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#1 Posted : 18 July 2024 23:15:44(UTC)
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Can you tell the audience where we are right now?
We are currently in a recording studio in New York City, a bitch is cookin’!

What were you doing just before I arrived?
Sitting in the control room listening back to something I’ve just recorded. Feet on the mixing desk which I get a lot of shit for from my producer.

How are you feeling about life these days?
Personally? Excited. I’ve got a couple of projects that I’m working on this year. “Post-Traumatic” resuscitated a dying career and we’re trying to turn that shit around from dying to thriving!

How would you describe yourself to the very few people on earth that may not know you?
No stress. I got my own shit going on in my head sometimes but I don’t bring it to other people’s door. I always try to make sure that anybody in my circle ain’t burdened by own shit.

What does a typical day look like for you at the moment?
Right now, I’m deep as fuck into studio time. So I’m buried in the studio right now. It’s been literally home to studio for the past six weeks, so you know I’m ready for a party or vacation or some sort of release, for real.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Not really advice, but I surround myself with people that keep it real with you, the type of people that will tell you straight up if you’re fucking up in some way. I need those type of people in my life cause I’m like a moth to a flame sometimes. I don’t always make the healthiest decisions.

What’s your favourite thing you’ve ever done so far in your career?
Anything from the past couple of years, the album, headlining my own world tour. Playing “Bring the Heat Festival” was a full circle moment for me where I felt like I had my place in this industry for the first time in my career.

What’s the one song in the world that brings out the most emotion when you listen to it?
People are always surprised when I talk about the music I listen to, cause it’s so far from the music I make. But there’s a track called “Lightning Crashes” by a band called ‘Live’. Alternative rock, 90’s grunge era type of shit but it’s a track that hits deep every time.

What’s the last great movie that you watched?
I don’t watch a lot of movies. But recently saw “Hereditary” for the first time and that shit was incredible. I like horror and thriller movies and that was definitely one of the best I’ve seen in a long time.

What’s your favourite movie of all time?
Shit, probably “American Psycho”.

What is your go-to takeaway order?
Living in New York all my life, I’ve been spoilt for choice. It changes on mood, but right now I’d have to say some Thai. I prefer to go with a mix of a few different things rather than a specific item, so it would be a mix.

Favourite place you’ve visited?
It would have to be somewhere in Europe. London, Amsterdam, Berlin were definitely some of my favourites. But I couldn’t pick just one.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Oh you definitely don’t know me very well then? I’m a New Yorker, I’m a lifer! … If you push me for an answer then California would be the option just because that’s the centre of our industry.

If you think of yourself as a child, how would you describe that version of you now that you’re older and wiser?
Definitely full of fire and fight. I can’t lie and say she was perfect, but she was definitely unafraid.

When did you first realise what you wanted your career path to be?
Man, I started in the industry real fuckin’ young. I was playing clubs and shit before I would have been able to legally be there. It’s not something I wanted always, I kind of stumbled my way into it. So probably like twelve or thirteen.

What was your first job?
Shit, I was a street kid. I was hustling at a young age. But I never had a legit job, I was signed at fifteen,

What’s the most nervous you’ve been in your career?
I wasn’t ever nervous about anything because I never had this as the goal. I was fuckin’ around with my friends that were in bands and I got discovered by total luck. What can I say? I liked being centre of attention.

Which one album have you heard that completely changed your life?
“1999” by ‘Prince’, it’s not the obvious one and it was the record before “Purple Rain”, but it’s the one that opened that creative door.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’m playing it smart and going for variety, so probably like a thanksgiving dinner because of the amount of different food groups involved, so you get some variety.

If you were granted a last meal, what would it be?
I’d have to go out in style, we’re talking Las Vegas style steakhouse. I’m finding the most expensive and lavish shit I can find.

What’s been your favourite City to work in?
I’ve always recorded my own stuff in New York. I keep it familiar with Basement Studios, I’ve used this place since I started and it’s a second home for sure.

What’s your favourite drink?
I’m a whiskey, rum or beer drinker generally. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll have a Manhattan. But first choice is usually a Whiskey.

If you could work with one artist who would it be and why?
I recently worked with Billy, Kidd was on that track too but we didn’t really get to work with each other. Right now Younghood is my fuckin’ muse, we’ve worked together before and we’re working on some stuff at the moment. I’d love to work with Kidd on something or Rum & Coke, they changed the fucking game for people like me when they came into this industry.

