03(UTC)
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"for the damned price of them, you should wear them every day." dallas laughs and snaps the waistband of his own shorts. also a creation of the same company. less...intricate,they were still far more pricey than they should be. but he guessed exclusivity was worth it. nobody else had these exact same underpants. "riley and a few million of our closest friends." dallas replies in mock disappointment. if one didnt have sexy friends that come up in fantasies,then one needed hotter friends. "i would divorce you and take the kids and cats if you didnt." dallas warns dustyn and does a little run and rolls next to dusty,instantly draping an arm around him. "i do kind of wish this film was about women playing hockey in the 40's...but i think it might be a different movie then." he whispers before cracking up. he snuggles up to dustyn and puts his chin on dust's shoulder so he can see the screen.

"the bacon,it pops when you cook it. hot oil goes everywhere." she tells micah and makes a gesture to simulate a small explosion when she says the word pop. she doesnt really put much thought into learning he doesnt eat bacon. she just assumes he doesnt like it or it may not be a thing in england. if not for all her time in the usa,she wouldnt have warmed to their idea of bacon. the abundance of fat made it heavenly. she looks down and giggles when he assess the hosts as a clean couple. she is familiar with both of them and clean doesnt really come to mind,though in the sense micah is thinking? probably. "perhaps you are right. they have children and you cannot have children laying on...that. the bathrooms were too clean. i was scared to even try to fix my hair in there. if i got a stray on the counter,i think they would beat me up."

it looks like the decision has been made for him. so erich just follows wherever he is pointed. the amount of laudanum and whiskey running through his system makes him rather pliable. " i still am not buying if this is an movie room or an orgy room. this has all the makings of a porno and you know what? thats fine. just fine. its just big meaty men cuddling meatily." he tells everyone while rubbing his hands together before getting under the covers. ireland is a damned sight further north than england,so its even colder here than it was in ispwich. " these cold climates. they just arent good for my blood. makes it thick. i cant fight polar bears in this condition."

"i am sure whatever you do is equally as impressive to me." chloe says with a little shrug. she gets the impression that micah isnt exactly one of the jet set since he didnt come out and say what he does. perhaps he doesnt do anything other than be erich's son. that alone could be a full time job. "but in any case,thank you. maybe come see us some time?" she asks hopefully. the cass-ettes still had a few more shows to do. that meant she was rather expendable for the next few weeks. but soon the harlots would be on the road again. she looks around and sees the only open spot is behind micah. she gives a little when in rome shrug and scoots in behind him and wraps the cover around her.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8856 Posted : 15 January 2022 11:45:07(UTC)
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"Maybe I'll wear them tomorrow then." Dustyn giggles as he whispers into Dallas' ear, giving him a little kiss on the cheek as they finally snuggle up for the night. There's still a whole night ahead of them but Dustyn feels a lot more relaxed now that they're all under the covers. Should be plain sailing from here. He looks up as he sees Riley get into the bed next to Dallas. "If you feel something poking you in the back during the night, you have permission to act on it." Dustyn chuckles and looks back up, this time accidentally meeting Riley's gaze as his friend settles in.

"What are you two giggling at?" Riley asks, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips. He knows just how mischievous these boys are.

"Oh nothing to worry your pretty little butt about." Dustyn pokes his tongue out at Riley before resting against the top of Dallas' head as they await the movie starting properly.

"It's not an orgy room or the beginning of a porno!" Dustyn whines at Erich's remark, reaching under the covers to give him a little nudge but winds up accidentally putting a fingertip directly into Erich's belly button. "Sorry! I didn't mean to finger that hole. I swear this isn't anything seedy though!" With that, Dustyn takes out a little remote control from under his pillow and presses a button which dims the lights. "Thank you for calling me meaty though. I appreciate it." Being pocket-sized and naturally slender, 'meaty' is something Dustyn has never been described as. In that moment, it makes him feel all big and dom. It's fabulous. When Erich mentions how cold he is, Dustyn rubs his foot over Erich's lower shin in an attempt to share some heat. He can't give him a proper cuddle right now as he's busy snuggling with his husband. Foot action (which loads of people would happily pay for) will have to do. "Awwww, cuddle in, Erich! Grab some pizza and glug...whatever your poisons are. You'll warm up real quick."

