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#1 Posted : 18 October 2009 08:15:04(UTC)
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Smash Reviews is a website run by Liam O'Mally dedicated to one thing - bringing you the best and most up to date reviews of the best music worldwide. Big bands, small bands, you'll find them all here. Reviews are published and written exclusively by Liam, and so there may be some changing in how many reviews are posted in a certain period of time, for instance Liam may review one album one month and twelve the next, however we have a brilliant email system to update you when the reviews you want to see will be up. On top of this, once a month there will be an Artist of The Month, a Single of The Month and an Album of The Month. These will begin every month from 21th October onwards.


Panic - Broken Down On Memory Lane Album - Very Good - 88%
Stephanie Fierce - Love Feels Like Grenades Single - Good - 70%
The Rockers - Cut Loose Single - Good - 79%
Bikki - Halo/Suffragette Single - Brilliant - 94%
Mind - Cascade of Blood Single - Good - 77%
the strom - the lost land Single - Very Good - 84%

Scores %

Below 40 - Awful
40-50 - Below Average
50-60 - Above Average
60-70 - Pretty Good
70-80 - Good
80-90 - Very Good
90-99 - Brilliant
100 - Spectacular

Want your album or single reviewed? PM me.

SMASH! Reviews - Listening to music so you don't have to!

Edited by user 01 January 2010 00:17:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline bdylan88  
#2 Posted : 18 October 2009 11:03:25(UTC)
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Marc Rolan from The Bards has started a new band called AutoPlane and The Hearts Bizarre... we would love a brief review about our band, if possible.

we are a alt.rock band that sound like T.Rex/Led Zep/ white stripes

we are currently roaming Europe, playing small venues.

Marc started this band to get away from the chaos that The Bards created. "I want to start fresh and get away from the big studio gigs. Playing stadium after stadium and recording three albums back to back really took its toll on me...so Autoplane is a way to get away and play fun music..." - Marc Rolan
I own...

The Bards

Jack Frost (deceased)

Jimmy Merchant

The Bards are signed with HOT EYE RECORDS

Offline Aj  
#3 Posted : 19 October 2009 06:35:19(UTC)
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Panic - Broken Down On Memory Lane (Album)

Panic! have for indeed quite a while, seemed to keep a steady pace up. Pumping out a consistent stream of catchy, intelligent pop punk tunes, very quickly building up a solid fan base. It was all very radio friendly, and of course as a result they’ve been called sell-outs their fair share of times. ‘Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner’ was an enormous success, selling over 4 million copies, being the number 1 album in the USA, South America, Asia, Europe and the world, and reaching the top ten in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

And so there is a ton of pressure for them to follow up with ‘Broken Down On Memory Lane’.

Now, from the name it appears to be your pretty average, safe-bet pop-punk album. Nothing particularly flashy. And when you look at the song titles, it’s pretty average to, aside from ‘Disloyal Order of The Ignorant’, which is quite a mouthful if you’re a radio DJ. However if you sit down and listen to this album, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. The almost arrogant irony is toned down, replaced with genuine wit and flair. This album will have you grinning from ear to ear one minute and bawling your eyes out the next. Although at times you are left confused at songs, you will soon realise what it’s about on the second listen, and then on the third you get something completely different out of it. It takes a very intelligent band to craft a piece of music that can be listened to from so many different perspectives. Although occasionally some of the melodies and riffs still seem a little old and some of the hooks predictable, this can be overlooked. And even though ‘Things Are Looking Up’ does kind of taint the end of the album with a splodge of bland paint, ‘All I Wanted Was (Me & You)’, does make a respectable attempt at picking the album back up for a grand finish; but it really does lack the polish the rest of the album had. The lyrics here are a tad cliché, same old song idea, and they feel awkward at times. Still, this album is most certainly worth a listen – just press skip on the last two tracks.

‘Broken Down On Memory Lane’ then, is a triumph. A far more witty, mature and honest approach to their music, which definitely shines through past the occasional blip. A pleasant, charming album then. It’s no ‘Nobody Put’s Baby In The Corner’, but it’s not far off the mark.