Who did you look up to the most when you were younger?
I was raised by my Dad as a single parent, my mom died when I was four. So my Dad is pretty much the only real authority that I’ve ever respected.

If you could pick three dinner guests, living or dead who would they be and why?
I’d sit around a table with Tupac, Prince and Bowie. I ain’t saying shit, just let them talk and listen.

What’s the secret to your success?
Don’t worry about it, what will be will be. It took me almost ten years into my career to figure it out.

Sunrise or Sunset?
Definitely sunset, I’m not a morning person at all!

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
Honestly, nothing crazy. I don’t drive because New York City. It would probably like some clothing or jewellery, but ain’t nothing too crazy.

If you could be doing anything you wanted to be doing right now, what would it be?
Like I said earlier, I’ve been in the studio relentlessly for a about six weeks. So if I could be doing anything else right now, it would have to be a vacation. Probably one of the islands, Barbados maybe?

What’s your favourite book?
I don’t really take the time to sit and read all that much. It would be something from ‘Stephen King’, probably “Pet Semetary”.

What’s the one thing somebody has created that you wish you had created?
Definitely “Iron Man” by Lotus. My girl stepped the fuck up with that track, no apologies just pure gangster shit. I’ve had the same conversation with her about how I wish I had her ability. My best girl has TALENT!

What was your yearbook quote?
Nah, I left way before that point. I wasn’t a perfect student.

What’s the one thing you wish you had known before you got into this career?
It's never going to be a smooth journey but just go with it, take everything in stride. Don’t let yourself get too high or too low.

Who’s the most famous contact that you have saved in your phone?
I’ve probably got one of the most legit contact lists. Maybe not most famous, but most powerful definitely would have to be Anniken Dahl-Smith. I’m managed by Dahlhouse Entertainment and signed to Just Record, so basically I’ve got two of the most insanely powerful people taking care of me.

If you could start over again, what would you do differently?
Nothing, everything that has happened has been for a reason.

When was the last time you were truly terrified?
I think it takes a lot to terrify me. I’ve had a couple of near misses on the road. Last year on tour, our bus came off the road. Couple of minor injuries, but that was pretty scary at the time.

What is the biggest misconception about you?
I think because of the last album and my recent work, people assume that I’m all about the hip-hop and rap culture. It confuses people sometimes when I start talking about the things that I’m into, music and movies and sports and stuff. Mostly the music thing confuses people, cause I guess they don’t see me as a grunge kid.

What’s one private story about yourself that you’re willing to share today?
Fuck, alright but I’mma have to keep the names out of it though. First of all, you need to know that I’ve never been involved in these organised industry orgy parties but you do need to know that it does happen. I’m not against it, I’ve just never been involved. But the 2020 FCA’s in Liverpool were one of the wildest couple of days I’ve been part of. Let’s just say, they had everybody stay at the same hotel for three or four days, this is probably the drunkest and highest I’ve ever been. There was an unplanned group uh “party” of about seven people that just happened the night before the show and it was not under control. It was so fucking wild since this was a lot of people’s first major time free and without restrictions after the whole pandemic thing, Truly crazy but I can’t go into much more detail than that.

How happy would you say your on a scale of 1 to 10 in this moment?
Right now would definitely be a seven or eight. Working on new stuff everyday gives me something to really focus on and that helps keep me happy.

What are you currently obsessed with these days?
Working in the studio right now, I’m more involved in the production stuff than I’ve ever been before and I’m working with Younghood. He’s taking the lead on production and watching him work and working closely with him is giving me a different type of ownership of my work. So right now, really getting into it in the production booth with Younghood and his whole creativity is my obsession right now. It’s given me a whole different outlook on recording.

What was your New Year’s Resolution and have you stuck to it?
It was just a general one, but try to be healthier. First couple of months I went fully into machine health mode, eating right every day and working out like crazy. But this was before I started to get back into work mode and that shit has not stuck. Working all through the night, you need shit to help you through it. It’s a lot of takeaway food, energy drinks, alcohol and a whole lot of weed to counter the stress and enhance the creativity.

Do you prefer Saturday Nights or Sunday Mornings?
I’ve always been a Saturday Night type of person. It’s the night of fun and impulsive decisions.

What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I’ve broken my collarbone before, that’s probably the worst injury. We used to run wild on the streets during my teenage years, so it was literally a lot of running from shit. A bunch of us climbed a fire escape after being chased and yeah, I tried to make the jump across from one fire escape to the other and hit the ground. Luckily it was too high, but it’s crazy to think of how bad it could have been.