"I work in a Subway, Chloe." Micah gets straight to the point, not wanting her to build up any fancy ideas in her head. Best underwhelm her early on so that the mundane job isn't a bigger blow further down the line. He laughs as he speaks, realising how dull he must sound in comparison to all these popstars who are also drinking and throwing back random pills. "I'd definitely come see you. That'd be great! I actually need to make a point of seeing everyone in this room perform. My dad included. I'm way out of the loop." Micah figures that if he's going to be around these people or at least brushing with this celebrity lifestyle, he needs to do more research and further acquaint himself with them and their work. He hates appearing ignorant. Micah smiles and shuffles closer to Erich to make room when Chloe climbs in next to him. "Pizza?" Micah brings a box up onto his lap.

From the opposite end of the bed, Scott can be heard sighing when he realises it's one of Dustyn's Madonna movies he has to sit through. They're not his cup of tea. "Erich, mate, throw me down something that'll help me get through this."




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#8857 Posted : 15 January 2022 14:09:16(UTC)
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"you better,now that that image is in my head." dallas replies. he loves those undies on dusty and is always up for seeing them make their way on to his body...then promptly on the floor. dallas looks behind him and quickly turns forward while blushing. "dustyn! i most certainly will not! you keep it up and i'll put moonstruck on. so help me,i will!" dallas threatens. he,like most sensible people dislike cher and her acting career. it was drastic,but he couldnt have riley knowing anything.

"theres no crying in baseball!!" dallas answers riley,hoping to get the spotlight off of their giggling. dallas was from chicago,a baseball town for sure...but sadly,the team was the cubs. even people that dont know much about baseball know the cubs suck. and the mets,for that matter.

erich lets out a loud "oof!" when his belly button is poked. dustyn hits it right where it almost hurts and feels like the belly button is hitting the spine. "i think..i think i am fucking dying" erich gasps." death by being fingered...i died as i lived. "erich says dramatically and then falls over on top of dustyn. "get your cold feet off of mine!" erich creeches when feet touch his. erich was naturally hot blooded,so most people felt cold to him. dustyn's feet,while soft,felt like god damned ice cubes. erich takes dustyn's advice and produces his bottle of whiskey again. he takes a strong swig of it and pushes the bottle towards dustyn. " now i know you are all about the madonna in this movie. but...lori petty." erich nods sagely as if he just divulged the meaning of life.

"sub way?" chloe repeats micah's words and pronouncing them as two separate words. she had many questions,none of which were appropriate to ask here. she,like most of the hess clan never had a normal job. if anything,she felt angry at erich for clearly making his son work when it wasnt necessary ."you could knock the harlots and atomic war bride out in one go. i dont think we have ever not opened for each other." she tells micah while still glaring at the back of erich's head. there were precious few times when the harlots and atomic war bride werent on the bill together. at one time they all shared travel accommodations together,so it just made sense. "weekend may be more difficult,i think they may be on haitus or something." chloe guesses. she knows they are missing a couple members,though she couldnt really say who. she mostly just paid attention to her own goings on. chloe looks at the box on the lap and to micah. "you know,i have heard a similar trick being pulled with a box of popcorn..." she grins and opens the box to take a slice. she isnt quite fond of just cheese,but it works and she is hungry. she considers smacking the back of erich's head for making his son work but,she does not. its possible he wishes to make his own way and drawing attention to that would embarrass him.

"you shut your whore mouth,scott." erich calls out in the dark." yeah,i totally get it. madonna ruins near everything. but this? this is amazing. hell,even madonna is great in this. but.because i like you,and ONLY because i like you..." erich tosses a bag towards scott. "mind the orange pills. i got burned and they are literally just flintstones vitamins. but,if you want to be healthy? be my guest." he says trying to spot which head was scott's. " oh and to prempt any Madonna defense. evita sucked and guy ritchie was cool before she came into the picture.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8858 Posted : 15 January 2022 15:23:15(UTC)
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"I will and you can take them off for me." Dustyn giggles and pulls the covers up over their faces as he gives his husband a kiss, followed by another, then another. He enjoys the little smooches but doesn't want an audience. Not just yet anyway. It's too early in the night for that. Dustyn breaks away from the kiss momentarily to stroke Dallas' beard as standard practice but stops himself moving back in for another locking of lips when Dallas mentions Moonstruck. "No, no. Don't even joke about that. No more kisses for at least 15 minutes. No...30 minutes. A damn half hour! You think about what you've done." Dustyn pulls the covers back down from their faces and audibly huffs, folding his arms and scowling at his husband. The faux annoyance doesn't last long as he soon giggles and brings him in for another cuddle.