A far more witty, mature and honest approach to their music - which definitely shines through past the occasional blip.

Edited by user 19 October 2009 06:35:59(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Aj  
#4 Posted : 19 October 2009 07:08:09(UTC)
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Stephanie FierceLove Feels Like Grenades

Although Miss Fierce has certainly written some interesting songs in the past, this one is a huge step in what I think is the right direction for her. It’s more adult and really shows a different side to her. Who said pop artists couldn’t write good music?

However, this song feels more like Mike Tyson than a Grenade. It hits you with a bang and leaves you with a sore nose. A very sore nose, admittedly. But it doesn’t blow up in front of you. It doesn’t leave you sprayed across a wall in pieces, which in a way is a shame.

The song feels almost like it’s trying to blow up, it’s trying to leave you in pieces with your grey matter covering the nearest wall, but it never really does it. Instead it feels like you’re behind a concrete wall hiding from it. Despite this though, I do like the new direction that Stephanie’s taking. I like the adult lyrics, but I want more. I want more adult lyrics, I want bigger drum beats. I want this song but it’s got to be bigger. It’s like almost like a veggie burger. It looks like meat, it feels like meat, but it’s not meat.

Still, this song’s lyrics are solid, Girlspice are fantastic on it as usual, and it really does set up the stage for her to turn this new side of her into something great. It will be a huge hit on the radio and will most likely be number one, but I’ll never be fully satisfied by it until I get a track where she really goes for it. It’s almost like she’s been restrained by the pop world, like some sort of skeletal claw dragging her back down into more of the old stuff. But then she’s tickling it with a feather to get rid of it.

Stamp on it, Steph! Hit it with a sledgehammer until it’s broken into a million pieces. Then, we’ll have something that really is worth listening to. This doesn’t fall at the last hurdle, because it never really gets over the first.


It’s like a veggie burger. It looks like meat, it feels like meat, it’s not meat.
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#5 Posted : 19 October 2009 08:39:02(UTC)
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"Wow, I don't know what I'm more shocked of. Getting 88% score on the new album, or a reviewer that actually likes Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner. Nonetheless, thanks for the review hopefully it will pump fans up for the album."

--.` Ryan Ross Hernandez.

"I find it pretty funny how, the critics are praising our less favorite songs from the album, and are putting down our favorite songs off it. There's always something with us and the media, we could barely ever agree with them."

--.` Ashley Perry.
Offline Aj  
#6 Posted : 23 October 2009 08:29:51(UTC)
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Best Of The Month

Well, it's that time of the month again. No, I'm not on my period it is the BEST OF THE MONTH! It's where we have the Best of Albums, Singles and Acts. So here it is, the Best Of The Month

Best Album: Broken Down On Memory Lane - Panic!
A fantastic album, displaying Panic!'s more adult side, and proving that they are one of the biggest bands around at the moment, and that they can face adversity and come through it with a brilliant piece of work. - 88%

Best Single: Alpha Kenny Body - Dynamite
A cheeky song title for a cheeky group. The groups more adult new look definitely suits them and is a vastly different to what we expected from them. It got them into a bit of trouble but it was definitely worth it. Top single! - 84%

Offline Aj  
#7 Posted : 26 October 2009 06:45:32(UTC)
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The Rockers - Cut Loose

After a pretty naff review by Spice Mag, I'm sure plenty of you Rockers will want me to give it a good one. So, I'm not going to give anything away, but read on...

The song itself is quite similar to 'Foreigners' Juke Box Hero, which isn't a bad thing. You get a fair bit of that Rockers flair and pazaz, with big riffs and big lyrics. So your not going to be disappointed by it. As a Rockers song it's got all it needs to be a hit. It's got rebellious, if cliché, lyrics and lots and lots of power to push it home. However, it does lack in certain key areas. For example the song as a standalone song, is a little bland. It's a little average. Nothing really here to grab you by the nuts and scream in your face 'THE ROCKERS HAVE STILL GOT IT'.