What was your first pet?
He was a dog called Tyson, he was a golden retriever. I’ve only ever had dogs as pets, right now I’ve got a couple of them and Wolfie was immortalised in the intro to one of my songs a few years ago.

What one item could you not live without?
My Amex card. I don’t have a crazy expensive lifestyle but I definitely would be lost without it.

What’s your most cherished memory so far?
I don’t have many memories of my mother, since she died when I was four. But there’s a couple of small memories that I still have. It sucks but each year that passes they seem to become less and less clear memories, so I’m hoping to hold onto those for as long as I can, for sure.

What’s your favourite sports team?
I’m now officially a Detroit Lions fan. I love sports, but never really had an affinity to any of the New York teams. I was taken to a couple of Lions games last year and I’m now fully committed. Of course they had a great run last season for the first time in a while. So I think I’m their lucky charm.

Who’s your favourite actor or actress?
I don’t really ever follow specific actors. I usually watch films that look like interesting stories rather than who is starring in them. I think ‘Philip Seymour Hoffman’ was always great in most things I saw him in, so if I had to pick maybe he would be the one and I think he could do pretty much everything, super versatile.

What advice would you give anybody trying to break into your industry?
Do it on your own terms, don’t compromise.

What’s your favourite TV Show?
Cliched one but definitely “The Sopranos”, the ending was always very split with people liking it and disliking. My hot take is that it was the perfect ending to that show. It was the subtlety and callback, it was just perfect to me.

What’s your favourite App in your phone right now?
Over the last year it was definitely “Netflix”, being on the road and spending so much time on a tour bus. It really help me stop from going insane. Right now it’s a voice note app, just being in recording mode you never know when something will come into your mind and it’s so much easier to just hit record. Trying to quickly type shit up while it’s in your mind was my idea of hell.

If you could take one moment back in your life and not have it happen, what would it be?
Fuck, I don’t want to keep bringing the mood down. But obviously it would be to still have my mother around or at least have more time with her.

What is a simple pleasure that you couldn’t live without?
Have you ever gotten head by someone that really knows what they’re doing down there? *laughs* I’m not the only person that’s given that type of answer, right?

What is one thing you are surprisingly good at?
Please refer to my previous answer. I have references.

What’s something you do that you probably shouldn’t?
I’ve legit been smoking from the age of fourteen, but with the legalisation of marijuana happening more and more it doesn’t feel like a valid answer anymore. There’s a lot of other stuff that I’ve taken that I probably shouldn’t have taken.

What’s one thing about yourself that nobody else knows?
I don’t think there’s anything I’ve actively kept private. I’ve said a lot of stuff in my music and interviews. I’m a pretty open book, I may keep people’s names out of things but that’s more for their own privacy. But I’ve got no problems talking about all aspects of my life, however messy.

What’s your most prized possession?
I don’t think I’d like to called them a possession, but my two dogs for sure.

What’s the most trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
I did a lot of dumb shit when I was a teenager. I’ve spent a couple of evenings locked up. Generally minor offenses, I’ve never cause real harm to anybody. But just trying to survive on the streets of New York, you have to learn to hustle. Obviously it was all pretty dumb and territorial, selling stolen goods was the reason I was locked up twice. I never stole the stuff, I wasn’t clever enough to do that, but it would get passed on to a few of us to sell them.

How do you hope your parents would describe this version of you right now?
I caused my dad a lot of trouble during my teenage years but he was never too hard on me. I’d like to think that he’s proud that I made something out of this life when there were times it looked like I wouldn’t.

What do you predict for yourself in the next ten years?
Still in the industry, hopefully. Continuing to make music and who knows what else. It’s part of the joy is not knowing.
thanks 5 users thanked C4AJoh for this useful post.
2001clay on 18/07/2024(UTC), BrownSugar on 18/07/2024(UTC), Head South Records on 19/07/2024(UTC), erich hess on 19/07/2024(UTC), freestylechamp on 20/07/2024(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#2 Posted : 19 July 2024 08:53:22(UTC)
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Billy: Shoutout to the street kids! Kara is a legend and just so effortlessly cool. Here for the Tupac and Prince love. Though...I'm not your most famous contact?? Going to have to pull some next level shit to up my celebrity status 😜

OOC: Yayyyy! Been looking forward to reading these. Say it all the time but I really love stuff like this. Always adds more depths to the characters outside of music and pictures. This was a great start! Looking forward to reading more!




thanks 2 users thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
Head South Records on 19/07/2024(UTC), C4AJoh on 28/07/2024(UTC)
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