"Zip it, Doris!" Riley grits his teeth and holds onto the back of Dallas' neck, playing around and getting into character. He's also oblivious to the fact Dallas and Dustyn probably enjoy the physical contact. He playfully shakes Dallas and laughs against his ear.

"Sorry, Erich!" Dustyn rubs around Erich's navel as if that makes it any better. He soon stops playing nurse however after Erich rolls over on top of him. He squeals out and giggles in delight at the silliness and close contact. Dustyn uses it as an opportunity to hug his friend tightly. "Be grateful! Many people would pay to have my feet on them. I don't have a five star WikiFeet rating for nothing!" Dustyn's feet do have a strong following online. He takes hold of the bottle and swigs straight from it while laying down, carefully focusing on his swallowing technique so that he doesn't choke. Don't be so foul! At the mention of Lori Petty, Dustyn decides to have some fun and pretends to be straight for a moment. "Oh, yeah, Lori Petty...yeah...she uh...she's got..." He furrows his brows and tries to think about the anatomy of a woman and what those damn heterosexuals are into. "Uh...clitoral hood? Is that right?".

Scott chortles from the far end, practically spitting out his beer as he overhears the conversation. "Fucking hell, Dust!". Something about Dustyn's delivery and obliviousness always tickles him.

"What?! That's what you guys like, right?" Dustyn shrugs and takes another swig before handing the bottle back up to Erich. A sly smirk spreads across his face as his hand trails slowly down Erich's back. "Is it bad that I thought your belly button felt real nice?" These heteros aren't going to laugh at him and get too comfortable.

"Yeah, Subway. Don't think I'll be doing it much longer though. Only so much bread a person can look at." Micah nods, forcing a small smile. He knows exactly how lame his job is and that it's a bit of a conversation killer in general let alone when you're in the presence of music superstars. "Would be great to see you all doing what you do. Haven't been to many concerts but it'd be nice to see you all in your element. I haven't even heard my dad sing. Starting to think he's shy." As Micah talks to Chloe, he moves his foot under the covers and gives Erich a little tap with his heel, knowing fine well his dad is within earshot of this conversation. Micah covers his mouth, equally tickled as he is horrified. He's well aware of the popcorn trick and begins to laugh at the mere thought. "Oh God, no! I would never. Especially with boiling hot pizza. Ouch!" Micah winces as the mental image creeps into his mind. That can't be fun for anyone involved. He takes a slice of pizza for himself, making sure to double check the box first before taking a bite. Yeah, it's safe for him to eat this one.

Scott catches the pills and helps himself, not questioning what they are. He's going to need them to get through this night if Dustyn's in charge of the movies.

Dustyn closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing as the Madonna discourse bounces around the room. "I'm fine. I don't hear anything. Everything's OK." He gives himself a pep talk, trying to detach from the situation so that he doesn't lose his temper.

Riley chuckles and leans into Dallas' ear again to whisper. "I think he's going to blow."

Edited by user 16 January 2022 00:47:47(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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erich hess on 15/01/2022(UTC)
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#8859 Posted : 16 January 2022 11:27:22(UTC)
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dallas enjoys the cuddles for a moment before pausing to smirk and look dustyn deep in the eyes. " dust" he starts taking a large breath and holding it momentarily. "i got you,babe." he finishes dramatically.