But then again, by a band with possibly the least original name in the world, it wasn't really going to be greatly original. So it's a safe bet. Nothing big or flashy, and it's pretty much just doing what the band have been doing over the past years. So you might say one of two things. You could say it's disappointing, but then that would be selling it short. You could say it's a Rockers classic, but to be fair, it's really not.

However be wary, this song was not intended to break down boundaries. It wasn't meant to be some insane sound that you'd never have imagined. It's meant to be a bit of fun. It's meant to be a bit of rock n roll. Which does really pick it back up, dust off it's sexy shoulder pads and put it back on it's Harley Davidson, because the idea of the song is to be nostalgic. It's meant to be revivalist and its mean to be what The Rockers have always been about. Good fun, good old fashioned rock n roll. And you can't say that they've failed at that. Yes, the lyrics are very simple and very average, but there not meant to be great. They're meant to be simple, popular and mainstream. Because that's what The Rockers have always done.

The only advice I can give to the lads from here, is go crazy. Absolutely freeakin mental. Do something unexpected, stupid, but still keep that Rockers charm. Keep that cheesy but warming lameness, because that's what make you the band you are.


Which does really pick it back up, dust off it's sexy shoulder pads and put it back on it's Harley Davidson.

Edited by user 26 October 2009 06:47:38(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline asdf  
#8 Posted : 26 October 2009 07:47:38(UTC)
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Johnny: Fair enough, and I am thankful that someone got what the song was about, it was just a rocking song, not meant to be extravagant, though I still have to scowl at people who make fun of our name. Its what we are...but eh....anyway, good review thanks again.
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#9 Posted : 26 October 2009 08:04:51(UTC)
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Bikki - Halo/Suffragette

Bikki is probably one of the most renowned song writers at the present time, and this song is no dip in form from the lovely young lady. Interested? See below for details...

The songs display her talent in brilliant form. When I first put my headphones on and pressed play, I was whisked away in a shroud of excellent, intelligent pop into a supernova of musical bliss. Once I awoke from this strange type of meditation I found myself standing stark naked in front of my mirror with a hairbrush pressed to my lips.

But if you don't take my camp stories for proof, buy the single. You will not be disappointed. Whilst the first A-Side 'Halo is far more gentle and calm, 'Suffragette' is energy fuelled from start to finish, an unstoppable force that pilldrives it's message home. After you feel touched and relaxed, you are hit by this beast of a song. I suffer, I suffer, I suffer, Bikki addresses the world with an angry and painful message. Whilst Halo is a far more pop orientated song, Suffragette really verges on the rock side of things. Raven Comatose is brilliant supplying guitar and bass to further advance it.

And to give it a little extra sprinkle of juicy lovelyness, Joshy Firecracker and Stephanie Fierce are feature singers on Halo and Break.

And Bikki doesn't let up with 'Break'. Continuing on the hard, fast, wham bam here I am style of pop-rock. The lyrics even verge on a kind of punky atmosphere;
"I prefer to break rules break hearts; Break your fucking face apart". Just two sentences and you get the impression this isn't going to be Tisha. And it's not, most definitely not. It's cold, hard and truthful. Bikki pulls no punches and tells it like it is, as she very much should. A far more rebellious side to her bursts out into the open and it's gorgeous. It's full of flair and emotion and excitement. It brings a whole new spectrum to this already diverse young lady.

Bikki then, in a way, succeeds where Stephanie Fierce failed. It shows two very different sides to Bikki. On one half, you have Halo, which is a far more soft kind. A far more emotional kind. But then you get Suffragette, which whilst still emotional, it's far more angsty and upset with the world. This then, is Bikki summed up in a nutshell. Brilliant writing, brilliant pop, brilliant music. Pieced together excellently, and it's resulted in one of the best singles of the year.

Downsides? Okay, so maybe if you were incredibly picky, Halo could have been a little more like Suffragette, slightly more rock and less pop. But that's just my opinion, and won't affect the final score. But overall, this is a very, very solid single which really does set up the stage for her album.

