*Forever Seventeen walks in, looking around shyly as though they were walking in on an awesome party.*
Matt: Uhhh...Hannah...is the place?
Hannah: Shut up, Matt. I can follow directions.
Charlie: Yeah, this is the Dirty Bastard.
Jason: Well, I'm ready to party. You guys?
Zoe: Matt, you need to STOP WORRYING. We're here to PARTY and HANG OUT. So let's go!
Matt: Well, I'm going to go over there and BE RESPONSIBLE and not get WASTED.
Zoe: Uh huh, serves you right. For the myself and the three people around me cooler than you, we're gonna go have fun. Bye, Matt "The Responsible One" Colburn.
Matt: I sure hope you guys don't OD, then I wouldn't have a band.
Hannah: Matt, um, you're boring us. Bye!
Matt (looks around uncomfortably): Okay, whatever, I'm coming!
Zoe (grins at Hannah, who grins back): Yeeay!