erich,leads a very sheltered life. at least in regards to knowing about foot fetish sites. "i...have five stars too." he says slowly and trying to imagine what it is that feet people like and if he had it. for all he knew,he just said a terrible lie and would be easily caught. but,he honestly didnt want to know. if his feet werent awesome,he'd be kind of offended. "a lot of people would love to see the things i have seen. when i write my tell all book in like 40 years,it will be a total best seller." erich replies. sure,some people would love to have dustyns feet on them. but to erich? it was just his friend's feet. so he reaches down and starts tickling dustyn's foot. erich pauses when he hears the very distict words of clitoral hood. the word is so out of place,it sounds like someone dropped an anvil on the floor. erich calmly puts the cork back in his bottle and places it on the bed. he then gestures to it like a person telling a dog to stay. "um..dust? do you have like a special cut of this film? i've seen it a few times. but i dont think that..part,shall we say? ever is mentioned." he says quite seriously. its an oddly specific thing for dustyn to mention,so it was possible there was some rare version of this film where the ladies all compare while riding the bus. erich had no clue. he clamps his hands over his precious belly button and pulls away from dustyn. " dont you touch it! i now know where your hands have been. i dont want some unknown...person's stuff on me!"

"oh come now. you get to look at buns all day." chloe says brightly and trying her hardest to ignore whatever was going on with the rest of the group. she had no idea why she heard what she had heard. but she heard it!
"where are you going after the subway?" she asks him,now turning over onto her stomach and squirming to get a bit more comfortable. she gathered he wasnt musical or an actor,so the answer could be rather interesting. "it is high time you start going to show then. i am not just saying these because you'll be one more ticket sold. "chloe laughs and gives him a wink. she takes a slice of non penis pizza and nibbles on it over a napkin. no. this wasnt working,so with a sigh she flips back over onto her back and props herself up.

erich feels the tap and doesnt turn around. " not happening,micah.i dont know what you two are up to back there,and i certainly dont want to see." he says looking to dustyn and trying desperately to hold in how much this amuses him.

chloe,blushes and reaches over micah to smack the back of erich's head. "no!" is all she can come up with in protest. " your father is actually very shy. arent you,erich?" chloe asks looking at the back of his head.

"shy like your mom!" erich says quickly.

chloe shakes her head in disappointment. "no..no. bad mom jokes only work for erica."" she says almost apologetically.

"yeah. we might want to stop. he'll throw everyone out in the rain if the slander keeps up." dallas says with a sigh. dustyn's madonna love was so deep that dallas couldnt even make joke that was just begging to be made.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#8860 Posted : 17 January 2022 00:06:03(UTC)
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Dustyn just sighs and turns his head towards Erich, ignoring Dallas after another Cher reference. "Is your divorce lawyer any good?". Even though he's clearly joking, Dustyn makes a point of stroking Dallas' arm under the covers to reassure him it's all in jest. "You have five stars too?! Yay! You can join the club with me and Dallas." Dustyn reaches over and gives Erich a high five. "Not that I check...or vote." He giggles when Erich mentions a potential tell-all book, knowing fine well that his name will crop up a few times. "Just make sure that when you're describing me, you use flattering words. Last thing I want is to sue you." Dustyn pats Erich's shoulders and gives him a sarcastic smile before rolling his eyes as the pile on continues. "OK, I'm not well-versed in female anatomy! Just let me be one of the guys!" Dustyn frowns and grabs the bottle again, uncorking it and taking a swig. He's usually more of a Guinness man but he's not that fussy. Whatever's going around, he'll take. He holds the bottle back out for Erich.

"Well when you put it like that..." Micah says with a soft laugh and the raise of an eyebrow at the mention of buns. Probably not the best time and place to blurt out that he's a virgin and not well acquainted with a plethora of buns. When asked what he plans on doing after hanging up his apron, Micah pauses for a moment and makes a conscious decision to not mention the money Erich gave him a few months back. It's a personal topic and he finds it rather gauche to mention money. "I'm not entirely sure. Might just take some time to myself and figure things out. See a few shows and help ticket sales in the process." Micah winks and gives Chloe a little nudge with his elbow. When Chloe moves around and props herself up, Micah shuffles over a little. "You comfy? Need me to move?" Closer or further, Micah's willing to move. He laughs at the comical interaction between Chloe and Erich, also not complaining about having Chloe reaching over him.

"How many times have you seen this movie?" Riley asks Dallas, having a hunch that the poor man is often sat down and forced to watch all Dustyn's favourite movies A Clockwork Orange style.




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