2nd November 2009? Yes please.

User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#10 Posted : 26 October 2009 08:40:28(UTC)
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To Smash Reviews,
It has been brought to my attention from many of my friends that read these reviews and fans of Stephanie Fierce that the reviewer from this mag that reviewed Stephanie Fierce's song should be fired. I myself then finally noticed this when I read a recent review of a song Stephanie Fierce was featured on. It feels as if the reviewer is a Stephanie Fierce hater rather than an actual music professional. His judgment is not suppose to be based on what he wanted on the song but on if the mission that Stephanie Fierce wanted for the song was a success. Its her song not his. If he ever reviews any of her stuff again I would like him to know some background information about her music before he does any more reviews about her songs or the songs that she is featured on. Her "older Stuff" is not really her. According to Stephanie Fierce, She had to rush her debut album and most of the songs weren't written by her. To be specific only two songs were written by her on her debut album. What she is giving in her second album is raw and truly 100% her. She made sure that all the songs contained personal experiences or situations she has delt with after she got famous. That's why the album is called "Diary Of A Pop sinner". 90% of the songs from her new album were written by her including "Love Feels Like Grenades". All I want is this guy who does the reviews to be straightened out otherwise I would never read a review from this magazine ever again.
From, Smash Reviews Reader

Edited by user 26 October 2009 08:42:01(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline asdf  
#11 Posted : 26 October 2009 08:55:58(UTC)
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Johnny: I don't agree with this assumption of SMASH, they reviewed the song, for what they thought it was and for what it could have been if it had been wrote better, sung better. While I feel the song was better than what they gave it credit for, you cant blame them for having an opinion. They wouldn't be a good reviewer if they didn't.
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Offline Aj  
#12 Posted : 26 October 2009 08:57:14(UTC)
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Don't read them then, it's not my problem she rushed her debut album. By saying what I 'wanted', it's a term obviously used as if from the perspective of someone buying the record, rather than the reviewers personal want affecting the single review. In fact, the review was quite nice. I rarely give anything over 75%, so if you can't take I suggest you go and write a review yourself and stop pestering me.


Edited by user 26 October 2009 09:06:59(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#13 Posted : 26 October 2009 09:26:28(UTC)
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Upset Reader (Stephanie Fierce stan): I will definitely not read any of your reviews with the response I have been given. "I rarely give 75%" yeah fucking right! All the reviews except Stephanie Fierce have been given a rating more than 75%. Fuck you Smash Magazine! Stephanie Fierce is the queen of pop!!! OOC: lol what a classic!

Stephanie Fierce: I am most definitely not bothered by the review. It wasn't all that bad, I have gotten much worse. 70% is not bad at all actually. So, maybe Liam (or whatever his name is) hardly knows much about my music but it was his review and what he thought of the song. And even if it was a negative review it shouldn't matter especially if most of the reviews for the song were positive from Top Pop critics. And lastly I do not consider myself queen of Pop. But I am queen of Fierce music though! ;) Smash magazine is welcomed to review any of my music.

OOC: You need to learn how to roleplay. I was just trying to add a little fun to it, you need to learn how not to take things personally especially when the OOC: is nowhere on there. ITS ROLEPLAY!!!!
Offline old.gregg  
#14 Posted : 26 October 2009 09:35:46(UTC)
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OOC: In my opinion, this is a DECENT roleplaying thread which are getting harder to come by - Aj, just let me know if you wish and any further posts fighting will be removed.
Offline Aj  
#15 Posted : 17 November 2009 05:37:35(UTC)
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Reviews Welcome:

Okay, so sadly we haven't been able to get many reviews up recently but we're back up and running now! Anyone interested who want's a review, please send me an email (pm). Also you'll have your next Best of The Month on the 22nd! So yes, get your suggestions in!

