I'm just happy J is okay. Still, he proceeded to drive from his house, to his ex-girlfriends house, with his best friend, despite the fact bits were coming off his car and the lights blew on the way. Without seatbelts or airbags. With a top speed of 35mph.
He's a fucking genius.
He went 80 over a hump-back bridge the town over, with the aforementioned two in the car, the night before, and the car went vertical, landed on its front, and was going to flip had it not been for the monitor Jason, Matt and I left in the back of the car a week before -.-
Jason was going to clean that out but put it off.
Thank fuck for that.
Apparantly, it creates a life epiphany though where he calls me and says he can't see himself with me any longer, and despite telling me it for the past two weeks, he doesn't think he ever loved me at all because all I am is, quote,
"a pretty beautiful face, without a strong personality behind it"
Fucking awesome.
Edited by user 02 January 2010 03:17:00(UTC)
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