Basic info:The Living Zombies is a band started in Ontario,Canada by female singer and guitarist Angela"Angie" Dubois and her close friend, guitarist Chris Smith. The band is a mix of Alternative,Grunge,Post-Hardcore,and Experimental. The band usually just says Grunge or Alternative though.The song structures are pretty unconventional with plenty of parts that don't exactly fit but still sound right.
Sound:The basic structure is usually an arpeggio clean riff to start then throwing in distorted guitars and such with a heavy rhythm section.Chris is classically trained so he usually writes the arpeggios and solos while Angie, a hardcore punk rocker would make the heavy riffs however she makes a few arpeggiated riffs now and then.Angie's voice is very powerful with a heavy Canadian accent.The bass section is very strong from bassist John Whitman because the arpeggiated guitar during most verses is in the background so his bass sticks out with driving lines. Drummer Dave Krauker has heavy jazz and hard rock influences and is the cousin of The Nimrods' drummer Kit Saunders.
Origin and Rise to Fame:Angie Dubois and Chris Smith have been neighbors since they were 4 years old and are the best of friends but contrary to popular belief have no romantic connection.When Angie's family moved from Quebec to Ontario Angie and Chris became friends fast.Chris' parents wanted him to learn guitar when he was little because his dad played guitar at local jazz clubs with his buddies.Chris and Angie decided to make a band together and Angie wanted to learn drums.Years later something happened that would change the band though.Angie was caught about to have sex with her boyfriend (she was a virgin and her parents were very strict when it came to matter like this). Her father called her a slut and her mother called her a disgrace so she decided to leave for America.Chris decided to come to because he loved her like a sister and they packed Angie's drums and Chris' guitar in his van and they drove to Berkeley California because they loved the music scene there.While there they met a young James Hettestein soon to be known as Jimmy Him.They saw an early version of The Nimrods and Angie instantly fell in love with Jimmy.He joined there band as lead guitarist and got Davey's friend Dave to play bass.Not only did Jimmy take Angie under his wing,showing her the people he hung out with and such, but he also showed her a new thing, Heroin. Angie and Jimmy couldn't be separated.Not only did they lose their virginity together but they played in a band together and were very close.Angie didn't want to lose this so she pushed the pin for the first time. They both were spiraling into addiction and and Chris once felt like he was "a living zombie" hence the band name.Eventually though, The Nimrods were getting big so Jimmy left.Angie started guitar and they got Kit's cousin Dave to play drums.They were all strung out on heroin and their performances were losing quality.Soon they became so bad they couldn't play at the good punk clubs in Southern California so they all returned to Canada.Their EPs had been heard their so they were already hometown heroes.After breaking in Canada and the US they went to Europe and toured their as well.Now they're in the uK and ready to tour again for the near release of their debut "My Skin is Crawling"
Influences:The Living Zombies are heavily influenced by Nirvana,Black Flag,AFI,REM,The Replacements,and The Cranberries. The Angies vocals are mainly influenced but Geddy lee's vocals in Rush and Delores O'Riordan from The Cranberries while Chris' vocals are influenced by Kurt Cobain and Chris Cornell.
Angie Dubois Vocals,Rhythm Guitar

Chris Smith Vocals, Lead Guitar

John Whitman, Bass

Dave Krauker, Drums

Edited by user 22 November 2009 04:35:55(UTC)
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