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#16 Posted : 25 November 2009 07:24:24(UTC)
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Mind - Cascade of Blood

Meet Mind, a hardcore/metal band out to make a name for themselves. Now when you think Hardcore, you think Failed Youth. But this is definitely metallyer than Failed Youth. Possibly not lyrically, as Failed Youth came out with some pretty twisted tormented shit, but musically you certainly get a far more metal air about them.

And so here is there new single – Cascade of Blood. Beautifully titled and indeed quite appropriately. The lyrics are generally about some Roman dude or something, but the band kind of lack the musical experience to experiment to such a level, but good on them for doing something like it. Not that the lyrics are bad, there certainly not Girlspice, just it almost seems they went for something that was slightly out of their league. The song’s subject is almost something Bikki would do, and obviously comparing one of the most lyrically gifted musical talents to a band who’ve barely had the time of day from indeed any publicity is slightly unfair. But if you’re going to cut it in this industry, you have to be realistic about your targets and think about developing advanced story ideas later on, once you’ve got the ground sturdy, which they seem to not. Their vocabulary isn’t really complex enough to really push the idea home, but once again, it was a valiant effort from the band.

Now, the slightly almost bad points out of the way, lets talk about the good. Which, thankfully, is pretty much everything else.

The song does a brilliant job of taking you from industrial to almost proggy solo, which is brilliant and the best part of the song. The song at no point feels like its split in two, and the breakdown in between the two merges them together brilliantly in a moment that makes you feel like the solar system is being sucked in around you. Yeah, it’s pretty epic. On top of this, the solo is a fantastic display of guitar skill which the band has bags of and they possibly should have shown this off a bit more. Yeah, I want more solo.

There are no real flaws in it musically, aside from being a incy bit too cliché at parts and slightly, I hate to use the term, but slightly recycled at bits. Not exactly groundbreaking this then, but certainly a decent first outing for the band.



Offline Aj  
#17 Posted : 29 December 2009 23:56:56(UTC)
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the strom - the lost land

Aside from the slightly strange band name, with possibly came about as a typo of 'the storm', and the fact the band seem adament not to use any proper grammar, this is worth a listen. The band's blend of thrash, and, well thrash. It's musically very simple, but lyrically the band are obviously very talented. The describe in haunting detail the murder of a father leaving a broken and battered family alone, describing in vicious detail a tale that accompanies the music splendidly. The drum work is brilliant, and the guitar work is ever brilliant-er. Thrash could well have a new face.

The 3 different riffs seem to battle like three different warriors battling for control over a wild beast. Stupid metaphors out the way, it really works and bring's something very interesting to the song. Thrash over the years has become less and less exciting with more and more band's playing the same old riffs and the same old solo's without any real musical ability or technique, however these guy's have got bag fulls and are the first 'intelligent' thrash band I've heard in a long time. These guy's have obviously thought about their music and put a lot of emotion into it, rather than just banging out a track with a little bit of fast guitars and screaming over the top of it.

This then is a fantastic end to 2009, and a worth while buy if you're into thrash.



ooc: Sorry it was shorter than most other reviews I do, it's just I'm not so good at reviewing singles, if you put out an album it should be a lot better quality.

Offline the strom  
#18 Posted : 30 December 2009 01:14:54(UTC)
the strom
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"crap our 1st single and it go 84 thanks for the review"


ooc: thats ok its still good well its better then good i loved it



the strom website here
the rockstar game music Here


the strom (thrash metal) breaking up?
Band members

Rp bands
Mind game (prog metal/alt metal)
Ben (guitar)
King (vocalist)
Jace (drums)
Luke (bass)

Offline Aj  
#19 Posted : 30 December 2009 04:45:31(UTC)
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the strom wrote:
"crap our 1st single and it go 84 thanks for the review"


ooc: thats ok its still good well its better then good i loved it

Tis 'better than good', it does tell you up the top what the percentage equals.

Offline Laurelles1  
#20 Posted : 30 December 2009 05:00:15(UTC)
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You can be assured of that. Jason gave it a listen. He said it "was moddafucking awesome"
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

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